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Blackpill Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation



Aug 20, 2024
Hello my niggas, As a Gen Z muthafucka myself I must admit that human nature is very stable and foids do be having latent anti male bias type shit
Today I will share with you interesting bits I found in this book that was written by an Orthodox (?) foid and give you mediocre commentary about it
I will only cover like the first 20 pages of the book, The rest can be read with a link at the end of the thread.

but I was astonished by the underlying religious systems that were the true underpinning of the feminist revolution. I had no idea the extent to which esoteric religious beliefs motivated the early feminists, and as I went down a research rabbit hole for almost two years, I discovered that this never changed. Like most people, I thought of feminism as primarily a political movement. I never would have guessed just how much feminism was truly a religious movement, and how deeply the beliefs of early feminists motivated the cause of women’s liberation, nor did I understand that feminism was not whatsoever an organic, grass roots movement, which is always how it is described.
...It’s easy to see why such a character would be a hero of modern feminists. There is a striking tendency in modern goddess worship revival to venerate only goddesses who dominate male gods and humans, rather than goddesses who typify motherhood, marriage, orsubmission to masculine entities. I can think of no other motivation for such strong preference of these often vengeful and violent “girlpower” goddesses over submissive maternal ones other than the fact that modern feminism is so pre-occupied with dominating and punishing men and seeking power for women. This is perhaps best illustrated by the legend of Lilith.

Context: Second paragraph talks about how evil ancient goddess' foid are worshipped by modern foids
Ngl If you actually want to read this, Just read the book honestly I'll probably put a link for the book but If you don't want to download that then here you go:

One of the oldest and most perennial goddess figures is theancient Mesopotamian goddess Inanna, also known as Ishtar,associated with the morning star, or the planet Venus. She was firstworshipped in Sumeria, perhaps as early as 4,000 B.C. but she isstill worshipped by various religious cults even now. She wasworshipped as the goddess of both love (or more accurately, femalesexuality) and warfare, and the “Queen of Heaven” in antiquity, butamong modern goddess worshippers she seems to be primarily anicon of female sexual power and liberation. Simone de Beauvoirmentions Inanna in her famous book The Second Sex, saying thatshe represents “the undomesticated, unattached woman.[iv]“Inanna/Ishtar is also a very important figure in Gardnerian Wicca,with her name appearing several times in Wiccan liturgies, chants,spells, and myths. In an ancient Sumerian poem, the god Enkiestablishes the order of the world, giving each of the seven deities adomain and certain power. Inanna is unsatisfied with whatever wasgiven to her, and Enki dismisses her. She challenges him to adrinking contest and wins. Enki passes out giving Inanna theopportunity to steal the “mes,” or the rules of civilization. The mescontained all aspects of humanity, and with it in her possession,Inanna is able to gain more power for herself. She was neverassociated with marriage or motherhood, but instead was oftenseeking more power, especially over men and gods. She is alsonotorious for treating her male lovers in a demeaning and sadisticmanner, using her sexuality to control and punish them. For thisreason, ritual magick performed in her honor often includes BDSM,or a dominatrix/submissive element. Inanna is also generallybelieved to have no offspring. In the Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh,Inanna (now Ishtar) asks Gilgamesh to be her lover. He refuses,citing the horrible, sadistic things that Ishtar has done to all herformer lovers. She is enraged at his answer and sends the Bull ofHeaven to attack him

Lilith: The legend of Lilith may have originated in ancient Sumer as well.In fact, one legend of Inanna says that she took a tree from thebanks of the Euphrates and took it to her garden to make it into athrone for herself, but the tree was inhabited by a serpent, a bird,and “Lilit,” who many believe was the forerunner to the Jewish folklegend of Lilith. She makes her way into rabbinic Jewish mysticismas early as the first century AD and is mentioned in the BabylonianTalmud and the Zohar. According to the first recorded legend of Lilithcontained in the Alphabet of Ben Sira, Lilith was Adam’s first wife,made from the earth like he was. She refused to take the sexuallysubmissive position beneath Adam, uttered the secret name of God,and flew into the sky. She went to the Red Sea, where God sentthree angels to bring her back to Eden. God said she must return, orelse 100 of her children, who are apparently demons, must die everyday. Lilith tells the angels to leave her alone, and that she was onlycreated to cause sickness and death in infants. They threatened todrown her in the sea if she refused to return to Adam. Eventually,Lilith makes a deal with the angels that she will spare any infant whois protected by an amulet containing the names of the three angels,and that 100 of her demon children will die each day. Other Jewishmystical traditions say that Lilith is a succubus who rapes men intheir sleep, in order to spawn demon children. The Zohar says she isnot only the first wife of Adam, but also the wife of Satan. She isknown as a demon, and a thief and murderer of babies. In the MiddleAges, Jews would adorn the cribs of infants with amulets containingthe names of the three angels to protect the infant from Lilith. TheTalmud is said to contain a warning that men should not sleep in ahouse alone, lest they become her victim. She represents the darkside of the goddess. For this reason, she is a very popular figure inthe occult and wicca. She appears in the occult writings of bothGerald Gardner and Aleister Crowley. In modern paganism andwitchcraft, she represents femaleliberation and sexual control, abortion rights, and even vengeance against men.

