Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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Soy Nofap is depriving yourself of a basic sexual need and only makes sense if youre literally a monk

Thank you, no fap is only for people with low t looking for some miracle solution. Only real men can jerk off 3 times a day and still feel energetic ass fuck kek :chad::chad::chad::chad::chad:.

Also how does no fapping make you more productive? unless it takes you like an hour to jerk off it doesn't waste much time and its a lot better to get the gratification and move on than hold on to it and literally feel like ripping apart any woman that passes you.
Consume 100% virgin cold pressed coconut oil if you do fap to return some of your brain functionality and brain fog you get when fapping.

I think old men get Alzheimer from having too much sex and their old bodies not being able to regenerate the loss of their dick sauce. It's also Men who suffer with Alzheimer moreso than foids. Foids are degenerate and can have sex without degrading their bodies except for roast beef flaps created.

Oldest uncle has Alzheimer, he has an attractive wife, you can guess what caused it.

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I imagine anyone who can go for more than 3 weeks is extremely low T. I get massive rapping urges and after about a week 85% of my thoughts are sex-related.
How exactly is it supposed to clear my mind if all I think about is sex?
I imagine anyone who can go for more than 3 weeks is extremely low T. I get massive rapping urges and after about a week 85% of my thoughts are sex-related.
How exactly is it supposed to clear my mind if all I think about is sex?

can relate because i'm a recovering fap addict - you need to find another addiction, healthier or not one involving touching your dick

mine right now is fortnite, i spend time playing that rather than looking up porn and fapping

it's the internet that causes most sex related thoughts imo, its everywhere, use an Ad-Blocker if you don't already like Ublock origin for firefox/chrome
There is this famous Greek myth about Daedalus and his son Icarus. Both of them had to escape an island where they were held as prisoners. In order to escape, Daedalus constructed artificial wings he attached to his and his son's body by using a kind of wax. He then warned his son, though, to neither fly too high nor too low - otherwise the dampness of the water and the heat of the sun would damage the wax and make the wings fall off. When the day of their escape came, the mature man flew constantly in the moderate middle, while the young adolescent son wanted to fly super high, then super low again and just experience all kinds of extremes. Unsurprisingly, his wings then fell off and he fell into the sea and drowned.

Incels usually lack this father figure that taught them to fly in the moderate middle. And modern education also doesn't teach young men that anymore. As a result, you get these extreme incels who only know two extremes: porn addiction - usually to all kinds of weird porn - or nofap. Daedalus might tell them to simply stop watching porn but just masturbate before or after sleeping in bed and that's it. But no, these young Icaruses switch from one extreme to the other until they die - just like they so often switch from one radical ideology to its total opposite, from hardcore anti-Christian Paganism to hardcore reactionary Catholicism to Islam to "Hitlerism" to Buddhism to Occultism or whatever. They are not convinced by this or that argument or this or that paper on the internet (you can find a study for everything on the internet if you search long enough) - now, they are looking for something radical and extreme that gives their life meaning.

All celibate monasteries of all religions have histories of sexual abuse and/or homosexuality. Attempts to repress sexuality always fail and produce more not less "degeneracy" or weird fetishes and fantasies. Just as people are on average fatter one year after having tried to strictly diet, they are weirder one year after having tried to strictly "nofap".
I imagine anyone who can go for more than 3 weeks is extremely low T. I get massive rapping urges and after about a week 85% of my thoughts are sex-related.
How exactly is it supposed to clear my mind if all I think about is sex?
Your like a primitive caveman reverting to knuckle dragging. The cope is real with you.
Your like a primitive caveman reverting to knuckle dragging. The cope is real with you.

Sexual urges are powerful. When it comes to the point of me having physical pains and experiencing massive amounts of stress and general discomfort because of it then it's not worth it. There aren't enough benefits to make up for it.
Sexual urges are powerful. When it comes to the point of me having physical pains and experiencing massive amounts of stress and general discomfort because of it then it's not worth it. There aren't enough benefits to make up for it.
Wtf ,lmao your acting like your body will literally implode on itself from not jerking off :feelskek::feelskek:.Jesus Christ, the excuses you guys are coming up with is crazy :feelsohh:I just think fapping is counterproductive, obviously if you could get real sex than yea nofap isn’t something you need to worry about. More energy, motivation, and sexual energy are a positive. Yes , you probably will be triggered , but it’s your choice to have self control over yourself. What stops people from going around killing people? Morals, laws, religions? It’s not like you see Guys casually walking through isles in a grocery store jerking it in public for everyone to see. Have some willpower, porn is retarded break the hold it has on you .
Wtf ,lmao your acting like your body will literally implode on itself from not jerking off :feelskek::feelskek:.Jesus Christ, the excuses you guys are coming up with is crazy :feelsohh:I just think fapping is counterproductive, obviously if you could get real sex than yea nofap isn’t something you need to worry about. More energy, motivation, and sexual energy are a positive. Yes , you probably will be triggered , but it’s your choice to have self control over yourself. What stops people from going around killing people? Morals, laws, religions? It’s not like you see Guys casually walking through isles in a grocery store jerking it in public for everyone to see. Have some willpower, porn is retarded break the hold it has on you .

After 3 weeks I literally had to shower my balls with freezing cold water about 6 times a day because they felt they were going to explode. I felt like I had more energy to go out and find someone to fuck but all it did was make me extremely frustrated because I knew I wouldn't be able to. Seeing a whore wearing yoga pants or a young couple was 10 times more painful than it needed to be.
After 3 weeks I literally had to shower my balls with freezing cold water about 6 times a day because they felt they were going to explode. I felt like I had more energy to go out and find someone to fuck but all it did was make me extremely frustrated because I knew I wouldn't be able to. Seeing a whore wearing yoga pants or a young couple was 10 times more painful than it needed to be.
What did you like to do before you discovered masturbation? Just cope with something else but porn.music, video games, YouTube vids, art, anything but fucking porn. Don’t treat yourself like a caged animal, dont count the days just focus on not fucking looking and jacking it to porn.

My condolences
What did you like to do before you discovered masturbation? Just cope with something else but porn.music, video games, YouTube vids, art, anything but fucking porn. Don’t treat yourself like a caged animal, dont count the days just focus on not fucking looking and jacking it to porn.

My condolences

Why do nofappers believe that fappers spend their whole free time fapping? I still enjoy watching movies, listening to music, gymcelling, reading etc. Porn takes up 2 hours of my time a week at most and it's enjoyable. I don't see why I should stop unless I start doing it 2-3 times a day
Ok what if ((they)) banned all porn, nudes etc on the internet and burned all nude magazines.
What would happen? Ppl thinking " NoFap now" or
mass rape?
Korean eunuchs — men who had their testicles removed — outlived their contemporaries by as many as 14 to 19 years, suggesting that male sex hormones somehow act to shorten the male human lifespan, according to a new historical study of records spanning from the 14th century through the early 19th century.

Now you might think emptying your sacks would be like having no testicles but your body has to work to replenish them every time you drain them

From the foregoing, it is clear that there is an important internal physiological relation between the secretions of the sex glands and the central nervous system, that the loss of these secretions, voluntarily or involuntarily, exercises a detrimental effect on the nutrition and vitality of the nerves and brain, while, on the other hand, the conservation of these secretions has a vitalizing effect on the nervous system, a regenerating effect on the endocrine glands and a rejuvenating effect on the organism as a whole.

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