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  • Thread starter Deleted member 12355
  • Start date
>can barely string a coherent sentence together
>calls others retarded

Alright buddy boyo.
English is not my native language and I don’t check my grammar on this website.

But at least nazigrammars are not harmful to others like alt-retards nazis are.

If a self proclaimed “nazi” is only a keyboard jockey, then he’s doing nothing to be worth of attention, but if he spread his coping IRL is another thing.
being a supporter of globo homo is enough reason tbh. If you support antifa, I'm ideologically closer to what the average man in soviet russia and Stalin believed than you, ironically.
What marxism has to do with "globo homo"???

If you lived in URSS you would be executed for supporting nazism and being racist you imbecile, not me.
Yes, I think so too. Nevertheless, it is annoying that this forum is full of these people here. I wish we ethnics had our separate incel forum so we would not have to deal with these Stormfront losers.
The whole manosphere has been taken by nazis and tradshits. MGTOW forums are ruined forever.

I’ve seen a lot of online communities who opened the doors to alt-retards have been completely monopolized by conspiracy theorists and various copers.

I hope the incel community will not become some sort of coping space for low status alt-retard males.

Fortunately, I'm a purebred white, otherwise alt-copers would have targeted me, like they are doing with ethnics and blackcels.
The whole manosphere has been taken by nazis and tradshits. MGTOW forums are ruined forever.

I’ve seen a lot of online communities who opened the doors to alt-retards have been completely monopolized by conspiracy theorists and various copers.

I hope the incel community will not become some sort of coping space for low status alt-retard males.

Fortunately, I'm a purebred white, otherwise alt-copers would have targeted me, like they are doing with ethnics and blackcels.
I agree with you man, these people should be all banned.

Just create a fucking rule against racism, anything they say will get them banned, its simple.
We would probably lose more than half of all users here :lul::lul::lul:
Doesnt matter, they make no fault here.

If they think they are a better human than other incels just because the color of your fucking skin is white then you are not different from chads and stacies, they DESERVE to be incel and i really hope that they die virgin.

I have zero sympathy for them.
What marxism has to do with "globo homo"???

If you lived in URSS you would be executed for supporting nazism and being racist you imbecile, not me.
Right, Stalin was a great promoter of the LGBTQIA+ and a virulent combatter of antisemitism and the likes, oh wait he actually planned the exile the kikes and viewed homosexuality as a mental illness

How does it feel to be a pawn of the establishment, whose movement is financed by giant capitalists like George Soros? If communists were truly revolutionary, wouldn't the establishment oppose you with the same vigour as they oppose us? Your ideology is sponsored by McDonalds, New York Times, MTV and virtually every big capitalist company there is. Your vision of the future is laughably low IQ, and that's why the establishment has no issue in allying themselves with you. They don't view antifa and the likes as an actual threat
We would probably lose more than half of all users here :lul::lul::lul:
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Why is it racist for Whites to want a ethnostate when the Jews and many other races live in a ethnostate? Not a single country in the world is totally white. The Japanese are 98% Japanese and want to keep it that way, but wanting to keep your country white is racist :waitwhat:

I don’t side with any political party because they all are different sides of the same coin. No party will make any difference, society needs to collapse and have a total reset before I start worrying about politics.
Why is it racist for Whites to want a ethnostate when the Jews and many other races live in a ethnostate? Not a single country in the world is totally white. The Japanese are 98% Japanese and want to keep it that way, but wanting to keep your country white is racist :waitwhat:

I don’t side with any political party because they all are different sides of the same coin. No party will make any difference, society needs to collapse and have a total reset before I start worrying about politics.


That's why

Also I agree that believing in political solutions is cope. The only political party I ideologically associate with is the Nordic Resistence Movement
So tell me, what are the "Allies" doing today to help you in your life? Oh they are the ones actually making your life miserable? Funny thing. Must be because they are the degeneracy Hitler fought against.
The BOLSHEVIKS SHOULDA won the cold war
I agree with you man, these people should be all banned.

Just create a fucking rule against racism, anything they say will get them banned, its simple.
I have seen forums and blogs ruined by conspiracy-copers, PUAs also. In the end the people who came to the forum or blog to talk about a specific thing eventually left since they got tired of arguing against conspiracy theorists. When enough sane people leave, these blogs and forums get ceded to conspiracy theorists.

Alt-righters, tradcucks, racists, etc... contribute nothing to the inceldom issue, they have nothing interesting to say, nothing to debate, nothing to talk about, they are totally unrelated to the specific issue debated in the community they infiltrate in. There is no benefit to their presence. They push out sane people and attract mentally ill idiots like them. Racists are useless, there are a lot of forums where to debate about race and the "jew problem", there are a lot of other communities, but once the doors are opened for nazis in a virtual space, the place get ruined and destroyed.