Kali: Another ancient goddess who is venerated among feminists is theHindu goddess Kali. In fact, she was featured on the very firstpreview issue of Ms. Magazine in spring of 1972. At first, sheseemed to me like a very odd choice for the debut cover of awomen’s magazine in the early 1970’s which was marketed tohousewives but considering everything I have learned about the truenature and goals of feminists from this period, she is the perfectchoice. Kali is “the dark mother,” and the feminine “fullness of time,”representing sexuality, creation, death, and destruction. Are younoticing a pattern here yet? She first appears in Hindu religionsometime around 600 A.D. as an angry, bloodthirsty reaper ofwarriors on a battlefield. She is portrayed as having anywhere fromfour to ten arms, usually holding swords and severed men’s heads.She also wears a garland of severed men’s heads around her neck,and a belt of severed human arms around her waist. She takes anintentionally terrifying form, with wild, unruly black hair symbolic ofdefiance and disobedience of the expectations of men and malegods. Her eyes are wide open and intense. Her skin is midnight blueor sometimes even black like the night sky, her tongue sticking outfar to consume the blood of her enemies in battle, whom she oftendevours. She is drunk with bloodlust, and her earrings are thecorpses of infants. She is often portrayed standing on the chest ofher male consort, the god Shiva, who once had to throw himselfunder her feet, risking his own destruction, in order to snap her out ofa murderous rage that threatened to end all life on earth.From the 13th century to the 19th century, a gang of professionalthieves and murderers who worshipped Kali terrorized thesubcontinent of India. Known as Thuggees, or Thugs, this is wherethe English word “thug,” meaning street criminal, originates.Thuggees were fanatical followers of Kali, who performed ritualassassinations in her honor. The Guiness Book of World Recordssays the Thuggees may be responsible for over 2 million ritualmurders, making them one of the most prolific death cults in history.They considered themselves to be the children of Kali, born from hersweat. Some sources say Thuggees believed that their sacrifices toKali helped protect people from her wrath, which might otherwisedestroy all of humanity. They also killed only men, since they werethe preferred offering of Kali, and because she would likely beangered by the killing of women.

Breaking news, Foids always had anti male bias and that redirected them to feminism
As these goddesses always have these patterns of man hating and seeing men as cattle to advance in life towards their goals
Another thing that paragraph supplements is that human nature never changes, I haven't read the full book but there probably is cope about religious foids being better and them understanding biases and not succumbing to the evil of abundance and human psychology but this weird anti male bias that foids have are always there and it will probably never go away

Ever since women’sstudies became a field of academics in the mid-twentieth century, the history of women has become distorted and re-told completely out of context and even sometimes outright falsified due to the inherent overwhelming bias of academics in that field. No one goes into women’s studies unless they are already totally committed to feminist ideology. There would be no reason to do so. Imagine die hard jihadi Muslims being the ONLY people who studied Christianity and Judaism, and the only ones who wrote texts and academic papers on the Abrahamic religions. Do you think we would get an unbiased, accurate, fact-based interpretation of the history of those religions if that were the case? Of course not.

