Another thing at 1:00 minute mark with sheboon hitting the kid - everyone gathering around to lynch the evil outcast (I don't know the plot but I can bet 100% it's to punish him for something he did or didn't do to a foid), that's another foid power fantasy.
Also, knowing what I know about jews producing movies, knowing what I know about public education system, knowing what I know about mens place in society - JFL at the "think of the children!!! think of the
little boys, they're being radicalized!!!" age-old angle they're going for with their propaganda slop - it makes me feel physically repulsed. Actual sewer sludge slime creature in human form wrote this script.
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bruh jews are obsessed with self victimization and children too lmfao.
Since I was "diagnosed" (pop quiz style) with "CPTSD" by a therapist this year, I have been digging into the history of "trauma," "ptsd" and the like. Suffice to say, the entire conceptual framework of trauma, ptsd etc was invented by kikes on the back of holocaust survivor memes and feminist bdsm abuse fantasies. All of this suddenly took off around 1980. Before that, these concepts were barely known outside the context of extreme situations, like brutal warfare in ww1 and ww2.
Women and kikes hijacked the new concept of trauma and victimhood they themselves championed and used it to victimize themselves even further. Suddenly everyone (mostly foids) had "trauma" and shit. Like I said in my original reply, look at the fucking over melodramatic behavior of the characters in the trailer

- nothing happened, one girl fucking died, so fucking what? Notice also how they slide in the classic "trauma" meme that they have inoculated culture with since 1980.
- when the boy yells at her, she makes the "ooh" disassociation face - disassociation being another kike term
- notice the sound design, how they muffle the sound and shit, and sometimes they add that "weeee" sound effect to indicate the person is "shell shocked"
We are conditioned by years of jew propaganda to associate these cues with "trauma TM."
I have been speculating that a lot of this "trauma" is actually a cultural creation. We can see that, because people engage in all kinds of stressful behaviors on purpose without getting traumatized, while also getting trauma from minor shit, because the culture says they are horrible.
If I popped out behind a corner with a satan mask and scared a medieval peasant, he would have a heart attack and develop "PTSD" - if I do the same to a modern person they just LOL. Just think of how "devil horns" are seen as kinky and sexy in our times, how girls use devil horn filters in photos etc. This would have mentally destroyed a medieval peasant.
Another example is how we make fun of curries for bathing in cow urine and shit. Making someone in the west eat feces and shower in piss might be seen as heavily traumatic. But in curry culture it is seen as therapeutic.
"holocaust survivors"

I am currently reading
this book, which is related to the topic.
Kekfuel quote:
For example, consider John Henry Wigmore’s
Treatise on Evidence, one of the most widely read and cited legal texts in the country. He specifically warns that “women and girls are predisposed to bring false accusations against men of good character” and that “these accusations might convince unsuspecting judges and juries.
” He therefore recommends that “any female complainant should be examined by a psychiatrist to determine her credibility.”
This book is also really good:
And her speech transcript here:
Whenever you dive into the history of cultural memes like "trauma," you immediately come across the heinous kike, the evil one, the despicable
thing. Just so in this case. I was superficially acquainted with all the big names in PSTD/CPTSD research, like Bessel van der Kolk. I knew they were all jewish, just like everyone in autism research and every other psych topic. The whole of psychology is a fucking rats nest.
Anyway, as I started to connect more and more names, a picture began to form. I started seeing the trajectory, where the "trauma" meme was created, how they began seeding it into the culture through movies and literature. How they began using it to make money and attack societal structures (and often men).
Though this is not often admitted, creating a new disorder like "PSTD" and then having an influx of "new patients" is not necssarily indicative of some hithero undiagnosed problem being finally adressed. No, rather, it is often that people begin identifying with the new label and start acting the part - thus
creating the disease. Especially neurotic people like jews and foids LOVE to identify with new victim labels (70% of shrinks + their clients are female). Truly, women are the nigger cattle that king Terry warned us about.
“Central to the understanding of words and their effects is reification: the assumption that use of a word means that the reality to which the word allegedly refers actually exists.”
“Being labeled may result in attention only to characteristics that complement the label – a confirmation bias.”
social workers should emancipate themselves from psychiatric dominance
Jews push new "mental disorders" and other cultural memes into society by giving them a scientific flair. The jew media popularizes said disorders by pumping out movies, tv shows and books that feature these diseases (autism, bipolar, schizophrenia is very popular movie trope, trauma, ptsd, sexual trauma etc).
Normies lap this up and start larping as sick by identifying with the invented symptomp lists the jews give them. Then the jew psychologists say SEE SEE WE WERE RIGHT, ITS A REAL DISORDER OH VEY! Promply, new "treatments" and drugs are invented to treat the "epidemic of disorder X" that they just created out of thin air.
Thus the circle is closed, the snake swallows its own tail and the oreborus is completed.
My take on this: