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Discussion New page to outline what I term the "List of 4" | normies can never give good examples that work in their favour

The Enforcer

The Enforcer

Not fit to survive
Jul 25, 2021
Feel free to link this to normie retards when they inevitably send you "proof" of some "ugly" guy getting women. Everytime I encounter a normie shill us this shit. The dudes always fall into this list. It's comical.

Feel free to link this to normie retards

@Copexodius Maximus
very useful thanks
Feel free to link this to retards
It's always the same with normies. While we're sharing data from dating apps and meta-analyses confirming the :blackpill:, they are sharing ridiculous anecdotes and pointing to extreme statistical outliers. It's almost as if the blackpill is a rational and objective view of the world.
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It's always the same with normies. While we're sharing data from dating apps and meta-analyses confirming the :blackpill:, they are sharing ridiculous anecdotes and pointing to extreme statistical outliers. It's almost as if they blackpill is a rational and objective view of the world.
Indeed. There's a wealth of information confirming the blackpill. Not to mention how prevalent it becomes in media, often played for laughs because it makes sense to people.
It's always the same with normies. While we're sharing data from dating apps and meta-analyses confirming the :blackpill:, they are sharing ridiculous anecdotes and pointing to extreme statistical outliers. It's almost as if they blackpill is a rational and objective view of the world.
Normies have simply been brainwashed to believe in bluepilled delusions, and that is pretty much all they are DELUSIONS. Naturally everyone is blackpilled because it is just common sense
Normies have simply been brainwashed to believe in bluepilled delusions, and that is pretty much all they are DELUSIONS. Naturally everyone is blackpilled because it is just common sense
Normies understand and spew blackpills when not addressing rejects directly. Also if you were to define being blackpilled as based on your behaviour, and not what you believe, then near all people are blackpilled because they operate on blackpilled behaviors jfl
thx but I don't talk to normies for anything other than business.
Thanks for the resource.

It could be just me, but I found the wording of the first sentence to be a bit confusing, I think it was the term “failed excuses.”
Should be five. One more to add is just being her first boyfriend or that the girlfriend isn't aware of her astronomical SMV and the hotter guys that are out there.

Just Be First is an explanation to some more of these cases, particularly the cases of younger, 15-20yo guys who grow up an continue to be ugly keeping their girlfriend for some while.

Besides, pointing to a man and a woman walking together in public or standing together is no indication that they are together, or reveals anything about the nature of that relationship if it is one.

Sensible incels will spend time that would be spent arguing with normies coping or working instead.
Thanks for the resource.

It could be just me, but I found the wording of the first sentence to be a bit confusing, I think it was the term “failed excuses.”
Yeah, the examples they give always fall into one of those 4 categories. They're examples that people use as an excuse, but due to them falling into that list, their excuse fails on the spot.
an and a woman walking together in public or standing together is no indication that they are together, or reveals anything about the nature of that relationship if it is one.
This is one thing I point out to them constantly. Have they ever actually spoke to these guys? They always say no. But I have before, because I wanted to understand what was going on. Most of the time the girl they're with is a relative or "just a friend" jfl.
Should be five. One more to add is just being her first boyfriend or that the girlfriend isn't aware of her astronomical SMV and the hotter guys that are out there.

Just Be First is an explanation to some more of these cases, particularly the cases of younger, 15-20yo guys who grow up an continue to be ugly keeping their girlfriend for some while.

Besides, pointing to a man and a woman walking together in public or standing together is no indication that they are together, or reveals anything about the nature of that relationship if it is one.

Sensible incels will spend time that would be spent arguing with normies coping or working instead.
Just be first is very powerful outside of even just getting girls, but its alot harder to do with girls becuase theres no going back to being a teen, at least there is a chance I could just be the first on to a crypto pump or something
Literally every single gaslighting normgroid personally knows an ugly subman creature who TOOOOOTALLY is constantly fucking high tier giga Stacies

Every. single. fucking. time. mang.

All the normies apparently SOMEHOW know AT LEAST ONE ugly autistic retard poor subhuman who TOTALLY KEEPS SLAYING STACY PUSSY. 100% real bro. That retard was slaying stacy pussy left and ride, sure thing bro :feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously:

Literally every single discussion about looks MUST include some lying, gaslighting normies who TOTALLY know a 3 foot man who is actually REALLY ATTRACTIVE. This is like sneir's posts, literary fiction. It doesn't exist, doesn't happen.
Literally every single dumb piece of meat roastie SOMEHOW knows a gorillion UGLY, SHORT, POOR, BALDING guys who are TOOOOOTALLY slaying INSTAGRAM MODEL STACIES LEFT AND RIGHT. They do this to mock us. This does not happen, EVER.

What actually happens is the dumb roasties see a NORMIE MAN who is LOOKSMATCHED to his own female looksmatch, but because women are only attracted to above7 men, they consider those men to be very ugly.
This will be useful.

I REALLY fucking hate this dumb fucking gaslighting trope that they keep lying about.

