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Story Nigs randomly tried to pick a fight with me



Master of Bation
Feb 8, 2023
Yesterday morning I prepared to commute to cuckllege, only to find out via email that my professor had changed my class to be remote for the day. Since I'd already gotten ready to leave the house, I thought to myself, "Fuck it, why not go somewhere?" I wasn't keen on polluting any densely populated areas with my subhuman presence, so I chose to go to a county park and spend some time in nature instead. After about an hour at the park, I decided to make my way to the edge of the town lake to take a look at a dam. While walking around a curve, I had a surprise encounter with four teenage scholars on bicycles. They had a thugmaxxed appearance, with all of them dressed in hoodies and joggers and two wearing face masks.

Now, I'm 20 years old, going on 21, but I look a lot younger than I really am. It's not that my body size is especially small - I'm 5'9"-5'10 with an 18"-18.5 bideltoid width (not gym/steroid maxxed) - I just have the face of a teenager. People are often surprised to find out I'm a junior in college; I'm usually assumed to be anywhere from 14 to 17. I guess my young appearance is what made these nigs think they could bully me around; that, or they must've mistook me for someone they knew from school.

Anyway, as I came around the curve, I saw these nigs coming by on the bike path of a nearby road, which was slightly elevated compared to the walkway right next to it (where I was). I briefly made eye contact with the biggest nig in the group. He looked to be my height or taller and facially resembled Lebron James's son, Mikey Williams, somewhat. Slowing down, he asked me, "You wanna fight?" I made a dismissive gesture and kept walking, not picking up my pace. He then repeated his question, asking, "You tryna fight for fun, bruh?" I ignored him, making him repeat himself once more. I was unable to make out what he said to me next over the noise of traffic and the howling wind. A niglet member of the group then shouted to me, "Ayo, don't let him talk to you like that!"

The nig made a full stop, and I heard him getting off his bike. Figuring that the distance between us was too large at that point for him to quickly come up and try to sucker punch me, I kept my back turned to him, walking at the same pace. Acting scared or on edge would've just made him want to attack me more. He didn't follow me too long, and in a few seconds returned to his bike, riding off with his friends.

Before anyone calls me a pussy for not accepting his invitation to fight, I was poorly rested from the night before and too out of it to fight a 1v4 (what it inevitably would have turned into had I taken the upper hand). Given their minor status and scholars' penchant for self-victimization, I also don't doubt the groids' parents would've tried to press charges against me had I injured any of them. It's quite funny, though, how soys and even some leftist users on this site will tell you to, "Go OuTsIdE, BrO! NoT AlL mInOrItIEs ArE LikE whAt ThE TwittER vIdEOs sHOw yOU":soy::foidSoy:, yet on my first venture outside in months (on my own volition, anyway), I get challenged to a fight by some thug nig I've never met before. Just fucking LOL
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It's quite funny, though, how soys and even some leftist users on this site will tell you to, "Go OuTsIdE, BrO! NoT AlL mInOrItIEs ArE LikE whAt ThE TwittER vIdEOs sHOw yOU":soy::foidSoy:, yet on my first venture outside in months (on my own volition, anyway), I get challenged to a fight by some thug nig I've never met before.
Guess his rayciss Chud detectors must've gone off at the sight of me
niggers are gonna be niggers
niggers are gonna be niggers
:feelsPop: yeah, about average for nigger behaviour. these are my favourite kinds of posts, IRL stories
Would you describe yourself as one? You have a thuggish look/style irl? Or an imposing stature/frame?
they harrass easy targets and maybe rob them if they are submissive enough (not in gay way)

