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Nazism is Chad Worship and worshipping Chad is cucked if you're an incel



Aug 21, 2018
You're worshipping an ideology that believes it's okay for genetically unlucky men to die in wars and factories so that only Chads get to breed. An ideology where SS Chads visited government mansions staffed with single white blonde Staceys for the Chads to gangbang white incel Ignatz froze his balls off in Stalingrad. An ideology that believes that men at the bottom should always be cast aside in order to improve the average genetics of society. Nazism is what women practice when they don't fuck us. Nazism is the opposite of everything incels should support.

"jews are why white women are fucking chads who are taller and better than me in everyway.
because it makes total sense for jews to want tall Aryan chads to breed."

"i would only date white girls who live close to me and will approach me in public"

"white women are innocent snowflakes who need saving"

incels that care about race haven't been fully blackpilled

jfl at stormfagcels and their loyalty to white women, these same white women that have ignored them their whole life.

They are literally beta orbiters for white females, the most pathetic kind of orbiters.

Yes, they are actual White Ethnic Frenchmen from the mediterainian coast. But they look super shitskin and incel too.


This guy looks truecel as fuck.


This guy almost looks like a curry cel.


This guy is the only normal looking one.


@tehgymcel420 @EthnicelNL

Identitarians call themselves Ethno-Nationalists.


I also look Whiter than them.

This will be my most lengthy, most important essay so far. I am resolved to utterly destroy the influence the alt-right has on young white losers like incels.

I first encountered "soft" nationalist ideas in 2006, when I was 12 years old. They seemed sensible enough and appealed to my natural sense of self-sacrifice and pride. You were born in a great country, defend it and bask in its eternal glory! What's not to like about this?

I was increasingly drawn to nationalist-type ideas and in 2008, when I was 15 years old, I stumbled upon white nationalism. The narrative was again compelling: white countries are currently being flooded by mass immigration of non-whites, and due to mathematical trends, the West is soon going to "disappear" as a distinct civilization and culture. There's a sense of urgency that immediately placates you. I searched for flaws in this narrative, and didn't find any. So naturally, I continued on my nationalist journey. (At the time, it was not called "alt-right".)

But then I started to notice a weird pattern. Most of my fellow nationalists, on blogs and forums I frequented, were losers. They tended to hide it well, but behind the surface, once you got to know them more, they were virgin, ugly, incel, pathologically shy, working a job they hated, suffering from a mood disorder, poor, low-IQ... They had at least one major flaw. Note that I said "most", not "all". It is possible to find gregarious, happy Chads in nationalist movements. They are however exceedingly rare, and always seem to gravitate towards actual political activism in real life rather than virtual political activism. I suspect the rapidity with wich Richard Spencer became the spokesman of the alt-right in 2016 had something to do with him providing "plausible deniability" for everything I've just exposed. The same goes for Jorg Haider and his scions in Austria.

White nationalism, I was soon to discover, had indeed suffered from such a reputation of being a "house of losers" for decades. The nationalist parties in the United Kingdom and Belgium never went anywhere because their leaders were ugly and obese, for instance. Dr William Pierce, head of the National Alliance in the USA, famously lamented the presence of so many "freaks" coming to his meetings, just before his untimely death.

Initially, I told myself "it's just a coincidence..." But then I started to think. Why would an ideology attract so many losers? I eventually came to the conclusion that it serves a psychological purpose that is ultimately selfish, and that the purported altruism of these losers is in fact very much self-interested.

Nationalism is a way to subordinate individual interests to community interests. It naturally appeals to individuals who have not achieved much in their life and tend to be jealous of those who achieve. Nationalism can be understood as a "bed of Procrustres" that destroys any achievement that does not serve the purpose of the community, of which the loser is part.

Nationalism is also a pseudo-religion, or secular religion. Like communism, it imbues material objects (such as a race, or a country) with mystical properties. Himmler and Hitler chanted the mysterious hyperborean origins of whites, and the contemporary WN movement glorifies the magical uniqueness of whites. It's a substitute for God, and religion is known to soothe losers and depressed invididuals.

