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Niggers celebrating the return of the white man


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You got proof for that claim?

Thats not an accusation, that is simply reality becahse indians are too low IQ

That is far from the truth in regards to the indians in canada. However, regardless of whether those indians are rich or poor, they still insist on mass migrating to white countries out of their shithole

Yep, because Europeans deserve it for what they did to MENA countries. What goes around comes around. Or as you say later on in your reply, "Skill Issue. Not anyone's fault Europeans are too weak to defend themselves from sand refugees"

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Kinda better than Raping and rioting like you Niggers. But knowing you, you would happily support Rape, Pedophilia and such.

Jokes aside, you got any evidence for your claim? Pajeets are a slave race in UAE, the Arabs would not even pee on them if they were dying of thirst, let alone give them welfare

They are not run by immigrants in any capacity.

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Lmao in comes the pajeet shitskin brain racial behaviour. You cockroaches really cant help yourselves huh? Is this because of your tiny little brains? You did this last time we argued and you still got BTFO.

Stay. ON. TOPIC. YOU LOWLY ANIMAL. Enough with your tangents.

What does that have to do with anything

Your mother would gleefully deep throat my pink cock just to get a taste of non-shitskin dick, kettle. The fact that youre brown like diarrhea yet insist on calling me slurs like that show how much you must hate yourself

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Tales from the basement:feelskek:

Says the guy who was spamming BBC threads a couple of days back

Garuntee you live in the west too, so please don't open your mouth and talk as if you're some white European when you're a literal shit colored Australoid.
Nope. I live in my native country:feelsjuice:

Thats because SEA and Curry migrants are easier to abuse and whip into servitude like the dogs that they are. Do i need to show you how many articles there are of indians and indonesians being abused and tortured by arabs?

Also, what the fuck is going on here? Faggot nigger is out here blathering to me about how MENA can't build proper societies then he's bragging about his Curry brethren fleeing hindustan for the privilege of working under Arab rule JFL.

Those Indian billionaires made their wealth outside of the UAE, they just happen to be living their now for whatever reason. Try reading their wiki pages FFS

Although that does beg the question huh? Why are these billionaire pajeets choosing to live among Arabs instead of their fellow Indians? Really makes you think, doesn't it?

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Vietnamese do complain about the atrocities their people faced by Jewmericans. Maybe because you're a white worshipping pajeet cuckold, it's you who passively cucks out and forgives whites for enslaving your kind, but you're damn fucking delusional if you think the same applies to the Vietnamese and Afghans
Eh man it's not me who compares white people to Gods like you did in some of your threads. Massive projection on your behalf. I like whites because they aren't hypocrites unlike you.
And once again, just like last time, this has zero relation to do with MENAs and their abilitiy to build high tier society. Ours is due to foreign intervention. Your country being a shithole is due to your genetics. Ours isn't due to our genetics. Key difference, Abo
You niggers could be handed an entire well built country and would probably end up making it a shithole.
The absolute fucking state or the curry mind to think Israel was "barely formed" when it had the backing of the entire west
Not really. Arabs just can't fight for shit. Now before you pull up some bullshit let me remind you India isn't broken into several warring factions like Syria or Iraq and has never been invaded by the USA or any other country for that matter.
Geopolitics is not "leftist arguments"
Yes they are. White people individually never done anything to Sand Countries. Also it was America who invaded Sandland not countries like Sweden, Netherlands or Belgium.
My race has accomplished plenty. That is not what anyone was arguing here and you once again display the shitskinjeet racial behaviour of going on tangents. We were talking of whether or not MENA can have functioning societies without white people existing, which was what OP was initially claiming indirectly. And I have shown thay yes, MENA can. You, on the other hand, have failed to show how any pajeet could ever have an adequate proper first world country.
Eh man it's not Indians who are crossing the Mediterrenean on Makeshift boats to enter Europe
Where did I say white people are evil? You need to stop getting so offended at the gods you worship being criticized for their orcish behaviour

Look at that absolute Seethe:forcedsmile:
sand nigger calling whites orcs


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Kinda better than Raping and rioting like you Niggers. But knowing you, you would happily support Rape, Pedophilia and such.
Pajeets are the biggest rapists on the planet and everyone knows that. Show bobs and vagen bootiful!

Tales from the basement:feelskek:

You and I both know it, shitskin. Your mother would yearn to have my "fair and lovely" cum fertilize her eggs

Screenshot 20231222 043426 Samsung Internet

Says the guy who was spamming BBC threads a couple of days back
Literally never happened.

Nope. I live in my native country:feelsjuice:
RIP. Must be hell.

Eh man it's not me who compares white people to Gods like you did in some of your threads.

You already pathetically tried to use this argument before and it was already addressed. I have also called blacks, indians, and asians gods. It's a joke, you nigger. Bit of course Shitskins like you may view them as gods genuinely, but I dont.

Massive projection on your behalf. I like whites because they aren't hypocrites unlike you.

You just keep spewing more and more horseshit. White people aren't hypocrites? What is this entire genocide in plaestine then? Honesty? Theyve been lying non stop on media. Get the FUCK outta here with your nonsense. You like white people because you're from a shitskin cockroach slave race

You niggers could be handed an entire well built country and would probably end up making it a shithole.

That's funnily enough what happened to India. A well built country by Mughals and British and handed to your dravidian ass only to turn it into a figurative and literal shithole

2UCeP0alUGEeifGaC8SRQNcSokI o7AMhl0MYzGqw I

Not really.
Yeah really. Israel has always needed other western powers to prop it, so your meat riding of kikes beating arabs is wrong, like everything else you spew

Screenshot 20231222 044448 Samsung Internet

Arabs just can't fight for shit.
Yeah, that's why the conquered lands from spain to western china

Because they cant fight

Now before you pull up some bullshit let me remind you India isn't broken into several warring factions like Syria or Iraq

Iraq isn't in warring factions, it's more of a puppet state to Iran. And you can blather about Syria all you want, at the end of the day, the country is STILL better to live in than hindustan and its people are more beautiful.