This is the effect that the women’s studies has had on what most of us now believe when we think of women in history. Feminists don’t even really deny this. Feminist theory even has justification for this fact, because one of the methods of analyzing and teaching women’s history allows forth is twisting and distorting of facts and contexts with something called “standpoint feminist theory.” That’s a fancy way of saying that feminists are allowed to interpret facts differently (also known as changing or falsifying them) because in their worldview, or from their standpoint, history did not really happen that way. This is part of post-modern philosophy which rejects objective truth and asserts that each person’s experience is the only “truth.”
Lots of trvthnvkes here

Firstly, she correctly points out how there is foid bias everywhere even in academia as we have research on that already:
Water is wet
Second, It's true that people see truth as only relative especially foids where they twist things to their will to serve their goals
Only thing I disagree with is that It's not the lack of religion that makes foids this way, They were already like this and feminism made their nature clear as day

...For instance, women in ancient Egypt could own property and sign legal contracts. Egypt had multiple female rulers even asfar back as 1800 B.C. Women in ancient Sparta owned significantamounts of land, and ancient Greece had female mathematicianslike Theano of Crotona, and female astronomers such asAglaonike. Hypatia was a female mathematician, astronomer, andphilosopher who lived in Egypt a few hundred years before Christ.Ancient Persian women could own and inherit property and couldhold occupations outside the home including management positionsover both male and female workers. Roman women similarly couldown property and businesses and obtain divorces. Likewise, in theEuropean Middle Ages, middle-class women owned and ranbusinesses, and they could own and inherit property if they weresingle or widowed. Married women were seen as one legal entitywith their husbands (gasp!), which of course is seen as slavery bymodern feminists. Despite instances of women having a good deal of legal and political autonomy and influence throughout history, feminist academics refuse to acknowledge this, and instead invert these facts as evidence of women being treated as inferior if at anytime they were not treated as if they were men.
No commentary from me, Basically "This" to the bolded text

But anyway that's it from me, As I said I only looked at the first 20 pages
Book link: https://mega.nz/file/8jlT2ZZY#_ngJewxCfN9J-rSIGwM1tSk8aNb7S4gZnixrQE1PNeg|

@WorthlessSlavicShit @DarkStar @Sergeant Kelly @Stupid Clown @AtrociousCitizen @Piss Gaming @Solid @Chaircel @based_meme @eliya @Sewer Sloth @FuckYou @Juicewrld
Breaking news, Foids always had anti male bias and that redirected them to feminism
As these goddesses always have these patterns of man hating and seeing men as cattle to advance in life towards their goals
Makes sense
Read all of it. I don't have much to say as you outlined most of it well, but I would like to add this video:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9Yn3i-DMKw

A lot of "discoveries" that were supposedly founded by women actually had men that did most of the work, with the woman piggybacking off of that work and acting as if it was her own. And lo and behold, the men get absolutely 0 credit for these discoveries, while the women are credited to be the main pioneers behind them.
Religious foids, especially kike foids are like an extra layer of evil. Like a boss in a video game. Kill them all
Makes sense
Ngl now that I read it again I could've definitely phrased it better JFL but yeah

Read all of it. I don't have much to say as you outlined most of it well, but I would like to add this video:
My nigga

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9Yn3i-DMKw

A lot of "discoveries" that were supposedly founded by women actually had men that did most of the work, with the woman piggybacking off of that work and acting as if it was her own. And lo and behold, the men get absolutely 0 credit for these discoveries, while the women are credited to be the main pioneers behind them.
Holy shieet :feelsohh: Nice video mang I'm gonna watch all of it

Religious foids, especially kike foids are like an extra layer of evil. Like a boss in a video game. Kill them all
Real shit never tell a lie real shit never tell a lie
High IQ thread and very interesting read.

A lot of the gynocratic and pro-female societal attitudes, especially in the pro-feminist West, tracks with the idea of being driven by ancient goddess worship. I suppose, I owe an apology to @K9Otaku. He was right, I guess every human does have a tendency and inclination towards worship and religion in some way, shape or form.

The most important takeaway from all of this, I think, is this:
human nature never changes
Last edited:
Very high IQ. I always cringe at these "witches" fucking retards. Women are so dumb
To counter feminism, men must reconnect with the deep esoteric wisdom that tried to warn us of the evil of foids. We must understand our connection to Prometheus.

In the trick at Mecone, a sacrificial meal marking the "settling of accounts" between mortals and immortals, Prometheus played a trick against Zeus. He placed two sacrificial offerings before the Olympian: a selection of beef hidden inside an ox's stomach (nourishment hidden inside a displeasing exterior), and the bull's bones wrapped completely in "glistening fat" (something inedible hidden inside a pleasing exterior). Zeus chose the latter, setting a precedent for future sacrifices. Henceforth, humans would keep that meat for themselves and burn the bones wrapped in fat as an offering to the gods. This angered Zeus, who hid fire from humans in retribution. In this version of the myth, the use of fire was already known to humans, but withdrawn by Zeus.[21]

