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JFL Normies calling out /r/cucktears for bullying us.



Fesikhcel From Zabbaleen
Nov 10, 2017

"Who could be more pathetic than a group of mentally ill virgins who whine and bitch all day on the internet? The people who devote all their time to mocking them."
This is what we've been saying all along.
I've noticed this too, some normies like us.
Amazing. Proof that inceltears aren't normies. They are a bunch of SJW landwhales and NuMales. Real normies wouldnt spend all their time on Reddit laughing at us.
The comments there is lifefuel. I always thought sane people would see inceltears as bullies.
Holy shit, this is amazing. Inceltears is a bullying platform and I'm so glad people are finally realizing it.
I’ve been saying this a lot, why the fuck do the people who dedicate their time to mocking us think they hold the upper ground

"Who could be more pathetic than a group of mentally ill virgins who whine and bitch all day on the internet? The people who devote all their time to mocking them."
This is what we've been saying all along.

the funny thing is that qoute aplie to incel.me too
qe are the other group of whiny virgins
who spent alltheir time mocking and trying to get atention from roasties trough our hate
I was about to make a thread about this, first time I've been pleasantly surprised by Redditors.
I've noticed this too, some normies like us.
It's really just internet people that are awful. Normal well adjusted adults would see our face and sympathize with our inability to find partners. There are no normal, well adjusted adults on reddit.
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"People don't want to admit the truth and facts which is that Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, Christopher Harper-Mercer, Nicholas Cruz, and Alek Minassian all were obviously ill with serious mental illnesses and that they were all diagnosed as having them.

The media and inceltears regulars refuse to accept this even though it is established fact and was reported by the media who also refuse to accept this when they go on TV to talk about these issues. They skip right over the clear and serious mental illness angle and go right for attacking men and saying that virgin males and loser males who are not good with women are dangerous and "feel entitled to women's bodies" even though it's not true and most of the men they're attacking are just nobodies who are harmless and like to rant and vent on the internet with others like them."

"Unpopular opinion:

So after every mass shooting/killing spree type of event, the response usually is "we need to change how we deal with people with mental issues" or "we should make it easier for people with mental problems to get help"

This... is the literal opposite of that. Let's make fun of those people who obviously have mental issues. Instead of helping them, communicating with them, let's belittle and mock them so they're even more alienated in society, so they can't find anywhere to discuss their issues except on toxic communities that radicalize them further until another one snaps and drives over or shoot up more people.


Edit: If you're going to downvote this to hell I won't mind, as long as someone tries to reply."

"Hooray for bullying subs..."

"Imagine actually being an IncelTears supporter"

"Just look at the IT posters out of their echo chamber, getting ripped apart and laughed at for being the bullies that they are."

"I want to point out that IncelTears is a subreddit dedicated to spreading hate against incels instead of helping them. They never talk about the rampant mental health issues present among incels and how to solve them. They never talk about people of minority being marginalized in the dating scene and stereotypes that exist in the media and how to combat them. They never talk about widespread body shaming of men that exists on social media such as shaming their height or penis length which leads to so called toxic masculinity. They never talk about how skewed the dating scene is which proven by statistics posted on our subreddit on a daily basis.

For sure, if thousands of men are being driven to the point of r/braincels existing there have to be some underlying issues that need to answered. We were not born to act like this and no we are not terrorists or rapists we are just lonely and depressed. The way media is reacting to this is ignoring the underlying problem that exists in the society. Sexual revolution in the last few decades has led to men at the bottom of the hierarchy being ignored. It is historically true that for every man that reproduced there were multiple women that did. This problem is coming back with monogamy becoming a thing of past and premarital casual sex becoming commonplace."

I didn't expect people to react this way, but it might be because some of them are from or agree with incel communities.
IT cucks are getting destroyed hahahah
Wow, I always thought normies were on IncelTears side. Makes me regain just a little bit of faith in humanity to see bullying for what it is.
Also if you go to the IncelTears sub to see their reaction to being made SotD, they're crying about how the comments are all denouncing them because of incels brigaiding them. Top fucking kek, that is some major coping to the world calling out your bullshit. We don't even have enough power to keep them from brigaiding /r/Braincels, let alone brigaide a sub visited by far more than incels or inceltears members.
The comments are full of life fuel
I didn't expect people to react this way, but it might be because some of them are from or agree with incel communities.

