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If you're a true incel tier, then you have to be rich to even stand a chance with a post wall sub 5 hag.
Tbh i thought also that way. But recently i changed my mind and i can understand why incels go Neet. Let's be real, to successful moneymaxxing you need to be either really talented in something or high IQ. But not everyone is like that, most incels just work shitty wageslave job that makes them barely get by without hope of improving. And in this situation i can understand why some incels say fuck it.People who say being fat makes you volcel ironically leave this out, willingly choosing to be broke is also volcel because sex isn't free for anyone, even in the animal kingdom sex is something traded and bartered for between males and females, and with humans its the same, just more advanced.
Earth to neets, you like to claim you are incel, but even fucking monkeys have the common sense to operate on the obvious fact that sex has never and will never be free. Being broke and expecting to get laid, especially as an average man, is like having a car with no gas and expecting it to drive.
Neet - "But but chad can be broke and still get laid"
2. You have a Low IQ narrow perspective (no wonder you think lacking resources is a decent strategy to gaining what you want from life), think of ones looks as just another currency (L) and the currency of regular money the US dollar ($). It isn't that Chad isn't paying, especially in the case of one night stands, its just that he is merely paying in a different currency up front.
Lets say a woman would only fuck you for $1000 but she'll fuck chad just for him buying her a $5 beer, from your perspective he got a huge discount of $995, in reality he merely paid using two currencies (unbeknownst even to him), he paid in L995 and $5.
That's why being a neet is being volcel, because you fucking know you are already lacking in one resource (looks), and your genius strategy is to go out of your way to make sure you are lacking in the other one which is the second most important resource in acquiring sex in this day and age (money).
It's not boring and painful for everyone, imagine having a gf that you long to come home to
Such high/low IQ post both at the same time.
Yes, Chad gets a disscount code "good genes"
Incels have the opposite. Foids charge even more to us.
Do NEET's chose to be NEET's? I mean, they have options? We have read tons of stories where some of us are mistreated just becasuse of our looks, denied opportunities, or simply ignored. While Chad gets everything easy, jobs, promotions, education etc.
Incels/Chads is not only about foids, is about how the wordl see and treats people.
We have read tons of stories where some of us are mistreated just becasuse of our looks, denied opportunities, or simply ignored. While Chad gets everything easy, jobs, promotions, education etc.
If you're ugly (sub 3) you basically have to be rich to make up for it, so your advice is basically just be rich bro. I will just be sitting in a room studying for years while everyone else is out partying and having sex just to get a used up girl that is now ugly and rarely puts out.
Women don't give a shit about how hard-working you are and only gold-diggers want moneycoping incels.
Yeah, women were throwing themselves at me when I was working hard 12 hours a day in construction work. Sure bro.
Women don't give a shit about how hard-working you are
and only gold-diggers want moneycoping incels. Looks are everything.
Having money and getting to socialize with females at work will definitely increase your chances but not being a NEET doesn’t mean you won’t be an incel. I’ve had jobs with other foids and offered to take foids on dates with my money but I never have any luck. And I’d say that about a lot of incels. I’d say most of us current NEETS have given up because we know it won’t make a difference
The only reason I am STEMcelling to moneymaxx is to get facial surgeries. I could care less about taking females on dates with the money. It simply doesn't matter, Face >>>>>>>>>> everything else. Having money is a cope unless you're saving it to surgerymaxx.
I don’t really think it’s worth that. It would cost thousands if not tens of thousands. Just for tiny facial improvements if it doesn’t end up making you look worse. I mean look what happened to Michael Jackson. Plus if you’re short or have a shitty frame you are still fuckedThe only reason I am STEMcelling to moneymaxx is to get facial surgeries. I could care less about taking females on dates with the money. It simply doesn't matter, Face >>>>>>>>>> everything else. Having money is a cope unless you're saving it to surgerymaxx.
being a NEET is just an illogical conclusion after taking the blackpill.
Think about it, how the fuck does being broke help you, if you had more money you'd be more likely to buy a gun and go ER, you would have more money to invest into things that are to the detriment of normie society but benefit us, isn't this whole NEET meme just all too convenient as something that keeps us perpetually unable to change our lives (especially via violent/direct means).
