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OK...this forum has gone mainstream (Intuit Tax commercial)



Mar 11, 2018
OK...so I'm just rotting watching muh NFL (seahawks vs. cowboys). so this commercial just came on.

1. pay attention to the names,

2. the reaction of the feeamayle,

3. the height of the man,

4. the PUAcelling.....

No way in FUCK this is random. I told ya half the lurkers are stealing content!
Looool wtf. The guy knows he is a cuck thats why he agreed to his role
Oh yeah, there is now way this was random
Interesting find, it does seem a little too much to just be coincidence. Even the title "Tech Bragging" is reminiscent of the heavy bragging rules enforced here.
"I'm what you incels call a Chad"
No way is this a coincidence.
Holy shit

Cat luator

This is in no random
"Leena" could also be an interesting choice of names...

I have to note how retarded it is that someone planned to take a call about doing their taxes in a public cafe.
that is pretty peculiar
We have been mainstream for a while now. I see normies in real life acting like they know deep intricate internet culture because they browse Reddit sometimes jfl
"Leena" could also be an interesting choice of names...

Maybe we should adopt "Leena" as a moniker for average-looking, entitled women in their 20's who readily reject men they feel not worthy.

NOTE: I watched the commercial again. Most curiously, "Chad" really didn't say or do anything offensive. If you re-cast the commercial with an 8+ Chad reciting & acting the same, it would be very obvious that what was said or gestured wasn't actually creepy or offensive.

The only reason it was considered creepy & unwanted is because "Chad" was not handsome or tall.

I mean I can't be the only one who sees that right?

EDIT: Another thing I noticed that the feeamayale had to be SAVED from the conversation via a phone call. Basically, what i've been saying for a while in public is that feeamayls expect to be treated like adults when it is convenient and beneficial (hiring, independence, etc.) but like children when it is inconvenient (being saved from an uncomfortable situation, needing help that requires physical exertion, etc.)

infantilization....i've gotten dirty looks when I've brought that shit up...but how else do you explain it?
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Leelee or Leena was the female I catfished as online for 12 years, that's why I mentioned that.

It's probably coincidence, but you never know.
Were living memes at this point
OK...so I'm just rotting watching muh NFL (seahawks vs. cowboys). so this commercial just came on.

1. pay attention to the names,

2. the reaction of the feeamayle,

3. the height of the man,

4. the PUAcelling.....

No way in FUCK this is random. I told ya half the lurkers are stealing content!

Most curiously, "Chad" really didn't say or do anything offensive. If you re-cast the commercial with an 8+ Chad reciting & acting the same, it would be very obvious that what was said or gestured wasn't actually creepy or offensive.

The only reason it was considered creepy & unwanted is because "Chad" was not handsome or tall.
yeah some Chads kind of put on that kind of silly attitude sometimes and foids love it
for me it seems like they are making fun of inceltears, they are the incels who call themselves chads and act like that and think women love them for their personality
They are mocking us everywhere now. Should have thrown in some incel terminology though like: "Hey Lena, it's Chad. I wish you'd give me your number tbh tbh ngl bgl."
OK...so I'm just rotting watching muh NFL (seahawks vs. cowboys). so this commercial just came on.

1. pay attention to the names,

2. the reaction of the feeamayle,

3. the height of the man,

4. the PUAcelling.....

No way in FUCK this is random. I told ya half the lurkers are stealing content!

I will not watch that clip. But even the look of that stupid cunts face in the thumbnail makes me want to poke her fucking eyeballs out. Fuck you cucks for allowing this
We've been mainstream since April, at least.
The only reason it was considered creepy & unwanted is because "Chad" was not handsome or tall.

Yeah, also notice now the guy is talking about his app that he has invented? He’s a software engineer. So not only is he short and ugly, but he’s a geek, and has false confidence (how dare a short ugly geek be confident and friendly towards women). Everything women hate in a man: short, ugly, white, intelligent/geeky, and trying to be friendly. Thank god there was an intelligent black woman to save her from that creep!

Also, she is of course a Strong Independent Woman™ with thick rimmed glasses.

JFL. Unbelievable. Sub-8 men are so hated by foids and society that a fucking accountancy company is bullying us to advertise their new tax return service. You could not make this shit up.
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Definitely some redditor made this. Further evidence is the "catulator" concept --
1) Unfunny, normie sense of humour
2) Can't stop thinking about cats

Probably a woman since a man would probably come up with something funnier and also would script Chad to do or say something actually offensive or annoying to get rejected. Only a woman would admit that women are unpleasant to men merely because they're unattractive; bluepilled men need to cope that this isn't true.
Naming him chad and the girl stacy was a dead give away
OK...so I'm just rotting watching muh NFL (seahawks vs. cowboys). so this commercial just came on.

