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Discussion Not only does society hate ugly men coping with escapism, it also hates ugly men that appear goofy or not worried


your personality

Jun 26, 2020
As many here have seen, unattractive males coping with escapism or withdrawing from the social world after being rejected by it seems to bother society, authority and the tabloid media.
But have you also seen that the simple act of unattractive males enjoying life, appearing goofy and not serious or sentimental seems to make people angry for some reason?

This happens even in regular day to day life. Think of the times when you might have appeared easy going and jovial in public and a woman or group of women frowned at you like you weren't supposed to be expressing those kinds of emotions. Or think of how when you laugh a lot at things, people irritatingly say to you like "dude stop laughing so much".
If women do this nobody cares and it's expected for them to be in a happy giggly mood. If attractive guys do it, people enjoy it and find it funny and overlook it.

But if an unattractive male so much as relaxes, shows they aren't worried and don't take things too seriously, others come down hard on them and tell them to grow up, act their age, that they need to act responsibly, that it's time to get serious, that they can't keep putting things off forever and the like.

But when unattractive males appear beaten down by life, don't smile, are serious and look very stressed have you often seen that the disgusted frowns from women lessen and they might sometimes smile like they enjoy seeing unattractive males in this state, while the same people that lecture and threaten you to get your act together seem less tense and more pleased in their behavior to you?
I think this is because when women see unattractive males appearing to have a difficult time it makes them feel like their life is much easier in comparison and they feel glad not to be in your position.
But when the opposite is true and women see unattractive males enjoying life they feel confused, angry and upset that unattractive males seem to be having a good time and feel the need to tell them to cut it out.
I also think this is because people see unattractive males as having nothing to be happy about and that if unattractive males aren't taking things too seriously and are usually in a humorous mood they are disrespecting and undermining authority in some way.

Has anyone seen this IRL? Unattractive males feeling at ease seems to encourage other people to bully them. Over time from those experiences unattractive males learn not to smile, open up or be in a good mood because it makes people irritated at them. And then to rub it in that these guys have been defeated emotionally people (usually women) might later ask you "haha why are you so quiet?"
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Never seen a happy ugly man in my entire life. Exceptions to the rule are a turbomanlet dark curry who IQ mogged my computer class, cracking jokes during his hardware seminars, and my best friend, he used to be happy but he is just a sucker who took the Kool-Aid about corona and is currently rotting and unhappy.
animals going to act like animals I guess. I'd nuke a roastie and normscum in seconds if given the chance.

They've done it to me a couple of times with one example being that I was only laughing along to a joke, and they didn't like it, thus ensue of insults
Never seen a happy ugly man in my entire life. Exceptions to the rule are a turbomanlet dark curry who IQ mogged my computer class, cracking jokes during his hardware seminars, and my best friend, he used to be happy but he is just a sucker who took the Kool-Aid about corona and is currently rotting and unhappy.
Not even other ugly males beaten down by life like seeing other ugly males happy and content with life. But that's mostly because they were denied the opportunity to feel at ease by others and feel jealous that there are some ugly males that didn't seem to get the message or weren't phased by it as much.

animals going to act like animals I guess. I'd nuke a roastie and normscum in seconds if given the chance.

They've done it to me a couple of times with one example being that I was only laughing along to a joke, and they didn't like it, thus ensue of insults

At best it's "haha he actually laughed" but usually it's the irritated "what are you laughing at?"
Women do this as much as other guys do. Sometimes it's like they feel the need to aggrevate you so that you are no longer in a good or humorous mood. Then when you start showing signs of uncertainty and nervousness they stop doing it but until then you are being an "asshole" according to them or a "loser" according to other guys around you.
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At best it's "haha he actually laughed" but usually it's the irritated "what are you laughing at?"
Women do this as much as other guys do. Sometimes it's like they feel the need to aggrevate you so that you are no longer in a good or humorous mood. Then when you start showing signs of uncertainty and nervousness they stop doing it but until then you are being an "asshole" according to them or a "loser" according to other guys aroundyou.
Spot fucking on. I've seen guys do this mainly when a foid is around especially.
Spot fucking on. I've seen guys do this mainly when a foid is around especially.
Then people have the nerve to ask unattractive males why they always seem worried, tense and upset all the time and seem to overthink things.
This even happens when unattractive males seem not to be in a bad mood but are not overly expressive. But of course if they do open up in response to these questions they need to cut it out, get asked "are you okay?" by girls or told that "you are being mean".
People that ask these questions are definitely not doing it out of concern but as a way of rubbing it in that they don't have to deal with those kinds of feelings and therefore feel they are better than you.
As many here have seen, unattractive males coping with escapism or withdrawing from the social world after being rejected by it seems to bother society, authority and the tabloid media.
But have you also seen that the simple act of unattractive males enjoying life, appearing goofy and not serious or sentimental seems to make people angry for some reason?