192b2af7 83c8 4131 a62a cb0eabf5d6dd
10a6b4b3 082b 4646 b906 15606133a459
19798393 ea7d 471e a592 754bf12091b6
Bbfaa52c d990 4d2b baa8 b42711e533a1
3f34656a c42e 47be a4bb 5780ef2c5a14
6c7aeba1 a013 4805 8cb2 88521fba172c
Dbce675a e0eb 4092 9767 936cf06759af

These temporary conflicts will never compensate for you being part of the least respected and filthiest race on earth.

and has never been invaded by the USA or any other country for that matter.

Did this nigger's brain malfunction? Britian ruled your kind for 300 years and the Persians another 600 years before that.

Yes they are.
Geopolitics does a great job and exposing why you're a dumbass, so you instead insist on dismissing it as leftist because you know it shows the massive cracks in your (lack of) logic
White people individually never done anything to Sand Countries.

Individuals make up countries. ergo, countries eventually become a representation of the people living their. White people have done bad to Sand Countries at the end of the day

Like how peoppe view India the country as a dirty rapist shithole because the people there are dirty rapist streetshitters.

Also it was America who invaded Sandland not countries like Sweden, Netherlands or Belgium.

They all work together, ergo, equally responsible.

Eh man it's not Indians who are crossing the Mediterrenean on Makeshift boats to enter Europe

They most certainly are fleeing not just to Europe, but even to Africa and MENA. Think about that for 2 seconds. India is such a shithole that your kind would sooner live in Africa and MENA than back home, why is that I wonder?

Look at Saudi for example JFL

Map of the Indian Diaspora in the World

Look at that absolute Seethe:forcedsmile:
sand nigger calling whites orcs
They definitely act like orcs and look the part too

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Finally, to note, as always, like with all other shitskin pajeets I always have the misfortune of arguing with on here, you have degraded this argument into shitflinging nonsense because you just can't keep track of your arguments and insist on going on tangents. I believe this is because pajeets lack the ability to think too deeply or ahead and so any coherent debate becomes next to impossible with them and it always devolves into nonsensical attemps on the part of the pajeet to get in cheap one-shots and "gotchas" because this is their vain attempt and miserable mimicry of what they perceive actual intelligent discussions to be. Needless to say, once again, I remind you, the initial point was whether or not that MENAs have the genetic capacity such that they can build functioning societies or not, and I have already kicked your rear end to Kingdom come in regards to that issue

You will always be a shitskin pajeet

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Pajeets are the biggest rapists on the planet and everyone knows that. Show bobs and vagen bootiful!

You and I both know it, shitskin. Your mother would yearn to have my "fair and lovely" cum fertilize her eggs

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Literally never happened.

RIP. Must be hell.

You already pathetically tried to use this argument before and it was already addressed. I have also called blacks, indians, and asians gods. It's a joke, you nigger. Bit of course Shitskins like you may view them as gods genuinely, but I dont.

You just keep spewing more and more horseshit. White people aren't hypocrites? What is this entire genocide in plaestine then? Honesty? Theyve been lying non stop on media. Get the FUCK outta here with your nonsense. You like white people because you're from a shitskin cockroach slave race

That's funnily enough what happened to India. A well built country by Mughals and British and handed to your dravidian ass only to turn it into a figurative and literal shithole

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Yeah really. Israel has always needed other western powers to prop it, so your meat riding of kikes beating arabs is wrong, like everything else you spew

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Yeah, that's why the conquered lands from spain to western china

Because they cant fight

Iraq isn't in warring factions, it's more of a puppet state to Iran. And you can blather about Syria all you want, at the end of the day, the country is STILL better to live in than hindustan and its people are more beautiful.

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These temporary conflicts will never compensate for you being part of the least respected and filthiest race on earth.

Did this nigger's brain malfunction? Britian ruled your kind for 300 years and the Persians another 600 years before that.

Geopolitics does a great job and exposing why you're a dumbass, so you instead insist on dismissing it as leftist because you know it shows the massive cracks in your (lack of) logic

Individuals make up countries. ergo, countries eventually become a representation of the people living their. White people have done bad to Sand Countries at the end of the day

Like how peoppe view India the country as a dirty rapist shithole because the people there are dirty rapist streetshitters.

They all work together, ergo, equally responsible.

They most certainly are fleeing not just to Europe, but even to Africa and MENA. Think about that for 2 seconds. India is such a shithole that your kind would sooner live in Africa and MENA than back home, why is that I wonder?

Look at Saudi for example JFL

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They definitely act like orcs and look the part too

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Finally, to note, as always, like with all other shitskin pajeets I always have the misfortune of arguing with on here, you have degraded this argument into shitflinging nonsense because you just can't keep track of your arguments and insist on going on tangents. I believe this is because pajeets lack the ability to think too deeply or ahead and so any coherent debate becomes next to impossible with them and it always devolves into nonsensical attemps on the part of the pajeet to get in cheap one-shots and "gotchas" because this is their vain attempt and miserable mimicry of what they perceive actual intelligent discussions to be. Needless to say, once again, I remind you, the initial point was whether or not that MENAs have the genetic capacity such that they can build functioning societies or not, and I have already kicked your rear end to Kingdom come in regards to that issue

You will always be a shitskin pajeet

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Eh man if you could have just told me why you are living in a white country despite white people being Orcs and Sand Niggers being infinitely superior to everyone we wouldn't have to type all this shit at all. But off course you can't answer that.
Eh man if you could have just told me why you are living in a white country despite white people being Orcs and Sand Niggers being infinitely superior to everyone we wouldn't have to type all this shit at all. But off course you can't answer that.
Sure, right after you tell me why so many shitskin pajeets live in Arab countries yet you insist arabs can't build desirable societies.

Where did I say sands are infinitely superior to everyone? They certainly are superior to your ilk, that's for sure.
Sure, right after you tell me why so many shitskin pajeets live in Arab countries yet you insist arabs can't build desirable societies.
Don't ask me. I don't live in an arab country.
Where did I say sands are infinitely superior to everyone?
You called White people orcs and hence inferior to your own(real funny how you brag about having white skin and then call white people orc and whatnot s:forcedsmile:). White people are usually considered top of the totem pole so being above would mean you are implying sand niggers are above everyone else.