Finally, nationalism can be an emotional substitute for personal achievement. If you don't have anything to show for yourself, just steal valor from your ancestors or other whites, bro! Yes, I know redditors mock WNs for this. "If being white is the only thing you're proud of, you're a failure". But they're right though. I know it hurts.

Now comes the central question: is white nationalism good for every white, as WNs maintain?

The answer is no. It all depends on what you value in life. WNs, who display the typical characteristics of a brain low in serotonin, value stability, similarity, duty and a collectivist political system with restrictions on personal freedom. Other whites, the majority, who display the typical characteristics of a brain high in serotonin, prefer novelty, excitement, freedom, happiness and love.

The negative consequences of mass immigration to the West and population replacement with non-whites are also very exaggerated. Technological progress and capitalistic resources will dampen most of the damage.

In conclusion, the alt-right movement will fail because it does not possess the necessary attributes that could make it a mainstream movement. There are not enough losers in a given population for it to work.

White nationalism is the biggest political cope in the West. I don't deny a guy like Richard Spencer is attractive (and low-inhib also), but the vast majority of people in these alt-right movements are just plain ugly white folks. They are the bottom of the white race. The fact is: average and attractive white men are doing just fine. They have more sex now than in any other period in history. They also have sex with all different races. We live, in fact, in a world where white men are at the top of the sexual/racial hierarchy like never before. These ugly white supremacists would still be incel in a 100% white country because they are the bottom of their race. What they should do is join forces with us.

White Nationalism is not a political ideology that makes sense, but a psychological cope used by unattractive white men who desperately need a source of self-esteem (in this very case, their race).

I'm ready to debate with our resident Nazi Blackpill101 about this.

I believe it. I've personally known more than one dude who became a neo-nazi after repeated rejections by women. Being a balding manlet didn't help either of course. Anyhow they would deny it of course but there's an obvious pattern here with almost all of these guys:

1.) Guy gets dumped/is repeatedly ignored by women altogether, starts to become misogynistic

2.) Guy seeks out a way to vent frustrations with fellow misogynists, ends up on TRP sites and the like -- many of whom are also racist, or at least on the right

3.) Guy begins to become more like them. Suddenly it isn't just women who are the enemy, but also blacks, Muslims, gays, "the Jews" and the other usual bogeymen. Next thing you know he's a full blown neo-nazi in extreme cases.

It's also why there's a disproportionately high number of far-right incels I'm sorry to say.

It's a shared web of belief. See Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens on this. Webs of belief come and go every three centuries or so. Most modern countries didn't even exist three centuries ago, and won't exist anymore in three centuries. Right now you can find men who'll beat you to a bloody pulp for saying this, but in three centuries their offspring will beat you for saying the same thing about the Intergalactic Confederation or wtv.

Few brown people actually group together. Blacks in the US are very atomized and individualistic.

David Duke had already realized this back in the 70s. He got a complete face reconstruction and almost managed to get elected governor of Louisiana (despite being an overt neo-Nazi) thanks to it.

Gomez, a longtime journalist, recalls having met and interviewed Duke in the mid-1970s when Duke was a state senate candidate:

He was still in his mid-20s and very non-descript. Tall and slimly built, he had a very prominent nose, flat cheek bones, a slightly receding chin and straight dark brown hair. The interview turned out to be quite innocuous, and I hadn't thought about it again until Duke came to my legislative desk, and we shook hands. Who was this guy? Tall and well-built with a perfect nose, a model's cheek bones, prominent chin, blue eyes and freshly coiffed blond hair, he looked like a movie star. He obviously didn't remember from the radio encounter, and I was content to leave it at that.[32]

Several patterns of evidence indicate that nowadays, most WNs are ugly and sexually frustrated. I don't believe this to be a coincidence, or a result of their ideas. I believe the causality goes backwards: they became WNs as a direct result of sexual frustration. Freud, Marcuse, the Frankfurt school: they were prematurely right. Fascism is now entirely caused by sexual frustration.

