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Nigger snatches 8 year old foid and rapes her

I remember this. when they found them, there was blood on the bed, she was hiding under clothes in a basket, and requested her clothes. This angers my soul. How helpless that poor mother must’ve felt. I hope her daughter is healing.
100% he was a sexhaver:feelswhat::feelsree:.
Niggers doing the best they know to do. If you celebrate this you are part of the problem
Free my nigger he was taking her to church with him
I remember this. when they found them, there was blood on the bed, she was hiding under clothes in a basket, and requested her clothes. This angers my soul. How helpless that poor mother must’ve felt. I hope her daughter is healing.
I dont feel anything, foids want to get raped. She got what she wanted
So many money and ressources spended on a single foid. They wouldnt do half the work if the victim was a boy
So many money and ressources spended on a single foid. They wouldnt do half the work if the victim was a boy
It's also a (ugly) child so its purpose is absolutely worthless.
It was not worth, this nigger could've just thugmaxxed and fuck some sheboons in his ghetto
cursor ok GIF
I remember this. when they found them, there was blood on the bed, she was hiding under clothes in a basket, and requested her clothes. This angers my soul. How helpless that poor mother must’ve felt. I hope her daughter is healing.
why do you care? its not like she is your daughter. stop simping for chad's kids!
It should’ve been an Indian instead of a black guy.
I remember this. when they found them, there was blood on the bed, she was hiding under clothes in a basket, and requested her clothes. This angers my soul. How helpless that poor mother must’ve felt. I hope her daughter is healing.
Even if they're foidlets I can't help but feel bad for them. Children did nothing wrong.
That's fucked up thinking bro.
Why ? They fantasize about getting raped all the time and when they actually get raped they cry and throw a tantrum
Jfl he has to sleep in a tiny cell for the remainder of his life.

He has to constantly smell the shits and farts from the other prisoners.
How unexpected!
That's it the United States is no longer safe for law-abiding white people anymore there is no future I got to get the fuck out of here I hope we get demographically replaced by these migrants that we like to take in there's no chance for this country to sustain itself anymore we are basically a cold Northern Brazil I don't feel safe anywhere in America anymore I don't know where I can go though but the fact that average white Americans are tolerating this sort of bullshit and don't care that their own children die or get killed kind of makes my blood boil
8 year olds don't fantasize about rape :feelsseriously:
Kids get sexually active younger and younger. Also she would have developed a rape fetish like most other foids anyway later in life
[removed by reddit]
Reminder that acts like this were far, far less frequent when nigs got lynched for committing them. Aggression and social trust are both genetic, this is what you get when you try to govern the white man and the negro under the same laws
He didn do nuffin
He a good boy
Kids get sexually active younger and younger.
kids will never become sexually active unless they're fed hormones to speed up their growth. A teenager is not the same as a kid?
Also she would have developed a rape fetish like most other foids anyway later in life
and how do you know she would be apart of most? How do you know she doesn't belong in the minority? And even if it does happen, it's not happening NOW. she's still a child that never had those thoughts.
Why ? They fantasize about getting raped all the time and when they actually get raped they cry and throw a tantrum
There are obviously underlying issues if they fantasise about it, just cause a few do it doesnt mean all do it, dont have the same thoughts they have towards us that all men want to rape
Bro shes 8, she herself doesnt even know what she wants :feelsUnreal:
Dont let yourself fool, they are already evil at young age. My 6/7 year old foid cousin roasted me and told me i look like a Child because od my height
Dont let yourself fool, they are already evil at young age. My 6/7 year old foid cousin roasted me and told me i look like a Child because od my height
She doesnt know any better, thats her parents fault, i bet when you were that age u made mistakes as well
She doesnt know any better, thats her parents fault, i bet when you were that age u made mistakes as well
Found the IT infiltrator
Disgusting nigger needs the electric chair treatment.
kids will never become sexually active unless they're fed hormones to speed up their growth. A teenager is not the same as a kid?
Unless they are sexualized since their childhood at state-controlled schools, molested by (gay) parents and their minds pathologized by Jews through their phones.


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They say life in prison without parole but he'll be free in 2 weeks. That always how it works out

I wish the cops killed him
poor foidlet. single mother upbringing has already nuked any form of common sense in her brain, and now this brutal assault will fuck her up even further.

The niggers obviously retarded too. if he wanted to have sex, why kidnap a little kid? He’s caught and now he’s going to have his prostrate pounded every night by prison gangs.

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