reminds me of when my uncle and his friends who were taxi drivers would talk shit about uber drivers for stealing all of their business (over a decade ago when it was a hot topic). the business had a shit ton of nepotism so they felt like one big family even as they were getting their asses rammed by uber. well eventually, my uncle's friends would one by one switch over to uber and join up with the very people they cursed. my uncle stayed loyal to his company till he involuntary retired (disabled). let's say I would be like one of my uncle's friends and jump ship

. can't beat 'em, join em.
im not even black so I couldn't be bothered to be their white knight and dig up every example and ik this forum has a pretty strong, edgy "TND" type humor/culture. however, it basically boils down to the constant rhetoric that's used here and ik ur not delusional enough to not see how racist this forum is. doesn't hurt me personally but we'd be much, much stronger united.