I only just thought of this just now and its so true when you think about it, we waste our time joking and memeing about "wagies" and how its "so blackpill" not to work, like work is somehow for "normies". Where does that leave us, all it does is leave us without the will our resources to make plans and do what we see fit, try to shape the world in the way we invision. Imagine if their was a group of successful incel businessmen, imagine if these men came together and pooled resources for black pill causes, shit that directly fucks with women's power in society (e.g. Male birth control pill)
We need to be honest and direct, and attack this elephant in the room head on, a lot of you have likely already been fooled by this shit, fell for the meme, and are currently "neets" and not even trying to get a job or get educated so you can increase your wealth. Its really just sad and lazy because most incels I know have above average intelligence and are true thinkers, to waste your potential and hatred, is just ridiculous, I think its all to convenient that this is part of being incel or part of being "black pill", it just seems like a psyop to me, the perfect mindset to foist unto individuals that you'd rank as dangerous if they became organized and resourceful
Stop with this nonsense, get a job, get educated, invest, network with other incels that are "going somewhere in life". If we did this we'd be a force to be reckoned with.
fuck off you jewYet all I see is BS like - "LDAR maaaan, work, that's for normiiiiies maaaaan"
Its pure retardation, imagine taking the only thing useful about your shitty life and throwing it away. We have a lot of free time and a lot of expendable income, we should be starting businesses, creating software and apps, etc.
fuck off you jew
ask people with the ability to reproduce to join the employment meat grinder, they have a reason to do it
1. Not everybody is going to get rich (quite obviously), so my advice isn't "be rich", my advice is "be resourceful", and money is a very important resource. You can't get access to anything in life without sufficient resources.
2. I never siad get married, so you point about getting a used up ugly girl that rarely puts out really confuses me, who the fuck said to "settle down", me personally I'm going to retire to a third world country with a good exchange rate and escortcel, I'll likely have some kind of online business generating a steady revenue even then.
So yeah, if you settle for shit, that's your choice. Also by the time I'm in my 40's prostitution will likely be legal in many more countries, especially poorer ones. Shit like weed and prostitution is being legalized around the world as time goes on at a decent rate.
Dating, marriage, etc, its all just prostitution, they're just COVERT forms of prostitution, while hiring escorts, going to brothels and paying prostitutes are OVERT forms of prostitution.
"willingly choose to be poor"
you act as if some have a choice
Well, I was working as an immigrant who barely spoke the language. Here in Brazil I have a teacher degree.Nice strawman argument, now quote me where I said women value hard work or that you should work hard........... exactly.
What I'd like to know is how a so called incel even has such a shitty job, all those years of social exclusion, being left to academics because you weren't at parties, and you still end up working construction, how the fuck does one end up being both uneducated and incel, that shit doesn't match up, if you are going to waste time at school, at least get to be a normie.
I just want sex, not love, so i'll escortcel, you make it sound like I'm telling you guys to date or get married, that shit is a waste of time,.
"willingly choose to be poor"
you act as if some have a choice
I'm not talking about getting married. I'm just talking about having relationships with females.
So your advice is get money to fuck prostitutes. Some incels don't just want females for sex they want girls to care about them and do things with them. You get that added bonus if the girl is physically attracted to you.
Yeah if you have money you can buy things, but most genetic trash incels (sub 3) are content with just browsing the internet and torrenting games and movies for copes than slaving away.
Yeah, I could totally get a job right now anytime I wanted to. I'm not super highly educated or experienced but there's plenty of stuff for young people to do if you look in the right places. But what would that do? I'd still live the same except having much less free time and having to deal with people at the workplace who hate me. Normies working 9 to 5 aren't super happy but at least they have social circles and relationships to offset it.for most i've talked to, being NEET and LDARing is merely a symptom of giving up. it's not the cause of it. when you already know it's over due to having tried enough or being particularly fucked up, why bother?
Last time I checked being a "neet" is a lifestyle choice based on the testimony of self professed neets. A man who was living the "neet life" but not on purpose would just call himself broke, poor, unemployed, but not a neet. So yes based on the terminology and how it is used, I assume any guy calling himself a neet is WILLINGLY CHOOSING TO BE POOR.
else they'd refer to themselves as UNEMPLOYED.
Using the term neet implies that you aren't trying to get a job or even be an entrepenuer. That's the other part that kills me about this, ok don't join the regular working force, but you have a lot of fucking free time, ever think about doing some online work and making money that way.
but only because they still have bluepilled parents who shelter them
women do not have any business OWNING a business.
i can attest to thisbeing NEET and LDARing is merely a symptom of giving up
But again, if you have a low IQ like me, then you're not cut out for any of the "good" jobs.
just work for a system that hates you bro. Meanwhile the only currency that matters where the sexual market place is concerned is appearance
Wealth cannot bring true love, even in opposite-attract leeches
do you mean cognitive impairments, or mental health issues? cause if it's the latter I would say most neets do.If you have legit mental disabilities I'd say that is an exception, but most neets don't have that.
I ve kind of given up. I lack the energy to go out and approach
Being NEET is just cutting off your nose to spite your face. I could go NEET whenever I wanted but why would I? I'd have less money and be more bored. The last thing I need is more time alone in my head thinking about how shit my life is.