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News Noble BLM gentle giant kills racist raccoon

You’re simply mad I called out your moralfagging hypocrisy. Maybe you only want them to be maimed or crippled! I can’t believe you thought this low IQ response was worth posting. My point, as I clearly stated, was that you are larping as edgy but you’re a big softie. You haven’t proved me wrong or even addressed my point, but you have gotten upset and resorted to name calling. A clear sign I have gotten under your skin :feelshmm:
Against whom does Mourinho go ER on your picture?
really sad shit. I loathe faggots who harm animals, that innocent raccoon was just trying to survive it doesn't deserve any of that, fuck humanity.
:feelsree: :feelsree::feelsree: I saw a video a while back of some more cultured joggers beating the shit out of a lizard that wasn't doing anything to them, this shit pisses me off.
keep crying for trash-eating vermin, you PETA-supporting terrorist piece of shit.
You don't have to support PETA in any way to see this is clearly fucked up, psychopathic or immensely primitive, behavior. Nice strawman.
The fact that im forced to refer to these troglodytes as human is insulting.
This is what happens when certain groups can never be held accountable. These BLM freaks are similar to women. No matter how many of them chimp out, we can't say anything bad about them. But the moment soyboys or roasties get offended by some incel's roast beef vagina joke, or they see a jacked manlet, then it's okay for them to stereotype us. Because we're somehow more "privileged" jfl. These fags are allegedly so oppressed to the point where they're beyond invincible now. It's like if you let a child run amok and don't set any rules for them. Would they behave themselves, or become a spoiled brat?
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Against whom does Mourinho go ER on your picture?
I honestly don’t know and it’s so hard to get information on the picture since reverse searches show nothing. I just stumbled upon it and was impressed. It doesn’t look like a shop either.
You’re simply mad I called out your moralfagging hypocrisy. Maybe you only want them to be maimed or crippled! I can’t believe you thought this low IQ response was worth posting. My point, as I clearly stated, was that you are larping as edgy but you’re a big softie. You haven’t proved me wrong or even addressed my point, but you have gotten upset and resorted to name calling. A clear sign I have gotten under your skin :feelshmm:
What name calling?

Where was any name calling at all to be found directed from me to you in that post?

Answer: there was N-O-N-E.

Much like “Sleepy Joe” Biden you need to get your head checked for dementia and or Alzheimer’s because you are imagining things that did not happen.

Your clear and obvious dementia and or Alzheimer’s also now explains your propensity to engage in a logical fallacy such as your prior strawman argumentation.

Leading me to now wonder aloud...

Sir, do you even know where you are? Do need some assistance in logging offline and getting in touch with your family/any living friends or relatives/caretakers?? Please go to your nearest available phone and calmly dial 911 as you wait for an operator to assist you in getting back to the nursing home where you’ll be safe.
What name calling?

Where was any name calling at all to be found directed from me to you in that post?

Answer: there was N-O-N-E.

Much like “Sleepy Joe” Biden you need to get your head checked for dementia and or Alzheimer’s because you are imagining things that did not happen.

Your clear and obvious dementia and or Alzheimer’s also now explains your propensity to engage in a logical fallacy such as your prior strawman argumentation.

Leading me to now wonder aloud...

Sir, do you even know where you are? Do need some assistance in logging offline and getting in touch with your family/any living friends or relatives/caretakers?? Please go to your nearest available phone and calmly dial 911 as you wait for an operator to assist you in getting back to the nursing home where you’ll be safe.

nigger loving mind
you simply lack the intelligence
filthy dicksucker
You resorted to attacking me and not my points and then you have the gall to say I engage in logical fallacy? Jfl at saying I have dementia when you literally can't remember what you posted to me. Do you even understand what you type out when you read it back to yourself? I really don't see why I riled you up so much when I routinely make similar comments regarding hypocritical stances on violence. I even made one earlier today and no one got as butt-blasted as you. I don't feel like shitting up this forum so if you want to continue your inane insults you can PM me, however, I have said my piece.
You resorted to attacking me and not my points and then you have the gall to say I engage in logical fallacy? Jfl at saying I have dementia when you literally can't remember what you posted to me. Do you even understand what you type out when you read it back to yourself? I really don't see why I riled you up so much when I routinely make similar comments regarding hypocritical stances on violence. I even made one earlier today and no one got as butt-blasted as you. I don't feel like shitting up this forum so if you want to continue your inane insults you can PM me, however, I have said my piece.
None of those are instances of “name calling” which was your dementia addled complaint to begin with.

Furthermore what legitimate “point” did you ever bring to the table?

All I saw was a baseless assertion and a strawman fallacy.

So please sir just go and dial 911 as I instructed you to do earlier.

Kind professionals will make sure to get you back to safety.
The problem is not that humble and gentle individual but again white people.
The raccoon was born and evolved in a white environment and white people transmitted to that poor animal their racism.
Yes. The raccoon was white-adjacent and therefore deserved to die.
You don't have to support PETA in any way to see this is clearly fucked up, psychopathic or immensely primitive, behavior. Nice strawman.

That comment was referring back to another thread and more of a personal issue I had with the user it was directed to.

That said, it's a raccoon. I'm not sure you're aware of how much trouble raccoons can cause in a neighborhood -- spoiled swimming pools, infected dogs and humans, spilled trash, horrible chittering noises in the night, and many more nuisances than this. A raccoon is a pest that should be eliminated.
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Raccoons make up approximately 13% of the US population while they commit 52% of crime. In 2013 according to the FBI, 90% of raccoons homicide victims were killed by other raccoons.
I would support slavery if it were against vile creatures such as these
What would you say if it was a puppy?


I was a little harsher with my words than I would have been because of my intense dislike of that user.
"Dem slaving racoons holding us down and shiet, they stole oua contributions, wyipo wrote that da coons were brought across yerope by dem, but it was a black scientist opepole kanoptek who made racoons as failed experiment n shiet, he made dem to steal trash from aliens cuz he was so smart but coons revolted and joined wyipo and started stealing their trash, das why we do be living in shit-huts in africa today. Das why y'all should pay reparations.

Thought for the day: I am, therefore I must rape"
t. Tyrone Mudafuga, social commentator, Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize
I saw this video somewhere. It's super fucked up. What did the raccoon do besides exist?

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