I'm not saying I don't like memes and jokes, I'm talking specifically about real racists, tradcucks, cospiracy theorists, etc... I know that a lot of ethnics are talking about race, JBW, or other copes, but at least their copes are related to the inceldom issue and they are balanced by other incels contrasting their copes. When a place is monopolized by a specific kind of cope, it's ruined, and in my opinion this place should remain an inceldom related space, not a race coping website for a specific kind of low status racist coper.
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I have seen forums and blogs ruined by conspiracy-copers, PUAs also. In the end the people who came to the forum or blog to talk about a specific thing eventually left since they got tired of arguing against conspiracy theorists. When enough sane people leave, these blogs and forums get ceded to conspiracy theorists.

Alt-righters, tradcucks, racists, etc... contribute nothing to the inceldom issue, they have nothing interesting to say, nothing to debate, nothing to talk about, they are totally unrelated to the specific issue debated in the community they infiltrate in. There is no benefit to their presence. They push out sane people and attract mentally ill idiots like them. Racists are useless, there are a lot of forum where to debate about race and the "jew problem", there are a lot of other communities, but once the doors are opened for nazis in a virtual space, this place get ruined and destroyed.

I'm not saying I don't like memes and jokes, I'm talking specifically about real racists, tradcucks, cospiracy theorists, etc... I know that a lot of ethnics are talking about race, JBW, or other copes, but at least their copes are related to the inceldom issue and they are balanced by other incels contrasting their copes. When a place is monopolized by a specific king of cope, it's ruined, and in my opinion this place should remain an inceldom related space, not a race coping website for a specific kind of low status racist coper.
Jews are at the root of inceldom. Look up the Frankfurt school. Look up the roots of feminism and the sexual revolution, look up the first mainstream feminists and who they (((were)))

Of course you wont do any of the above, but will instead use terms the media has weaponized you with such as 'waycist' and 'antisemite' to shut down any and all rational discourse on the subject. Now, if I was the one moderating a site like .is I would have a rule against low informed idiots voicing their opinion on things they know nothing about.
My god, nazi copers are harmless creatures only looking for copes. Why to beat a retarded man? Since nazis are retarded, beating them should be considered like beating a disabled mentally ill person.

Tradcucks, alt-retards, conspiracy theorists, paleo dieters, nazi hipsters and social media alt-copers, I almost feel sorry for how those people delude themself. I would never beat one of them, I feel pity for them and I think they need help, they should eat the blackpill.
Looks like someone's been enjoying their kool-aid.
Yes, I think so too. Nevertheless, it is annoying that this forum is full of these people here. I wish we ethnics had our separate incel forum so we would not have to deal with these Stormfront losers.


You shouldn't need a separate forum. Us incels are brethren, regardless of our skin colour. Sad sac nazis are just coping. Some 5'2 chinless wonder thinking he's 'the master race' over 6'2 build like a brick shit house tyrone, based soley on his skin pigmentation is just a major delusion.
Why is it racist for Whites to want a ethnostate when the Jews and many other races live in a ethnostate? Not a single country in the world is totally white. The Japanese are 98% Japanese and want to keep it that way, but wanting to keep your country white is racist :waitwhat:

Just as every other race upon the Earth, do Whites have a right to their own nations?

Keep in mind, many of the ethnics responding in this thread are residing in White nations. The conflict of interest should be palpable and obvious. What is in their best interest, is not in the best interest of native Whites. And there is simply no getting around that. Facts and logic are secondary to a survival instinct, for both sides. Debate or any attempt at persuasion is largely a fruitless endeavor.

Just as every other race upon the Earth, do Whites have a right to their own nations?

Keep in mind, many of the ethnics responding in this thread are residing in White nations. The conflict of interest should be palpable and obvious. What is in their best interest, is not in the best interest of native Whites. And there is simply no getting around that. Facts and logic are secondary to a survival instinct, for both sides. Debate or any attempt at persuasion is largely a fruitless endeavor.
If you voice this question, aspersions are cast on your intelligence level. It's sad how much these low IQ ethnics are projecting. I guess it's as much the media's fault for weaponizing them with the stereotype of the low IQ racist hick as it is theirs for buying into it

Just as every other race upon the Earth, do Whites have a right to their own nations?

Keep in mind, many of the ethnics responding in this thread are residing in White nations. The conflict of interest should be palpable and obvious. What is in their best interest, is not in the best interest of native Whites. And there is simply no getting around that. Facts and logic are secondary to a survival instinct, for both sides. Debate or any attempt at persuasion is largely a fruitless endeavor.