Just a little thought experiment: imagine you're a good-looking normie with a normal social life, and a lot of friends of all backgrounds. You regularly have sex. The last time it was with an Indian girl who digs you.

Now... It's Saturday afternoon. Are you going to fire up YouTube to watch a one hour video of David Duke (that creepy Tussaud wax doll) expounding on the "long winters theory of racial differences in IQ"? Are you going to spend an hour reading obscure Julius Evola texts on blogs like Counter-Currents?

Can you picture yourself doing this? Obviously not. Most likely, you'd use your Saturday afternoon to chill with friends, have a girl come over, prepare good food, watch a movie, work on your novel... Do cool, funny stuff.

Only ugliness and loneliness can lead to an intellectual interest in racial differences or rightist political theory.

I agree that every political opinion hides self-interest and an evolutionary strategy behind a veneer of altruism as plausible deniability. However, I think the flaw of WNism is that it's too transparent. People can easily see through your game. They can see you think you deserve more status solely on account of being white, and they naturally don't want to give it to you, because they have understood that a white phenotype is a lot less important than personal achievements, physical beauty and other actual qualitative traits. Feminism is a lot less transparent. You need a good degree of thinking and knowledge of evolutionary biology / internet dating experiments to realize that "equality for women" actually translates to "superiority of women".

Which is why WNs like to talk about "European brotherhood" lmao, everybody in Europe is the mutt product of several waves of human migration and countless wars but when you lump them all together they're one semi-coherent group. Gotta make the cope durable so you don't have to waste too much brain power rationalising it. Pan-European white nationalism is easier to believe in than Jesus Christ being conceived without a dad and being raised from the dead after being crucified, there's a reason dissident right types on the internet will believe in the former while being atheists who only support Christianity for cultural reasons.

If Hitler had won the Nazis would have either tried to suppress modern population genetics or come up with some giant roundabout copes to explain the fact that Germans east of the Elbe are mixed with Slavs and Germans from East Prussia are those mutt Germans mixed again with Balts.

The fact roundabouts exist for "muh genes" means that there will always be nationalism, it's not such a bad thing tbh, just another form of community larger in scale than the family.

I'm convinced /pol/ stuff is basically the first form of cope for inceldom in ugly sexless white males. Alt-right stuff doesn't even take pains to hide the fact it's aimed at whites who feel low-status compared to ethnics. When you feel low-status as a white in the West, we all know what this must mean. Handsome whites don't feel low-status.

Lol totally. I couldn't continue to look down on "genetic dregs" after realizing I was the genetic dregs.

Hopefully, the last few alt-right members here will one day reach the same conclusion and stop coping with white pride or IQ pride.

That's totally an argument. It's very easy to jerk about grand ideological fantasies in the loneliness of your bedroom. The real test for ideology is the real world. If you're high inhib to the point of not being able to put your ideology out there in the real world, it means your ideology can't realistically succeed. And is probably flawed, too.

Saying things aloud to other people may also act as a trigger that makes you realize how ridiculous they sound. I quickly left the alt-right after saying alt-right stuff to a friend and realizing how that sounded basically like the ideology of a sad hateful loser.

"Non-whites are inferior" - says the NEET who didn't even get a HS diploma and rots in his parents house while ethnics are in medical school.

You have summed up the thing very well.

Relevant tidbit: theoretician of Western decadence Oswald Spengler had written that in decadent times, the ones most obsessed with "race" are actually the most degenerate examples of the race.

The Nazis hated him after this statement.

Completely agree. Although I am Asian on the face, I lived the majority of my life in an Eastern European country and mentally I was always closer to whites than Asians.
After moving to Canada, I was too sucked into alt-right, who didn't call themselves that. I thought I practice criticism and freedom of thought while in fact it was the same ideology as SJW but with the opposite sign.

Saying something like "whites invented everything and blacks nothing" isn't just untrue, but doesn't make the white boy who sais it an inventor. Taking pride in something because someone had your skin color is ridiculous. It makes sense for blacks in the US in historical terms, because segregation wasn't so long ago really.