They certainly are superior to your ilk, that's for sure.
Sure they are pal. Why don't you use your White Skin to ascend with a curryfoid in Canada rather than bragging about your white skin and superiority to me on an incel forum ? Your muzzie parents chopped off your balls too during circumcision ?
Don't ask me. I don't live in an arab country.
Kek avoiding the question as always

You called White people orcs and hence inferior to your own(real funny how you brag about having white skin and then call white people orc and whatnot s:forcedsmile:).
White people absolutley are orcs in their war mongering behaviour. That has nothing to do with their superior appearance. But leave it to a shitskin pajeet to be so neck deep in worshipping white cock that he refuses to, or rather I should say, lacks the brain capacity, to understand nuance.

You're so obsessed with defending and worshipping the same people who massacred and enslaved your cockroach-tier race because you are just THAT much of an inferior breed of human. That same logic does not apply to us MENAs

White people are usually considered top of the totem pole so being above would mean you are implying sand niggers are above everyone else.
Show me where I said Sands are above whites? Also, by your own dumbass logic, sands do mog yout shitskin australoid race since we are closer to whites than curries are.

Sure they are pal.
Hla deeb
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994eb93d e17c 4eb4 8699 bb91d003e912
88dc0666 082b 475c 867d 37025d86a090
38ada6e0 69c4 489e a290 6b465e2a570b

Why don't you use your White Skin to ascend with a curryfoid in Canada rather than bragging about your white skin and superiority to me on an incel forum ? Your muzzie parents chopped off your balls too during circumcision ?
I'm sure you'd love it if I bleached some of your sisters and cousins wouldn't you? Lmfao

And I'm not bragging about being superior to you because we already know I am. I'm simply pointing out how weird it is for an actual shitskin to use shitskin as an insult towards me.
Took some time to find all the stuff I needed for this reply:feelshaha:.

Old Men Laughing GIF by ABC Network

@lifefuel @Made in Heaven and @CantEscapeYourFate once their larp ends and they actually have to live without white people
Just imagine how different the thread would've been if you hadn't tagged Made in Heaven:feelskek::feelskek:.

Stop the cope. In the 70+ years that sand niggers have had oil wealth, all they've done is paid to have infrastructure and fancy towers that FOREIGN, WHITES designed and curries slaved to build. Even the fucking chinks build their own electronics and computers. Stop pretending like sands would compete with others who build civilization.
They're actually genuinely getting their act together in this, at least when it comes to stuff like scientific research. Middle Easterners, and Islamic countries in general, dominate the ranks of countries with highest-growing scientific and technological output, and at least according to one analyst I found, if they keep on growing like this, they (Islamic countries in general, it will take more time for MENAs specifically to do so) will overtake the US in total scientific output.

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1285982320361648136#m

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1540033416745328641#m

Their main problem is skills and human capital, with even the students from the Gulf countries still placing lower than OECD students, with their best ones being around the level of average OECD ones, though Turks are better than those:


This is why I yearn for Total Cracker Death. The collapse of the west is clearly the only way MENA will ever escape the tyranny of these orcs
Not sure about an absolute downfall but a relative one seems to be mostly happening, at least in this sphere.

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1653870034433835011#m
We leave our countries because jewmericans are war mongering kikes who refuse to fuck off out of our lands.
Legit question why not just live in UAE/Oman/Saudi/Bahrain/Qatar/Turkey/etc if this is the reason you live in snowniggerland. All of those countries are literally active collaborators with the US and Israel and are massive beneficiaries of western imperialism so this doesn't impact them at all
Legit question why not just live in UAE/Oman/Saudi/Bahrain/Qatar/Turkey/etc if this is the reason you live in snowniggerland. All of those countries are literally active collaborators with the US and Israel and are massive beneficiaries of western imperialism so this doesn't impact them at all
Almost all of those countries have strict immigration. Even back in the day when my dad, as a turk, was trying to get citizenship in turkey or Saudi, he was rejected by both but accepted by Canada, despite being a dentist
They're actually genuinely getting their act together in this, at least when it comes to stuff like scientific research. Middle Easterners, and Islamic countries in general, dominate the ranks of countries with highest-growing scientific and technological output, and at least according to one analyst I found, if they keep on growing like this, they (Islamic countries in general, it will take more time for MENAs specifically to do so) will overtake the US in total scientific output.
I look forward to eating humble pie, but I'm not holding my breath.
Arabia was never attacked by the Mongols you absolute troglodyte. You aren't even making any arguments.

West Asia​

Siege of Baghdad in 1258.
Main articles: Mongol invasions of the Levant, Anatolia, Khwarezmian Empire, Georgia, the Nizaris of Alamut, and Siege of Baghdad (1258)

The Mongols conquered, by battle or voluntary surrender, the areas of present-day Iran, Iraq, the Caucasus, and parts of Syria and Turkey, with further Mongol raids reaching southwards into Palestine as far as Gaza in 1260 and 1300. The major battles were the siege of Baghdad, when the Mongols sacked the city which had been the center of Islamic power for 500 years, and the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 in south-eastern Galilee, when the Muslim Bahri Mamluks were able to defeat the Mongols and decisively halt their advance for the first time. One thousand northern Chinese engineer squads accompanied the Mongol Hulagu Khan during his conquest of the Middle East.[c]
Took some time to find all the stuff I needed for this reply:feelshaha:.

Just imagine how different the thread would've been if you hadn't tagged Made in Heaven:feelskek::feelskek:.

They're actually genuinely getting their act together in this, at least when it comes to stuff like scientific research. Middle Easterners, and Islamic countries in general, dominate the ranks of countries with highest-growing scientific and technological output, and at least according to one analyst I found, if they keep on growing like this, they (Islamic countries in general, it will take more time for MENAs specifically to do so) will overtake the US in total scientific output.

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1285982320361648136#m

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1540033416745328641#m

Their main problem is skills and human capital, with even the students from the Gulf countries still placing lower than OECD students, with their best ones being around the level of average OECD ones, though Turks are better than those:

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Not sure about an absolute downfall but a relative one seems to be mostly happening, at least in this sphere.

