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Blackpill Notice To All Wagecels - Do Make Sure To Take Full Advantage Of The Paid Free Time The Corona Virus Has Afforded You

I invested all of my savings ($30000) on shares. Overnight the value of my shares increased by $3000. But i wont sell just yet, i'll wait for this virus to end when the share prices will rise even more, and then sell them for an expected value of $43500 (making $13500 profit).
Unless you are getting fucked up, taking copious amounts of cocaine with a group of friends in a villa or hotel suit and the girls are in on the act then you may be disappointed with what you find

JFL what? (that escalated quickly)

Like I said, you are hoping for too much in life, I don't need all this to enjoy sex, I've only fucked a whore once and it was decent and she wasn't even close to being "my type" (she was the exact opposite and I still enjoyed it) and I didn't get to do much, if I can fuck whores in 3rd world countries, especially younger whores, I'd have the time of my life

I know what sex is, I don't have this imagined grandiose expectation for fucking whores, also you might need to consider that you merely visited a shitty whore based on your experience of it being "a cold and sterile transaction"

Either way I'm a cold person, I'm not going to a whore expecting "warmth and affection", I just want to use her holes, in fact a look of disgust would turn me on more

I’m not morally posturing here

Maybe I was too vague, I didn't mean you were being a moralfag, I was merely claiming that statement sounds like the cliche excuses moralfags make

The compulsions of these men led to their downfall

1. The reason why these men had a place to even fall down from is because they pursued their desires, I'd much rather have a downfall than to be where I am now (already at my lowest point)

2. Those compulsions also led to many years of pleasure, I don't see the downside, its a decent tradeoff to spend the last 5 to 10 years of your life in a cell, if you get to live like 3 to 4 decades enjoying everything you want, that's the way I'm looking at it, as compared to right now where my entire life from decade to decade is trash

This is why it sounds like you are coping, its as if you are asserting you are better off than these men, you aren't, they got to enjoy decades of pleasure and you didn't, them spending a few years in jail doesn't make your life better than theirs, like I said they had a "downfall" because they had a place to fall down from, unlike us, I'd take that tradeoff any day

and if you ask them now if it was worth it they will tell you ‘no’ and not out of a sense of shame for having been caught

You're right, its not because of the shame of being caught, ITS BECAUSE THEY WERE CAUGHT, shame was not a factor, they regret being caught, nothing else

but regret for having fucked up the rest of their lives and becoming geriatric in a jail cell as you enter the last phase of your life is not fun

What "rest", they are in their fucking 80's and shit, their libido is dead and only kept up with drugs, they've travelled the world, fucked all the women they could ever want, there is nothing else, everything else is a pastime or cope

I don't think you are really thinking this through, for me this is simple math

70 Years of Bliss for 10 Years of Suffering (or I can even just kill myself and skip the suffering)
80 Years of Being a Broke Sex Starved Loser (who wants to kill himself almost every day)

This isn't rocket science, are you saying you wouldn't choose to go the Weinstein route if you could just press a button?

I invested all of my savings ($30000) on shares. Overnight the value of my shares increased by $3000. But i wont sell just yet, i'll wait for this virus to end when the share prices will rise even more, and then sell them for an expected value of $43500 (making $13500 profit).

JFL I feel like a noob reading this, I really need to up my investing and trading knowledge

Many of us will just get laid off instead

That sounds illegal, ironically you could probably sue and make more money than you ever would in your lifetime, be careful not to "slip and fall" on anything wet in the building after you get fired ;)

thats hits so close to home ngl :feelscry:

i got completely freed from work cause i work in food service and now i get paid fully for rotting at home , by the state ( germany ) .
But still im doing what i always do ,
procrastinating and rotting all day .
I have been rotting for 9 Days straight now .
and my quarantine will.probably last at least 2 months .
PAID VACATION and im wasting it doing nothing .
letting myself down again .
thanks for this Thread it reminded me .

That's good to hear, self awareness is the first step towards improvement, don't waste anymore time, put at least 4 hours a day into something that will help you build wealth or establish passive income
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JFL what? (that escalated quickly)
Yeah, that’s the whole point. What I mean is that in order for sex with whores to be fun (for me) it needs to be peak degeneracy now, and this is a slippery slope that comes from having done it many times. I haven’t done this in a while since I’m sober now, but the slope keeps getting slipperier the longer you stay on it.
Like I said, you are hoping for too much in life, I don't need all this to enjoy sex, I've only fucked a whore once and it was decent and she wasn't even close to being "my type" (she was the exact opposite and I still enjoyed it) and I didn't get to do much, if I can fuck whores in 3rd world countries, especially younger whores, I'd have the time of my life
Ive already done what you are describing here and yes it was the time of my life for the brief period that there was novelty in it, but the nature of the hedonic treadmill is that these things get old fast. The only reason you enjoyed your first time with a whore you weren’t even attracted to was because of the unfamiliar novelty of the situation and likely the excitement of losing your virginity was enough to entertain you. Do not think you will have the same effect if you were to make a habit of it. Likely when you first started watching porn as a teenager it was a great experience for you and you could get off watching videos you’d now find the girls in to be disappointing and the content tame, now jacking off is probably as habitual, compulsive or boring as going for a shit (it is for me at least). Well, the same thing happens with sex if you turn it into a financial transaction based on convenience rather than the effort / reward based dynamic normies face with regard to sex. Maybe I shouldn’t even be telling you this as I feel like I’m just shitting on hope for the future and it doesn’t feel good, but I do believe you will learn these things yourself if you go down the same path I did.

