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OK Cupid's data showing 80% of men are "below average" regraphed



Dec 15, 2017
Just made this and thought it looked kind of funny to put the two curves on the same graph:


I rescaled the x-axis to 0-10/10 as well since that's how we conceptualize things. I am not the best at making aesthetic graphs - I like them to be clean - but I think it shows the issue pretty clearly. I'm gonna redo them all by the end when I can make them slicker with more practice.

The male ratings couldn't be more symmetric or bell curved. And the women's ratings of men are brutal. It's like we're mostly human trash. Ouch.

Look at it this way - Men think ~8% of women are 10/10. Women think less than 0.2% of men are 10/10. Women think 26% of men are legitimate 0/10.

Women need therapy.
So in the eyes of women most men are ugly, yet the vast majority of men still get laid. Something to reflect on.
So in the eyes of women most men are ugly, yet the vast majority of men still get laid. Something to reflect on.
Last time I check there was 25% of males who where virgin at 26 years old.
100% - 25% = 75% buddy boyo. Still the vast majority
75% are getting laid? doubt very much, there is no data for even to speculate about this just the 80-20 rule who says the otherwise
So in the eyes of women most men are ugly, yet the vast majority of men still get laid. Something to reflect on.

Romance, money, emotional tampon, rapport, social proof, charisma, personality (eg. Dark Triad), propinquity are the methods ugly men use to compensate and still land a foid. It's just gotten hard because now it's all online and if you're a 0/10 they'll just swipe you away.
75% are getting laid? doubt very much, there is no data for even to speculate about this just the 80-20 rule who says the otherwise

There is data about this. It is the CDC's job to know how many americans are having sex and how likely they are to spread STDs. After a quick google search, here is the first paper I found on sexual activity among teeenagers, and the most recent one on all adults.

I just skimmed through them but according to the second paper, as of 2008, only 2.5% of men aged 25-44 never had sexual contact with the opposite sex. The vast majority (around 75%) had sex within the past year.
every normie who rates himself average (5) is actually a 2 in the eyes of foids.
a very bitter pill
There is data about this. It is the CDC's job to know how many americans are having sex and how likely they are to spread STDs. After a quick google search, here is the first paper I found on sexual activity among teeenagers, and the most recent one on all adults.

I just skimmed through them but according to the second paper, as of 2008, only 2.5% of men aged 25-44 never had sexual contact with the opposite sex. The vast majority (around 75%) had sex within the past year.
I refuse to believe only 2.5% of men are full virgin at that age even if that predates online dating

How do you think that will number change? Tinder opened in 2012 so by 2025 what percentage of 26 year olds would be virgin?
There is data about this. It is the CDC's job to know how many americans are having sex and how likely they are to spread STDs. After a quick google search, here is the first paper I found on sexual activity among teeenagers, and the most recent one on all adults.

I just skimmed through them but according to the second paper, as of 2008, only 2.5% of men aged 25-44 never had sexual contact with the opposite sex. The vast majority (around 75%) had sex within the past year.
>interview to teenagers

Obviously teenagers have more sex than adults and obviously they are much more likely to lie, even the fact that males saying the truth about their virginity is already difficult enough.

I was a sex haver since 11 years old for every person that knew me, still virgin in 26 years old.
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I refuse to believe only 2.5% of men are full virgin at that age even if that predates online dating

How do you think that will number change? Tinder opened in 2012 so by 2025 what percentage of 26 year olds would be virgin?

These are surveys and it has been proven that men over-exaggerate and women under-exaggerate surveys. Like there was a thing a while back where men and women in college were surveyed about their sexual experience, but the numbers didn't match up. If they were being truthful the average male sexual partners should've matched up with the average female sexual partners, but the males had more and than the females. It is unlikely that women who were unlikely to take the survey were imported en masse to have sex with the guys so the truth was that either the males were over-exaggerating, females were under-exaggerating, or both. But I don't think this behavior causes the results of all surveys to be null and void. If anything I would just add like 5% to the male virginity stats and subtract 5% from the female.