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1653870034433835011#m

At lower outputs any increase is a much greater increase in rate than already higher outputs EG 2 to 6 is a 200% increase but 20k to 25k is only a 25% increase. Same thing about how Brazil's economy was suppose to be super duper growing. Misleading and doubt it's sustainable.
This just is not true. I remember this is the same cope some Burmese chimpanzee tried to use against me in a similar manner. Faggots always want to give credit to the infrastructure and systems in saudi arabia to the mythical europeans when there are barely any europrans in saudi arabia to begin with outside of the few thousand russian women that the saudis bring in to marry

There is a demonstrably constant effort by snow niggers, be they anglos franks or ashkenazis, to keep the MENA region destabilized or under their authority as a means of preventing any competition. We see what they did to libya and Iraq, or how France economically chokes most NA countries, where they prope up a military dictator in egypt. Constantly instigating coups and false flags. Israel's mere existence is proof of this as they outright admit thay Israel is essentially a glorified military outpost in the MENA region to keep control and power over the local geopolitics and resources , such as how Israel not only attacks Palestine, but also Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and even Egypt are under the pre-suppoed military power that America provides Israel.

View: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/RMLTmkbmRDs

View: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/2HZs-v0PR44

You could maybe make a case for blacks being unable to build proper societies, but in terms of MENA and Latin America, it is abundantly clear that most of the economic and social hardships in those 2 areas are largely due to Jewmerican snow nigger bullshit that has persisted for well over 70 years, and no one who is genuine with themselves would deny that.

This is why I yearn for Total Cracker Death. The collapse of the west is clearly the only way MENA will ever escape the tyranny of these orcs

MENA can and will never rise due to Wahabism. Nobody ever mentions this, those people are responsible for every war or unstability in MENA except the ones USA fought. Why does nobody ever mention this? Infact that ideology hates critical thinking. Sand countries are backwards impoverished nations , just look at the millions fleeing the region to Kuffar lands.Even Saudis, Kuwaitis will ditch their homelands for good the second they get a visa
Kek avoiding the question as always
That's what you are doing shitskin. You have doing that since the fucking start. Answer the fucking question. Why are you in a white country despite them being Orcs ?
White people absolutley are orcs in their war mongering behaviour.
Then leave their land for sand niggerland
That has nothing to do with their superior appearance. But leave it to a shitskin pajeet to be so neck deep in worshipping white cock that he refuses to, or rather I should say, lacks the brain capacity, to understand nuance.

You're so obsessed with defending and worshipping the same people who massacred and enslaved your cockroach-tier race because you are just THAT much of an inferior breed of human. That same logic does not apply to us MENAs
When did Canadians ever massacre Indians ?
Show me where I said Sands are above whites? Also, by your own dumbass logic, sands do mog yout shitskin australoid race since we are closer to whites than curries are.
Please consult the following

Do you look like the people above ? If so why are you here ? You constantly accuse me of white worshipping yet you LOVE the fact that MENAs were bleached by Romans and have more white admixture. YOU are the ones who is worshipping whiteness, not me. It seems you are just bitter white people don't treat it as one their one despite your shitskin brand of 'whiteness'. You expected them to treat you as their own and are now bitter they much rather be around Asians or Blacks rather than a circumcised goat fucker such as yourself.

>Hate White people
>Brag about white admixture
>Worship White features

Certified Shitskin moment

I'm sure you'd love it if I bleached some of your sisters and cousins wouldn't you? Lmfao
Says @Made in Heaven as he jerks off to BBC porn
European women love fucking black men. This is just reality
Isn't your own sister married to a Pakistani ? She is getting curried as we speak:forcedsmile:.
PH Title : Hot Arab girl takes dick as brother jerks off to BBC
And I'm not bragging about being superior to you because we already know I am.
Then why are you on an inkwell forum ?
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None of those is in the Arabian Peninsula
>Burj Khalifa = entire infrastructure of all the gulf countries?
MENA can and will never rise due to Wahabism. Nobody ever mentions this, those people are responsible for every war or unstability in MENA except the ones USA fought. Why does nobody ever mention this? Infact that ideology hates critical thinking. Sand countries are backwards impoverished nations , just look at the millions fleeing the region to Kuffar lands.Even Saudis, Kuwaitis will ditch their homelands for good the second they get a visa
Most of the bullshit destabilizing the MENA region is exclusively due to jewmericans. Anything else is downstream from that
lynch niggers and kikes in video game
None of those is in the Arabian Peninsula

>Burj Khalifa = entire infrastructure of all the gulf countries?

Most of the bullshit destabilizing the MENA region is exclusively due to jewmericans. Anything else is downstream from that
Actually not 100% correct. Yes Jewmericans take advantage of already fragile societies made fragile by secterian violence and tensions, example Syria. The tensions were merely exploited. The MENA is hell on earth except for Morocco maybe which is rather chilled and moderate with a stable economy
That's what you are doing shitskin.
Why is a shitskin calling me a shitskin?

You have doing that since the fucking start. Answer the fucking question. Why are you in a white country despite them being Orcs ?
Whites are orcs in their war mongering, not so much in their own lands.

Then leave their land for sand niggerland
Why would I do that when Sand Countries are always sabotaged by whites?

When did Canadians ever massacre Indians ?
Canadians are British racially

Please consult the following

Kek you're mentally ill.

Do you look like the people above ?
If so why are you here ?
Cause I'm incel regardless
You constantly accuse me of white worshipping
Theres no accusation beind made since that is just the truth. Youre a fucking indian sitting in the street blathering about how whites are the best, most moral, righteous race, and when I point out how they have oppressed both your cockroach race and mine, you still choose to defend your white masters

yet you LOVE the fact that MENAs were bleached by Romans and have more white admixture.
Lol bold of you to assume it was the romans that did that when it is moreso ancient shared ancestory

YOU are the ones who is worshipping whiteness, not me.
Yeah, the difference, as Ive told you before, pajeet, is that im white with a ginger beard and pontic phenotype. Youre not. I have relatives with brown and blonde hair, and green and blue eyes.

It seems you are just bitter white people don't treat it as one their one despite your shitskin brand of 'whiteness'.
What would you know? You live in fucking india of all places. TF would you know how othrr whites treat me in canada? JFL making shit up in his head

You expected them to treat you as their own
Never once in my life have i ever felt like a racial alien here in canada, nor have i faced racism, since european canadians just see me as white, and for the record, back in middle school, white girls would straight up flirt with me. Had one cute brunette named Sandra sit on my lap and asked me to touch her thighs. Lifefuel ngl.

and are now bitter they much rather be around Asians or Blacks rather than a circumcised goat fucker such as yourself.

