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It's Over Normies are becoming incels. Now Chads are getting cucked out by GigaChads. It's never been more over.



Dec 15, 2017
We covered normies becoming incels here:

Most of them just don't fully realize the gravity of their situations yet. They don't fully understand they are incel. They think they are "just going through a dry patch." It's only been 6 months, or 12 months, or 2-3 years since their last relationship. But it will happen again, right? Right??? Just gotta stay positive bro. What can I change about my profile to make it work better?

Now we have Chads reporting that even they are starting to feel the negative effects. One of these was posted already yesterday, and the other I haven't seen posted. Either way they're worth anyone reading again and again to understand how fucked things are getting and why:

If that's what Chads are dealing with, what hope does any normal man have?

This has escalated to a point far beyond even where I though it would go. I never honestly expected to see the types of men we're seeing become incel as incels. I also never expected to see low level Chads struggling the way they are now. Hypergamy knows no bounds. Once women get a taste of GigaChads (or feel even the thought of being with him), everyone else is just subpar and not worth it. Many of them would rather be single than accept a lower man.

There is no turning this around. Do you think that 200 lb single mom wants to give up a system that allows her to fuck male models on demand? That is why it will not get better - women are still getting what they want. They can get all the alpha fucks they want. They just don't get commitment out of it. But between that and going back to dating beta men, I think they will mostly prefer to take the alpha fucks or stay single.

We tried to tell everyone about this for years now and no one listened. Everyone thought we were just the "crazy losers." Turns out reality is already becoming worse than even most of us thought it would. Wait another 2-3 years until all these men realize just how permanently fucked they are.
it was over for us anyway, fuck them
Becoming her orbiter will require baseline good looks now.
this forum is like 80% normies+ we truly live in the end times tbh
Kek fuck ‘em all. They will regret everything they’ve ever done to us + more and we will be vindicated.

At worst, these guys (if they are really Chads) are "locationcels".
Women's pickiness on Chads and Gigachads don't change much, as Chads are already an absolute minority of the male population and attractive enough to be considered trophy boyfriends/husbands. Yes, they can get cucked and mogged by Gigachads, but they will surely get dates and engaged in the right place at the right time.
Suifuel for deformedcels
I pray for the beta uprising every single day

At worst, these guys (if they are really Chads) are "locationcels".
Women's pickiness on Chads and Gigachads don't change much, as Chads are already an absolute minority of the male population and attractive enough to be considered trophy boyfriends/husbands. Yes, they can get cucked and mogged by Gigachads, but they will surely get dates and engaged in the right place at the right time.

The point isn't that Chads won't still be able to get laid. The point is if Chads have to drop their standards by 2-3 points from what they used to be fucking 5-10 years ago just to get laid, ie. A 8/10 guy (by normie standards) who used to fuck 6-8/10 "hot" girls is now fucking 4-5/10 "average" girls on a good day, what the fuck happens to the rest of us? What hope is there then for a 4-5/10 guy?

Online dating has cranked hypergamy up so much that average men are being cut out in masses and even guys that were previously Chads are having to drop their standards just to get by. The Chads that are used to being "hot" IRL are now just "mediocre" online.

This is capitalism on steroids. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The middle class disappears. Everything gets consolidated more and more towards a tiny fraction at the top. The gap between the "haves" and the "have nots" gets bigger every year. But unlike capitalism there is no regulation to help cap the effects, and most don't want to regulate it. Where does that end?
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We covered normies becoming incels here:

Most of them just don't fully realize the gravity of their situations yet. They don't fully understand they are incel. They think they are "just going through a dry patch." It's only been 6 months, or 12 months, or 2-3 years since their last relationship. But it will happen again, right? Right??? Just gotta stay positive bro. What can I change about my profile to make it work better?

Now we have Chads reporting that even they are starting to feel the negative effects. One of these was posted already yesterday, and the other I haven't seen posted. Either way they're worth anyone reading again and again:

If that's what Chads are dealing with, what hope does any normal man have?

This has escalated to a point far beyond even where I though it would go. I never honestly expected to see the types of men we're seeing become incel as incels. I also never expected to see low level Chads struggling the way they are now. Hypergamy knows no bounds. Once women get a taste of GigaChads (or feel even the thought of being with him), everyone else is just subpar and not worth it. Many of them would rather be single than accept a lower man.

