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It's Over Noodlewhore actually with a good take on how Asians are submissive bugmen



Nov 19, 2017

Of course ricecel copers downvoted her :feelskek:

@AllanKing thoughts?
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yes, that noodlewhore is very based and correct about how shitty asian men's personalities are.
furthermore, noodlewhores are justified in wanting to end the asian race and we should all kill ourselves so they can enjoy their white cock in peace.
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I disagree completely with you. The OP is talking macro; ur talking micro ideas. U are debating him in a very classical asian style...with specific points. The OP is talking generalized trends that are fat more encompassing than specific points.

Why do white ppl have commonality that bonds them??? Bc their ancestors got busy conquering and enslaving when Asians where being passive linear thinking confuscious-folloeing monkeys. Asians never thought to conquer and spread their ideas, manipualtion, and deabuchery outside of asia a d SEA. And by not doing so, the race on influencing new lands was already lost early on.

......also let's look at other POC

Also, what about Indian Americans aka south Asians? What is their outmarriage rate compared to east Asians? How much networking do they do at temples? How much do they band together to help their own? A shit tons lots compared to EAST Asians, that's what.

Look at...Persians...blccks (created their own sub culture too).... Hell, even mestizo and non white Hispanics. Have u ever witness blue collar jobs in California or anywhere in the southwest USA? Hispanics help each other and collectively make areas little Mexico rather than assimilate. And they are half white to begin with. Wouldn't they easily assimilate into white culture better? Their kids with whites will look whiter than hapas kids, bc most Hispanics are genetically half Iberian peninsula/Spaniard, Spanish is not that different from English (as somebody that speaks Spanish and didn't find it that hard to learn TBH....) But no. They don't assimilate by earsing themsleves like Asians do.

And what does lunar new year have to do with anything? Honestly I find cultural celebrations and food a very shallow markers of cultural and racial preservation. I mean you have native Americans (oops I mean blond and blue eyed 1/256th native, 99.9 percent white blood) ppl doing pow-wows and other native American celebrations while collecting tribal beenfits and $$. And what level of shit do they give about actual native Americans? Oh, none. Hell u have white ppl selling ethnic foods like kimchi. If anything, Asians shouldn't evolved their own asian-american fusion holidays like juneteeth etc, but didn't.

By dismissing the OP u are dismissing that Asians in america lack macro thinking and strategy--> weak tribe, which is why asian girls chase white guys and why this forum is so riled up about it.

Micro thinking is very dangerous when u have powerful macro thinking nations like Europe that were able to see the big picture and conquored lands rather than figure out how to maximize rice output in a family plot (asian micro thinking)

I now think Asians genetically are inclined to micro thinking and thousands of years of breeding has caused this. I mean it makes sense. U grow more rice in ur tiny ass family plot, u get more wives, ur micro thinking serial oriented traits pass along more...
I can't stand r/aznid so won't bother losing my brain cells just by reading their shit.
Who gives a fuck either way. Lol muh race. Rice's problem is being high inhib and not raping women when incel.
yes, that noodlewhore is very based and correct about how shitty asian men's personalities are.
furthermore, noodlewhores are justified in wanting to end the asian race and we should all kill ourselves so they can enjoy their white cock in peace.
Noodlewhores' lust for white cock is just part of Asians' obsessive desire to bow down and assimilate into the dominant culture/race. As long as Asians have that slave mentality we will never be able to overcome other races. Ricecels need to channel their inner Genghis Khan or it's over.
Noodlewhores' lust for white cock is just part of Asians' obsessive desire to bow down and assimilate into the dominant culture/race.