This happens even in regular day to day life. Think of the times when you might have appeared easy going and jovial in public and a woman or group of women frowned at you like you weren't supposed to be expressing those kinds of emotions. Or think of how when you laugh a lot at things, people irritatingly say to you like "dude stop laughing so much".
If women do this nobody cares and it's expected for them to be in a happy giggly mood. If attractive guys do it, people enjoy it and find it funny and overlook it.

But if an unattractive male so much as relaxes, shows they aren't worried and don't take things too seriously, others come down hard on them and tell them to grow up, act their age, that they need to act responsibly, that it's time to get serious, that they can't keep putting things off forever and the like.

But when unattractive males appear beaten down by life, don't smile, are serious and look very stressed have you often seen that the disgusted frowns from women lessen and they might sometimes smile like they enjoy seeing unattractive males in this state, while the same people that lecture and threaten you to get your act together seem less tense and more pleased in their behavior to you?
I think this is because when women see unattractive males appearing to have a difficult time it makes them feel like their life is much easier in comparison and they feel glad not to be in your position.
But when the opposite is true and women see unattractive males enjoying life they feel confused, angry and upset that unattractive males seem to be having a good time and feel the need to tell them to cut it out.
I also think this is because people see unattractive males as having nothing to be happy about and that if unattractive males aren't taking things too seriously and are usually in a humorous mood they are disrespecting and undermining authority in some way.

Has anyone seen this IRL? Unattractive males feeling at ease seems to encourage other people to bully them. Over time from those experiences unattractive males learn not to smile, open up or be in a good mood because it makes people irritated at them. And then to rub it in that these guys have been defeated emotionally people (usually women) might later ask you "haha why are you so quiet?"
Lol all you have to understand is that society hates all men not committed to upholding the globalist power structure and the festering social "norms" and paradigms that come with it and make up this sick society so that's that. If you are a man that doesn't play by these arbitrary rules you will probably be punished in some way and in some form by the bleeding machine we call society, any form of something that has the ability and potential to shake up the current power structure is treated directly as a threat. You don't only see this in the joke that is your native countries politics but also in groups of humans. It's almost like people are uncomfortable of the thought of a man not being a freakish dopamine addicted neurotic mess that most normies are. Most people believe they are the main character of a movie called life and see most people as supporting characters. They are narcissists in some form or another. Men aren't allowed to look away from the joke that we call society. They must be present at all times and must be suffering at all times. Society has the modern male in a fucking chain that is fitted around the ballsack and cock. Then they claim you shouldn't be complaining with the with the way things are and the predicament you are in, they believe you shouldn't question anything.
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Lol all you have to understand is that society hates all men not committed to upholding the globalist power structure and the festering social "norms" and paradigms that come with it and make up this sick society so that's that. If you are a man that doesn't play by these arbitrary rules you will probably be punished in some way and in some form by the bleeding machine we call society, any form of something that has the ability and potential to shake up the current power structure is treated directly as a threat. You don't only see this in the joke that is your native countries politics but also in groups of humans. It's almost like people are uncomfortable of the thought of a man not being a freakish dopamine addicted neurotic mess that most normies are.

Yeah most people seem to get really bothered by the sight of an average guy not worried about things and being at ease and not constantly on the edge and fearful in some way.
Thugmaxxed normies especially don't like average guys like that because it makes them look like the try hard jokes that they are.
Yeah most people seem to get really bothered by the sight of an average guy not worried about things and being at ease and not constantly on the edge and fearful in some way.
Thugmaxxed normies especially don't like average guys like that because it makes them look like the try hard jokes that they are.
Yep. The more in touch you are with your ego the more you realize how out of touch most people are with their own. It's an unchecked ego problem with people that causes the negative reactions to the "normal" guy (Normal as in the normal behavior in mentally healthy humans. Not what the average person is like in today's world.)
Yep. The more in touch you are with your ego the more you realize how out of touch most people are with their own. It's an unchecked ego problem with people that causes the negative reactions to the "normal" guy (Normal as in the normal behavior in mentally healthy humans. Not what the average person is like in today's world.)
This sort of negative reaction to "normal" guys is more frequent with Gen X Millenials and Gen Z tbh
Many hypocritical normies from Gen X onward are weird themselves yet they bully guys that they declare to be weird because they find it socially unacceptable.
When I was 13 and happy and before I got properly bullied people would literally say "he's way too confident" and "he has such a big ego". Basically what they're saying is that an ugly male shouldn't be happy nor do they want me, an ugly male, to be happy.