Occurred to me as well. Damn funny, but I wonder how much of it is a coordinated Braincels effort.
Nice... Eat that, Inceltears!

"As I see it, /r/inceltears serves little purpose other than to demonize and bully incels; posting there achieves nothing but to make you feel good and self-righteous. At this point, I do not think the existence of /r/inceltears can be justified."

Fucking this...
"Ahh yes, a sub dedicated to shitting on ugly lonely men, who are already bullied IRL. What a noble cause."

Golden quotes.
Amazing. Proof that inceltears aren't normies. They are a bunch of SJW landwhales and NuMales. Real normies wouldnt spend all their time on Reddit laughing at us.

As soon as he realized it's a mocking group he did not want to stay there kek

No. He seemed relieved when he realized it was a "mocking" group, and he was saying "just be a nice guy".
"Normies" Just a cursory look at the accounts of the posters on the top threads shows a large amount of r/braincels users. I don't see it linked in Other Discussions, but r/braincels must have caught wind somehow and swarmed it. Don't get your hopes up. Most normies do not care about us, but they sure as hell won't sympathize with us. All the people who bullied those incels mentioned above in this thread were all not r/inceltears type failed normies.
Holy shit, this is amazing. Inceltears is a bullying platform and I'm so glad people are finally realizing it.
What are you so ecstatic about, you Cuck? Why don't you just drop the act and join r/IncelTears???
Rekkt indeed. Lifefuel.
Your response:
wow, redditors have surprised me today. but then again, a LOT of normies are partially blackpilled anyway, its just they are good looking enough to find a femoid, while we are not.
What are you so ecstatic about, you Cuck? Why don't you just drop the act and join r/IncelTears???
I have no interest in joining a bullying group that denies looks theory and berates lonely men.
wow some faith now in reddit who would've thought
kek. it seems that the majority of reddit arent even as cucked as IT. IT is a special type of cuckoldry.
also JFL at the soyboy OP locking the thread because he wasnt getting the incel hate circlejerk thread he expected. kek.
Incelqueers is getting bullied because they are mostly incels too, so they are low value.

If cucktears was not chads, they would receive universal support.
I've noticed this too, some normies like us.

Its because they are not Chads and have been cucked. So they probably want to rebel against them too but they cant resist sex and pandering to women for it. But in the end they sympathize
real normies wouldn't give a shit about us and would never know about reddit, inceltears are failed normie numale freaks and dyke beasts
Can someone explain why virgins and misogyny trigger so many people? There’s racist and nazi websites and forums out there, I hate them, but I don’t waste my time going to their sites or making a fucking subreddit mocking and talking shit about them. Like who the fuck cares, find something else to do with your fucking time. These inceltears members are so fucking wierd.
Kek amazing holy shit at the state of cucktears.
As soon as they leave their echo chamber they get destroyed by actual normies.
if you go to the IncelTears sub to see their reaction to being made SotD, they're crying about how the comments are all denouncing them because of incels brigaiding them. Top fucking kek, that is some major coping to the world calling out your bullshit. We don't even have enough power to keep them from brigaiding /r/Braincels, let alone brigaide a sub visited by far more than incels or inceltears members.
Potent lifefuel watching them squeal like the cucked little piggies they are.
I have no interest in joining a bullying group that denies looks theory and berates lonely men.
You have interest in mocking your brothers in front of normies so you already fill their bullying criteria.
You have interest in mocking your brothers in front of normies so you already fill their bullying criteria.
If you feel I've mocked incels in my media appearances I'm truly sorry man, that was never my intent.
Just be patient and keep spreading the Black Pill. Normies can make fun of us all they want, but as they keep getting rejected and cheated on, they won't be able to deny the truth. Not as if Stacies are going to ever lower their standards, so the Black Pill will win no matter what. We can hurry it along by toning down the violent rhetoric and let receptive normies form their own ideas.
If you feel I've mocked incels in my media appearances I'm truly sorry man, that was never my intent.

I thought your interview went pretty well. No one is going to take the Black Pill while they're being threatened with violence. Our goal should be that the normies remember us the next hundred times they get rejected or cheated on.
Keep this up reddit and I might change my user name :)

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