im 5'11 and decently built cuz i use to gymcel like back in 2021-2023 so no i dont get like harrassed and shit they just leave me alone
Next time show him who is the biggER man :feelsLSD:
Next time show him who is the biggER man :feelsLSD:
I was poorly rested from the night before and too out of it to fight a 1v4 (what it inevitably would have turned into had I taken the upper hand). Given their minor status and scholars' penchant for self-victimization, I also don't doubt the groids' parents would've tried to press charges against me had I injured any of them.
It's a good idea not to fight with groups of normies without a weapon. They WILL jump you. If you have something lethal on you, then go ham, its legal self defense, other wise make distance.
Agreed. The jumping part especially applies to nigs, but yeah, normies in general will gang up on you like that.
All retards here saying you should've fought back are acting like nigs don't carry the glocks around. You're lucky that you're alive to tell the tale.
All retards here saying you should've fought back
Only one user in this thread has said that, my assumption is he didn't read the thread in full
acting like nigs don't carry the glocks around. You're lucky that you're alive to tell the tale.
Lol, this happened in a middle-class township, which makes it even worse. These kids were raised in comfy environments, not having to worry about their next meal or having a roof over their heads, yet still turned to thugmaxxing and picking fights with people they don't know.

You can take the nigger out of the jungle but can't take the jungle out of the nigger, I guess
They might've said it as a joke initially, but since you looked scared, didn't say a word and kept walking they got a power trip and escalated the situation, should've at least said something
They might've said it as a joke initially, but since you looked scared, didn't say a word and kept walking they got a power trip and escalated the situation, should've at least said something
I didn't look scared, and I did make a dismissive gesture at them. If I'd engaged with them verbally, the situation probably would've escalated even further.
I didn't look scared, and I did make a dismissive gesture at them. If I'd engaged with them verbally, the situation probably would've escalated even further.
Yeah true, although I feel like a gesture could be worse than saying a response back depending on their intentions, hard to imagine the right option in a situation like this because you never know the true intentions of the other side
All retards here saying you should've fought back are acting like nigs don't carry the glocks around. You're lucky that you're alive to tell the tale.
like anyone is gonna win a 1v4 anyways
Yeah true, although I feel like a gesture could be worse than saying a response back depending on their intentions, hard to imagine the right option in a situation like this because you never know the true intentions of the other side
I didn't get hit, so all's well that ends well, I suppose.
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Yesterday morning I prepared to commute to cuckllege, only to find out via email that my professor had changed my class to be remote for the day. Since I'd already gotten ready to leave the house, I thought to myself, "Fuck it, why not go somewhere?" I wasn't keen on polluting any densely populated areas with my subhuman presence, so I chose to go to a county park and spend some time in nature instead. After about an hour at the park, I decided to make my way to the edge of the town lake to take a look at a dam. While walking around a curve, I had a surprise encounter with four teenage scholars on bicycles. They had a thugmaxxed appearance, with all of them dressed in hoodies and joggers and two wearing face masks.

Now, I'm 20 years old, going on 21, but I look a lot younger than I really am. It's not that my body size is especially small - I'm 5'9"-5'10 with an 18"-18.5 bideltoid width (not gym/steroid maxxed) - I just have the face of a teenager. People are often surprised to find out I'm a junior in college; I'm usually assumed to be anywhere from 14 to 17. I guess my young appearance is what made these nigs think they could bully me around; that, or they must've mistook me for someone they knew from school.

Anyway, as I came around the curve, I saw these nigs coming by on the bike path of a nearby road, which was slightly elevated compared to the walkway right next to it (where I was). I briefly made eye contact with the biggest nig in the group. He looked to be my height or taller and facially resembled Lebron James's son, Mikey Williams, somewhat. Slowing down, he asked me, "You wanna fight?" I made a dismissive gesture and kept walking, not picking up my pace. He then repeated his question, asking, "You tryna fight for fun, bruh?" I ignored him, making him repeat himself once more. I was unable to make out what he said to me next over the noise of traffic and the howling wind. A niglet member of the group then shouted to me, "Ayo, don't let him talk to you like that!"

The nig made a full stop, and I heard him getting off his bike. Figuring that the distance between us was too large at that point for him to quickly come up and try to sucker punch me, I kept my back turned to him, walking at the same pace. Acting scared or on edge would've just made him want to attack me more. He didn't follow me too long, and in a few seconds returned to his bike, riding off with his friends.