Prometheus stole fire back from Zeus in a fennel stalk and restored it to humanity. This further enraged Zeus, who sent the first woman to live with humanity (Pandora, not explicitly mentioned). The woman, a "shy maiden", was fashioned by Hephaestus out of clay and Athena helped to adorn her properly. Hesiod writes, "From her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no helpmeets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth". For his crimes, Prometheus was punished by Zeus, who bound him with chains and sent an eagle to eat Prometheus' immortal liver every day, which then grew back every night. Years later, the Greek hero Heracles, with Zeus' permission, killed the eagle and freed Prometheus from this torment.
Very nice find, added to my pile of things to go through the moment I can (working on my Master's has been eating up so much of my time lately mang:worryfeels:).

No commentary from me, Basically "This" to the bolded text
Exactly. Very few things crumble so hard as the myth of female oppression once you take a closer look at them:feelsthink:.

For example, a few weeks ago, I think this was spurned by some argument on this forum actually, I was looking for articles on inheritance laws in medieval Europe. I found some for Genoa I think or some other Italian city. You know how historians always describe women's situation in that period with "women were completely subordinate to men:soy:, women were always a subject to a man's will and control, first their father, then their husband, and then maybe they could somehow influence their sons:soy::foidSoy:!" and other memes? That article was trying the same, and then completely fumbled it when it mentioned a lawsuit where a woman's reputation was being doubted because she lived in a house with a bunch of other women. They claimed that they were just working and supporting themselves by weaving, the accusers were saying that they were actually prostitutes, the article's author was hyping it up as proof of the overwhelming misogyny and legal inferiority and oppression of women in that era, and I just rolled my eyes at how the ""oppressed"" women could freely live in households with other women and work to support themselves with no man in sight to subject them to his will, no matter how they did it, and all that would result in was them being accused of being whores, something that could very well happen to a bunch of single women living together even today (and I have had one guy warn me when I talked about eventually escortmaxxing, that some of these seemingly unrelated escorts are chicks who all live together and turned their household into a brothel.)

Like, at some point I don't even understand how those people don't realize how much they are stretching the definition of "oppression" to suit their narratives:feelshaha:.

Read all of it. I don't have much to say as you outlined most of it well, but I would like to add this video:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9Yn3i-DMKw

Will definitely watch.
High IQ thread and very interesting read.

A lot of the gynocratic and pro-female societal attitudes, especially in the pro-feminist West, tracks with the idea of being driven by ancient goddess worship. I suppose, I owe an apology to @K9Otaku. He was right, I guess every human does have a tendency and inclination towards worship and religion in some way, shape or form.

The most important takeaway from all of this, I think, is this:

That is something I didn't think about JFL but yeah seems interesting, Also I've read some posts by K9Otaku and he seems high IQ

Very high IQ. I always cringe at these "witches" fucking retards. Women are so dumb
Indeed, They are just manifesting (i'm like MANIFESTING the new barbie movie gurl) their inner nature I guess JFL

Very nice find, added to my pile of things to go through the moment I can (working on my Master's has been eating up so much of my time lately mang:worryfeels:).
Damn how is Uni mang? What's your major?

Exactly. Very few things crumble so hard as the myth of female oppression once you take a closer look at them:feelsthink:.

For example, a few weeks ago, I think this was spurned by some argument on this forum actually, I was looking for articles on inheritance laws in medieval Europe. I found some for Genoa I think or some other Italian city. You know how historians always describe women's situation in that period with "women were completely subordinate to men:soy:, women were always a subject to a man's will and control, first their father, then their husband, and then maybe they could somehow influence their sons:soy::foidSoy:!" and other memes? That article was trying the same, and then completely fumbled it when it mentioned a lawsuit where a woman's reputation was being doubted because she lived in a house with a bunch of other women. They claimed that they were just working and supporting themselves by weaving, the accusers were saying that they were actually prostitutes, the article's author was hyping it up as proof of the overwhelming misogyny and legal inferiority and oppression of women in that era, and I just rolled my eyes at how the ""oppressed"" women could freely live in households with other women and work to support themselves with no man in sight to subject them to his will, no matter how they did it, and all that would result in was them being accused of being whores, something that could very well happen to a bunch of single women living together even today (and I have had one guy warn me when I talked about eventually escortmaxxing, that some of these seemingly unrelated escorts are chicks who all live together and turned their household into a brothel.)

