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Normies and women regard anyone who has wealth or money to be hard working

Rotting since 09

Rotting since 09

Mar 22, 2018
They do it with Chads too. No skills, talents, or actual ass busting is taken into account when evaluating a persons success these days. It's simply taken for granted that all these people got there on merit alone.

Millionaire celebrities and movie stars are held up as a shining example of how supposed hard work pays off. Modern society believes that anyone who has any type of wealth acquired it through the same hard grind that your average worker bee has to do.

You'll see some normie or a woman post up a pic of Kim Kardashian or Jay-Z or Beyonce and they caption it with #hardworkpaysoff. #nevergiveuponyourdreams.

Or you'll see some Youtube blogger post up some motivational video like "How Brad Pitt starts his day" as if to say if you just follow this you too will have the life of Brad Pitt. It never occurs to these people that the majority of the superstars in the entertainment industry are actually hand picked, funded, packaged, and pushed by the Jews in the culture creation industry. A lot of them never had to work a day in their life. And in the case of the Chads, nearly all of them were put there through their looks alone.

But the thing is, the common masses have actually bought firmly into this idea in the social media age. That every athlete, entertainer, porn star, male model, comedian, etc has everything they have through hard work, hard grind, and pure effort alone.

I mean there are legit normies on Twitter who retweet some picture of a porn star sitting poolside in a Hollywood sunset and the porn star will be talking about "started from the bottom now i'm here" "remember hard work will always pay off". So having a big dick and spending a few hours a day fucking in front of a camera is now regarded as hard work and deserving of all the wealth you can muster?

It's the equivalent of Incels on here saying to each other "If you just ignore any negativity about your looks and jusy keep applying for those modelling jobs and never giving up you too can have Nick Bateman's life".

Normies and women really believe this too. Of course, they simply ignore the zillions of other normies all over the planet who never realize their dreams and goals and spend their lives slogging away at work and paying taxes to a system that despises them. But I guess those people just didn't work hard enough or have enough faith in the universe or whatever it is these days.
yeah. its another fucking braindead "just world" fallacy.
They do it with Chads too. No skills, talents, or actual ass busting is taken into account when evaluating a persons success these days. It's simply taken for granted that all these people got there on merit alone.

Utterly untrue. It's actually the other way around, in that most people hate it when other succeed and thus try to bring them down. If what you said was true then most people would be right-wing and pro-free market. Instead it's the other way around in that most people and women overwhelmingly so vote left-wing and claim the successful are just evil and lazy and/or lucky.
High IQ, the world isn't a meritocracy.
High IQ, the world isn't a meritocracy.

This is true it all just boils down to genetics and luck, but the OP is still wrong in that he thinks most people admire the successful where as in reality they envy and hate them.
I don't see this honestly. On Reddit, the atmosphere is socialist and dismissive of "self-made man" narratives.
This is true it all just boils down to genetics and luck, but the OP is still wrong in that he thinks most people admire the successful where as in reality they envy and hate them.

The "haters" thing is a meme invented by rap music. People like Beyonce, Serena Williams, Drake, Kardashian, Kevin Hart, Taylor Swift, and tons of others are universally admired by normies who believe that everyone can attain similar success if they just focus on their goals and work hard enough. That's why there are quotations attributed to these people put out there for the regular Joe to follow in his own life.

You think people are trying to tear these celebrities and entertainers down? How so? Some of the old ones have been thrown to the wolves like Cosby, but in general all i see is people fawning over wealth, money, materialism, and success more than ever.

Normies even jumped on the "self made trap star" bandwagon to the point that being a self-made drug dealer thug who hustled hard for his money was something to be proud of.
This is true it all just boils down to genetics and luck, but the OP is still wrong in that he thinks most people admire the successful where as in reality they envy and hate them.
Not sure about that tbh
I don't see this honestly. On Reddit, the atmosphere is socialist and dismissive of "self-made man" narratives.
They worship Musk brah, it's annoying tbh
yeah. its another fucking braindead "just world" fallacy.
100% this. It’s also true that if you are the person with money who only acquired it through privilege, luck, or inheriting eventually you will come to believe you deserve it too.
The "haters" thing is a meme invented by rap music.
High IQ
The whole drama created by the so called haters is often just used to generate more attention and publicity. It started with rappers and now we have a huge part of youtube just dedicated to youtube celebs and their drama and people fucking love it

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