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SuicideFuel Non-NT is the biggest death sentence



utter failurecel who fails at everything
Nov 22, 2022
Non-NT is the ultimate death sentence my looks aside I am much more upset about being non-nt and abused dog than being a manlet.

I know a lot of manlets who are NT and they are also thugmaxxed normies who take drugs with their friends , party and drink every single friday they've also been in at least one relationship.

Non-NT will completely shatter you even as a normie. Only a CHAD can get away with being non-NT since he is going to get approached by foids all the time but for sub5 and normie non-ntcels it never began.

I also know oldcels who suffer from the non-NTpill here and they've never been married, don't have kids and are possibly KHHV. The NTpill prevents you from enjoying life.
I don't know how to act around normies and they think that I am autistic or severely mentally ill since I subconsciously do something which make normies to either laugh or be mad at me.

it ruined my life as well.
i just feel normies detect autistic people, you don't even have to say a word.
Im non nt to the point of being a circus freak. I know everyone wishes I was dead and nobody will miss me when Im gone.
i just feel normies detect autistic people, you don't even have to say a word.
they do. They sense it even while you're walking down the street. Your face says it all and the trauma you've went through is visible in your eyes.
My life is rigged after i was put in isolation.
Fuckk suffering from severe non ntness
If you can't function in a neurotypical society it was already OVER.

Normies can sniff out a sperg like a bloodhound and they're ruthless about it.
NTs are programmed to hate non NTs. Maybe next life I win the genetic lottery or fuck it maybe not participate in life at all and refuse to be born :feelsrope::feelsrope:
Life is a scam most people die with regrets and unfulfilled desires that are used in the afterlife to make them hop back on the hampster wheel called living a life. I'm sure chad doesn't die with regrets or unfulfilled desires though :feelsrope:
Might have to starvemaxx and buddhamaxx
The thing is, a foid is either attracted to your looks or not. Water, yeah.
True all the non NT oldcels are rotting NEETs here but the standard NTs are richfags. Look at @PPEcel @ilieknothing @Transcended Trucel all NT richfags
True. If i was NT i maybe would have still got bullied because of my manlet height, but at least i would have a normal social circle, my family would be less cold to me and i maybe could have gotten a relationship
Какво е Non-NT ?
Especially if you are ugly non nt+ subpar looks= literally never began.
I know a lot of manlets who are NT and they are also thugmaxxed normies who take drugs with their friends , party and drink every single friday they've also been in at least one relationship.
No other failo ruins your life to the extent that autism does. At least NTcels can have friends and moneymaxx. Those things are off the table for most autismcels.
NTs are programmed to hate non NTs. Maybe next life I win the genetic lottery or fuck it maybe not participate in life at all and refuse to be born :feelsrope::feelsrope:
Life is a scam most people die with regrets and unfulfilled desires that are used in the afterlife to make them hop back on the hampster wheel called living a life. I'm sure chad doesn't die with regrets or unfulfilled desires though :feelsrope:
Might have to starvemaxx and buddhamaxx
I tough after dead there was nothing more than a dark void

Hello guys I am 23 years 6’3 and I am here because I am non NT autistic
The thing is, a foid is either attracted to your looks or not. Water, yeah.
Being non-NT is not just about PeRSoNaliTy :foidSoy:, it can affect the way you present too.
You might have a different walk and posture, unnatural face expression, the way of talking and voice. Issues with eating can affect your development too (and make you a manlet like me). I've also read that it causes more childish or feminine face features
I was NT until I was like 10 or 11. Then after that I became NON-NT.

Is that even possible?

Did normies give me Autism from the way they treated me? It does feel that way tbh.
Being non-NT is not just about PeRSoNaliTy :foidSoy:, it can affect the way you present too.
You might have a different walk and posture, unnatural face expression, the way of talking and voice. Issues with eating can affect your development too (and make you a manlet like me). I've also read that it causes more childish or feminine face features
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
NTs will easily identify an non NT.
The feminine face features is also true, non NT chads are 0,000000001 % of the non NT population.
The world is simply not designed for autistic people anymore.
In the past autistic men would be cherished due to their rigid moral standards and wide breadth of knowledge on various subjects. I would imagine them as craftsmen or members of the church; their status high, they would be pillars of the community.
Now we live in a fast-life, very feminized environment... Religion has been dismantled, women worship the dark triad which is the opposite of autism really; intellectual labor can now be done more efficiently by computers... There are countless traps for autistic people to fall into as they're far more susceptible to addiction than a neurotyptical, I imagine many would-be great scholars and trailblazers of today are instead subsisting off of a constant goyfeed of videogames, porn, social media or other pacifying agents...

In short autistics would've been valued members of the community a few decades ago or before... It's only in our bastardized fast-life, feminized society that autistic men are shafted into the bottom of the barrel.
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they do. They sense it even while you're walking down the street. Your face says it all and the trauma you've went through is visible in your eyes.
So true, and normies can't leave it alone; they take advantage.
Without good looks you must betabuxx and get yourself into a dead bedroom or be lucky with a big dick.
At my last job there was this very short guy, like 5'1-5'2 feet, much shorter than me even. And also had the ugly speech impediment where he couldn't pronounce fricative trills properly (I don't even know what it's called in english) . But guess what, the motherfucker WAS MARRIED. Some girl fell for him. Well propbably she was ugly, I don't know. Point being he was very NT normie, had lots of friends and always stepped forward for almost any kind of social activity. He wasn't ugly though. As a manlet at least you just have to go out of your way to find every excuse to socialize, even if you generally aren't like that at all. This is the only way.
If you can't function in a neurotypical society it was already OVER.

Normies can sniff out a sperg like a bloodhound and they're ruthless about it.
True.We probably give some -off vibes because jews have programmed soyciety to be all brain dead rap loving extrovets who cant think for themselves
Non-NT is the ultimate death sentence my looks aside I am much more upset about being non-nt and abused dog than being a manlet.

I know a lot of manlets who are NT and they are also thugmaxxed normies who take drugs with their friends , party and drink every single friday they've also been in at least one relationship.

Non-NT will completely shatter you even as a normie. Only a CHAD can get away with being non-NT since he is going to get approached by foids all the time but for sub5 and normie non-ntcels it never began.

I also know oldcels who suffer from the non-NTpill here and they've never been married, don't have kids and are possibly KHHV. The NTpill prevents you from enjoying life.
I don't know how to act around normies and they think that I am autistic or severely mentally ill since I subconsciously do something which make normies to either laugh or be mad at me.

its your death even if you got above average looks. (even chadlites are not safe)
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If you were NT, you will still be an incel. If you don't have the looks, you won't pull any foids

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