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No matter how i try I cant stop realising Africans are not humanbeings



Sir ethnic cel the 1st lord of landwhales, grannys
Nov 2, 2021
Just even 4 years ago I would have been the most anti racist person alive, especially for niggers. But facts are facts.

Look at 2 videos of the same city , one when whites are there and one when the niggers are now fully in control of the very same city

Before niggers become full masters of the economy

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2lbKKZRGKs

Once the pure blood nigger becomes master of the economy

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx-Dv8FQRls

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDKSoyg3D18
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Only whites and asians can create civilization that's a fact. Without whites niggers quickly devolve into wild monkeys and gorillas.
Look at Haiti vs Dominican Republic , one is nigrrafied and the other is mulltofied.

The niggers in Haiti chopped down all the trees and the Dominicans still have natural forest. Use google earth to see this with good zoomed in pics. The niggers chop down everything and cause soil erosion then start starving from poor soil


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Instead of building a sovereign wealth fund like the Norwegians did, they spent it all on garbage and didn't build up a single aspect of their economy.

Now they are the most obese and cig addicted people on Earth, with 35% of people dependent on the church for food donations.
lmao :lul:
Agreed. I cant stop being aware that Blacks are modern Homo Erectus and have less Homo Sapiens DNA than other races
It must be brutal being a blackcel on this forum
Nigga is like gorilla who devolved
Sub-Saharan Africans are the only population with no DNA from Neanderthals or Denisovans, while modern humans carry roughly two percent. Sub-Saharan Africans are said to be mixed with some archaic hominid, like Homo Erectus or Australopithecus. They have lived isolated from the rest of humanity for 100,000 years. No wonder they cluster so distant in genetic tests. They are barely human. Black Americans have a considerable amount of European DNA, hence their higher IQ compared to their African cousins.
Why do niggers love living in filthly areas with broken roads ? I mean even if u r poor u can still clean but instead the whole nigger area becomes filthy with trash everywhere

@supersoldier @downtoearth @cripplecel @Max Doltman @lazy_gamer_423 @NeverEvenBegan @Friezacel @juche necromancer @starystulejarz
It's over for blackcels
Why do niggers love living in filthly areas with broken roads ? I mean even if u r poor u can still clean but instead the whole nigger area becomes filthy with trash everywhere

@supersoldier @downtoearth @cripplecel @Max Doltman @lazy_gamer_423 @NeverEvenBegan @Friezacel @juche necromancer @starystulejarz
Yes I went to the nigga area to get kebab & I made sure to check EVERYTHING. Thankfully the kebab restaurant is across the road from all the niggers & only arabs were on the side I was on.
Why do niggers love living in filthly areas with broken roads ? I mean even if u r poor u can still clean but instead the whole nigger area becomes filthy with trash everywhere
they trash the place and nobody cleans it up since it will get trashed again
Without whites niggers quickly devolve into wild monkeys and gorillas.
Niggers are gorillas, and just like them, they need to be kept in line by force.

In areas where poaching of them is commonplace, gorillas avoid humans like the plague. Similarly, niggers didn’t act out nearly as much back when they were getting lynched.

Niggers aren’t revolutionary. It isn’t just their physical strength that made them good slaves. In the face of true force, they cower. Heck, most are even deathly afraid of spiders and deep bodies of water.
Just even 4 years ago I would have been the most anti racist person alive, especially for niggers. But facts are facts.

Look at 2 videos of the same city , one when whites are there and one when the niggers are now fully in control of the very same city

Before niggers become full masters of the economy

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2lbKKZRGKs

Once the pure blood nigger becomes master of the economy

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx-Dv8FQRls

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDKSoyg3D18

Lol Medieval Arab Scholars already deduced this. Ibn Khaldun stated that Sub Saharans are animals who could walk upright. That's why they are slaves. They are beasts of burden. Funny isn't it how if it wasn't for thousands of White men from Northern USA dying they would still be slaves ? JFL nigges owe their freedom to the white man. If not for Jews they would all be still slaves.
Blacks are based and low inhib
Niggers are gorillas, and just like them, they need to be kept in line by force.