Just absolutely fucking lmao at you if you think Whites prefer being around Asians or Blacks over White-passing MENAs.

>Hate White people
>Brag about white admixture
>Worship White features
I don't hate whites. I Hate what they do to my people and land. Something an honorless coward indian obviously wouldn't be able to understand

I don't have white admixture. I took a DNA test. No european dna at all

I can worship white features because I have white features. Not that deep, paizano.

Certified Shitskin moment
You're literally brown

Says @Made in Heaven as he jerks off to BBC porn

Kek why do pajeets always bring up BBC when they are cornered in an argument? I remember misogynist curry doing this as well.

Isn't your own sister married to a Pakistani ? She is getting curried as we speak:forcedsmile:.

PH Title : Hot Arab girl takes dick as brother jerks off to BBC
And this faggot accuses me of having intellectual disabilities.

Screenshot 20231222 213148 Samsung Internet

Then why are you on an inkwell forum ?
being superior to you doesn't negate me being an incel
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Actually not 100% correct. Yes Jewmericans take advantage of already fragile societies made fragile by secterian violence and tensions, example Syria. The tensions were merely exploited. The MENA is hell on earth except for Morocco maybe which is rather chilled and moderate with a stable economy
These societies were not fragile, nor were there any serious tensions that would have let to the sheer level of destruction we see now.what the fuck are you on about? Syria was far better of pre 2011. And need I remind you most MENA leaders are propped up and are puppets of western powers anyways, all ruling countries with Artifical borders made to sew tension. You're grossly exaggerating when you call MENA hell on earth when latin America, Africa, India, and SEA are far worse.
These societies were not fragile, nor were there any serious tensions that would have let to the sheer level of destruction we see now.what the fuck are you on about? Syria was far better of pre 2011. And need I remind you most MENA leaders are propped up and are puppets of western powers anyways, all ruling countries with Artifical borders made to sew tension. You're grossly exaggerating when you call MENA hell on earth when latin America, Africa, India, and SEA are far worse.
You cant deny that as soon as the opportunity presents itself those countries erupt into Shia vs Sunni conflicts. All Jewsa needs to do is fan the flames and those countries turn to battlefields with Wahabis going mad destroying cultural heritage sites and even saying is ok to kill muslims for smoking, not having a beard of certain length, for critical thinking etc.

The region is hell on earth and millions refugee maxx every year. Just recently the Saudis bombed Yeman back to the stone age and genocided millions with starvation. Proper hell hole
You cant deny that as soon as the opportunity presents itself those countries erupt into Shia vs Sunni conflicts.
No theh dont.
All Jewsa needs to do is fan the flames
That's how all Hate mongering works. It's a typical subversion tactic.
and those countries turn to battlefields with Wahabis going mad destroying cultural heritage sites and even saying is ok to kill muslims for smoking, not having a beard of certain length, for critical thinking etc.
Bullshit. None of that is Islamic and wahabis don't do that.

The region is hell on earth and millions refugee maxx every year. Just recently the Saudis bombed Yeman back to the stone age and genocided millions with starvation. Proper hell hole
It's hell on earth because of kikes and amerisharts. My dad always told me how nice it was in the 70s and 80s when he was growing up, and I have an uncle who wanted to move from Canada to Syria and even did so for 3 years before coming back to Canada due to the Civil War.
Why is a shitskin calling me a shitskin?

Whites are orcs in their war mongering, not so much in their own lands.
Muh whypipo ruined everything
Why would I do that when Sand Countries are always sabotaged by whites?
Everythang is whypipo fault
Why not go to Turkey who are much more culturally similar to you ? Oh yeah even your own don't want you
Never once in my life have i ever felt like a racial alien here in canada, nor have i faced racism, since european canadians just see me as white, and for the record, back in middle school, white girls would straight up flirt with me. Had one cute brunette named Sandra sit on my lap and asked me to touch her thighs. Lifefuel ngl.
@Caesercel @Fat Link Mods this is just blatant fakecel bragging right here.
Just absolutely fucking lmao at you if you think Whites prefer being around Asians or Blacks over White-passing MENAs.
If so why do sand niggers seethe about Islamophobia in Europe 24/7 ? Why do they riot, protest and burn shit down if white people are so accepting and loving towards them ? And jfl even Turks your own white Muslim brothers hate you and want you out of their country.

Literally every SFcel here hates Sands and

I don't hate whites. I Hate what they do to my people and land. Something an honorless coward indian obviously wouldn't be able to understand
> Don't hate whites
>Call them Orcs(appearance too in this very thread)
> Actively support White replacement

I don't have white admixture. I took a DNA test. No european dna at all
Then you aren't ginger as you say. White Skin and Ginger genes are European traits. You should ask your mum who your real dad is.
I can worship white features because I have white features. Not that deep, paizano.
So you are also an Orc ? You literally posted pictures of ugly white people in this very thread and said they look like Orcs. Now you are reverting to saying you hate white people only for war and not their appearance.
You're literally brown
Just like your dad and the guy who is doing your sister
Kek why do pajeets always bring up BBC when they are cornered in an argument? I remember misogynist curry doing this as well.
You are the one who hyped up BMWF relations in several threads. If you don't hate white people why do you want them to get cucked so bad ?
And this faggot accuses me of having intellectual disabilities.
You are not intellectually disables. You are suffering from an acute case of Shitskin syndrome(symptoms : hating whites while also wanting to be near and like them).
View attachment 1012838
being superior to you doesn't negate me being an incel
You are not an incel. You confirmed it with your Sandra story yourself. Funny how you still end up here despite having good looks and life experiences according to you.
A nigger can himself superior too, doesn't make him though.

Insane how Sand Niggers will literally lose every single war, live on social welfare, lose their foids to others, marry their cousins and still think they are superior.
No theh dont.

That's how all Hate mongering works. It's a typical subversion tactic.

Bullshit. None of that is Islamic and wahabis don't do that.

It's hell on earth because of kikes and amerisharts. My dad always told me how nice it was in the 70s and 80s when he was growing up, and I have an uncle who wanted to move from Canada to Syria and even did so for 3 years before coming back to Canada due to the Civil War.
if it is so nice then why will millions leave any MENA country at a seconds notice?