i think the lust for white cock is more "complex" than this.
even if accepting your theory, noodlewhores' lust for white cock is part of noodlewhores' desire to bow down and assimilate into the dominant culture/race. and doing this by means of fucking white men and having hapa babies.
it's irrelevant whether asian men have this desire as well, since as you yourself have said, asian men still prefer mates of their own race.
racial shit is so retarded i cant read a one paragraph
i think the lust for white cock is more "complex" than this.
even if accepting your theory, noodlewhores' lust for white cock is part of noodlewhores' desire to bow down and assimilate into the dominant culture/race. and doing this by means of fucking white men and having hapa babies.
it's irrelevant whether asian men have this desire as well, since as you yourself have said, asian men still prefer mates of their own race.
I think that's just basic male/female difference. Women will spread their legs for men higher in the hierarchy, men will suck up in other ways. The best example of Asian men sucking up to whites is how permissive they are with whites taking their women. I can guarantee if it was curries instead they would riot in the streets :feelskek:
I think that's just basic male/female difference. Women will spread their legs for men higher in the hierarchy, men will suck up in other ways. The best example of Asian men sucking up to whites is how permissive they are with whites taking their women. I can guarantee if it was curries instead they would riot in the streets :feelskek:
when you find yourself agreeing with literal noodlewhores justifying their love of white cock through blaming asian men, i think you've lost the plot.
I can't stand r/aznid so won't bother losing my brain cells just by reading their shit.
They'd better not lose the copium war again.
when you find yourself agreeing with literal noodlewhores justifying their love of white cock through blaming asian men, i think you've lost the plot.
I really wish OP was simply being sarcastic
when you find yourself agreeing with literal noodlewhores justifying their love of white cock through blaming asian men, i think you've lost the plot.
So you want ricemen to continue being submissive cucks? That's where she is right, most of us are exactly that. How many Asian males do you know who stand up to whites and noodlewhores? It's a fucking shame because with our numbers and IQ advantage Asians could rule the world but we'd rather prefer being slaves to whites and our own women.
So you want ricemen to continue being submissive cucks? That's where she is right, most of us are exactly that. How many Asian males do you know who stand up to whites and noodlewhores? It's a fucking shame because with our numbers and IQ advantage Asians could rule the world but we'd rather prefer being slaves to whites and our own women.
before i answer this, you also agree with the other things the noodlewhore says in that thread, correct?
since the quote you have follows directly from the other things she said.
and by that i'm including the original quote of the noodlewhore you had in the OP, before you changed it to another one.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/odbrji/asians_who_try_so_hard_to_assimilate_into/h40171k?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
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Jfl that's a literal noodlewhore dude ofc she'd come with some excuse to justify her lust and project her cocksucking behaviour on rice men, doesn't mean you should fall for that.
before i answer this, you also agree with the other things the noodlewhore says in that thread, correct?
since the quote you have follows directly from the other things she said.
and by that i'm including the original quote of the noodlewhore you had in the OP, before you changed it to another one.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/odbrji/asians_who_try_so_hard_to_assimilate_into/h40171k?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Yeah, she's right. Women are naturally traitors, they always spread their legs for the strongest tribe unless their men keep them in check. And Asians do nothing to keep their women in check or try to become a strong tribe themselves.
Yeah, she's right. Women are naturally traitors, they always spread their legs for the strongest tribe unless their men keep them in check. And Asians do nothing to keep their women in check or try to become a strong tribe themselves.
another thing i want to say is that what your'e saying isn't even the noodlewhore's original idea. she's merely is latching on to what the OP of that thread (a man) is saying to justify fucking white men when the post wasn't about that in the first place. she's hijacking the idea of asian assimilation to justify her own race traitorism.
if you were trying to make the point of asian men being bugmen, you instead should have linked the text of the original post.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/odbrji/asians_who_try_so_hard_to_assimilate_into/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

but since you can't agree with anything aznidentity says, you sided with a noodlewhore, thinking the enemy of my enemy is my friend. you would rather agree with a noodlewhore than an asian man.
and looking at her first post:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/odbrji/asians_who_try_so_hard_to_assimilate_into/h40171k?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

[...] that quote is so unself-aware that she doesn't realize she's bashing the race traitorism of noodlewhores rather than the faults of ricemen as she thinks she is. she thinks she's blaming asian men, but everything she finds fault with is actions of asian women. this low-iq post has two purposes only: to absolve herself from blame for fucking white men and to insult asian men.

i'm not denying that asian men are not doing enough to keep their noodles in check.
but lack of racial solidarity in the west comes from nationalistic xenophobia stemming from special wartime events that lead to the splintering of possible alliance between the chinese, japanese, and korean communities.
if such events had passed for other races, the same lack of solidarity might be present there.
and this is exacerbated by the same factors that prevent white men from keeping their women in check like modern technology and the rise of feminism.
that solidarity which used to be present in the '90s (within specific nationalistic communities, rather than asian-race-based) was broken up by the same wave of jewish propaganda and feminist preventing white men from controlling their women.

plus, if, due to neoteny, asian men are unattractive and asian women are attractive,
and white men find asian attractive, this is part of the same unfettered hypergamy that NO RACE in the west is able to control in their women.
this lack of dimorphism is the special circumstance which makes hypergamy especially problematic for asians in the west, thus affecting ricecels at a higher level than other races.
it's not because asian men are gifting their women to the whites.

and you say we should have gone genghis khan when he himself was a mongolian. that did in fact happen, but to no avail. china is trying to take over the world and north korea has cloistered itself from the outside world to prevent degenerate western influence. there are sectors in the rice world against western assimilation still.
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Whole shit was dumb af. Even if you ignore Genghis Khan, China/Asia is taking over in the modern day, they’re colonising Africa and their region day by day.
Regarding Asians not having a subculture in America compared to black people and Latinos, it’s because you all immigrated recently lol. Black people and Latinos were in America for centuries and have had identities formed over a long time period. Asians for one are too spread out and assimilate into whiteness
WTF is that dumb whore talking about? Gooks don't assimilate that's why there are chink towns everywhere.
Wtf, China was self sufficient and didn't need to go beyond the Tibetan plateau + Xinjiang.