Ye and I also got told stuff like "y u Talkin so much" "y u laughin so much" n stuff like that too.
When I was 13 and happy and before I got properly bullied people would literally say "he's way too confident" and "he has such a big ego". Basically what they're saying is that an ugly male shouldn't be happy nor do they want me, an ugly male, to be happy.
Yeah or "he's so annoying" if you acted upbeat and if you so much as talked to anyone or tried to make conversation like people around you advise to do to be social.
I think ugly males don't realize until much later on that them appearing to be in a good mood and making conversation with others is actually what prompts a lot of the more sociopathic normies to single them out and target them for bullying, not the bullshit rationalizations the bullies come up with like "that kid is so weird".
The term for this is gaslighting. It’s a type of psychological abuse and it is definitely happening to ugly men on a massive scale.
Society demands your obedience and submission.
wish there was a jfl react
The term for this is gaslighting. It’s a type of psychological abuse and it is definitely happening to ugly men on a massive scale.
I'd think the gaslighting would come more from other people denying that this happens and that "it's all in your head" in response to an unattractive male venting about these issues to others and saying that they don't notice other people getting this treatment.

Imo I don't know if there is a word for this but the closest thing I can think of is this behavior is "putting a guy back in his perceived place" and reminding him that he isn't entitled to feel like things are working for him.

Like I told @FastBananaCEO:
unlike what the people that bully and scold you about you displaying this kind of easygoing behavior say about it happening because you are "acting weird" it usually seems to happens because unattractive males are following bluepilled advice to smile, be relaxed and have a positive attitude.

wish there was a jfl react
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Lol all you have to understand is that society hates all men not committed to upholding the globalist power structure and the festering social "norms" and paradigms that come with it and make up this sick society so that's that. If you are a man that doesn't play by these arbitrary rules you will probably be punished in some way and in some form by the bleeding machine we call society, any form of something that has the ability and potential to shake up the current power structure is treated directly as a threat. You don't only see this in the joke that is your native countries politics but also in groups of humans. It's almost like people are uncomfortable of the thought of a man not being a freakish dopamine addicted neurotic mess that most normies are. Most people believe they are the main character of a movie called life and see most people as supporting characters. They are narcissists in some form or another. Men aren't allowed to look away from the joke that we call society. They must be present at all times and must be suffering at all times. Society has the modern male in a fucking chain that is fitted around the ballsack and cock. Then they claim you shouldn't be complaining with the with the way things are and the predicament you are in, they believe you shouldn't question anything.
Damn that's potent.
Yes, I agree, this is the case, simply because their NPC brains can't compute something not working like it's supposed to work based on scripts that this simulation has.
As many here have seen, unattractive males coping with escapism or withdrawing from the social world after being rejected by it seems to bother society, authority and the tabloid media.
But have you also seen that the simple act of unattractive males enjoying life, appearing goofy and not serious or sentimental seems to make people angry for some reason?

This happens even in regular day to day life. Think of the times when you might have appeared easy going and jovial in public and a woman or group of women frowned at you like you weren't supposed to be expressing those kinds of emotions. Or think of how when you laugh a lot at things, people irritatingly say to you like "dude stop laughing so much".
If women do this nobody cares and it's expected for them to be in a happy giggly mood. If attractive guys do it, people enjoy it and find it funny and overlook it.

But if an unattractive male so much as relaxes, shows they aren't worried and don't take things too seriously, others come down hard on them and tell them to grow up, act their age, that they need to act responsibly, that it's time to get serious, that they can't keep putting things off forever and the like.

But when unattractive males appear beaten down by life, don't smile, are serious and look very stressed have you often seen that the disgusted frowns from women lessen and they might sometimes smile like they enjoy seeing unattractive males in this state, while the same people that lecture and threaten you to get your act together seem less tense and more pleased in their behavior to you?
I think this is because when women see unattractive males appearing to have a difficult time it makes them feel like their life is much easier in comparison and they feel glad not to be in your position.
But when the opposite is true and women see unattractive males enjoying life they feel confused, angry and upset that unattractive males seem to be having a good time and feel the need to tell them to cut it out.
I also think this is because people see unattractive males as having nothing to be happy about and that if unattractive males aren't taking things too seriously and are usually in a humorous mood they are disrespecting and undermining authority in some way.

Has anyone seen this IRL? Unattractive males feeling at ease seems to encourage other people to bully them. Over time from those experiences unattractive males learn not to smile, open up or be in a good mood because it makes people irritated at them. And then to rub it in that these guys have been defeated emotionally people (usually women) might later ask you "haha why are you so quiet?"

Absolutely. And you get bombed with all types of shaming language. The most common...

- man up

- the bodybuilder simps will call u pussy, wimp, fag, not even tried to improve etc

- if your content and happy being single your called gay or perceived as homosex.

- if Norman's find out an ugly man will prefer being single than hook up with a landwhale, this riles them into crazy hate.