Race is cope: The present day 'master race', germans, were despised for Romans for centuries as inferior. It's well know that they had inferiority complex to latins until century XVII.

Then, England won the long battle with Spain to be the worldwide leading nation. So, everything changed suddenly. They created the latin-bashing and the geman-superiorities narratives and spread it around the world.

History is always written by the most close winners.

Talking about females attractivness, I like slavs and latinas the most. Males attratctvines latins and nordics.

Non sequitur, you can empathize with someone and think you are nevertheless superior to him.

Also, the appeal nationalism has for losers essentially resides in the provision of a meaning for life. Usually, people find meaning in their wife and children, or their occupation. Losers have neither, hence nationalism as an ersatz.

It's pretty obvious that most of the anger from whites who hate ethnics stems from their rage at white foids getting impregnated by them. Yet they seem to have no issue with noodlewhores getting rammed by whitecels so its just blatant tribalism hypocrisy. None of us chose what race we we're born into, so get over yourself, and realize we're all pretty much living miserable lives.

Spamming message boards with propaganda probably has a >0 conversion rate, however it has a 0 conversion rate of normies (who don't go to these message boards) and normies will always have the most voting / political power.

I also agree that explaining your incelibacy in terms of a Jewish plot is asylum-grade delusion. "Without these pesky Jews, I would be boning a hot 10/10 model!" Yeah sure you would Henry, sure you would. Now please take your meds.
fuck kikes and heil the white race
I don't know why a lot of people can't think for themselves. It's crazy how many ethnics become full on Nazis after spending too much time on the internet. I still want white gf though, they are objectively best female.
I don't know why a lot of people can't think for themselves. It's crazy how many ethnics become full on Nazis after spending too much time on the internet. I still want white gf though, they are objectively best female.
goebbels would be incel today
I agree, nazism will gas us all for being undesirable.
I don't know why a lot of people can't think for themselves. It's crazy how many ethnics become full on Nazis after spending too much time on the internet. I still want white gf though, they are objectively best female.
agreed except the last part
I don't know why a lot of people can't think for themselves. It's crazy how many ethnics become full on Nazis after spending too much time on the internet. I still want white gf though, they are objectively best female.
Even hapa nazis are pitiful, but full ethnic nazis will never make any sense to me. Do these idiots think being "based and redpilled" makes them white? Do they think it will make white nazis any less likely to kill them?
Nazism is a cope for genetically inferior white males (roughly 99%) and pathetic wannabe whites like Nick Fuentes and various white-identified non-whites.

Women and Chads do not go for Nazism, since they are the primary beneficiaries of sexual liberation, degeneracy, and race-mixing, at least in the short-term r-selected mating strategy, which is what most people engage in when given the opportunity.

Hitler was right about many things though and was noble for standing for his people. But he was controlled opposition. The fake jews used him to push forth their goals of world domination.
Nazism is a cope for genetically inferior white males (roughly 99%) and pathetic wannabe whites like Nick Fuentes and various white-identified non-whites.

Women and Chads do not go for Nazism, since they are the primary beneficiaries of sexual liberation, degeneracy, and race-mixing, at least in the short-term r-selected mating strategy, which is what most people engage in when given the opportunity.

Hitler was right about many things though and was noble for standing for his people. But he was controlled opposition. The fake jews used him to push forth their goals of world domination.
White Latinos are sad. There's no way they're all 100% pure Spanish. They're only allowed into the nazi movement because of white demographic collapse.