By the way countries like Spain and Canada also have their own ethnic tensions but they dont turn to violent regions. Even USA has major divisions same as MENA but MENA turns to violence and its radical wahabi followers that are all too eager to turn the place to a battlefield can you deny this?
20% brag
Muh whypipo ruined everything
They did. You putting "muh" in front of your statment doesn't make it untrue. Everyone knows Whites are responsible for the abysmal state MENA is in

Everythang is whypipo fault
Are you denying that white countries play a massive role in the permanent destabilizing of MENA? Be fuckinf for real. You seriously can't be this much if a cock sucker.

Why not go to Turkey who are much more culturally similar to you ? Oh yeah even your own don't want you
I was born here.

@Caesercel @Fat Link Mods this is just blatant fakecel bragging right here.
Kek seething jealous shitskin. Want another one? Had a blonde chick in middle school named britanny give me a hug even though I told her not to yet she still insisted.

If so why do sand niggers seethe about Islamophobia in Europe 24/7 ? Why do they riot, protest and burn shit down if white people are so accepting and loving towards them ?
Islamophobia doesnt correlate with anti-Arabism per say.

Most riots are justified against government oppression. Just as the French yellow vests were protesting. Why are you against protests anyways? Would you prefer oppressed peoppe lay down like dogs and take the abuse, the way your kind does? Maybe if shitskin cockroaches protested in UAE for human rights, indian workers wouldn't be treated like animals by the Arabs?

And jfl even Turks your own white Muslim brothers hate you and want you out of their country.
JFL no these are just kemalists. I am a turk myself anyways

Literally every SFcel here hates Sands

> Don't hate whites
>Call them Orcs(appearance too in this very thread)
Okay, and? Why are you so upset at me insulting British people? You are so vehement at defending whites for no reason its actually pathetic. You don't even fucking live in the west yet you're this much of a miserable little worm

> Actively support White replacement
No I don't.

Then you aren't ginger as you say.
My beard is ginger. Not my hair

White Skin and Ginger genes are European traits.
No they're not, these are traits that existed long before modern europeans ever came into genetic existence. The genes for white skin were present in MENA even BEFORE they entered into Europe.

You should ask your mum who your real dad is.
My dad has a red beard like me, as does my brother jfl. My paternal grandad was blonde iraqi. So its obvious my ginger beard comes from my dad's side

So you are also an Orc ? You literally posted pictures of ugly white people in this very thread and said they look like Orcs. Now you are reverting to saying you hate white people only for war and not their appearance.
Yes I hate them for their war mongering. The ugliness is just an off hand insult.

Just like your dad and the guy who is doing your sister
My dad is orange, like this. Not actual shit color like you


You are the one who hyped up BMWF relations in several threads.
If you don't hate white people why do you want them to get cucked so bad ?
How is that cuckholdry? It's just racemixing. White women choose to go with black men

You are not intellectually disables. You are suffering from an acute case of Shitskin syndrome(symptoms : hating whites while also wanting to be near and like them).
Sorry mate, I'm a white caucasion with a ginger beard. I routinely, constantly see europeans here who look similar to me. 2 of my co workers and supervisor at my casual job are European yet have black hair and brown eyes and look no different to me.

You are not an incel. You confirmed it with your Sandra story yourself. Funny how you still end up here despite having good looks and life experiences according to you.
That was back in middle school. Older age made me an incel
A nigger can himself superior too, doesn't make him though.
Mena are superior to pajeets. Everyone knows this and only you deny this

Insane how Sand Niggers will literally lose every single war, live on social welfare, lose their foids to others, marry their cousins and still think they are superior.
Definitely superior to your race, that's for sure

Iranian persian women girls people
47d6d1bd b104 4398 a254 15e799dfdaf4
Iranian persian women girls ayda baladi
Kurdish woman
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They did. You putting "muh" in front of your statment doesn't make it untrue. Everyone knows Whites are responsible for the abysmal state MENA is in

Are you denying that white countries play a massive role in the permanent destabilizing of MENA? Be fuckinf for real. You seriously can't be this much if a cock sucker.
Boomer ranting
I was born here.
Then respect the people who build it
Kek seething jealous shitskin. Want another one? Had a blonde chick in middle school named britanny give me a hug even though I told her not to yet she still insisted.
Whatever you say bro:feelskek:

Most riots are justified against government oppression. Just as the French yellow vests were protesting. Why are you against protests anyways? Would you prefer oppressed peoppe lay down like dogs and take the abuse, the way your kind does? Maybe if shitskin cockroaches protested in UAE for human rights, indian workers wouldn't be treated like animals by the Arabs?
Have Sand Niggers consideres idolizing a pedophile isn't the best PR stunt ? As for Indian workers in the Gulf, Gulf Arabs and other foreigners who work there themselves claimed that the reports of abuse of workers were being overexaggerated by Western Media to defame Qatar hosting world cup and I concur. Many of my maid's relatives went to the Gulf. Everyone came back completely fine and with a big fat bag of cash. Not to mention Indians form 30% of UAE's startup founders. If Indians were really treated as bad as you claim I doubt we would be able to function in business and society.

Gulf sheiks also allow us to build our Religious sites there. A priviledge rarely granted to other religious groups in Sandland.

JFL no these are just kemalists. I am a turk myself anyways
Hiding your Iraqi heritage since you are embarassed of it seems. At least I have the decency enough to not hide my identity.

As for Turks and White people I don't even need to make any arguements. The comment section of any instagram video regarding muslims will show anyone what people think of Sands. But keep living in your delusions if it helps you cope I guess.

Okay, and? Why are you so upset at me insulting British people? You are so vehement at defending whites for no reason its actually pathetic. You don't even fucking live in the west yet you're this much of a miserable little worm.
White People have created a modern social order where men of all standings can thrive. They allow migrants to live in their countries with freedom and dignity even if they are under no obligations to do so. A little bit of gratitude is warranted wouldn't you say ? Then again your people have failed despite repeated attempts to assimilate and help them so I guess you don't see it that way.

My beard is ginger. Not my hair
Can't even begin to fathom just how much of a subhuman you are with multicolour hair and your manlet height.(and your oldcel face)
No they're not, these are traits that existed long before modern europeans ever came into genetic existence. The genes for white skin were present in MENA even BEFORE they entered into Europe.
Yes. Yes. MENAs are all Blue eyed Blonde terrachads while all Europeans are dark niggers ? One needs to look only at the face of the hordes arriving on Europe's shores to see just how white, blonde and blue eyed sand niggers are.

