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RageFuel NYC Tinder roasties literally use men like slaves



Mar 16, 2018

Picture that, a butt-ugly 47 year old roastie that looks like a 70 year old transvestite can go on Tinder, act like she wants to go on a date, and then instead use some desperate beta cuck for slave work. Worst than that, she can then publicly show her face, admit to doing this multiple times, boast about taking advantage of "good" honest hardworking men on one of the biggest news websites in America, and get praised for it.

This is the state of our society in 2018. This is how much roasties can get away with. JFL @ those who claim roasties have even a slightly difficult time getting men.

You see the argument all the time when roasties and cucks want to claim "a hurr durr durr, women acshually don't have an easy time dating, they can only have an easy time getting sex" meanwhile this Paleolithic Wilderbeast is duping handy cucks into thinking she wants a relationship only to then use them for shit she's too fucking lazy to do, they'll never pay attention to shit like this though.

Nah, it's okay for roasties to literally take advantage of hard working men (Or I should say beta cucks), but it's the worst thing ever for us to shitpost and vent our anger at the state of our society on anonymous forum boards.

When Fiona Bloom needed an air conditioner installed in her Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, apartment three weeks ago, she went on Tinder.

The 47-year-old, who has been dating in NYC for the past 20 years, decided to put the app to use after being repeatedly disappointed by the city’s dating pool. “I’ve tried speed dating and all the dating apps, but every time I put my real age, all I get are idiots and losers,” Bloom, a publicist, tells The Post. “I figured, why not make them useful and have them help me around the house?”

So that afternoon, she swiped right on a 40-something bachelor. His default photo featured him wearing overalls and holding a hammer.

“I wasn’t attracted to him, but he was very forthcoming,” she says. She messaged him, saying she was only looking for someone to come over to install her air conditioner, making it very clear it wasn’t a date.

After he came over, opened her window and set up her AC, she said thank you — and promptly kicked him out. He later messaged her to go on a proper date, but she never replied and doesn’t regret it.

“Men are hard-wired to feel strong and be a provider,” she says, noting she’s also used this method to hitch a ride to the Hamptons. “I don’t feel guilty using them for a little help.”
Jew too...unsurprising....stereotypes all have some element of truth otherwise they wouldn't be stereotypes.

I genuinely do not like foids.
Oh, and for those who rightfully need a palette cleanser/lifefuel here's webms of roasties getting put in their place;


This is why it's okay for men to beat the everloving shit out of women, because when you act like a cuck and allow their collective gender to get a big head, they then realize that they're being treated like dieties and take advantage of it. There's no need to feel bad, because it's in their nature to take advantage of men when they're treated well.
Jew York should be napalmed.
((They)) are trying to hide my thread >:(
Don't know who I hate more, the foids taking advantage like this. Or the soy gargling beta cuckboys who let them.
Don't know who I hate more, the foids taking advantage like this. Or the soy gargling beta cuckboys who let them.
I hate duplicitous bitches more than I do weak willed desperate men.
The latter is passive and is only directly causing harm to theirselves, the former is actively malicious and directly causing harm to others.

Both are worthy of criticism, but for me it's not question who deserves more of my ire. Roasties deserve to be butchered to death.
She's just finding herself teehee
Don't know who I hate more, the foids taking advantage like this. Or the soy gargling beta cuckboys who let them.
the soy cucks ultimately enable this behaviour
Don't know who I hate more, the foids taking advantage like this. Or the soy gargling beta cuckboys who let them.
Definitely the soyboy cucks. The foids taking advantage of this are scum but they are acting in their own interests at least. Soy cucks are going directly against their own interests in the name of social justice and tolerance.

Lynch all soycucks.
If someone showed up at her house expecting a date and was told to help her do basic chores, he'd be entitled to rape her.
Disgusting Jew roastie has been ruined by too much tyrone cock. Fuck her. Not literally, you know what I mean.
the soy cucks ultimately enable this behaviour
Definitely the soyboy cucks. The foids taking advantage of this are scum but they are acting in their own interests at least. Soy cucks are going directly against their own interests in the name of social justice and tolerance.

Lynch all soycucks.
Getting mad at idiots for being idiots is retarded.
This is proof that femoids can do no wrong. "ItS jUsT tHeIr NaTuRe GaiZ. ItS oKaY fOr ThEm 2 Be SeLfIsH aNd DeCePtIvE!11!"
You can call out the stupidity of soyboy cucks whilst also noting who is at the root of their stupidity.
At least the NY post isn't so strongly condoning this practice like I half assumed they would.
I blame the cucks way more than her tbh.
Jokes on her. She has an air conditioner but shes still a used up dried out lonely old hag
white women over 35 look like death without make up and hair dye
That was 2016. In 2018 foids are using it to get venmo donations for existing.

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