Like, at some point I don't even understand how those people don't realize how much they are stretching the definition of "oppression" to suit their narratives:feelshaha:.
JFL WOW SUCH OPPRESSION WOW fucking retards mang reminds me of the foid ingroup bias study

There are tons of examples like what you wrote if you actually look in history like in medieval Ghent widows were buying property, trading goods, and even suing people or in Iceland, where foids in the sagas were starting blood feuds and basically running the show behind the scenes but yeah historians still love to frame everything as “women were oppressed, the end”

Let me know when you've read the book, I would like to see your writings on some real nigga shit
Damn how is Uni mang? What's your major?
Actually pretty good at this point. Had a consultation with my instructor (I guess is the correct term) about the thesis yesterday and it went pretty well, seems like working on it will be even easier than I've expected. I'm not sure how much I want to specify about it here, but it's an IT/management thing.

JFL WOW SUCH OPPRESSION WOW fucking retards mang reminds me of the foid ingroup bias study
I actually just managed to find the specific text again:feelshaha::

Coming down the social hierarchy, the family configurations are even less predictable. In 1520, the inheritance of Marina de Casanis, “a small and fat woman of about sixty years of age”, was the cause of a conflict between Antonia da Vicenza and the Giudici del Cattaver, a court that, as one of its many responsibilities, also had the task of recovering inheritances that no one claimed for the benefit of the state.27 Among the witnesses presented by Antonia were artisans, three patricians and three women who lived with the deceased, one of whom was her servant. Again, everything hinged on the credibility of the witnesses and it was easy for opponents to accuse a group of women living together of engaging in prostitution, especially since they were defended by members of the patriciate. In fact, the presence of the three patricians had to be justified and, in front of the lawyer of the Giudici del Cattaver who accused Bernardina and Franceschina of being public whores, the witnesses presented by Antonia declared that Marina de Casanis was “an honest and kind person who knew how to work cloth, who knew how to sew and mend, and that this is why decent people frequented her house”. It was perhaps the presence of those “decent people” that allowed Antonia da Vicenza to win her case and be declared Marina de Casanis’s legitimate heir.

There are tons of examples like what you wrote if you actually look in history like in medieval Ghent widows were buying property, trading goods, and even suing people or in Iceland, where foids in the sagas were starting blood feuds and basically running the show behind the scenes but yeah historians still love to frame everything as “women were oppressed, the end”

Let me know when you've read the book, I would like to see your writings on some real nigga shit
Will do:feelsokman:.
To counter feminism, men must reconnect with the deep esoteric wisdom that tried to warn us of the evil of foids. We must understand our connection to Prometheus.

In the trick at Mecone, a sacrificial meal marking the "settling of accounts" between mortals and immortals, Prometheus played a trick against Zeus. He placed two sacrificial offerings before the Olympian: a selection of beef hidden inside an ox's stomach (nourishment hidden inside a displeasing exterior), and the bull's bones wrapped completely in "glistening fat" (something inedible hidden inside a pleasing exterior). Zeus chose the latter, setting a precedent for future sacrifices. Henceforth, humans would keep that meat for themselves and burn the bones wrapped in fat as an offering to the gods. This angered Zeus, who hid fire from humans in retribution. In this version of the myth, the use of fire was already known to humans, but withdrawn by Zeus.[21]

Prometheus stole fire back from Zeus in a fennel stalk and restored it to humanity. This further enraged Zeus, who sent the first woman to live with humanity (Pandora, not explicitly mentioned). The woman, a "shy maiden", was fashioned by Hephaestus out of clay and Athena helped to adorn her properly. Hesiod writes, "From her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no helpmeets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth". For his crimes, Prometheus was punished by Zeus, who bound him with chains and sent an eagle to eat Prometheus' immortal liver every day, which then grew back every night. Years later, the Greek hero Heracles, with Zeus' permission, killed the eagle and freed Prometheus from this torment.
I just realized I skipped over your reply brocel I'm sorry
What I'll say to you is that Pandora is the ultimate fate sealer of men in a way JFL Idk man I don't think It will ever change all we can do is cope as the book says:
I discovered that this never changed

Noice, I'ma look into it inshallah

Actually pretty good at this point. Had a consultation with my instructor (I guess is the correct term) about the thesis yesterday and it went pretty well, seems like working on it will be even easier than I've expected. I'm not sure how much I want to specify about it here, but it's an IT/management thing.
:feelsokman: :feelsokman: :feelsokman: Real nigga shit
I'm also in IT in a somewhat questionable country and this shit is way easier than I thought tbh
I might get proven wrong tho Idk we'll see

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