My dad is orange, like this. Not actual shit color like you

View attachment 1012977
Lifefuel. Women in your family seem to find men like me attractive. I don't like bragging about skintone bro but I maybe paler than your dad and possibly you.
FB IMG 1703302104385

Here's my tanned skin kek.

Sorry mate, I'm a white caucasion with a ginger beard. I routinely, constantly see europeans here who look similar to me. 2 of my co workers and supervisor at my casual job are European yet have black hair and brown eyes and look no different to me.
100%. Infact I am certain you look like this.
Images 19

That was back in middle school. Older age made me an incel
Oldcel ? Holy fuck. Imagine being a oldfart who spends his day arguing with teenagers on an incel forum(since he probably gets treated like a joke irl). Can't believe I have been arguing with a manlet grandpa all this time. You should take your pills and do pilates or some shit.
Mena are superior to pajeets. Everyone knows this and only you deny this
Why ? Because you say so Grandpa ? They don't look so superior getting btfod by Israelis, Muricans and French. Heck even Africans are defeating them.

Also aside from this forum do you think you can go upto those Turban wearing Curries and tell them they are inferior grandpa ? Would love to see you try it.

Never knew Iranians were Arabs.
Then respect the people who build it

chinese people and arab people have played a massive role in building this country

Anyways, Why would I respect evil people? Listen mate, I get you're a blithering pajeet and your kind are obsessed with social clout and hierarchy, but this is just embarassing, even for you. Good lord, stop dick riding so hard for a race of people who loath you.

Have Sand Niggers consideres idolizing a pedophile isn't the best PR stunt ?
Sands still have better PR than pajeets. Let's be real.

Pubescent aren't children anyways, agecuck

As for Indian workers in the Gulf, Gulf Arabs and other foreigners who work there themselves claimed that the reports of abuse of workers were being overexaggerated by Western Media to defame Qatar hosting world cup and I concur. Many of my maid's relatives went to the Gulf. Everyone came back completely fine and with a big fat bag of cash. Not to mention Indians form 30% of UAE's startup founders. If Indians were really treated as bad as you claim I doubt we would be able to function in business and society.
Well, I would be happy If that was the case. Pajeets are still human after all. But there were tons of reports during the world cup that came out about how indain workers were put through horrible conditions. You can't really sit here and deny that Arabs treat Indians like ass in their countries.

Gulf sheiks also allow us to build our Religious sites there. A priviledge rarely granted to other religious groups in Sandland.
Don't know how true that is since therr are tins if churches and synagogues in various MENA countries

Hiding your Iraqi heritage since you are embarassed of it seems. At least I have the decency enough to not hide my identity.

Such a bizarre accusation. When have I ever tried to hide my iraqi heritage? Are you arguing with the imaginary friend in your head Again? I am an iraqi turk. Genetically, my ancestory is mostly from eastern anatolia, iraq, and SW Iran

As for Turks and White people I don't even need to make any arguements. The comment section of any instagram video regarding muslims will show anyone what people think of Sands. But keep living in your delusions if it helps you cope I guess.
>comment section is real life

Considering you live in pajeetland and I actually live in Canada, it stands that I would know how different groups and ethnicities interact here. Like, tf? You live solely among pajeets, how would you know anything?

White People have created a modern social order where men of all standings can thrive. They allow migrants to live in their countries with freedom and dignity even if they are under no obligations to do so. A little bit of gratitude is warranted wouldn't you say ? Then again your people have failed despite repeated attempts to assimilate and help them so I guess you don't see it that way.
Holy fuck this faggot really drank the cool aid. Rest assured pajeet bro, indians do not live with freedom and dignity here in canada. Most need to theif off of and exploit food banks and most pajeets live 5 peoppe in 1 apartment just to afford rent. Although even white canadians are having trouble in canada nowadays due to Trudeau ass tier policies. No one lives with dignity here due to that, let alone the pajeets. Many have also been deported due to faking visas kek.

Can't even begin to fathom just how much of a subhuman you are with multicolour hair and your manlet height.(and your oldcel face)

It's actually a nice look

Michael C Hall Red Beard v2 tout

Yes. Yes. MENAs are all Blue eyed Blonde terrachads while all Europeans are dark niggers ?One needs to look only at the face of the hordes arriving on Europe's shores to see just how white, blonde and blue eyed sand niggers are.
Where did I say that? Who are you arguing with right now?

Lifefuel. Women in your family seem to find men like me attractive. I don't like bragging about skintone bro but I maybe paler than your dad and possibly you.
View attachment 1013147
Here's my tanned skin kek.

JFL at that lightening filter

100%. Infact I am certain you look like this.
I look more like the black haired red bearded guy I posted earlier. Or like this syrian guy

B706d782 601e 418a a1c8 6ed8cfd29d02

Oldcel ? Holy fuck. Imagine being a oldfart who spends his day arguing with teenagers on an incel forum(since he probably gets treated like a joke irl). Can't believe I have been arguing with a manlet grandpa all this time. You should take your pills and do pilates or some shit.
ESL moment. I didn't say I am old. Just that I am older than I was in middle school. Learn to read.

Why ? Because you say so Grandpa ? They don't look so superior getting btfod by Israelis, Muricans and French. Heck even Africans are defeating them.

Because everyone with eyes can see MENAs are 2nd place after Europeans. 2nd most beautiful after Europeans and 2nd most succesful civilizationally in across all of human history in terms of advancement in various fields. Although admittedly nowadays Asians also contribute a fuck ton, but they're kinda ugly, so that lowers their place on the race tier list

Bb2beb0a b0f8 4ca3 a4c0 c8e4dbc47b2f
D557e400 42ab 42dc a270 902eaea8365a
690e8f43 877b 49ec 9c17 875ab55251e3
1f97d0e6 94d0 49e7 a4d5 bdc181d8e7e6

Also aside from this forum do you think you can go upto those Turban wearing Curries and tell them they are inferior grandpa ? Would love to see you try it.
Why would I not? Most of the pajeets here are manlets and scrawny. They all call me Sar when talking to me jfl

Never knew Iranians were Arabs.
They are genetically the same and genetically MENA. This thread was about MENAs, not just Arabs

F8 FgLhXcAAzxHv
6be96ff9 0ac5 4253 ac4c 156314742ddf
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chinese people and arab people have played a massive role in building this country

Anyways, Why would I respect evil people? Listen mate, I get you're a blithering pajeet and your kind are obsessed with social clout and hierarchy, but this is just embarassing, even for you. Good lord, stop dick riding so hard for a race of people who loath you.

