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Venting Normie friends pushed me to the edge.



Aug 8, 2020
Yesterday I was hanging out with a couple of my normie friends, we all graduated from high school last year, and we shot the shit for a while.

Then the conversation went the way of sexual experiences, and they all started talking about all the girls they've groped/grinded. I had to lie that I could relate so it wouldn't look weird. Then I made up a fake story of how a girl let me touch her boobs.

When I got home I broke down. The fact that they are on such a different level is so disheartening. They were out there having all these fun experiences, while I was getting bullied because of my fivehead. I literally never had any of the opportunities these guys had. It was so depressing realising all the fun these guys were having while I had no idea.

What's worse is even some guys younger than me who are still in high school, have more sexual experiences than I do. And whenever I hear them talking about their conquests, I have to lie so I seem like a player.

At this point every guy around me thinks I'm some ladies man. Whenever they praise me for my "conquests", I give a wry smile even though I'm dying inside because I know my true nature.

Some might say it's not over because I'm still 18, but that's bullshit. It's over when even 15 year olds mog you to oblivion.
Yesterday I was hanging out with a couple of my normie friends, we all graduated from high school last year, and we shot the shit for a while.

Then the conversation went the way of sexual experiences, and they all started talking about all the girls they've groped/grinded. I had to lie that I could relate so it wouldn't look weird. Then I made up a fake story of how a girl let me touch her boobs.

When I got home I broke down. The fact that they are on such a different level is so disheartening. They were out there having all these fun experiences, while I was getting bullied because of my fivehead. I literally never had any of the opportunities these guys had. It was so depressing realising all the fun these guys were having while I had no idea.

What's worse is even some guys younger than me who are still in high school, have more sexual experiences than I do. And whenever I hear them talking about their conquests, I have to lie so I seem like a player.

At this point every guy around me thinks I'm some ladies man. Whenever they praise me for my "conquests", I give a wry smile even though I'm dying inside because I know my true nature.

Some might say it's not over because I'm still 18, but that's bullshit. It's over when even 15 year olds mog you to oblivion.

You have friends who take you for serious? :chad: :banhammer:
It’s rough bro I remember in high school a girl I was just associated with because of my classes told me she doubted I’d lose my virginity before I left highschool. Shit hurt
most men are dumb, and think even their ugly peers can get laid, because they have been bluepilled by society and have been tricked into what attractiveness really is/ looks like
It’s rough bro I remember in high school a girl I was just associated with because of my classes told me she doubted I’d lose my virginity before I left highschool. Shit hurt
i had females spit on me
Just gymmax and martial art max and run max . Let your body be flooded with Hight Testosterone Levels . It will give you a very peace in your mind and very low inhibition and just calamity to just cope with how inceldom is fucking your life .
Yesterday I was hanging out with a couple of my normie friends, we all graduated from high school last year, and we shot the shit for a while.

Then the conversation went the way of sexual experiences, and they all started talking about all the girls they've groped/grinded. I had to lie that I could relate so it wouldn't look weird. Then I made up a fake story of how a girl let me touch her boobs.

When I got home I broke down. The fact that they are on such a different level is so disheartening. They were out there having all these fun experiences, while I was getting bullied because of my fivehead. I literally never had any of the opportunities these guys had. It was so depressing realising all the fun these guys were having while I had no idea.

What's worse is even some guys younger than me who are still in high school, have more sexual experiences than I do. And whenever I hear them talking about their conquests, I have to lie so I seem like a player.

At this point every guy around me thinks I'm some ladies man. Whenever they praise me for my "conquests", I give a wry smile even though I'm dying inside because I know my true nature.

Some might say it's not over because I'm still 18, but that's bullshit. It's over when even 15 year olds mog you to oblivion.
Brag thread i only have 1 friend a gypsy
brag about having friends, greycel thread
What if your friends lied too :feelswhere:
At this point every guy around me thinks I'm some ladies man
If they think you're a ladies man then obviously you're not ugly, if you were actually ugly then they wouldn't believe you.

Yesterday I was hanging out with a couple of my normie friends, we all graduated from high school last year, and we shot the shit for a while.

Then the conversation went the way of sexual experiences, and they all started talking about all the girls they've groped/grinded. I had to lie that I could relate so it wouldn't look weird. Then I made up a fake story of how a girl let me touch her boobs.

When I got home I broke down. The fact that they are on such a different level is so disheartening. They were out there having all these fun experiences, while I was getting bullied because of my fivehead. I literally never had any of the opportunities these guys had. It was so depressing realising all the fun these guys were having while I had no idea.

What's worse is even some guys younger than me who are still in high school, have more sexual experiences than I do. And whenever I hear them talking about their conquests, I have to lie so I seem like a player.

At this point every guy around me thinks I'm some ladies man. Whenever they praise me for my "conquests", I give a wry smile even though I'm dying inside because I know my true nature.

Some might say it's not over because I'm still 18, but that's bullshit. It's over when even 15 year olds mog you to oblivion.
This is pretty good ngl. Larping as a sexhaver is ironically the only good strategy for incels. Keep it up
same, I graduated this year and i've never been kissed
What if your friends lied too :feelswhere:

Also if they actually believe your bullshit then you have absolutely no business being here amongst us youngcel.

You need to be on the PUA forums like Sosuave and reading therationalmale web site as well any Chateau Heartiste content that you can find because it’s definitely far from over for you.

Also learn how to dress nicely and gym max.

Trust me you do not want to end up like us and it sounds like you’ve got something to work with in order to become an actual Chad or Chadlite so put in the work and ascend rather than wasting your youth here rotting away your brief window of opportunity to make something of yourself.
Not surprised
Yesterday I was hanging out with a couple of my normie friends, we all graduated from high school last year, and we shot the shit for a while.

Then the conversation went the way of sexual experiences, and they all started talking about all the girls they've groped/grinded. I had to lie that I could relate so it wouldn't look weird. Then I made up a fake story of how a girl let me touch her boobs.

When I got home I broke down. The fact that they are on such a different level is so disheartening. They were out there having all these fun experiences, while I was getting bullied because of my fivehead. I literally never had any of the opportunities these guys had. It was so depressing realising all the fun these guys were having while I had no idea.

What's worse is even some guys younger than me who are still in high school, have more sexual experiences than I do. And whenever I hear them talking about their conquests, I have to lie so I seem like a player.

At this point every guy around me thinks I'm some ladies man. Whenever they praise me for my "conquests", I give a wry smile even though I'm dying inside because I know my true nature.

Some might say it's not over because I'm still 18, but that's bullshit. It's over when even 15 year olds mog you to oblivion.

As an incel you have to let go of your normie friends, I left many friendships behind because I realized what was going to happen next, I would grow to hate and resent my friends for basically having "left me behind" and always talking about things I could never enjoy

If you start keeping your distance and stop hanging out with them it would be for the best, you could end it on a good note while you still view them in a positive light, while you have yet to feel soured by their existence, if you let things carry on, you'll wake up one day and not even think of them as friends anymore, and what could have remained "happy memories" are now just a stain across your past of people you feel like you never really wanted to know

I'm sure my friends all think I stopped contacting and talking to them so much for some selfish reason or because they think I "moved on" too and found a new "clique", but its simply that we just "grew apart", and if I stuck around any longer I'd have just grown to hate them

People who are "unequally yoked" can't really be friends, it just doesn't work

Its best that you pull the cord before they do, as all that will be left of your past with them is resentment and hate, you'll even sour their memory of you, rather than them remembering you as a guy they "knew and loved" who just "went his own way"

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