Before anyone calls me a pussy for not accepting his invitation to fight, I was poorly rested from the night before and too out of it to fight a 1v4 (what it inevitably would have turned into had I taken the upper hand). Given their minor status and scholars' penchant for self-victimization, I also don't doubt the groids' parents would've tried to press charges against me had I injured any of them. It's quite funny, though, how soys and even some leftist users on this site will tell you to, "Go OuTsIdE, BrO! NoT AlL mInOrItIEs ArE LikE whAt ThE TwittER vIdEOs sHOw yOU":soy::foidSoy:, yet on my first venture outside in months (on my own volition, anyway), I get challenged to a fight by some thug nig I've never met before. Just fucking LOL
Carry a knife brothER and only use it if they are at a stabbing distance
ER scared some thugs like that
Never relax around them & don’t go to any inner city areas either
Yesterday morning I prepared to commute to cuckllege, only to find out via email that my professor had changed my class to be remote for the day. Since I'd already gotten ready to leave the house, I thought to myself, "Fuck it, why not go somewhere?" I wasn't keen on polluting any densely populated areas with my subhuman presence, so I chose to go to a county park and spend some time in nature instead. After about an hour at the park, I decided to make my way to the edge of the town lake to take a look at a dam. While walking around a curve, I had a surprise encounter with four teenage scholars on bicycles. They had a thugmaxxed appearance, with all of them dressed in hoodies and joggers and two wearing face masks.

Now, I'm 20 years old, going on 21, but I look a lot younger than I really am. It's not that my body size is especially small - I'm 5'9"-5'10 with an 18"-18.5 bideltoid width (not gym/steroid maxxed) - I just have the face of a teenager. People are often surprised to find out I'm a junior in college; I'm usually assumed to be anywhere from 14 to 17. I guess my young appearance is what made these nigs think they could bully me around; that, or they must've mistook me for someone they knew from school.

Anyway, as I came around the curve, I saw these nigs coming by on the bike path of a nearby road, which was slightly elevated compared to the walkway right next to it (where I was). I briefly made eye contact with the biggest nig in the group. He looked to be my height or taller and facially resembled Lebron James's son, Mikey Williams, somewhat. Slowing down, he asked me, "You wanna fight?" I made a dismissive gesture and kept walking, not picking up my pace. He then repeated his question, asking, "You tryna fight for fun, bruh?" I ignored him, making him repeat himself once more. I was unable to make out what he said to me next over the noise of traffic and the howling wind. A niglet member of the group then shouted to me, "Ayo, don't let him talk to you like that!"

The nig made a full stop, and I heard him getting off his bike. Figuring that the distance between us was too large at that point for him to quickly come up and try to sucker punch me, I kept my back turned to him, walking at the same pace. Acting scared or on edge would've just made him want to attack me more. He didn't follow me too long, and in a few seconds returned to his bike, riding off with his friends.

Before anyone calls me a pussy for not accepting his invitation to fight, I was poorly rested from the night before and too out of it to fight a 1v4 (what it inevitably would have turned into had I taken the upper hand). Given their minor status and scholars' penchant for self-victimization, I also don't doubt the groids' parents would've tried to press charges against me had I injured any of them. It's quite funny, though, how soys and even some leftist users on this site will tell you to, "Go OuTsIdE, BrO! NoT AlL mInOrItIEs ArE LikE whAt ThE TwittER vIdEOs sHOw yOU":soy::foidSoy:, yet on my first venture outside in months (on my own volition, anyway), I get challenged to a fight by some thug nig I've never met before. Just fucking LOL
You should carry pepper spray on you. You would’ve been 100% legally justified to use it. If you want to find those niggs you should go on Facebook and LinkedIn then search for the city you live in go to people and look through the profile pics. Then I could help you try to get their phone numbers and addresses if you want.
You should carry pepper spray on you.
This. If it's legal in your country. In the Netherlands it isn't JFL. they literally import an army of violent sandniggers and they enjoy the idea of you being defenseless against it.
Carry a knife brothER and only use it if they are at a stabbing distance
ER scared some thugs like that
You should carry pepper spray on you.
No such thoughts to arm myself occurred to me beforehand since, frankly, they shouldn't have; this was a county park in a middle-class township. The area I was in isn't known for a nigger population anyway, or if it is, I certainly wasn't aware. But of course, behavior like what the scholars from yesterday displayed is endemic to nigs regardless of their economic background.
If you want to find those niggs you should go on Facebook and LinkedIn then search for the city you live in go to people and look through the profile pics.
Given their age, I can almost guarantee they use neither Facebook nor Linkedin.
Good for you. If you did fight them, you'd probably get your shit pushed in and your stuff stolen. If you got close to winning some fucking how, twelve other negroids would start beating the piss out of you anyway.
Good for you. If you did fight them, you'd probably get your shit pushed in and your stuff stolen. If you got close to winning some fucking how, twelve other negroids would start beating the piss out of you anyway.
Goes to show how cowardly black monkeys really are.
In the Netherlands it isn't JFL. they literally import an army of violent sandniggers and they enjoy the idea of you being defenseless against it.
Wow. They don't even care to make a secret of their agenda at this point
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im 5'11 and decently built cuz i use to gymcel like back in 2021-2023 so no i dont get like harrassed and shit they just leave me alone
Are you bragging? :feelssus::feelssus::feelssus:
This. If it's legal in your country. In the Netherlands it isn't JFL. they literally import an army of violent sandniggers and they enjoy the idea of you being defenseless against it.
Anything is legal if you don't get caught.
Thanks for the motivation bro. I will do it
did ronnie mcnut belgrade run u over yesterday

