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"No gym for your face" is said by lazy people

IMG 1507

No lol, strength is genetic, I was born with a deficiency (~ 20% of the population has this deficiency) and I will never be very strong unless I take extreme measures.
t levels
Depends on your insertions but there’s no reason to not gym maxx if ur underweight with narrow bideltoid like me. There’s no benefit to me staying at this size as a grown man
Thats literally the reason people go though, they go to improve their looks and a big part of trying to make yourself more attractive is to have a girlfriend, its true there is no gym for your face even if some of the people that say it will definitely be coping lazy fucks this post is just retarded

No you wont as a manlet lol, you are clearly some normie tallfag.

No lol, strength is genetic, I was born with a deficiency (~ 20% of the population has this deficiency) and I will never be very strong unless I take extreme measures.

Holy :bluepill:

Then again its fucking pointless. I spammed the gym for a year. It can literally be a looksmin too, I was breathing incorrectly during my excercises so now my guts round as fuck and I'm going to have to spend a long time fixing it if I can even fix it. Of course you dont know shit about this, you probably havent gone to the gym as much as some gymcels on here anyway and you are just some bluepill retard.
Lol umad bro? Imagine being so retarded you overtrain so much your health fails and then you blame the hobby LOL
Based, I do martial arts and gym and when I talk about it most incels would seethe about it and I have the fucking worst dogshit genetics on this forum
just pick stuff up and put it back down bro
I'm not saying getting jacked is going to make you ascend, but refusing to better yourself because foids still won't like you is pathetic. Even if you don't get girls you'll be more respected by people, and they might even be scared of you which is lifefuel.

Don't cry about genetics if you're not doing the best you can to improve yourself. Everyone can dedicated at least three-four hours a week at their local gym. I'm sure you can sacrifice 4 hours a week of time you'd be playing videogames you don't even enjoy anymore brocel.

You'll be able to mog your enemies in terms of strength.
the only reason anyone goes to the gym is just to try to ascend, thinking otherwise is like thinking foids wear makeup for themselves
the only reason anyone goes to the gym is just to try to ascend, thinking otherwise is like thinking foids wear makeup for themselves
I go cuz I wanna be more powerful
I work out 5 days a week, and I still say "No gym for your face", because it's true. I'm speaking from experience. Doesn't mean that there aren't benefits. Of course there are, otherwise I wouldn't do it. But if you're doing it for foids, then you're going to be sorely disappointed.
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Lol umad bro? Imagine being so retarded you overtrain so much your health fails and then you blame the hobby LOL
You're a fucking retarded soy normie

:soy: "He said swear words he must be mad!"

You're just some infiltrator retard thats never even seriously hit the gym, why the fuck is your brain so fucking small that your assuming I overtrained, where the fuck did your monkey brain even get that shit from, I've suffered no healthy adverse affects. Why the fuck are you lying and making random shit up to bend over backwards for your bluepilled beliefs.
I'm not saying getting jacked is going to make you ascend, but refusing to better yourself because foids still won't like you is pathetic. Even if you don't get girls you'll be more respected by people, and they might even be scared of you which is lifefuel.

Don't cry about genetics if you're not doing the best you can to improve yourself. Everyone can dedicated at least three-four hours a week at their local gym. I'm sure you can sacrifice 4 hours a week of time you'd be playing videogames you don't even enjoy anymore brocel.

You'll be able to mog your enemies in terms of strength.
Don’t bother writing threads like this, everyone will just shit on you
Agreed. I always got teased for being skinny but never for having muscles. I even got a few compliments, even thlough it was mostly from family members
Don’t bother writing threads like this, everyone will just shit on you
This. Many users here have that normie "if it doesnt help me get women, its useless" mindset
As someone who's been gymceling (regularly) for more than 15 years, all I can say is it has a disappointing return on investment.
I know literally hundreds of gym rats and they're not more successful with women. Obviously I'm not.
If women wanted muscles, they'd be in gyms in droves and they wouldn't be wearing earpods all the time.
If muscles got you pussy, you wouldn't have most guys quitting the gym.
If you're being bullied for being weak, how old are you? You'd be much better off training some combat sports. Muscles will not make you good at fighting.
In conclusion: it's worth 4-5 hours a week, but mostly because you don't have anything better to do.
No gym for your face. No gym for your height. No gym for your race. But do it anyway because it's constructive and good for your mental health.
no gym for your face
I agree. I practice calisthenics 6 times per week. Just did my first pistol squat last week.

I do not think the blackpill should be used as an execuse to completely give up on life but I also understand the people who do this. It is hard to find motivation to do anything when you know that you will never be loved or have a fsmily.
This. Many users here have that normie "if it doesnt help me get women, its useless" mindset
its ragefuel tbh, and its been like this forever, in life you always will have rotters who blame everything on outside forces(no accountability), or dont even try and just ldar before even putting any effort compared to some of us whove tried to max the fuck out.

gym isnt abt getting girls its abt having fun getting stronger getting bigger feeling better and jus having a good ass therapy seshion, let the mog fuel you, when i see taller guys or foids in the gym i legit get pissed off and that shit lets me pr left and right, it’s getting harder and harder for me to get mogged in the gym jus because ive been doing this seriously for a decent amount of time + peds, but sometimes you still have moments
I agree. I practice calisthenics 6 times per week. Just did my first pistol squat last week.