- if your content doing a dead end low wage job they'll use that against you too. That somehow your iq is 60, where as it could be 130 or university educated, but they'll treat you as ineffectual, uneducated garbage if they consider your job low status.

It is indeed all about authority and power play.
Absolutely. And you get bombed with all types of shaming language. The most common...

- man up

- the bodybuilder simps will call u pussy, wimp, fag, not even tried to improve etc

- if your content and happy being single your called gay or perceived as homosex.

- if Norman's find out an ugly man will prefer being single than hook up with a landwhale, this riles them into crazy hate.

- if your content doing a dead end low wage job they'll use that against you too. That somehow your iq is 60, where as it could be 130 or university educated, but they'll treat you as ineffectual, uneducated garbage if they consider your job low status.

It is indeed all about authority and power play.
Is it any wonder ppl wanna check out early? Honestly I'm just surprised suicide rates are as as low as they are for men.
Is it any wonder ppl wanna check out early? Honestly I'm just surprised suicide rates are as as low as they are for men.

It's like everybody's conspiring against sub 8, sub 6ft, non affluent men. Its a huge chunk of men hold other men to this standard, not just women. no wonder we have a fallout generation riddled with mental problems.

Imagine if women shunned and bullied other women that weren't stacies, were under 5'8 (the female equivalent of 6ft for men), worked in mid-low status jobs and non affluent. That wouldn't happen though.
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Lol all you have to understand is that society hates all men not committed to upholding the globalist power structure and the festering social "norms" and paradigms that come with it and make up this sick society so that's that. If you are a man that doesn't play by these arbitrary rules you will probably be punished in some way and in some form by the bleeding machine we call society, any form of something that has the ability and potential to shake up the current power structure is treated directly as a threat. You don't only see this in the joke that is your native countries politics but also in groups of humans. It's almost like people are uncomfortable of the thought of a man not being a freakish dopamine addicted neurotic mess that most normies are. Most people believe they are the main character of a movie called life and see most people as supporting characters. They are narcissists in some form or another. Men aren't allowed to look away from the joke that we call society. They must be present at all times and must be suffering at all times. Society has the modern male in a fucking chain that is fitted around the ballsack and cock. Then they claim you shouldn't be complaining with the with the way things are and the predicament you are in, they believe you shouldn't question anything.

high IQ as fuck
Thats y vidya is the most popular cope, u r kinda forced into it becos of ur circumstances
10/10 thread.. whenever I am happy and gloating that is the one time girls come up to talk at me(not even with me).. trying to shoot me down and take me down. As well as 'higher ranked' beta males in our social system. So I can verify all of these observations and they happen with 100% frequency. So strong predictive power of the hypothesis, which means it is reasonable to believe it is the truth.

Like you said it is an attack on the whole authority and hierarchy of our society if an ugly, low-status male is having a good time. And to be honest it does throw into question the whole nature of the power structure if an ugly, low-status male is having a good time.. yet did not 'deserve' the reward according to the morality and laws and dictates of the society.

Because if they let it stand that an incel is having a good time, then it completely de-powers the current power structure. For example if incels and MGTOW guys are having a good time, and a lot of normie beta males in cucked relationships look miserable then what does this do to the power of women in our society. Women sense emotionally the need to stomp down this attack on the social order from which they benefit from.

And anyone in positions of power, they cannot let this stand either. The officially approved way in the power structure that ugly men are allowed to have a good time is if they put in many years of hard work and subservience in the power structure and claw their way up to assistant manager, then first level manager, etc. Which means in the presence of lower down beta males and women the higher ranked beta male then can exert his dominance by having a good time while the other males don't.

If you skip their entire world and just start having a good time right now it is a direct threat to the whole order. And realize this is an order that beta males have often worked a decade or even much more than that to get higher up in.

Normtards and foids aren't capable of comprehending 'why' some things make them very angry, such as an ugly male having a good time, 'undeserved'. But humans are very good at 'emotionally' sensing what is against their interests even if they couldn't explain why, they still feel that anger.

I'd think the gaslighting would come more from other people denying that this happens and that "it's all in your head" in response to an unattractive male venting about these issues to others and saying that they don't notice other people getting this treatment.

Imo I don't know if there is a word for this but the closest thing I can think of is this behavior is "putting a guy back in his perceived place" and reminding him that he isn't entitled to feel like things are working for him.

Like I told @FastBananaCEO:
unlike what the people that bully and scold you about you displaying this kind of easygoing behavior say about it happening because you are "acting weird" it usually seems to happens because unattractive males are following bluepilled advice to smile, be relaxed and have a positive attitude.

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If your not attractive then you don't deserve to be happy. This is like the unwritten Iron rule of society it seems

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