Every normie ever apparently knows plenty of ugly guys with stacy girlfriends and their secret is just that they put themselves out there, they love and respect themselves, they respect the woman, they take showers and dress in fit clothes :feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously:
This will be useful.

I REALLY fucking hate this dumb fucking gaslighting trope that they keep lying about.

Every normie ever apparently knows plenty of ugly guys with stacy girlfriends and their secret is just that they put themselves out there, they love and respect themselves, they respect the woman, they take showers and dress in fit clothes :feelsseriously::feelsseriously::feelsseriously:
It's a repeating pattern. Somehow they know so many examples of this, but can NEVER produce these consistent examples. Meanwhile we can produce endless examples of the opposite. When they attempt to "own" us by providing an example, the list of 4 comes into play. I'm bored of having to point out to normies that the guys they're showing me fall under an apex fallacy. So I've finally decided to just have this list documented and accessible. Saves us having to repeat ourselves each and every time.
The list goes as follows:

  1. Rich/Wealthy
  2. Famous/statusmaxxed
  3. Old (different generation, different societal landscape. Many were also decent looking when younger)
  4. Not ugly anyway
1 & 4 I encounter often. Maybe even 2.
Once you link that they'll go "oh you're an incel like that toronto van guy?" and then they'll never even look at it
Normies are incapable of understanding metas, abstracts and averages. Not everyone can be an outlier and outliers are like 1 in a million. Of course it’s known they make up BS anecdotes on the fly, they provide no receipts
Normal scum doesn't understand the reasons and causes of inceldom because it doesn't affect them. Humans are incapable of understanding the blackpill unless it directly affects them.
That covers all of them. Nothing more to say.
1 & 4 I encounter often. Maybe even 2.
3 is visible a lot I guess too because older couples and their generation but yeah, most examples given too us tend to fall into more than one of them it seems
Once you link that they'll go "oh you're an incel like that toronto van guy?" and then they'll never even look at it
Then they can get called out on their wilful ignorance jfl.
Normies are incapable of understanding metas, abstracts and averages. Not everyone can be an outlier and outliers are like 1 in a million. Of course it’s known they make up BS anecdotes on the fly, they provide no receipts
They'll throw up the most convoluted mental gymnastics. One normie yesterday that got triggered by this straight up tried to tell me that it's "normal" to not experience so much as a hug until you're in your 30's or 40's. Their gaslighting knows no bounds
Normal scum doesn't understand the reasons and causes of inceldom because it doesn't affect them. Humans are incapable of understanding the blackpill unless it directly affects them.
The blackpill affects all people. Just not always negatively. This is why I laugh when people say the blackpill is just 100% nihilism and depression or whatever... Is it fuck, a hot guy that comes across the blackpill has effectively been told he's won at life, and some have used the information to increase their successes.

Normies themselves tend to dislike accepting the blackpill for 2 reasons though

1) To admit it would be to legitimize the struggles rejects face. This is a social crime as rejects are deemed inhuman and all their struggles are warranted and somehow self-made in the mind of a normie

2) Many normies know they're on the cusp of also becoming rejects as standards increase. This makes a lot of them fearful and as a lot of people like to do, they'd rather cling to comforting lies and avoid harsh truths
That covers all of them. Nothing more to say.
There may be more, but in general, these 4 seem to be the ones that come up time and time again.
It's always the same with normies. While we're sharing data from dating apps and meta-analyses confirming the :blackpill:, they are sharing ridiculous anecdotes and pointing to extreme statistical outliers. It's almost as if the blackpill is a rational and objective view of the world.
They'll throw up the most convoluted mental gymnastics. One normie yesterday that got triggered by this straight up tried to tell me that it's "normal" to not experience so much as a hug until you're in your 30's or 40's. Their gaslighting knows no bounds

Yeah, may as well be saying "welcome to the new normal." Basically what they do if ever truly backed into a corner.
2) Many normies know they're on the cusp of also becoming rejects as standards increase. This makes a lot of them fearful and as a lot of people like to do, they'd rather cling to comforting lies and avoid harsh truths

Scum, lower lifeform trait is to always be reactive to problems rather than proactive. Of course, that's standard for the highly emotional and irrational, as normies are.
Scum, lower lifeform trait is to always be reactive to problems rather than proactive. Of course, that's standard for the highly emotional and irrational, as normies are.
It'll eventually come back to bite them I guess. The only silver lining
“Bro bernardo silva and luka modric are ugly as fuck and still they have hot wifes”

“Bro tom cruise is very short height dont mean shit”

Or when my slut femoid cousin mentions she “has a thing for ugly guys” and then she shows me this guy from our neughbourhood who is 6’5 with like 6-7/10 face with only real failo being hooked nose
it's "normal" to not experience so much as a hug until you're in your 30's or 40's
Wtf :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: just wait until you’re 40 theory. “40 is your prime bro!!!” :lul::lul::lul::lul:
The blackpill affects all people. Just not always negatively. This is why I laugh when people say the blackpill is just 100% nihilism and depression or whatever... Is it fuck, a hot guy that comes across the blackpill has effectively been told he's won at life, and some have used the information to increase their successes.