I know what sex is, I don't have this imagined grandiose expectation for fucking whores, also you might need to consider that you merely visited a shitty whore based on your experience of it being "a cold and sterile transaction"
I’m not basing that assertion on a single experience man, I would never be so presumptive. I’ve done this many times and I know what I’m talking about, I have travelled all around the world and fucked whores young and old, both sober and out of my mind.

If you have had sex only once then you do not understand the diminishing nature of pleasure in sex as a financial transaction, (decreased libido isn’t the only reason couples stop having sex, men often cheat with whores because they are seeking that novelty, though their tastes become more extreme as the novelty fades) there is a reason escortcels are not considered braggers and report almost equally unfulfilled lives as those who are too high inhib or claiming to not be cucked enough to visit whores (lol that this low T cope btw)
Ive already done what you are describing here and yes it was the time of my life for the brief period that there was novelty in it, but the nature of the hedonic treadmill is that these things get old fast

It gets old because like I said you are expecting too much from life, I don't get what you are saying at all, sex is no different than food to me, if you eat the same food everyday of course that will "get old fast", so just go eat something else, but your logic seems to be "don't bother eating it'll get old" JFL, then i'll just be starved, if we applied your perspective to food we'd all just die of starvation

Do not think you will have the same effect if you were to make a habit of it

If its jailbait yes JFL, I would never get tired

You do realize that things like "findom" exist right, now follow me, if there are men who get off to just giving women their money (no sexual stimulus provided and they keep doing it over and over), you seriously telling me you can't comprehend me never getting tired of fucking young cute whores?

I don't know what else to tell you, for me all that matters is physical enjoyment, so physical enjoyment is really enough for me, you are still stuck in that "there's more to life" mindset (probably because you got all this shit so easily) so its inconceivable that I won't end up like you, but the only reason shit "got old" for you is because you "want something more/deeper" and I don't

There's no point in addressing this any further, only time will tell, but I know myself and I know what I want

Ever think you are just taking what you have for granted, to just so non-challantly say - "Ive already done what you are describing here" as if its nothing, maybe you just aren't putting enough weight on what you have access to because you are in this "there's more to life" mindset

IDK maybe you had it too easy in life and you need some perspective, I grew up poor and even now I still have to be somewhat frugal with money, and just the thought of being able to buy tasty foods everyday without going broke seems like amazing thing to me that I would greatly enjoy, but to someone like you its "just buying food"

You are speaking about travelling a little to easily, as if to you its "I just travelled bro" like there's no high cost involved, you are taking what you have for granted so no wonder you sound so depressed, if we switched lives you'd have killed yourself already

Well, the same thing happens with sex if you turn it into a financial transaction based on convenience rather than the effort / reward based dynamic normies face with regard to sex

Again more proof that your perspective is completely different than mines, you still have some normie tier beliefs, earlier on you were telling me this:
I realise don’t really derive satisfaction from anything any more, and as a result the gratification of achieving something I worked hard for doesn’t even appeal to me any more

Now you talk about effort vs reward

Dude none of that shit matters to me, I don't care about "achievement", in fact I don't' believe in the concept of "DESERVING" things, so the entire effort vs reward concept doesn't affect me, I don't "feel better" having "earned" something, that's normie tier thinking, in life you get what you take by force or gain through your cunning, you don't have to "earn" anything

That's an egoists way of thinking, my ego is dead, I don't need to feel like I "earned" something to "truly enjoy it", I just want it period, and I'll do whatever it takes to get it

If you have had sex only once then you do not understand the diminishing nature of pleasure in sex

No dude this is common sense, what you are arguing is ridiculous, there is a diminishing nature in EVERYTHING, like I said if we apply your logic to food we should all just stop eating because "eating gets old", you just try new foods, EVERYTHING "gets old", everything diminishes in enjoyment over time, I used to really enjoy video games, now they are just "meh", does that mean I should stop playing all games forever and stop pursuing playing games?

men often cheat with whores because they are seeking that novelty

JFL you are kind of proving my point here, why is your example based on a group who has already had access to sex to begin with, of course they'll take the experience for granted, and like I said they are looking for "something more" (novelty), a sex starved loser like myself just wants to fuck period I'm not expecting much