Its funny how they reap the benefits of living in a majority white country, yet complain about the evil whitey keeping them down.
Well this thread escalated quickly.
Jews are at the root of inceldom. Look up the Frankfurt school. Look up the roots of feminism and the sexual revolution, look up the first mainstream feminists and who they (((were)))

Of course you wont do any of the above, but will instead use terms the media has weaponized you with such as 'waycist' and 'antisemite' to shut down any and all rational discourse on the subject. Now, if I was the one moderating a site like .is I would have a rule against low informed idiots voicing their opinion on things they know nothing about.
Let's take frankfurters aside for just a moment, well Richard Rorty, György Lukács, and Fukuyama, predicted the rise of nationalism (not white nationalism) as a reaction to late-stage capitalism. So, for this kind of "issue", I would take away the alt-cucks narrative (frankfurters obsession, "jew problem", white vagina worshipping, constant attack to other ethnic groups), which is ok, you can talk about that separately in other places, not in an inceldom community filled by stormrontcel biased copers.

Come on, it's that obvious, this place exist for incels, it's ok to throw some political issues, but my previous post was clear about what I was addressing as a "problem". I was specifically talking about racists, conspiracy theorists and other toxic elements who seriously harmed the entire manosphere with their obsessions.
Let's take frankfurters aside for just a moment, well Richard Rorty, György Lukács, and Fukuyama, predicted the rise of nationalism (not white nationalism) as a reaction to late-stage capitalism. So, for this kind of "issue", I would take away the alt-cucks narrative (frankfurters obsession, "jew problem", white vagina worshipping, constant attack to other ethnic groups), which is ok, you can talk about that separately in other places, not in an inceldom community filled by stormrontcel biased copers.

Come on, it's that obvious, this place exist for incels, it's ok to throw some political issues, but my previous post was clear about what I was addressing as a "problem". I was specifically talking about racists, conspiracy theorists and other toxic elements who seriously harmed the entire manosphere with their obsessions.
On the whole earth there is no minority that has been more hated and kicked out of countries throughout history than the jews. I could accept the antisemitism meme a few times but throughout history that shit has happened too often. Hate doesn't come out of nowhere it has reasons.
Reminds of a certain number. 744*2
On the whole earth there is no minority that has been more hated and kicked out of countries throughout history than the jews. I could accept the antisemitism meme a few times but throughout history that shit has happened too often. Hate doesn't come out of nowhere it has reasons.
If alt-copers are so concerned about the jew issue, then they should take affirmative actions, but alt-copers, are in fact, copers, they have no intention of trying to accomplish their goals.

So why to stress other people out with the constant exposition of something that is, and it always will be, a cope for the stormfront-incel?
You shouldn't need a separate forum.
I would find a separate forum for us ethnics better. It feels like more than half of all white incels here are annoying stormfront losers. The ethnic users here are much chillier and more sympathetic.
I would find a separate forum for us ethnics better. It feels like more than half of all white incels here are annoying stormfront losers. The ethnic users here are much chillier and more sympathetic.
yep ethnic incel forum would be the best
Its funny how they reap the benefits of living in a majority white country, yet complain about the evil whitey keeping them down.
South Africa called. They want their white farmers that they abused and exiled back, because their country sank back to a shithole without them.
On the whole earth there is no minority that has been more hated and kicked out of countries throughout history than the jews. I could accept the antisemitism meme a few times but throughout history that shit has happened too often. Hate doesn't come out of nowhere it has reasons.
As someone whose hatred for women did not come out of a vacuum, but rather came from my experiences with them, combined with the black pill, I fully agree.
Someone posts a joke thread about space nawtzees and gets responses like:


Dethnicholas: richardspencer.gif


and at least one

WhiteCatamite: ummmmmm I'm ackshchshthshually fully white and I think stormfrontalnudity is ackshchthshually really dumb and a cope and lmao at genetically superior. By refusing to take a stand for myself, I'll passively avoid having to take any kind of real risk. My instinct toward self-preservation manifests as a refusal to admit that I have one. I'm a good whitey!

Meanwhile, these ooks are given free reign to treat this place as a "JBW" dumping ground and you're supposed to sit there and treat it as established fact.

The aphorism "the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" clearly extends down the strings to the puppets which he manipulates.

I would find a separate forum for us ethnics better. It feels like more than half of all white incels here are annoying stormfront losers. The ethnic users here are much chillier and more sympathetic.

You're well on your way to getting it, you whiny bitchboy. You'll have a cope forum hermetically sealed from reality before long. Certainly it'll be better once you purge the incel forum of all the "losers". Can't decide whether to play the suffering victim or the smug coper.

This place is a mess.