Normies themselves tend to dislike accepting the blackpill for 2 reasons though

1) To admit it would be to legitimize the struggles rejects face. This is a social crime as rejects are deemed inhuman and all their struggles are warranted and somehow self-made in the mind of a normie

2) Many normies know they're on the cusp of also becoming rejects as standards increase. This makes a lot of them fearful and as a lot of people like to do, they'd rather cling to comforting lies and avoid harsh truths
That's absolutely true. Normalscum will do a lot of fucked up shit just to 'fit in'... even if barely so.

But there is something nihilistic about the blackpill. Once you realize that relationships are based solely on looks - you do start seeing humanity in a different light. Even a Chad, if somehow blackpilled, would start noticing it. Now, I'm not saying that every person would react the same. Some won't give a shit, some will obssess over it, some will just resign themselves to fate, ect. A fuckboy Chad probably doesn't give a shit that his relationship with women are 100% transactional - bitch gets a pretty Chad as a hookup/boyfriend - he gets a hole to fuck, a free ego boost, gets to feel 'like a real man', and so on.

A Chad that isn't promiscuous and wants the standard, idealized, loving monogamous relationship with a woman will be sorely disappointed, once he becomes blackpilled (assuming he ever will, kek). Personally I'd say most normiescum/beta male is in this mental mindset. They want a loving monogamous relationship. Blackpill goes directly against their needs and desires, so they reject it. Because to accept the blackpill is to accept that this idea of a 'loving monogamous relationship' is entirely fictional and impossible to achieve.

That's what lets them shit on incels without a second thought. Its unconscious. They get put off by us since we, naturally the ugly and unwelcome rejects decided to fully go against the social norm. That means we cannot exist from a normie's point of view. We are a hazard to even interact with, kek, because, god forbid, interacting with an incel could be seen as 'siding with them'... what if normie gets associated with incels? His whole 'social career' would be over in seconds, JFL.
That's absolutely true. Normalscum will do a lot of fucked up shit just to 'fit in'... even if barely so.

But there is something nihilistic about the blackpill. Once you realize that relationships are based solely on looks - you do start seeing humanity in a different light. Even a Chad, if somehow blackpilled, would start noticing it. Now, I'm not saying that every person would react the same. Some won't give a shit, some will obssess over it, some will just resign themselves to fate, ect. A fuckboy Chad probably doesn't give a shit that his relationship with women are 100% transactional - bitch gets a pretty Chad as a hookup/boyfriend - he gets a hole to fuck, a free ego boost, gets to feel 'like a real man', and so on.

A Chad that isn't promiscuous and wants the standard, idealized, loving monogamous relationship with a woman will be sorely disappointed, once he becomes blackpilled (assuming he ever will, kek). Personally I'd say most normiescum/beta male is in this mental mindset. They want a loving monogamous relationship. Blackpill goes directly against their needs and desires, so they reject it. Because to accept the blackpill is to accept that this idea of a 'loving monogamous relationship' is entirely fictional and impossible to achieve.

That's what lets them shit on incels without a second thought. Its unconscious. They get put off by us since we, naturally the ugly and unwelcome rejects decided to fully go against the social norm. That means we cannot exist from a normie's point of view. We are a hazard to even interact with, kek, because, god forbid, interacting with an incel could be seen as 'siding with them'... what if normie gets associated with incels? His whole 'social career' would be over in seconds, JFL.
A lot of hot people do know that they only get by on their looks. But when you're benefiting from something, the morality wont really bother most people. Just look at rich people. Many of them know for sure the worlds full of shit. They couldnt avoid seeing poverty even if they wanted too. They see how shallow the world is over money and how they participate in it to the fullest. But they don't care, because they benefit.

This attitude switching is actually quite interesting. If you take any regular blackpilled point, and translate it to it's monetary system, economic equivalent, normies will eat it up. Agree with it wholeheartedly and agree that things are unfair, there's little one can do to change it, and that some people are just born lucky. Then translate that same point back to the blackpill and normies seethe again.

As shallow as it is, I'd rather be loved for looks over say money, or status. Ideally everyone would be loved for who they are as the bluepillers believe. But that's never happening. At least your looks is a part of you. To actually be loved for part of you as opposed to something attached to you that they can claim like wealth or status, would be a much nicer outcome. Learning this while young helps. Harsh truths are easier to accept and just work with if you understand them while young.
“Bro bernardo silva and luka modric are ugly as fuck and still they have hot wifes”

“Bro tom cruise is very short height dont mean shit”

Or when my slut femoid cousin mentions she “has a thing for ugly guys” and then she shows me this guy from our neughbourhood who is 6’5 with like 6-7/10 face with only real failo being hooked nose
Every single time isn't it jfl. Makes me wonder if they even think before spewing this shite

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