There is no turning this around. Do you think that 200 lb single mom wants to give up a system that allows her to fuck male models on demand? That is why it will not get better - women are still getting what they want. They can get all the alpha fucks they want. They just don't get commitment out of it. But between that and going back to dating beta men, I think they will mostly prefer to take the alpha fucks or stay single.

We tried to tell everyone about this for years now and no one listened. Everyone thought we were just the "crazy losers." Turns out reality is already becoming worse than even most of us thought it would. Wait another 2-3 years until all these men realize just how permanently fucked they are.

Can you make your profile public so I can find and look at your other recent blackpill threads?
hopefully this destroys the "normies get girls by being NT or socialcirclemaxxing" cope
If I was a normie, I might be tempted to write an article saying "Haha look at all these entitled men who think they're more attractive than they are, they need to realize that they're ugly." But would they say the same about women? That women need to understand how ugly they are?
The point isn't that Chads won't still be able to get laid. The point is if Chads have to drop their standards by 2-3 points from what they used to be fucking 5-10 years ago just to get laid, ie. A 8/10 guy (by normie standards) who used to fuck 6-8/10 "hot" girls is now fucking 4-5/10 "average" girls on a good day, what the fuck happens to the rest of us? What hope is there then for a 4-5/10 guy?

Online dating has cranked hypergamy up so much that average men are being cut out in masses and even guys that were previously Chads are having to drpp their standards just to get by. The Chads that are used to being "hot" IRL are now just "mediocre" online.

This is capitalism on steroids. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The middle class disappears. Everything gets consolidated more and more towards a tiny fraction at the top. The gap between the "haves" and the "have nots" gets bigger every year.
I think that, on Tinder's case, it is harder to get visibility on your profile these days. It's probably like a 4:1 ratio of men over women there, so men have to compete with inactive accounts and tons of fake Chadfishing profiles ,so it's harder for women to find your profile and Like you. I don't think that in this case the problem are foids pickiness, but how the app/platform works, otherwise these Chads would still get matches like always.
I hate this planet so much I want it to erupt in Nuclear War.
I feel like I've become the crazy asshole standing on a street corner like this:




Only I believe everything I'm saying is legit and that makes it 10x scarier. I want someone to convince me I'm wrong, but I don't see how they could with everything we're seeing happening now.

I think it's over for the west and people will remember this era as a turning point.

Even if I succeed with my surgeries I'm planning and get better looking, if I still care about sex by then, I'm leaving and moving to a poor shithole country like ItsOver. "Ascending" to 5-6/10 is no longer "ascension" - you will still most likely be incel unless maybe you're willing to be the backup guy for a landwhale. This society is collapsing and you either have to accept it and not take it personally (ie. there's nothing you're doing wrong anymore, being incel is normal) or find a way to get the fuck out.
Wait another 2-3 years until all these men realize just how permanently fucked they are.

I have a hard time believing that the average male will fully realize what sort of shit they are in. The harder dating gets, the more they will treat dating like a gambling system. There will be so many losers, but they will still play the game hoping for a different outcome every time.

Normies were always just betabux at best tbh. There are never any normie-tier slayers that aren't statusmaxxed or betabux.
I think that, on Tinder's case, it is harder to get visibility on your profile these days. It's probably like a 4:1 ratio of men over women there, so men have to compete with inactive accounts and tons of fake Chadfishing profiles ,so it's harder for women to find your profile and Like you. I don't think that in this case the problem are foids pickiness, but how the app/platform works, otherwise these Chads would still get matches like always.
Chads are having to compete with the top 1% of men now. They won't be able to. The most they'll get is engaged to some used up roastie and that'll be it. This whole thing will come crashing down when men don't get married and refuse to betabuxx. If they leave the country and deny taxes to the gynocentric government, even better. The rise of alternatives to foids will also help in the destruction of foids.