I do not think the blackpill should be used as an execuse to completely give up on life but I also understand the people who do this. It is hard to find motivation to do anything when you know that you will never be loved or have a fsmily.
its ragefuel tbh, and its been like this forever, in life you always will have rotters who blame everything on outside forces(no accountability), or dont even try and just ldar before even putting any effort compared to some of us whove tried to max the fuck out.

gym isnt abt getting girls its abt having fun getting stronger getting bigger feeling better and jus having a good ass therapy seshion, let the mog fuel you, when i see taller guys or foids in the gym i legit get pissed off and that shit lets me pr left and right, it’s getting harder and harder for me to get mogged in the gym jus because ive been doing this seriously for a decent amount of time + peds, but sometimes you still have moments
They put no effort into their life and then wonder why everyone is much better. I'm not denying blackpill, I'm here because it is true and I experience discrimination for my height, but I don't use it as an excuse to play videogames all day. Look how many losers are angry in replies because they're getting called out for being lazy and they know it.
They put no effort into their life and then wonder why everyone is much better. I'm not denying blackpill, I'm here because it is true and I experience discrimination for my height, but I don't use it as an excuse to play videogames all day. Look how many losers are angry in replies because they're getting called out for being lazy and they know it.
neither am i but gym is literally proof of the blackpill, i get treated way different depending on my weight, especially from other men, as a male you need to command respect and if youre not tall youre gonna have to work hard as fuck for respect
you are right op, this is something i don't understand too.
even if you believe it won't change your look it is still worth for health benefits
No gym for your height
But its true there is no gym for your face.
you are right op, this is something i don't understand too.
even if you believe it won't change your look it is still worth for health benefits
Sadly even the idea of becoming the best version of yourself is "bluepill" to some here. If you're at least 5'9 and gymmaxx there's a chance you could ascend with a mid Asian woman via seamaxxing as long as you aren't Adam Lanzer's/ blackops2cel's twin.
No gym for your face i concur to the core.
Replies full of lazy niggas
I'm not saying getting jacked is going to make you ascend, but refusing to better yourself because foids still won't like you is pathetic. Even if you don't get girls you'll be more respected by people, and they might even be scared of you which is lifefuel.

Don't cry about genetics if you're not doing the best you can to improve yourself. Everyone can dedicated at least three-four hours a week at their local gym. I'm sure you can sacrifice 4 hours a week of time you'd be playing videogames you don't even enjoy anymore brocel.

You'll be able to mog your enemies in terms of strength.
Exactly, letting women make you give up, is the epitome of being a cuck.
I'm not saying getting jacked is going to make you ascend, but refusing to better yourself because foids still won't like you is pathetic. Even if you don't get girls you'll be more respected by people, and they might even be scared of you which is lifefuel.

Don't cry about genetics if you're not doing the best you can to improve yourself. Everyone can dedicated at least three-four hours a week at their local gym. I'm sure you can sacrifice 4 hours a week of time you'd be playing videogames you don't even enjoy anymore brocel.

You'll be able to mog your enemies in terms of strength.

This is exactly true, plus having a better body means that you do mog other men in some respects. Toilets will prefer a jacked man with a 4/10 face over a non-jacked man with a 4/10 face. At least skinny jacked ones.
Exactly, letting women make you give up, is the epitome of being a cuck.

Yep, it just shows that you're a slave to toilets if you give up because toilets won't touch your dick if you improve yourself. Improve yourself for yourself, you will live a longer and better life if you're healthy.

If you let yourself go because no toilet matches with you, you're literally taking decades off of your life expectancy because you worship toilets. So toilets will receive the pension you worked for.
i only do gym for the stress release and mental boost
I'm not saying getting jacked is going to make you ascend, but refusing to better yourself because foids still won't like you is pathetic. Even if you don't get girls you'll be more respected by people, and they might even be scared of you which is lifefuel.

Don't cry about genetics if you're not doing the best you can to improve yourself. Everyone can dedicated at least three-four hours a week at their local gym. I'm sure you can sacrifice 4 hours a week of time you'd be playing videogames you don't even enjoy anymore brocel.

You'll be able to mog your enemies in terms of strength.
cope + you shouldn't feel obligated to do anything as a truecel, the world owes you more, not the other way around. I personally exercise to keep myself relatively healthy, but I know it's ultimately pointless. Forcing men to feel obligated to looksmaxx while foids just show their hole and receive all of life's benefits is stupid and quite bluepilled. Banworthy even.
cope + you shouldn't feel obligated to do anything as a truecel, the world owes you more, not the other way around. I personally exercise to keep myself relatively healthy, but I know it's ultimately pointless. Forcing men to feel obligated to looksmaxx while foids just show their hole and receive all of life's benefits is stupid and quite bluepilled. Banworthy even.
Shut up gray

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