I think the number of virgins has increased since 2012, but not by a significant (>10%) amount.
These are surveys and it has been proven that men over-exaggerate and women under-exaggerate surveys. Like there was a thing a while back where men and women in college were surveyed about their sexual experience, but the numbers didn't match up. If they were being truthful the average male sexual partners should've matched up with the average female sexual partners, but the males had more and than the females. It is unlikely that women who were unlikely to take the survey were imported en masse to have sex with the guys so the truth was that either the males were over-exaggerating, females were under-exaggerating, or both. But I don't think this behavior causes the results of all surveys to be null and void. If anything I would just add like 5% to the male virginity stats and subtract 5% from the female.

I think the number of virgins has increased since 2012, but not by a significant (>10%) amount.

Also, if we were to take mens opinions seriously on sexual experience and condom use, than all the condoms sold in the world wouldnt fit the u.s.
Look at it this way - Men think ~8% of women are 10/10. Women think less than 0.2% of men are 10/10. Women think 26% of men are legitimate 0/10.

Women need therapy.
That's why i rate myself as 0/10, despite other users giving me 4-5/10 PSL, because 0/10 is my true rating in the eyes of women
6.5/10 and 6'0 is an average male according to foids.It's all because of social media and dating apps,where they scroll through photoshopped and anglefrauded chads daily
it's over if you're even alive as a male at this point
Women think 26% of men are legitimate 0/10.

Women need therapy.
Women are demented psychopaths.
That's why i rate myself as 0/10, despite other users giving me 4-5/10 PSL, because 0/10 is my true rating in the eyes of women
To women all sub5 men are effectively 0/10 on the sexual/physical attractiveness scale.
That doesn't mean sub5 men can't get "laid", but it's never genuine attraction from both parties. It's always one sided and it's always a beta bux relationship or just escorting.
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Have IT ever addressed this? It is literally indisputable.
Online dating isnt real life incel, only a small group of shallow women uses those apps. You need to get a job and go out and find a REAL woman.
Teehee data from the internet has nothing to do with real females inkels
Serious question? Is this "toxic femininity" or are 26% of men really 0/10?
As much as the 36 bluepillers here right now hate to admit it, this is the result of toxic femininity.
75% are getting laid? doubt very much, there is no data for even to speculate about this just the 80-20 rule who says the otherwise
There are the ones had sex with prostitutes as well.

Here is the more detailed graph that Christian Rudder (the author of the original blog post, and a founder of okcupid) took around the public speaking gigs as promotion for the okcupid book.
Remember we are talking about best shoots here. :feelsthink:

graph as it was published in the book.


Hamster: That's just okcupid. okcupid used to inform people that they were rated high stars, so women didn't rate men realistically

A. Tinder and match.com had no such system and had the same data.

Hamster: Here is this quote from the blog post that says women messaged ugly men anyway

A. False. If you see footnote 3, only .2 of messages went to people rated less than 3 stars.

Hamster: This is online dating, it isn't real dating.

A. It's based off of the real data of 40 million people, half the single people in the United States, who were largely unaware they were being watched.
Just end this world already
They deserve to be eaten
Just made this and thought it looked kind of funny to put the two curves on the same graph:


I rescaled the x-axis to 0-10/10 as well since that's how we conceptualize things. I am not the best at making aesthetic graphs - I like them to be clean - but I think it shows the issue pretty clearly. I'm gonna redo them all by the end when I can make them slicker with more practice.

The male ratings couldn't be more symmetric or bell curved. And the women's ratings of men are brutal. It's like we're mostly human trash. Ouch.

Look at it this way - Men think ~8% of women are 10/10. Women think less than 0.2% of men are 10/10. Women think 26% of men are legitimate 0/10.

Women need therapy.
You should make a percentile version. You know like what is for example the 50th percentile on the female one to ten graph.
View attachment 130252

graph as it was published in the book.


Hamster: That's just okcupid. okcupid used to inform people that they were rated high stars, so women didn't rate men realistically

A. Tinder and match.com had no such system and had the same data.

Hamster: Here is this quote from the blog post that says women messaged ugly men anyway

A. False. If you see footnote 3, only .2 of messages went to people rated less than 3 stars.

Hamster: This is online dating, it isn't real dating.