1. pay attention to the names,

2. the reaction of the feeamayle,

3. the height of the man,

4. the PUAcelling.....

No way in FUCK this is random. I told ya half the lurkers are stealing content!

What the cuck shit was that?
cultural appropriation :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Being incel is cool now
Lmao the lurkers are onto us. Chad, Stacy lmao this shit made me kek hard. They have definitely seen incel terminology. No way in hell it's a coincidence
Casting for the beta who acts overconfident, I’d never get it because I’m an ugly ethnic-looking guy but it’s ok to make fun of white manlets. They cast “Leena” based off a recent rejection one of the crew recently faced, no auditioning required.
Yeah, also notice now the guy is talking about his app that he has invented? He’s a software engineer.

Everything women hate in a man: short, ugly, white, intelligent/geeky, and trying to be friendly.

This commercial was seriously disturbing. I watched it again to make sure I'm not off-base.

Further variation would be if the roles were reversed/conversed?

1. "Chad" or and actual 8+ Chad wa standing alone at a coffee bar browsing his phone

2. Leena comes up and says same lines....."Hey Chad"....MY APP JUST GOT MASSIVE FUNDING!" (remember folks he got "funding aka a large initial monetary investment (def: for all the fucking lowIQ fucktards on the site) so it represents potentional-wealth, he didn't say my App just got rejected because it is dumb and punny and worthless....which would make it comical or LOL at him)

3. Chad lacking confidence to be adultish and say "I'm busy right now" or "I can't talk"....needs to be RESCUED FROM THE CONVERSATION by his phone. He would be considered "being rude" to a feemayle! Going back to what I said earlier about the infantilization of women...it is expected that Chad treat her sensitively like a he would a child.

4. Leena walks away dejected and talks to someone else.

- Who would be perceived as the Creep in this situation? Chad or "Chad" right? For no other reason than no warmly conversing with a Leena (remember folks THE FUTURE IS FEMALE! All those wonderful apps soon to be on your phone are comin' down the pike!)

- Leena would get sympathy (How dare you not tell her that you are proud of a feeeemayle's accomplishments! How dare you reject her based on her average, plain-jane, no striking features appearance!)

Sorry for all the autism9000 level commentary but it reminds me of this commercial......

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Yeah, no way it's random, holy shit...

The only reason it was considered creepy & unwanted is because "Chad" was not handsome or tall.

I mean I can't be the only one who sees that right?

Damn right. Sexual harassment is only harassment if you're sub7.
This advert actually says so much about the normie/femoid attitude towards incels and their blatant hypocrisy.

They tell us that “looks don’t matter” and that we just need to be “confident” and “friendly” and “put ourselves out there” and “achieve things”. But when a guy ACTUALLY DOES THESE THINGS (as in the advert) he is ridiculed and portrayed as a “creep”.

And the funniest thing is that the normies and foids are too stupid to consistently hold up their own arguments when they write a tv commercial. They so easily slip up and let their true colors show whenever given the opportunity.
Saw this as well, and I laughed out loud.

Moral of the story
If under 5'10, dont talk to women.
This advert actually says so much about the normie/femoid attitude towards incels and their blatant hypocrisy.

They tell us that “looks don’t matter” and that we just need to be “confident” and “friendly” and “put ourselves out there” and “achieve things”. But when a guy ACTUALLY DOES THESE THINGS (as in the advert) he is ridiculed and portrayed as a “creep”.

And the funniest thing is that the normies and foids are too stupid to consistently hold up their own arguments when they write a tv commercial. They so easily slip up and let their true colors show whenever given the opportunity.
This proves that there are no incels in the boardroom when storyboarding these commercials
Wtf! This is no way random.
They ripped incel community off tbh.
The United States Government wants to kill us and we need the help of Jesus.

1. He did not do or say ANYTHING untoward or rude. If anything she interrupted their conversation by answering her phone

2. She is not attractive. She is an average-looking white feeamayle. He is actually a good match for her as they both look compatible via their looks.

3. Reverse the roles, alternate different types of men & women acting in the same commercial. No matter how you construct it...the man would come out on the losing end.

4. The ONLY thing that made him "creepy" was that he was not an 8+ Chad. There is nothing else he did, he didn't ask for money, he didn't ask for a date (for all we know he is gay), etc.
Further proving the blackpill and FaceandLMS. Looks matter more than just for the basis of sexual attraction. Looks are a guideline for all social interactions.

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