In areas where poaching of them is commonplace, gorillas avoid humans like the plague. Similarly, niggers didn’t act out nearly as much back when they were getting lynched.

Niggers aren’t revolutionary. It isn’t just their physical strength that made them good slaves. In the face of true force, they cower. Heck, most are even deathly afraid of spiders and deep bodies of water.

View: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3qRZBnxBas/?igsh=MTl4dTk4dm42emsy
Seen this before lmao. Looks like there’s some anti-troon gems on that account too. I’m surprised that guy has 60K+ followers, how did he last that long? Did Instagram suddenly uncuck itself at some point in the past 6 months? Lifefuel tbh
:feelskek: Iam not sure though.
Lol Medieval Arab Scholars already deduced this. Ibn Khaldun stated that Sub Saharans are animals who could walk upright. That's why they are slaves. They are beasts of burden. Funny isn't it how if it wasn't for thousands of White men from Northern USA dying they would still be slaves ? JFL nigges owe their freedom to the white man. If not for Jews they would all be still slaves.
do u think its would be better to enslave niggers again? I mean soon those white cucks will be genocided off the earth because their women refuse to breed. So now there will be no social justice white cucks around anymore. Do you think the best is to round up those niggers and whip them into forced labour or do you think its better to just genocide them all?
do u think its would be better to enslave niggers again? I mean soon those white cucks will be genocided off the earth because their women refuse to breed. So now there will be no social justice white cucks around anymore. Do you think the best is to round up those niggers and whip them into forced labour or do you think its better to just genocide them all?
Yeah I agree with you. Most slavery was not done by whites btw. It was done by Jews. Jews wish to replace us Goyims and create a world where there are two castes, Kike Overlords and Nigger slaves. The niggers are their war dogs. You are right. TND and TKD is the only solution.
Yeah I agree with you. Most slavery was not done by whites btw. It was done by Jews. Jews wish to replace us Goyims and create a world where there are two castes, Kike Overlords and Nigger slaves. The niggers are their war dogs. You are right. TND and TKD is the only solution.
so once the white social warriors genocide themselves off the earth for the love of gay sex, women rights etc. Then do you think the best is to remove the kikes and nigs off the earth once and for all?
Then do you think the best is to remove the kikes and nigs off the earth once and for all?
All Kikes and Niggers should be removed asap. Niggers are easy due to easy identification. Kikes are stealthy as fuck. What we need to do is impregnate all Kike women(very easy as most kike men are weak laughable nerds) and cuck kike men. Our genes will hopefully overwhelm the Kike genes. These will ensure that Kikes are unable to stealth escape our cluthes as their blood will be more and more diluated.
Why do niggers love living in filthly areas with broken roads ? I mean even if u r poor u can still clean but instead the whole nigger area becomes filthy with trash everywhere
Maybe they became more resistant to bacteria that proliferate in the dirtiness over time and thus it represents no existential threat anymore. Maybe they wait for others to take the initiative in vain. Or maybe someone cleans it up for others to mess it up again, so it is pointless.
All Kikes and Niggers should be removed asap. Niggers are easy due to easy identification. Kikes are stealthy as fuck. What we need to do is impregnate all Kike women(very easy as most kike men are weak laughable nerds) and cuck kike men. Our genes will hopefully overwhelm the Kike genes. These will ensure that Kikes are unable to stealth escape our cluthes as their blood will be more and more diluated.
so maybe the best is to first finish the niggers then celebrate jewishness so that kikes reveal themselves because media promotes kikedom. Then register them and after round them up, all of them

but dont muslims love kikes? I mean kikes are mentioned throughout the qoran, even muhhamad is of kike lineage.

i doubt muslims will genocide kikes. The palastine thingy and proper arab muslims beliefs are two different things.

If we remove Kikes then we first need to remove all the Arabs first because they are kikes as well.
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