A. It's based off of the real data of 40 million people, half the single people in the United States, who were largely unaware they were being watched.

That's different looking from the data from their blog. In their blog a massive number of men are rated as lowly as possible and here not.

So now i wonder which data to use.

I presume the book data is more accurate since it has more x divisions. The blog version only had 7 x divisions.

I will re graph it from the book. Thanks.
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Doing god's work. :feelsokman:
You should make a percentile version. You know like what is for example the 50th percentile on the female one to ten graph.
Just made this and thought it looked kind of funny to put the two curves on the same graph:


I rescaled the x-axis to 0-10/10 as well since that's how we conceptualize things. I am not the best at making aesthetic graphs - I like them to be clean - but I think it shows the issue pretty clearly. I'm gonna redo them all by the end when I can make them slicker with more practice.

The male ratings couldn't be more symmetric or bell curved. And the women's ratings of men are brutal. It's like we're mostly human trash. Ouch.

Look at it this way - Men think ~8% of women are 10/10. Women think less than 0.2% of men are 10/10. Women think 26% of men are legitimate 0/10.

Women need therapy.
It looks like 4 is equilibrium. Are you sure that supports your hypothesis?
Where's the source for this one again? My brother denied this the last time I brought it up and I want to shove it in his face.

OKcuckpid deleted their own survey results because they didn’t want to admit the blackpill is true.
Just made this and thought it looked kind of funny to put the two curves on the same graph:


I rescaled the x-axis to 0-10/10 as well since that's how we conceptualize things. I am not the best at making aesthetic graphs - I like them to be clean - but I think it shows the issue pretty clearly. I'm gonna redo them all by the end when I can make them slicker with more practice.

The male ratings couldn't be more symmetric or bell curved. And the women's ratings of men are brutal. It's like we're mostly human trash. Ouch.

Look at it this way - Men think ~8% of women are 10/10. Women think less than 0.2% of men are 10/10. Women think 26% of men are legitimate 0/10.

Women need therapy.

This survey really was the epiphany that proved what most men suspected all along. Foids basic nature is to only want the absolute top 0.001% of men to actually survive and pass on his genes.

This is what nature intended. This is biology. This is reality. And this is what Civilization has been fighting against for millennia - ever since primal man discovered the monolith, we have been fighting evil foid nature. And now, in the last few decades, since feminism, it has all come crashing down.
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This is what happens when foids get equal rights.
The only ppl that go on dating websites are uggos/awkwards who can't get sex in their normie social groups, or chads who want to fuck. Measuring it with dating apps gives you sample error. The only way to get accurate numbers is to dig through trash to find condoms and birth control pills packets. Self reporting and online studies are a fucking joke.
@RageAgainstTDL off topic. 80% of the men are undesirables to women so therefore discarded.

80% of Afghanistan under Soviet Occupation was ungoverned by the Soviets or their "cucked" collaborator PDPA/DRA puppet regime. Let that sink in...

I see the Mujahideen & Afghanistan still standing. I don't see the Soviets nor their puppet regime standing...

Just saying...
Most normies can’t comprehend this kind of data. If I showed normies this data, they’ll just appeal to ignorance
The only ppl that go on dating websites are uggos/awkwards who can't get sex in their normie social groups, or chads who want to fuck. Measuring it with dating apps gives you sample error. The only way to get accurate numbers is to dig through trash to find condoms and birth control pills packets. Self reporting and online studies are a fucking joke.

Incorrect. Christian Rudder thought the same thing. What if OkCupid users were just ugly?

So he went to Facebook and scraped pictures. He ran it though the rating system and got the same results. So he included people who never used online dating and there was no difference. OkCupid users are no different then anyone who ended up married, never used a dating site, etc.

This is mentioned in the book. It is also in the text of the above graph from the book. If you had bothered to read it.
It´s over for millions of men.
Truly..... Over boyo.
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