Sands still have better PR than pajeets. Let's be real.

Pubescent aren't children anyways, agecuck

Well, I would be happy If that was the case. Pajeets are still human after all. But there were tons of reports during the world cup that came out about how indain workers were put through horrible conditions. You can't really sit here and deny that Arabs treat Indians like ass in their countries.

Don't know how true that is since therr are tins if churches and synagogues in various MENA countries

Such a bizarre accusation. When have I ever tried to hide my iraqi heritage? Are you arguing with the imaginary friend in your head Again? I am an iraqi turk. Genetically, my ancestory is mostly from eastern anatolia, iraq, and SW Iran

>comment section is real life

Considering you live in pajeetland and I actually live in Canada, it stands that I would know how different groups and ethnicities interact here. Like, tf? You live solely among pajeets, how would you know anything?

Holy fuck this faggot really drank the cool aid. Rest assured pajeet bro, indians do not live with freedom and dignity here in canada. Most need to theif off of and exploit food banks and most pajeets live 5 peoppe in 1 apartment just to afford rent. Although even white canadians are having trouble in canada nowadays due to Trudeau ass tier policies. No one lives with dignity here due to that, let alone the pajeets. Many have also been deported due to faking visas kek.

It's actually a nice look

View attachment 1013165

Where did I say that? Who are you arguing with right now?

JFL at that lightening filter

I look more like the black haired red bearded guy I posted earlier. Or like this syrian guy

View attachment 1013182

ESL moment. I didn't say I am old. Just that I am older than I was in middle school. Learn to read.

Because everyone with eyes can see MENAs are 2nd place after Europeans. 2nd most beautiful after Europeans and 2nd most succesful civilizationally in across all of human history in terms of advancement in various fields. Although admittedly nowadays Asians also contribute a fuck ton, but they're kinda ugly, so that lowers their place on the race tier list

View attachment 1013184View attachment 1013185View attachment 1013186View attachment 1013187

Why would I not? Most of the pajeets here are manlets and scrawny. They all call me Sar when talking to me jfl

They are genetically the same and genetically MENA. This thread was about MENAs, not just Arabs

View attachment 1013175View attachment 1013176View attachment 1013177View attachment 1013178
Weren't you saying that events in history have nothing to do with modern events when someone brought up the Mongol invasion of Mid East ? In this very thread. Why are bringing Sand nigger achievements in the past then ?
Lol it's all rules of thee not for me for you isn't ?

My image had no filters it was cropped and the sun faced my dslr camera
Here are 1 more just in case
FB IMG 1703330878010

Very odd for you to brag about being lightskin even. Considering how you literally claimed to be a 'palecel' and how your mum and dad themselves are an exmaple of pale woman preferring a darker male.
When was the last time a shii thread had this many replies
Weren't you saying that events in history have nothing to do with modern events when someone brought up the Mongol invasion of Mid East ? In this very thread. Why are bringing Sand nigger achievements in the past then ?
Lol it's all rules of thee not for me for you isn't ?

Context in an argument matters. The initial point of this thread before you derailed it was that MENAs need whites in order to build functioning societies, ergo me bringing up Muslim societal achievements of the past and present is relevant to the discussion, while you bringing up the Mongols is typical pajeet lack of capability to stay on a single topic without scatterbrained tangents

My image had no filters it was cropped and the sun faced my dslr camera
Here are 1 more just in caseView attachment 1013219

Very odd for you to brag about being lightskin even. Considering how you literally claimed to be a 'palecel' and how your mum and dad themselves are an exmaple of pale woman preferring a darker male.

Yes, being white is better than being dark. Orange is not the same as brown color. And of we are being blunt, my dad my be orange but his facial features are akin to to proto-iranid, while yours are obviously someone with a pajeet phenotype, far more subhuman.

It's also hilarious how you've dropped all pretense of any legitimate argument against MENAs inability to build societies and you have deprecated to a tangent of a tangent where you pathetically try to show off for no reason
niggers should worship the whiteman. after that, niggers should be turned into ashes and not exist anymore :lul:
I look forward to eating humble pie, but I'm not holding my breath.
True, we can only wait and see what will actually happen, though it needs to be pointed out that at least at this point that's where the trends are heading.

At lower outputs any increase is a much greater increase in rate than already higher outputs EG 2 to 6 is a 200% increase but 20k to 25k is only a 25% increase. Same thing about how Brazil's economy was suppose to be super duper growing. Misleading and doubt it's sustainable.
True, I'm very much aware of this phenomenon given how many times I've had to look at GDP and other economic growth graphs for my Uni, where the faster growth often ultimately leads to not much at all. That's why I especially like what Scimago are doing with their comparisons, since in their country analyses, similarly to the graph of various world regions I posted above, they always have a graph which shows how the output of a country has evolved as a percentage of the world total, as well as a total of any region the country is a part of. That's pretty good since, while faster growth doesn't always immediately lead to convergence, this shows you that those countries genuinely seem to grow there, especially when you're looking at them from the world total angle.

Here's a tweet where they showed the one for Egypt:

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1574712473357234177#m

And when you look at others, you see the same general trends, the "regional" growth varies, but just about all of them are growing as a proportion of the world in this, while many developed countries are sliding down.

When was the last time a shii thread had this many replies
New cheat code for getting alot of replies discovered. You don't have to racebait and start a race war yourself, you can just tag people you know will do that:feelshaha::feelshaha:.
No theh dont.

That's how all Hate mongering works. It's a typical subversion tactic.

Bullshit. None of that is Islamic and wahabis don't do that.

It's hell on earth because of kikes and amerisharts. My dad always told me how nice it was in the 70s and 80s when he was growing up, and I have an uncle who wanted to move from Canada to Syria and even did so for 3 years before coming back to Canada due to the Civil War.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo8ykbyYIgI&t=320s

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