At worst, these guys (if they are really Chads) are "locationcels".
Women's pickiness on Chads and Gigachads don't change much, as Chads are already an absolute minority of the male population and attractive enough to be considered trophy boyfriends/husbands. Yes, they can get cucked and mogged by Gigachads, but they will surely get dates and engaged in the right place at the right time.
Just uproot your whole life to find foids theory. Also the internet is going global. Nowhere to run soon. And yes, they can still betabux. Sure it'll be a slightly better looking foid, but she'll be constantly looking to cuck him.
The normies that don't have a big social circle with mixed genders are turning into incels.
This is fueling the scientific and social need to replace foids with technology... Part of human evolution in the 21st century is knowing that these monsters only hold us back and we're better off without them. Artificial wombs, genetic modification, and female companion robots will be Giga Chad, and Turbo Truecel's preference when the time comes...
Chads are having to compete with the top 1% of men now. They won't be able to. The most they'll get is engaged to some used up roastie and that'll be it. This whole thing will come crashing down when men don't get married and refuse to betabuxx. If they leave the country and deny taxes to the gynocentric government, even better. The rise of alternatives to foids will also help in the destruction of foids.
We covered normies becoming incels here:

Most of them just don't fully realize the gravity of their situations yet. They don't fully understand they are incel. They think they are "just going through a dry patch." It's only been 6 months, or 12 months, or 2-3 years since their last relationship. But it will happen again, right? Right??? Just gotta stay positive bro. What can I change about my profile to make it work better?

Now we have Chads reporting that even they are starting to feel the negative effects. One of these was posted already yesterday, and the other I haven't seen posted. Either way they're worth anyone reading again and again to understand how fucked things are getting and why:

If that's what Chads are dealing with, what hope does any normal man have?

This has escalated to a point far beyond even where I though it would go. I never honestly expected to see the types of men we're seeing become incel as incels. I also never expected to see low level Chads struggling the way they are now. Hypergamy knows no bounds. Once women get a taste of GigaChads (or feel even the thought of being with him), everyone else is just subpar and not worth it. Many of them would rather be single than accept a lower man.

There is no turning this around. Do you think that 200 lb single mom wants to give up a system that allows her to fuck male models on demand? That is why it will not get better - women are still getting what they want. They can get all the alpha fucks they want. They just don't get commitment out of it. But between that and going back to dating beta men, I think they will mostly prefer to take the alpha fucks or stay single.

We tried to tell everyone about this for years now and no one listened. Everyone thought we were just the "crazy losers." Turns out reality is already becoming worse than even most of us thought it would. Wait another 2-3 years until all these men realize just how permanently fucked they are.

Nice find. If you find more of these post them.
I pray for the beta uprising every single day
Then start making preparations today: purchase your armour, stockpile your food/water/medical/ammo supplies, and get your firearm/medical training and licenses
It's difficult to rate them without pictures cause most normies like to call themselves chads when they are not

For example this is what Chad looks like
This is how normies who call themselves chads look like the last three at the bottom


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Just uproot your whole life to find foids theory. Also the internet is going global. Nowhere to run soon. And yes, they can still betabux. Sure it'll be a slightly better looking foid, but she'll be constantly looking to cuck him.

This is another problem. You're right - even running probably won't work for long. The most you can accomplish by running is going somewhere where women are poor or "repressed" enough to still "need" men.

But even then, their biology won't be any different. Even in a shithole country they're gonna have Tinder, and she's still gonna be able to match to and lust for the top 1% there. So while you're at work betabuxing, she's gonna be home alone on Tinder to feed her primal nature.

It used to be if your wife stayed home there was only a very low chance of you getting cucked, because where would an average housewife even meet a Chad in the old world? It would be rare. Now unless you can restrict her access to technology, she will always have Chad at her fingertips. That's gonna be true anywhere on earth. You would just have to cross your fingers and hope she doesn't go for it. Probably some wouldn't. But that's a big temptation for a woman. All their genetics scream for Chad.

It's difficult to rate them without pictures cause most normies like to call themselves chads when their are not

For example this is what Chad looks like
Those are GigaChads. All of those guys are professional male models. That's like 0.0001% of the male population.

Normal Chads are typically 6'+ white low inhib jocks with decently strong/masculine features who fucked the cheerleaders and had threesomes in high school and university and have never known what it's like to work for women or dates ... until now.
It's difficult to rate them without pictures cause most normies like to call themselves chads when they are not

For example this is what Chad looks like
This is how normies who call themselves chads look like the last three at the bottom

Imo, bateman looks the best in that photo and his wife looks far below him in looks. The other chads are using professional photos.

Even male model chads have to date noodles.

I'm also pretty sure ItsOver fucked hotter noodles occasionally. :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

i just want to not exist. I cant do exist in life like this. Fucking genetic lottery.
Yes, that is what Ive been telling you. Trust me, Im extremely high IQ and I plow thru my engineering classes. I love to analyse shit.

