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JFL oh no, whatever will this poor foid do? chad wont notice her because her height :(



Nov 28, 2017

attention whoring at its finest...
Height is irrelevant for females. Men literally do not care unless you're freakishly tall/short.

:feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah: She's as sanders cuck so she may actually not be whoring and may just be legit stupid.
She's afraid she'll have to settle for a sub 5'11 guy to not look like a kid next to him, poor girl.
and a liberal, :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

doesnt get much more stupid kek
Suicide fuel
Fuck Stacey’s fuck there fucking toe sucking bitch boyfriends and fuck them
No man or no chad? As we know femoids don't consider non-chads as men.
hey im 5- ew gtfo shortie

but you're only- blocked

yo bitch im 6 foo- omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Being over 6 feet is just one of the things they look for, you also need face, frame, NT, and money.
My men don't care if your short, women !!!!:feelsree::feelsree:

lol are your friends mostly white or ethnic? For some reason I can't imagine a group of black incels lol
ill hang with any race as long as you arent racist or act like some low iq low inhib(or thug) fag who uses millennial terms and shit

which is like all spooks, i "act white" so i mainly hang with whities
low key pedophiles probably go out with short girls.
[QUOTE = "PleaseKillMeLoseSkin, post: 833728, member: 5464"] Los pedófilos de bajo perfil probablemente salgan con chicas cortas. [/ QUOTE]
how long you been gymcelling im looking at your sig and about to gymcelmog kek
Gonna be two years in December but I've also been losing weight at the same time so my muscle gains aren't really where they should be if I was just training for strength. Hell yeah man gymceling is best cope and the weight lifting community at BB forum are great dudes and also /fit/ you really missed out though we used to have top notch dudes that would keep us all motivated fucking zyzz, Rich Piana. The Del Ray Misfits are fucking trash now they used to be funny, but Rich Piana really was muh main dude.
Gonna be two years in December but I've also been losing weight at the same time so my muscle gains aren't really where they should be if I was just training for strength. Hell yeah man gymceling is best cope and the weight lifting community at BB forum are great dudes and also /fit/ you really missed out though we used to have top notch dudes that would keep us all motivated fucking zyzz, Rich Piana. The Del Ray Misfits are fucking trash now they used to be funny, but Rich Piana really was muh main dude.
im youngcel kek(18) i just gymcelled in hs tbh tbh but now i kinda lost motivation :feelsrope::feelsrope:
im youngcel kek(18) i just gymcelled in hs tbh tbh but now i kinda lost motivation :feelsrope::feelsrope:
You need to start right now by the time you're 25 you'd be gymmaxxing and at the very least you might get to fuck a thirsty old lady.
You need to start right now by the time you're 25 you'd be gymmaxxing and at the very least you might get to fuck a thirsty old lady.
jfl i was at a 275 bench 405 squat 5:20 something mile

now im prob weak
jfl i was at a 275 bench 405 squat 5:20 something mile

now im prob weak

I used to be able to do 225 for reps but then I fucked my wrist up doing clean and jerks and my shit went all the way down and I think my elbows are fucking up too, I'm also only eating like one meal a day since I'm trying to get my waist down to 29' to pass the tape test to get into the army. I've basically been doing calisthenics and it's killing my gains like crazy I don't even do legs that much anymore since I don't want to be sore when I go and run and my gut still kinda gets in the way from doing a proper squat so I don't wanna risk my back on bad form. I actually did a mile in 9 minutes today.
What's it like for a short guy vs a short girl?.

TBH That sentence almost threw me into a blind rage.
Hell yeah man gymceling is best cope and the weight lifting community at BB forum are great dudes and also /fit/ you really missed out though we used to have top notch dudes that would keep us all motivated fucking zyzz, Rich Piana.
Those guys are on roids though. Vegan gains is roid free and motivates me.
When foids are talking about guys, they mean guys over 6'. Stop trolling with these shit threads irrelevant for an incel.
Those guys are on roids though. Vegan gains is roid free and motivates me.

Vegan gain fans seem kind like a cult one of his members actually tried to fight Big Lenny on his behalf I think Big Lenny was impressed so he tried to deescalate the situation instead of fighting some kid he would have clobbered.
Vegan gain fans seem kind like a cult one of his members actually tried to fight Big Lenny on his behalf I think Big Lenny was impressed so he tried to deescalate the situation instead of fighting some kid he would have clobbered.
It's no cult, a lot of vegans don't like him because of his "offensive" style. Most people like him because he's good at starting drama with other youtubers.
It's no cult, a lot of vegans don't like him because of his "offensive" style. Most people like him because he's good at starting drama with other youtubers.

What do you honestly think about his physique?
There's no subreddit more cucked than /r/short. Not even /r/cuckold is as cucked as /r/short. The fact that this kind of thread is allowed there is simply a fucking joke. You can't even call this cunt a cunt.
It's a little weird, but so is rich piana's. I just watch him for entertainment and he gives good gym and diet advice.
True dat, true dat. Wish I could afford jamba juice and skittles though Idgaf anymore tbh
True dat, true dat. Wish I could afford jamba juice and skittles though Idgaf anymore tbh
Skittles have corn syrup, hydrogenated oil, artificial flavors and low quality gelatin. I'd probably get sick if I ate a whole bag today.
Short girls who pretend being insecure about their height and pretend being insecure about whether they'll ever be seen as sexy or just as cute, are just fishing for compliments and attention. The female wants men who tower over her (and MOG her, so to so speak), which is obviously the easier and the more emphasized, the shorter the female is.

Being a short female is a bit like being a tall man (only a bit because men have various different preferences, while the female has no individuality and is simply into tall, dominant, high-status Chads). Short girls pretending to be insecure about their height are just humble-bragging, so to speak. It's as if you're registering in a Christian discussion board and ask if you pray too much, because maybe Jebus doesn't want you to pray SO much...
Skittles have corn syrup, hydrogenated oil, artificial flavors and low quality gelatin. I'd probably get sick if I ate a whole bag today.
I was talking about steroids
The only steroid I'd mess with is primobolan since it has the least side effects, sarms are also effective and almost side effect free.

Don't know if I trust those SARMS there's always gonna be side effects when fucking with Androgenic receptors there's gotta be they just haven't really tested it right now it's gonna be like those RU58841 people or the TB-500 your hearts gonna explode in your damn chest . It also reminds me of this one supplement that people were taking and it gave them jaundice it was really popular for a time I forget the name. Damn son where'd you get that primobolan? I was thinking of doing an anavar only cycle but I'm still kinda hesitant I'd rather inject honestly but I'm scared about my balls dying, getting pimples, and going balder.
Girls are wicked insecure about their heights. If they're not between 5'3 and 5'7. Girls on Tinder mention their height ALL THE TIME.

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