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Brutal Official European Commission Report Designates .is as the "Most High Risk Platform"

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I can't breed :feelskek::feelskek:
Yeah, I have read the entire study and it's nothing but woke academic gobbledygook. With the resources dedicated to this particular study, they could have researched something that will actually contribute to the security of the countries such as Islamism. But hey, makes me feel like I'm part of some mysterious, shady organization, so, not complaining. :cool:
Study is fake and gay.

Also, all foids should be flogged (in Return to Zork).
I have encountered this study as I was conducting personal research. It was published by the European Commission and is titled "Incels: A First Scan of the Phenomenon (in the EU) and its Relevance and Challenges for P/CVE". On its 7th page, the following sentence is inscribed:

"Celebration of violence towards women can be found throughout the incel ecosystem. This includes violence committed by incels as well as third-party violence. The extent of violent discourse varies depending on whether it is a high-risk or low-risk incel community. Discussion of violence is common in high-risk incel communities, while low-risk incel communities contain low levels of violent discussion. It is helpful to think about violent incel discourse in three tiers: personal, interpersonal, and societal (18). Incel-created websites and forums, such as incels.is, are the most high-risk platforms in the ecosystem where discussion of all three tiers of violence can be found."

Over for EUcels.
why cant the russ-ukraine war just turn into ww3 so usa and Europe can be nuked?
I have encountered this study as I was conducting personal research. It was published by the European Commission and is titled "Incels: A First Scan of the Phenomenon (in the EU) and its Relevance and Challenges for P/CVE". On its 7th page, the following sentence is inscribed:

"Celebration of violence towards women can be found throughout the incel ecosystem. This includes violence committed by incels as well as third-party violence. The extent of violent discourse varies depending on whether it is a high-risk or low-risk incel community. Discussion of violence is common in high-risk incel communities, while low-risk incel communities contain low levels of violent discussion. It is helpful to think about violent incel discourse in three tiers: personal, interpersonal, and societal (18). Incel-created websites and forums, such as incels.is, are the most high-risk platforms in the ecosystem where discussion of all three tiers of violence can be found."

Over for EUcels.
Of course were angry and bitter, Weve been rejected and shamed our WHOLE LIFE, WHO WOULDNT GO ER?
why cant the russ-ukraine war just turn into ww3 so usa and Europe can be nuked?
I live in europe so i cannot permit that to happen, The USA is the one bringing all this woke shit and importing it to other countries, NUKE USA if you want the trends to stop!
I have encountered this study as I was conducting personal research. It was published by the European Commission and is titled "Incels: A First Scan of the Phenomenon (in the EU) and its Relevance and Challenges for P/CVE". On its 7th page, the following sentence is inscribed:

"Celebration of violence towards women can be found throughout the incel ecosystem. This includes violence committed by incels as well as third-party violence. The extent of violent discourse varies depending on whether it is a high-risk or low-risk incel community. Discussion of violence is common in high-risk incel communities, while low-risk incel communities contain low levels of violent discussion. It is helpful to think about violent incel discourse in three tiers: personal, interpersonal, and societal (18). Incel-created websites and forums, such as incels.is, are the most high-risk platforms in the ecosystem where discussion of all three tiers of violence can be found."

Over for EUcels.
@mlcurrycel you will notice that Marxism-Rogerism is not listed as one of the "extremist" ideologies on this site.

Are you a mole working for the EU? Is Ursula your boss? Are you her little bitch?
I live in europe so i cannot permit that to happen, The USA is the one bringing all this woke shit and importing it to other countries, NUKE USA if you want the trends to stop!
Europe is pretty cucked too with all there rapefugees. youll get called a nazi just for wanting less immigration.
Risk of being treated like subhuman trash by roasties.
i'm a criminal at places i haven't even been to :bigbrain::feelzez:
Europe is pretty cucked too with all there rapefugees. youll get called a nazi just for wanting less immigration.
Great, Then i am a nazi, Seethe, Put refugees in body bags, Loud amerimutt bastards
:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:


They cannot point to a single violent
incident where the offender was on here, and signaled his intentions on here;

They have never detected any serious violent offending being planned or discussed on here;

And that's why all they have is these pathetic generalizations and word salads of weasel words about "high-risk platforms" and "ecosystems" and "tiers of violence" being "discussed".

This whole thing is just a bunch of government-funded research nerds who have never had real-world jobs, making their "work" sound important so that they can secure next year's funding and keep their worthless lazy jobs for a bit longer.