Imagine being treated like an ethnic and wanting to join the Protestant Anglo oppressors. Stockholm Syndrome bitch behaviour. Couldn't be me.
Id rather get euthanized by the nazis for being genetic trash than living an unfulfilling life
Id rather get euthanized by the nazis for being genetic trash than living an unfulfilling life
At that point you might as well rope. Don't you want to live and abolish Inceldom instead?
At that point you might as well rope. Don't you want to live and abolish Inceldom instead?
1. I dont have the balls to rope 2. Abolishing inceldom sounds great in theory but most likely wont work in praxis. Inceldom will only be worse in future and more and more men will experience it
1. I dont have the balls to rope 2. Abolishing inceldom sounds great in theory but most likely wont work in praxis. Inceldom will only be worse in future and more and more men will experience it
How could men experience inceldom if the government assignes virgins to 100% of men and enforces monogamy by law?
How could men experience inceldom if the government assignes virgins to 100% of men and enforces monogamy by law?
You know that this will to 99,9% never happen
Himmler makes my gaydar go off. I am 100% sure Himmler was a homosexual.
I doubt it. He had is old wife and then he had his secret hot young mistress. I used to think homophobes were secretly gay themselves but a lot of times they’re not
I doubt it. He had is old wife and then he had his secret hot young mistress. I used to think homophobes were secretly gay themselves but a lot of times they’re not
It's just my personal gaydar based on his facial fat. Have you seen the picture of him with a partially unbuttoned shirt?
You know that this will to 99,9% never happen
What do you mean? It is literally already happening. I've linked news articles about how Islamic terrorist groups help their recruits get married. They're not Marxist Rodgerists but they are helping their soldiers get laid.

Just replace polygyny with monogamy
It's just my personal gaydar based on his facial fat. Have you seen the picture of him with a partially unbuttoned shirt?
Maybe he was just relaxing after a hard day of nazi work
What do you mean? It is literally already happening. I've linked news articles about how Islamic terrorist groups help their recruits get married. They're not Marxist Rodgerists but they are helping their soldiers get laid.

Just replace polygyny with monogamy
You know that in muslim countries there are tons of incels as well ? A few Chaddams have a harem of women while the other guys get nothing
1. I dont have the balls to rope 2. Abolishing inceldom sounds great in theory but most likely wont work in praxis. Inceldom will only be worse in future and more and more men will experience it
If more and more men are going to be incels then the sexual oppression and exploitation will reach a breaking point , where the Incels will have no choice but to wage war against the gynocracy and establish marxist rodgerist state.
You know that in muslim countries there are tons of incels as well ? A few Chaddams have a harem of women while the other guys get nothing
Oh my God, obviously, I even said replace polygyny with monogamy, I've created multiple threads denouncing Islamic polygyny

Please read carefully
any ideology fucks up sooner or later.
any ideology fucks up sooner or later.
If we last long enough to use brain implants or gene editing to remove hypergamy, we wil last forever. Even if one government collapses, humanity will be cured of inceldom forever.
Even hapa nazis are pitiful, but full ethnic nazis will never make any sense to me. Do these idiots think being "based and redpilled" makes them white? Do they think it will make white nazis any less likely to kill them?

most ethnic nazis are curries and curries are the bootlicking race. I once saw a tweet about a curry being upset at a white stacy marrying a black guy because the curry thought of himself as an "white aryan" and told the stacy that she should marry aryans only JFL
most ethnic nazis are curries and curries are the bootlicking race. I once saw a tweet about a curry being upset at a white stacy marrying a black guy because the curry thought of himself as an "white aryan" and told the stacy that she should marry aryans only JFL
nah that has to be latinos
you mean hispanics? there are white passing latinos
Lots of mestizos think they're white. Other Mestizos think they're better than other ethnics for being half white. A lot of white passing latinos aren't as Blanco and Iberian as they think they are
I agree nationalism is a cope but wanting a better future is alright it won't wash away the past however.
not every WN is a nazi and saying they are is just more reddit faggotry talk. also jfl at Fontaine he sounds exactly like a stupid leftist faggot.
Being a nazi as an incel is super cucked.
Simping for people who don't care about you and want you dead, is no different than simply for women who don't even acknowledge your existence.
not every WN is a nazi and saying they are is just more reddit faggotry talk. also jfl at Fontaine he sounds exactly like a stupid leftist faggot.
That's like saying you're a virgin against your will but not an incel
Being a nazi as an incel is super cucked.
Simping for people who don't care about you and want you dead, is no different than simply for women who don't even acknowledge your existence.
That's why incels should work together to find a solution . We're the only ones even capable of caring about ugly men.

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