The Japanese and the Mongols on the otherhand... hailed from low resource areas and needed to invade others. The Japanese were a race of pirates for most of their existence in the shadow of Chinese civilization.

Of course ricecel copers downvoted her :feelskek:

@AllanKing thoughts?

Asian men are utterly mogged by Europeans, Menas, Africans, Latinos and even Pakistanis. Even Kazakhs and Afghans, who have more West Eurasian admixture, look better. This pic is an Afghan, and while he looks Asian, he also looks like a man.

It's truly emabrassing how feminine East Asian men are.
WTF is that dumb whore talking about? Gooks don't assimilate that's why there are chink towns everywhere.
She's also dumbass for claiming Asians never attempted to spread their ideals or conquer. Did the dumb bitch forget about the Mongol Empire or Japanese Empire?:feelstastyman:
Asian men are utterly mogged by Europeans, Menas, Africans, Latinos and even Pakistanis. Even Kazakhs and Afghans, who have more West Eurasian admixture, look better. This pic is an Afghan, and while he looks Asian, he also looks like a man.
View attachment 464221

It's truly emabrassing how feminine East Asian men are.

She's also dumbass for claiming Asians never attempted to spread their ideals or conquer. Did the dumb bitch forget about the Mongol Empire or Japanese Empire?:feelstastyman:
Whole shit was dumb af. Even if you ignore Genghis Khan, China/Asia is taking over in the modern day, they’re colonising Africa and their region day by day.
Regarding Asians not having a subculture in America compared to black people and Latinos, it’s because you all immigrated recently lol. Black people and Latinos were in America for centuries and have had identities formed over a long time period. Asians for one are too spread out and assimilate into whiteness
Chinese women still likes White Men tho


another thing i want to say is that what your'e saying isn't even the noodlewhore's original idea. she's merely is latching on to what the OP of that thread (a man) is saying to justify fucking white men when the post wasn't about that in the first place. she's hijacking the idea of asian assimilation to justify her own race traitorism.
if you were trying to make the point of asian men being bugmen, you instead should have linked the text of the original post.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/odbrji/asians_who_try_so_hard_to_assimilate_into/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

but since you can't agree with anything aznidentity says, you sided with a noodlewhore, thinking the enemy of my enemy is my friend. you would rather agree with a noodlewhore than an asian man.
and looking at her first post:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/odbrji/asians_who_try_so_hard_to_assimilate_into/h40171k?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

[...] that quote is so unself-aware that she doesn't realize she's bashing the race traitorism of noodlewhores rather than the faults of ricemen as she thinks she is. she thinks she's blaming asian men, but everything she finds fault with is actions of asian women. this low-iq post has two purposes only: to absolve herself from blame for fucking white men and to insult asian men.

i'm not denying that asian men are not doing enough to keep their noodles in check.
but lack of racial solidarity in the west comes from nationalistic xenophobia stemming from special wartime events that lead to the splintering of possible alliance between the chinese, japanese, and korean communities.
if such events had passed for other races, the same lack of solidarity might be present there.
and this is exacerbated by the same factors that prevent white men from keeping their women in check like modern technology and the rise of feminism.
that solidarity which used to be present in the '90s (within specific nationalistic communities, rather than asian-race-based) was broken up by the same wave of jewish propaganda and feminist preventing white men from controlling their women.

plus, if, due to neoteny, asian men are unattractive and asian women are attractive,
and white men find asian attractive, this is part of the same unfettered hypergamy that NO RACE in the west is able to control in their women.
this lack of dimorphism is the special circumstance which makes hypergamy especially problematic for asians in the west, thus affecting ricecels at a higher level than other races.
it's not because asian men are gifting their women to the whites.

and you say we should have gone genghis khan when he himself was a mongolian. that did in fact happen, but to no avail. china is trying to take over the world and north korea has cloistered itself from the outside world to prevent degenerate western influence. there are sectors in the rice world against western assimilation still.

Yes she's a noodlewhore and her intention was probably just to bash ricecels, but what she said is still true. We should judge a message by its content and not by who wrote it. It's an uncomfortable truth that ricecels all over the political spectrum deny in favor of copes that make themselves feel better: either it's all whitey's fault or they deny that Asian men even have it bad and claim other races have it much worse than us :feelstastyman:

plus, if, due to neoteny, asian men are unattractive and asian women are attractive,
and white men find asian attractive, this is part of the same unfettered hypergamy that NO RACE in the west is able to control in their women.
this lack of dimorphism is the special circumstance which makes hypergamy especially problematic for asians in the west, thus affecting ricecels at a higher level than other races.
it's not because asian men are gifting their women to the whites.
This is why we need to control our women more than anyone else. Feminism works out for whites because women actually choose them, it doesn't work for Asians. Honestly, in comparison feminism has done much more damage to Asian societies than to white societies.
how do you suggest we do that?
We just need to go back to the old system where marriage was between families and the parents basically decided who their children married. But that would require Asians to reject Western culture in favor of their own culture and I don't see that happening.

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