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No matter what race you are, get down on your knees and thank God you are not Indian



Aug 4, 2023
You cannot understand the pain of we Indians. It's literally incomprehensible to you.

I'll make an analogy with blacks, only to show you what I mean. Suppose you are black, but you are intelligent, civilized, non toxic, don't commit crime, don't want to keep complaining about whitey, and are interested in maximizing your life potential. Then you would feel a sort of inner pain at the behavior of other blacks.

With Indians it's like that, but with EVERY SINGLE CHARACTERISTIC. Indians are so low, that there's literally nothing we are good at. We have no competitive qualities at all. We are so ugly, so stupid, so unathletic, so boring, so weak, so short, so set in our backward ways, that any Indian who shows a shred of quality in any area whatsoever, feels an immense pain of belonging to the lowest race. It's an incredibly lonely, and terminal, Hiroshima/Nagasaki existence.

The pain of Indians can only be understood by other Indians, especially those who get it. Nobody else gets it, because they belong to higher races who have some qualities that make them worthwhile on the world scene.

I'm Indian, and I don't want Indians to proliferate anymore. This is not self hatred. This is a basic objective fact. The suffering is so immense, so terrible, that India should get it over with, collapse, and stop breeding more Indians. Nothing else will work, unfortunately.
I am a shitskin in my own country and look Indian. People call me the Hindu guy. I guess it's double over
I am a shitskin in my own country and look Indian. People call me the Hindu guy. I guess it's double over
Damn. I'm 100% white but very short (1.62m, "official" average where I am is 1.79m). I'm also extremely strange-looking
I am genuinely so happy I am not curry
Better a tall indian than a midget.
The pain of Indians can only be understood by other Indians, especially those who get it. Nobody else gets it, because they belong to higher races who have some qualities that make them worthwhile on the world scene.
i try to empathize as much as i possibly can with curries but youre right, its probably even worse than i could even imagine :feelscry: sorry brother
You cannot understand the pain of we Indians. It's literally incomprehensible to you.

I'll make an analogy with blacks, only to show you what I mean. Suppose you are black, but you are intelligent, civilized, non toxic, don't commit crime, don't want to keep complaining about whitey, and are interested in maximizing your life potential. Then you would feel a sort of inner pain at the behavior of other blacks.

With Indians it's like that, but with EVERY SINGLE CHARACTERISTIC. Indians are so low, that there's literally nothing we are good at. We have no competitive qualities at all. We are so ugly, so stupid, so unathletic, so boring, so weak, so short, so set in our backward ways, that any Indian who shows a shred of quality in any area whatsoever, feels an immense pain of belonging to the lowest race. It's an incredibly lonely, and terminal, Hiroshima/Nagasaki existence.

The pain of Indians can only be understood by other Indians, especially those who get it. Nobody else gets it, because they belong to higher races who have some qualities that make them worthwhile on the world scene.

I'm Indian, and I don't want Indians to proliferate anymore. This is not self hatred. This is a basic objective fact. The suffering is so immense, so terrible, that India should get it over with, collapse, and stop breeding more Indians. Nothing else will work, unfortunately.
I once used to be proud of my heritage but once I discovered how curries think, act and behave and how other people perceive us it all went down the drain. I hate my country and heritage.
Bro we get it your a currycel we don't care
@wereq Is this your burner account?
Oh ok then
I'm just being realistic. None of us, and no race, is going to completely take over the world.

But in the case of Indians, it never even began in the first place, because of certain genetic and environmental inferior positions.

Indians like myself should recognize this ourselves. And believe me, this has happened before in the world. Lots of people have come and gone because they understood they were inferior, or slaves, or whatever, and decided on less reproduction because of it.

In this sense, I'm being smarter than blacks, for example, who will apparently reproduce forever, and yet complain about their treatment forever. Blacks themselves should understand their position.
@Transcended Trucel @Chudpreet
I am a shitskin in my own country and look Indian. People call me the Hindu guy. I guess it's double over
Tbf an ugly Indian foid lifemogs your average white man due to female privilege. She can bleach her skin and ascend with a white man and do onlyfans
@Transcended Trucel @Chudpreet
OP is 1000% right. Being curry has 0 pros and a whole laundry list of cons. A laundry list that he only scratched the surface of, but tbh this post would be the length of a university thesis if he was to touch on everything.

The world DESPERATELY needs a final solution to the curry question
True. Indians are at a whole different level of subhumanity. I am thankful for being White.
OP is 1000% right. Being curry has 0 pros and a whole laundry list of cons. A laundry list that he only scratched the surface of, but tbh this post would be the length of a university thesis if he was to touch on everything.