That is why I laugh when people on here claim that "everyone on here would have been incel 40 years ago too!", NO FALSE FALSE, HYPERGAMY makes women never be happy, they always want more.

How do u fix it? By putting a damn roof on it, so they CAN NOT GET MORE, only then, can they be happy with their choises.

As long as theres no roof, they will keep climbing. 20% of men, 15% of men, 10% of men, soon not even the top 5% will be enough, soon ALL women will ONLY accept the top 1% rappers and movie stars, sport stars. That is how hypergamy works and that is why its EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO CONTORL HYPERGAMY AND THAT IS WHY WE DID IT WITH RELIGION FOR FUCK SAKE!
i just want to not exist. I cant do exist in life like this. Fucking genetic lottery.
Wish I killed myself in High School.. I knew exactly how my life was going to play out at that young age.
normans suffering party now
We covered normies becoming incels here:

Most of them just don't fully realize the gravity of their situations yet. They don't fully understand they are incel. They think they are "just going through a dry patch." It's only been 6 months, or 12 months, or 2-3 years since their last relationship. But it will happen again, right? Right??? Just gotta stay positive bro. What can I change about my profile to make it work better?

Now we have Chads reporting that even they are starting to feel the negative effects. One of these was posted already yesterday, and the other I haven't seen posted. Either way they're worth anyone reading again and again to understand how fucked things are getting and why:

If that's what Chads are dealing with, what hope does any normal man have?

This has escalated to a point far beyond even where I though it would go. I never honestly expected to see the types of men we're seeing become incel as incels. I also never expected to see low level Chads struggling the way they are now.

I've been saying this for months. Low income Chads are also getting their teeth kicked in, in their own special way. And I've gotten retards on here who quote me with "derp still chad" "chad still gets pussy" "hurr chad doesnt need to betabux durr"

This isn't new, it's been happening for years already.
Most of them cope by slaying, but at some point, they want a longterm relationship, they're human too. And obviously for something longterm, they want their looksmatch too and not settle on some 3/10 hambeast. Let's be real here, NOBODY wants to settle on a sub4 hambeast. Anyone who does, does it out of pure desperation and looks to gain something out of that union.

I'm pretty sure they get tired of being used for sex and not being seen of any worth beyond being a fleshtoy for egomaniac foids who want that ego boost.
Im telling you, ALL MEN IN THE WEST are about to get cucked, that is feminism for you, that is hypergamy, that is NOT restricting female sexuality, why u think they restricted it in all cultures, all religions, all societies thruout history? Cuz they were "muh evil men" ? NO, its cause they KNEW, by first hand experience, what happends to society if you do not.

That is the fucking black pill to you, that is what we understand, that normies dont.

That is why we can predict the future, while the normies are running around like chickens having no idea what the fuck is happening.
I have a hard time believing that the average male will fully realize what sort of shit they are in. The harder dating gets, the more they will treat dating like a gambling system. There will be so many losers, but they will still play the game hoping for a different outcome every time.

Lmao when has dating not been a gambling system for sub8males?
Can't have a serious relationship EVEN if you are CHAD
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Even Chads have to betabux at some point in their lives.

Retards Neets on here literally believe that chad gets a free ride at everything.

Lmao no dumbasses, that's not how the world is, all men have to work and contribute in this system you dumbfuck Basement dweller IQcels
Dude, dating was EASY for 6s just 10 years ago. My older brother is a god damn 5.5 and 10 years ago, he had zero problems getting dates, girlfriends and sex, ZERO PROBLEMS.

Enter the tinder and instagram-era and he is done, completely done.
NO, its cause they KNEW, by first hand experience, what happends to society if you do not.
This is why the patriarchy was a thing, women are not capable of having feelings or thinking rationally, and therefore they had to be kept in check
Im telling you, ALL MEN IN THE WEST are about to get cucked, that is feminism for you, that is hypergamy, that is NOT restricting female sexuality, why u think they restricted it in all cultures, all religions, all societies thruout history? Cuz they were "muh evil men" ? NO, its cause they KNEW, by first hand experience, what happends to society if you do not.

That is the fucking black pill to you, that is what we understand, that normies dont.

That is why we can predict the future, while the normies are running around like chickens having no idea what the fuck is happening.

About to??

I'd go as far as saying that we as a whole, have been getting cucked for decades as is.

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