Lebron James's son, Mikey Williams
LMFAOO I'm retarded, Mikey Williams isn't Lebron's son. Ehh, whatever, I haven't given a fuck about niggerball in seven years.
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Yesterday morning I prepared to commute to cuckllege, only to find out via email that my professor had changed my class to be remote for the day. Since I'd already gotten ready to leave the house, I thought to myself, "Fuck it, why not go somewhere?" I wasn't keen on polluting any densely populated areas with my subhuman presence, so I chose to go to a county park and spend some time in nature instead. After about an hour at the park, I decided to make my way to the edge of the town lake to take a look at a dam. While walking around a curve, I had a surprise encounter with four teenage scholars on bicycles. They had a thugmaxxed appearance, with all of them dressed in hoodies and joggers and two wearing face masks.

Now, I'm 20 years old, going on 21, but I look a lot younger than I really am. It's not that my body size is especially small - I'm 5'9"-5'10 with an 18"-18.5 bideltoid width (not gym/steroid maxxed) - I just have the face of a teenager. People are often surprised to find out I'm a junior in college; I'm usually assumed to be anywhere from 14 to 17. I guess my young appearance is what made these nigs think they could bully me around; that, or they must've mistook me for someone they knew from school.

Anyway, as I came around the curve, I saw these nigs coming by on the bike path of a nearby road, which was slightly elevated compared to the walkway right next to it (where I was). I briefly made eye contact with the biggest nig in the group. He looked to be my height or taller and facially resembled Lebron James's son, Mikey Williams, somewhat. Slowing down, he asked me, "You wanna fight?" I made a dismissive gesture and kept walking, not picking up my pace. He then repeated his question, asking, "You tryna fight for fun, bruh?" I ignored him, making him repeat himself once more. I was unable to make out what he said to me next over the noise of traffic and the howling wind. A niglet member of the group then shouted to me, "Ayo, don't let him talk to you like that!"

The nig made a full stop, and I heard him getting off his bike. Figuring that the distance between us was too large at that point for him to quickly come up and try to sucker punch me, I kept my back turned to him, walking at the same pace. Acting scared or on edge would've just made him want to attack me more. He didn't follow me too long, and in a few seconds returned to his bike, riding off with his friends.

Before anyone calls me a pussy for not accepting his invitation to fight, I was poorly rested from the night before and too out of it to fight a 1v4 (what it inevitably would have turned into had I taken the upper hand). Given their minor status and scholars' penchant for self-victimization, I also don't doubt the groids' parents would've tried to press charges against me had I injured any of them. It's quite funny, though, how soys and even some leftist users on this site will tell you to, "Go OuTsIdE, BrO! NoT AlL mInOrItIEs ArE LikE whAt ThE TwittER vIdEOs sHOw yOU":soy::foidSoy:, yet on my first venture outside in months (on my own volition, anyway), I get challenged to a fight by some thug nig I've never met before. Just fucking LOL
tales from the base ment

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