The world DESPERATELY needs a final solution to the curry question
Yeah but unfortunately I fear it will only come through pollution, starvation, and basically mass die off. All avoidable if just a few Indians of worth convinced the rest to implement a eugenics policy rather than "muh biggest country, muh superpower will overtake China and America" BULLSHIT.
Yet their population numbers exploded in the past decades, so they're constantly fucking. It can't be that bad, as long as they just stay in their bubble.
True. Indians are at a whole different level of subhumanity. I am thankful for being White.
There are third world subhumans in latin america, the middle east, balkans, south east asia, and then there are fourth world beastly insectoid vermin in curryland rotting and squirming around in squalor and filth. Its a special kind of hell made worse by the fact that the insectoid beastly shitskins who dwell in it can't bring themselves to end their pathetic existence. Curries aren't human. They are another race. They are abominations who's suffering can only be addressed through extermination.
@wereq Is this your burner account?
No. Any slightly rational curry with decent brain comes to the same realizations about curries that I have. Only by delusionmaxxing can mentally dissociated retards like @Caesercel deny their immediate stark reality of soul crushing genetic poverty and subhumanity.
There are third world subhumans in latin america, the middle east, balkans, south east asia, and then there are fourth world beastly insectoid vermin in curryland rotting and squirming around in squalor and filth. Its a special kind of hell made worse by the fact that the insectoid beastly shitskins who dwell in it can't bring themselves to end their pathetic existence. Curries aren't human. They are another race. They are abominations who's suffering can only be addressed through extermination.
For me, blacks are different species, and Indians are the lowest humans.
For me, blacks are different species, and Indians are the lowest humans.
Indians aren't human either. They are derivatives of australoid non-humans mixed with some persian DNA. Blacks are homo erectus, but they are physically gifted, but because of their chimp IQ, they're still quite low on the racial hierarchy. Indians and negros deserve COMPLETE extermination.
I don't want to get into a whole debate about this but studies show that there was actually a migration out of sub saharan Africa that left a genetic trace in all non blacks.

100 percent sub saharan blacks, and wherever they are found (such as America, Haiti, etc.) behave completely differently than mixed breeds and all other peoples. Any cabbie in NYC or public school teacher in black ghettos of America will confirm this.

The humans in India, they degenerated in time because of the climate, and the local conditions supported too big of a subhuman population. It seems to be something unique to India, this sheer level of low ability, that no evolutionary pressure selected against. All other peoples show traits characteristic to the specific regions of most of their evolution.

Heck if you observe white Americans, you observe behaviors and norms different from Europeans, which suggest a different founding effect combined with different cultural evolution.
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Hiroshima/Nagasaki existence.
If there's a hierarchy (and there is), someone has to occupy the bottom. Unfortunately for Indians, they rolled a 1.
My grandfathers grandfather was a gypsy so I also have some curry DNA in me. Looks like I paid the curry tax anyway.
] deny their immediate stark reality of soul crushing genetic poverty and subhumanity.
Illusions that exist entirely within your head. There's no such thing as genetic poverty and subhumanity is not a real concept
@PLA1092 @islamicincel
Curries as a whole tbh. :feelshmm:
The pain of Indians can only be understood by other Indians, especially those who get it. Nobody else gets it, because they belong to higher races who have some qualities that make them worthwhile on the world scene.

I'm Indian, and I don't want Indians to proliferate anymore. This is not self hatred. This is a basic objective fact. The suffering is so immense, so terrible, that India should get it over with, collapse, and stop breeding more Indians. Nothing else will work, unfortunately.
Indians like myself should recognize this ourselves. And believe me, this has happened before in the world. Lots of people have come and gone because they understood they were inferior, or slaves, or whatever, and decided on less reproduction because of it.

In this sense, I'm being smarter than blacks, for example, who will apparently reproduce forever, and yet complain about their treatment forever. Blacks themselves should understand their position.
Brutal. The concept of Dukkha was invented by Indians for a reason, I guess.
You cannot understand the pain of we Indians. It's literally incomprehensible to you.

I'll make an analogy with blacks, only to show you what I mean. Suppose you are black, but you are intelligent, civilized, non toxic, don't commit crime, don't want to keep complaining about whitey, and are interested in maximizing your life potential. Then you would feel a sort of inner pain at the behavior of other blacks.

With Indians it's like that, but with EVERY SINGLE CHARACTERISTIC. Indians are so low, that there's literally nothing we are good at. We have no competitive qualities at all. We are so ugly, so stupid, so unathletic, so boring, so weak, so short, so set in our backward ways, that any Indian who shows a shred of quality in any area whatsoever, feels an immense pain of belonging to the lowest race. It's an incredibly lonely, and terminal, Hiroshima/Nagasaki existence.

The pain of Indians can only be understood by other Indians, especially those who get it. Nobody else gets it, because they belong to higher races who have some qualities that make them worthwhile on the world scene.

I'm Indian, and I don't want Indians to proliferate anymore. This is not self hatred. This is a basic objective fact. The suffering is so immense, so terrible, that India should get it over with, collapse, and stop breeding more Indians. Nothing else will work, unfortunately.
I'm hispanic and I'm thankful i'm not living in the West as an Indian. Biggest suifuel ever
Brutal. Articulate post though.

Indians do have positive qualities, just not any that females care about. Here in the UK Indians are much more liked than Pakistanis/Muslims. Because their culture is considered better, not associated with crime/violence/terrorism etc. They're commonly (correctly) stereotyped as Doctors, shopkeepers, studious etc.
Bro every curry i met in my country was a great guy, the type of guy i like to do business with and talk big ideas.

But yes in favor of women attention they lack alot and their hygiene and reputation doesnt help too
You cannot understand the pain of we Indians. It's literally incomprehensible to you.
This post broke me @CopingForBrutality. :feelsrope::feelsrope:
Dear Lord, I thank you that I am not Indian. I know that I had an astronomically high chance of being born as one, but I wasn't, and for that I am glad. Please take my sacrificial offering of 100 lambs and newborns as a gift of appreciation.

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