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Soy OH BOY (BBC + HUFF POST sponcered incel meetup)

h o n e y p o t
Kek it gets worse, the media cuck behind this is allied with judas. Read that line towards the end...

"As a side job I have worked as a media representative for incels along with my friend Jack Peterson"

That's all we need to know, plus the fact that women will be present shows this event is bullshit. Only men can be incel, period.
Awesome, the social outcast meetup!
alone that they put us in the same category wirh fags makes me realizes that this event is only for cuckcels
wanna travel to US to join the sausage party
My chad mate already told me hes going to bring all his Chad friends and mogging all the incels.
I like the hierarchical structure; even in a meetup with fags and dykes we slot in dead last.
Never forget that the cause of inceldom is degeneracy and sexual """freedom""" and these libturds are the ones who are trying to establish those two. Don't get fooled by them, society is not gonna solve the inceldom problem, because society wants it.

I know what you're saying & I agree. However the root causes of Inceldom are discriminatory Lookism based on actual physical discrimination which then causes psychological disability which then compounds the original discrimination in the first place. If we were all part of the "degeneracy & sexual freedom" we wouldn't be complaining.

Added to discriminatory Lookism is the rampant & I mean rampant "misandry" of Radfemincels. So really an unholy alliance between Radfemincels/SJW Drone Foids/:soy::bluepill: male allies (who have their own nefarious agenda), Normies who don't give a shit about us aka the Peasants & the "Royalty" of the Stacies-Giga Stacies, Chads-Giga Chads & the "Darkie Pet" aka the Tyrones to Giga Tyrones who fit in with the "multiculti diversity etc project".

alone that they put us in the same category wirh fags makes me realizes that this event is only for cuckcels

I hope they don't try anything silly by "Gay Conversion" therapy. Saying we're all repressed closeted Gay men.

Awesome, the social outcast meetup!
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It will be hilarious if a chad join the meetup and all the women attention is to him... I wanna go just to see what will happen im sure there would be a chad or a chadlite there
Its an attempt to silence our movement by mixing it with gay lesbian trans and other nonhumans?
It will be hilarious if a chad join the meetup and all the women attention is to him... I wanna go just to see what will happen im sure there would be a chad or a chadlite there

My chad mate already told me hes going to bring all his Chad friends and mogging all the incels.
I’ll probably fly out
My chad mate already told me hes going to bring all his Chad friends and mogging all the incels.
can someone please take a video of this meet up, lets see how our theories here in incel.me turn into reality, I hope SJWs dont pretend to like ugly people in the meetup but im sure they woudn't let them ascend though so they gonna be back here
Awful lot of guests viewing this thread

All it takes is just one of those to be a Chad/Tyrone from DC and this little incel meetup is as good as dead :lul:
I made the meetup. It's not BBC or huffpost sponsored. One meeting already took place.
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Great, now we’re lumped with the absolute dregs of western society
Great, now we’re lumped with the absolute dregs of western society

first incel forum had a GLBT forum award on the bottom of it boyo
even you don't like LGBTQ people to think that incel should be confined to 4chan culture is pretty self-defeating
A-are we now part of the LGBTQ community? :giga:
first incel forum had a GLBT forum award on the bottom of it boyo
even you don't like non-LGBTQ people to think that incel should be confined to fringe websites is pretty self-defeating
I highly doubt that the majority here are in support of the LGBT agenda
A-are we now part of the LGBTQ community? :giga:

the. first. incel. forum. was. started. by. a. lesbian. and. had. a. glbt. award. on. the. bottom. of. it.
the second forum was also inclusive (but also pretty horrible like the first)

one thing they did achieve though was enter incel into academia, which is undoubtedly an achievement

I highly doubt that the majority here are in support of the LGBT agenda

who cares
the. first. incel. forum. was. started. by. a. lesbian. and. had. a. glbt. award. on. the. bottom. of. it.
the second forum was also inclusive (but also pretty horrible like the first)

one thing they did achieve though was entering incel into academia, which is undoubtedly an achievement

who cares
2018 Hopecels Conference Schedule
LaserCorgi Virtual Reality, Washington DC

8:00-9:00 Breakfast, Suite 420 (women only: catering by HappyHog Slop Co.)
9:00-12:00 Presentations, "Alana" Memorial Room

9:00-10:00 How I Overcame Hate: On Toxicity in "InCel" Discourse
Biff Sapling
10:00-11:00 It Never Gets Easier: Being a Womyn in Trump's America
Dyanne (Cho-Jones)-(Martinez-Singh), Ph.D.
11:00-12:00 I Am Entitled to Be Free of Your Entitlement: Opening up Queer Spaces in Involuntary Celibacy
Xatrina 47$∆

12:00-1:00 Lunch, Suite 420 (catering by The Soy Stop)
1:00-3:30 Guest speaker
Journalism and Personality: Friends in Unexpected Places
Jack Peterson
3:30-5:00 "Free time" (respect others, InCels!)
5:00-7:00 Dinner, IPA Nest
7:00-9:30 Social hours/meet and greet, Yall Hall
9:30-10:00 Anti-retroviral drug administration, Suite 69
10:00 Orgy (incel attendees admitted only as videographers)

Thank you for "coming" /s
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A word to describe men
incels.is set a rules that only men can join which is fine

But for other places, letting in women with vaginismus or terminal illness (by natural causes) should be fine

http://facebook.com/groups/incelistan lets in women and there's no orbiting, not saying incels.is should do that, but in a highly controlled environment with no anonymity sometimes these things work
Yea but it's accompanied by the lgbt and other degenerate movements.