Perhaps they should browse r/IncelTear, there have already been pedophiles from there unmasked and jailed. But it's harder to explain inceltear than incels to the general public and the funding body, so we are the bad guys.

A pox on these utter utter cunts.
Well written.
What else is new
@mlcurrycel you will notice that Marxism-Rogerism is not listed as one of the "extremist" ideologies on this site.

Are you a mole working for the EU? Is Ursula your boss? Are you her little bitch?
Asking the right questions. Notice the jannies are suspiciously silent, as well. Are they in on it, too?
Don't forget Ursula. She is a vicious bitch
I still remember how she said "we have tools if things take a different direction" when threatening Italians not to vote for the populist right-wing party. It backfired epically, though and the anti-EU conservatives won in Italy.
Great, Then i am a nazi, Seethe, Put refugees in body bags, Loud amerimutt bastards
lol i dont really disagree with u all that much. i just think leftist are worse then rapfugees
lol i dont really disagree with u all that much. i just think leftist are worse then rapfugees
Try me bro, I have a group of niggers that moved in from the refugeeplace and moved them to my apartment block, Theyre loud af and sometimes i have to blast loud music to shut them up, They never been at my door to complain tho so i guess they dont care, But Oy Vey the last time i went High T on them they shut the fuck up and i didnt hear them for 3 days, When im fucking mad i am scary!
Over for Kurwacels.
Poland is a shit country full of bullies, I met polish people at my school and they were the most disgusting people ive ever talked to The sheer amout of bullying and entitlement the superior nordic race had to endure even tho im an uggo one.
Try me bro, I have a group of niggers that moved in from the refugeeplace and moved them to my apartment block, Theyre loud af and sometimes i have to blast loud music to shut them up, They never been at my door to complain tho so i guess they dont care, But Oy Vey the last time i went High T on them they shut the fuck up and i didnt hear them for 3 days, When im fucking mad i am scary!
ya but thats just there nature. they wouldnt be a problem if leftist wouldnt allow them in. also why speak like a nigger if u dislike them?
ya but thats just there nature. they wouldnt be a problem if leftist wouldnt allow them in. also why speak like a nigger if u dislike them?
Because thats how everyone speaks these days, And i heard the bro thing by white peoples in 80s movies so fuck off with that!
Poland is a shit country full of bullies, I met polish people at my school and they were the most disgusting people ive ever talked to The sheer amout of bullying and entitlement the superior nordic race had to endure even tho im an uggo one.
You haven't been in Lithuania then :feelshaha:.
:lul: :lul: :lul:

Fuck this soy continent, just put us on concentration camps working so foids don't have to look at us.
Still slavs, Why would i need it, Keep coping and laughing.
Lithuanians are close to slavs but they're not slavs.
Lt for many years was leading world country by the numbers of suicides. Sometimes it also topped the world as n1 country by alcohol consumption or school bullying.
Some foreigners are so shocked by atmosphere in LT, that one Western author even wrote:
"Lithuanian citizens are the rudest and most animalistic I have ever seen in Europe. They have no moral, no values, and no manners...They never say sorry for anything and even offend you when you complain about their mistakes and lack of proper attitude...Their prices are high but their quality level is not even suitable for animals. Extremely ignorant, without any respect or education, they deserve to be unemployed and starve to death. They are selfish, sadistic and parasitic..."
Lithuanians are close to slavs but they're not slavs.
Lt for many years was leading world country by the numbers of suicides. Sometimes it also topped the world as n1 country by alcohol consumption or school bullying.
Some foreigners are so shocked by atmosphere in LT, that one Western author even wrote:
"Lithuanian citizens are the rudest and most animalistic I have ever seen in Europe. They have no moral, no values, and no manners...They never say sorry for anything and even offend you when you complain about their mistakes and lack of proper attitude...Their prices are high but their quality level is not even suitable for animals. Extremely ignorant, without any respect or education, they deserve to be unemployed and starve to death. They are selfish, sadistic and parasitic..."
Didnt read, Too long, Back to gaming.
The dehumanisation of women is commonplace across the incel ecosystem. Women and girls are referred to as “holes”, “toilets” and “femoids” as well as racialised terms, such as Asian women referred to as “noodlewhores”.
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Honestly is a good thing they are still talking about us, we have to keep being relevant for our problems to be heard, we have to keep making noise :feelsjuice:
Fun fact: Incels are less likely to commit crimes as compared to normies, foids and fags. Keep seething, cucks.
good riddance
this whore should have stayed at r/incelexist instead of coming to this place

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