I don't know how many times I'll have to explain this so I'm just going to stop
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I still have to work because my boss is a jew
IDK maybe you had it too easy in life and you need some perspective, I grew up poor and even now I still have to be somewhat frugal with money, and just the thought of being able to buy tasty foods everyday without going broke seems like amazing thing to me that I would greatly enjoy, but to someone like you its "just buying food"

You are speaking about travelling a little to easily, as if to you its "I just travelled bro" like there's no high cost involved, you are taking what you have for granted so no wonder you sound so depressed, if we switched lives you'd have killed yourself already
Jesus man, how can you chastise me for making assumptions about you based on what you have told me and then proceed to preach to me about how I would have offed myself in your shoes? I didn’t grow up poor but I suffered with chronic health issues during much of my youth, had to continue working through the pain and was bedridden for two years as a result, have lost close friends to suicide and drug overdoses and now you’re telling me I’m soft because I could afford to feed myself? JFL, that’s insane.
If its jailbait yes JFL, I would never get tired
Maybe you’re right about that and will be one of the rare people for whom that is the case, I obviously could never 100% assert otherwise based on the limited knowledge that I have of you, but the truth is you don’t know that for certain either because you haven’t done it yet, and all I’m saying is that I used to think that was enough for me until I actually went through it and found out it wasn’t. The reason I’m projecting on to you is because I used to have a similar mindset to what you have now. Maybe the fact you were poor growing up (I was middle class btw, in no way rich) will make the experience entirely different for you, but your absolute certainty and frankly emotional response to a suggestion to the contrary suggests to me that you are using this idealised hypothetical future as a coping mechanism to deal with the unsatisfactory current state of your life, but don’t take offence to that because again, I obviously cannot say for sure. I did that too and I wish my expectations had been more realistic, that’s actually why I’m taking the time to have this conversation, not because I’m trying to talk down to you or win an argument against you. JFL, I couldn’t give a shit about any of that.
but the only reason shit "got old" for you is because you "want something more/deeper" and I don't

you are in this "there's more to life" mindset
You are putting words in my mouth that are the diametric opposite of what I actually believe. I don’t think there is anything “deeper” or that there is anything more to life than pleasure, I merely say that pleasure without the delusional self-deception of normies who believe that what they are doing is inherently meaningful gets old very quickly. Again, I’m telling you this because I believe we are more alike than you think, you clearly aren’t a person who is capable of deluding themselves into thinking that there is meaning to life where there isn’t. Believing that pleasure alone can fill the void left by the understanding that meaning is an illusion is something I used to do, so maybe you will be able to content yourself where I could not, but you are mistaken for believing that my reason for failing was that I needed something “deeper” where you do not.
Dude none of that shit matters to me, I don't care about "achievement", in fact I don't' believe in the concept of "DESERVING" things, so the entire effort vs reward concept doesn't affect me, I don't "feel better" having "earned" something, that's normie tier thinking, in life you get what you take by force or gain through your cunning, you don't have to "earn" anything
Again, a total misunderstanding of what I was saying. I am not implying that I require the sense of having earned what I have in order to enjoy it. The human notion of ‘earning’ something is a social construct imo anyway, I don’t believe anyone actually earns anything as I don’t even believe in free will. People have different capacities for hard work that are calibrated by conditioning or neurology, forces entirely beyond their control. The satisfaction that comes from having “earned” something is just a single example of one of the illusory imperatives present in delusional normies that gives them the imagined sense of meaning that I believe is required (in 99% of people) in order to feel satisfied in life. Ironically it appears to be you who buys into this illusion rather than I, since you implied that the reason I cannot be content with what I have is because I wasn’t deprived of it like you were as a result of poverty in childhood.
That's an egoists way of thinking, my ego is dead, I don't need to feel like I "earned" something to "truly enjoy it", I just want it period, and I'll do whatever it takes to get it
This is precisely why I say I believe our situations are more similar than you are making out. You may not remember this, but well over a year ago one of our first ever debates was over a thread you made titled something like ’Why I believe ego death is a pretentious meme.’ Which is a notion I greatly disagree with, and apparently you now do too. Your trajectory is extremely similar to my own, which is the only reason I’m now warning you not to put too much faith in the idea that a life of pleasure alone will be enough to content you. I have a very obsessive personality, and have made the mistake of putting too much faith in the idea that pleasure alone could satisfy me in life. You may be totally different from me in that regard, but from the small cross section of you I have seen through this forum I feel we are at different points on the same path, and I wish someone had prepared me for the disappointment I would later face as a result of all those things you mentioned not being enough to satisfy me, but who knows? Maybe you’re right and this warning is in no way relevant to your situation, but if you are like me then indulging the excitement of that prospective future is something you use to cope with the unpleasantness of the present. I wish I hadn’t done that because crushing disappointment in the face of a harsh reality can be more difficult to overcome than the malaise left by the void of no longer having that excitement to hold on to.

Congrats if you read this long ass post btw, and if you’re right and nothing I said is salient to your situation then I guess sorry for the wastage of time.

Edit: I just checked and it wasn’t you I debated about ego death being a pretentious meme, apologies for that mistake.
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