Wait I read the rest. It's for the bbc thing. We been exchanging emails. I forgot I have to keep talking to him.

it's not for the BBC thing, we might not have another meeting, the first one was pretty bad (no women showed up, but that's not why it was bad)
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the. first. incel. forum. was. started. by. a. lesbian. and. had. a. glbt. award. on. the. bottom. of. it.
the second forum was also inclusive (but also pretty horrible like the first)

one thing they did achieve though was enter incel into academia, which is undoubtedly an achievement

Doesnt matter, inceldom only affects men, period. I dont care if some dyke found the first forums on it and got some fag award for it. What matters is that it is a condition that only men can suffer from.

It makes no sense to be lumped in the LGBT crowd they are totally unrelated to us. They can get sex and relationships with one tinder account we cant, our struggle is not the same. Their kind along with leftists perpetuates the inceldom problem.
So litterally a group of hairy transvestites and fat women who cant get a stable ltr with an average male jfl
Doesnt matter, inceldom only affects men, period. I dont care if some dyke found the first forums on it and got some fag award for it. What matters is that it is a condition that only men can suffer from.

It makes no sense to be lumped in the LGBT crowd they are totally unrelated to us. They can get sex and relationships with one tinder account we cant, our struggle is not the same. Their kind along with leftists perpetuates the inceldom problem.
fake news by gay jews
you can check it here
Doesnt matter, inceldom only affects men, period. I dont care if some dyke found the first forums on it and got some fag award for it. What matters is that it is a condition that only men can suffer from.

It makes no sense to be lumped in the LGBT crowd they are totally unrelated to us. They can get sex and relationships with one tinder account we cant, our struggle is not the same. Their kind along with leftists perpetuates the inceldom problem.

The lack of openness to experimentation and strategy by some people here is meh. GLBTQ isn't partisan. The people on the left that think it is are dumb, the people on the right who think it is are dumb. MTF people do have trouble finding partners. Also you could define almost anything as 'queer' after all we are marginalized by lack of reproductive futurity
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Kek, I'm suprised. At least they are trying to help incels for once and not just slander them
Kek, I'm suprised. At least they are trying to help incels for once and not just slander them
the BBC and Huff Post isn't sponsoring it, they had no part in creating it, and they probably won't film any of it. I made it and we already had one meeting
1:00-3:30 Guest speaker
Journalism and Personality: Friends in Unexpected Places
Jack Peterson
Lol, Cuck Peterson is going to be there?
Voicel if you wouldn't. Unless Landwhales have hormonal disorders and imbalances then I'll take it as self neglect and self harm.

That's always a good thing.
It's not that I wouldn't, it's the fact that you won't stand a chance.
Cant believe what the left must do to earn some votes from some losers that they actually hate and would kill if they could.

@leftyincel The more i read you the more i realize that youre just a larping fakecel. You cant be serious when you write that incels have anything to do with leftist extremism, wich is one of the main causes of inceldom nowadays, its just impossible. Its a pity, because we need more people that reject the dumb ER worship. But they should be actual incels -.-
incels.is set a rules that only men can join which is fine

But for other places, letting in women with vaginismus or terminal illness (by natural causes) should be fine

http://facebook.com/groups/incelistan lets in women and there's no orbiting, not saying incels.is should do that, but in a highly controlled environment with no anonymity sometimes these things work

it's not for the BBC thing, we might not have another meeting, the first one was pretty bad (no women showed up, but that's not why it was bad)
no doubt that there is orbiting going on, you just don't notice it because you most likely engage in it yourself. loling at an incel group at facebook of all places

also, what on Earth do the LGBTQWERTYs have anything to do with inceldom?! the sort of SJW that identifies with that group of human garbage hates incels and politically incorrect things in general, and they can't be incel either, unless you also believe that females can be incel. if you wanna let them in sure but it makes no sense to specifically mention them as if they are relevant to incels in any way.
the BBC and Huff Post isn't sponsoring it, they had no part in creating it, and they probably won't film any of it. I made it and we already had one meeting
Ah nice, thanks, if this is successfull and spread to other cities it would be a huge victory for us and would it make harder for the media to slander us
jfl at thinking females will turn up.
I sense something good is gonna happen, if there is an incel that records this meetup. Please post it here.
free doxxing guys, don't miss your chance

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