There is another way:

If alt-copers are so concerned about the jew issue, then they should take affirmative actions, but alt-copers, are in fact, copers, they have no intention of trying to accomplish their goals.

So why to stress other people out with the constant exposition of something that is, and it always will be, a cope for the stormfront-incel?
Because Israel and the jews are protected by the USA. What do you expect them to do? Develop a nuke and drop it on israel? Start a new Holocaust on their own? lol Jews are one of the most protected groups on earth, everyone and their mom will come to defend them because muh holocaust, hitler, nazi...
Someone posts a joke thread about space nawtzees and gets responses like:


Dethnicholas: richardspencer.gif


and at least one

WhiteCatamite: ummmmmm I'm ackshchshthshually fully white and I think stormfrontalnudity is ackshchthshually really dumb and a cope and lmao at genetically superior. By refusing to take a stand for myself, I'll passively avoid having to take any kind of real risk. My instinct toward self-preservation manifests as a refusal to admit that I have one. I'm a good whitey!

Meanwhile, these ooks are given free reign to treat this place as a "JBW" dumping ground and you're supposed to sit there and treat it as established fact.

The aphorism "the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" clearly extends down the strings to the puppets which he manipulates.
tbh and also high IQ

Had to check my phone because I couldn't believe the date. It's 2017 but with a 40s trend, and a racist president that's "making everything great again". But tell me when this was fucking okay, all the streets and the screens popping triple K's. They want the peace? Uh-uh, nah that won't fly here, because if you blink they're pushing you back 300 years.
Right, Stalin was a great promoter of the LGBTQIA+ and a virulent combatter of antisemitism and the likes, oh wait he actually planned the exile the kikes and viewed homosexuality as a mental illness
Nazbol gang? Niekisch not that degenerate Limonov.
RIP @IntolerantSocialist fellow member of nazbol gang
Because Israel and the jews are protected by the USA. What do you expect them to do? Develop a nuke and drop it on israel? Start a new Holocaust on their own? lol Jews are one of the most protected groups on earth, everyone and their mom will come to defend them because muh holocaust, hitler, nazi...
They just want an eternal enemy to fight, someone that they can paint as a brainwasher of white women , that's it, that's all alt-cucks are about. They have to blame someone for the behavior of modern women, and they say frankfurters enforced feminism, gay rights and atheism, just to destroy traditional christian values. I'm not joking, they really believe such things.

There are reasons why they are called "tradcucks", the main one is they are not blaming women, but they want to play the role of the white knight, the defender of the white woman, the holy white vagina.

But while they have those beliefs, that's their true condition at the moment:


Ps. If those alt-cucks are so really really really worried about their race, why they don't just marry their white beloved mistresses? They really want to be slaves to the white vagina and instead of being aware of the blackpill (all women are scum) they instead prefer to attack other males, just to accomplish nothing important.

Jews are not harmed by keyboard jockeys, I don't know how those jewish masterminds think, but I'm pretty sure they are not worried of the stormfront demented coper.
Someone posts a joke thread about space nawtzees and gets responses like:


Dethnicholas: richardspencer.gif


and at least one

WhiteCatamite: ummmmmm I'm ackshchshthshually fully white and I think stormfrontalnudity is ackshchthshually really dumb and a cope and lmao at genetically superior. By refusing to take a stand for myself, I'll passively avoid having to take any kind of real risk. My instinct toward self-preservation manifests as a refusal to admit that I have one. I'm a good whitey!

Meanwhile, these ooks are given free reign to treat this place as a "JBW" dumping ground and you're supposed to sit there and treat it as established fact.

The aphorism "the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" clearly extends down the strings to the puppets which he manipulates.

You're well on your way to getting it, you whiny bitchboy. You'll have a cope forum hermetically sealed from reality before long. Certainly it'll be better once you purge the incel forum of all the "losers". Can't decide whether to play the suffering victim or the smug coper.

This place is a mess.

There is another way:

One of the more intelligent posts I've read on the site.
They just want an eternal enemy to fight, someone that they can paint as a brainwasher of white women , that's it, that's all alt-cucks are about. They have to blame someone for the behavior of modern women, and they say frankfurters enforced feminism, gay rights and atheism, just to destroy traditional christian values. I'm not joking, they really believe such things.

There are reasons why they are called "tradcucks", the main one is they are not blaming women, but they want to play the role of the white knight, the defender of the white woman, the holy white vagina.

But while they have those beliefs, that's their true condition at the moment:


Ps. If those alt-cucks are so really really really worried about their race, why they don't just marry their white beloved mistresses? They really want to be slaves to the white vagina and instead of being aware of the blackpill (all women are scum) they instead prefer to attack other males, just to accomplish nothing important.

Jews are not harmed by keyboard jockeys, I don't know how those jewish masterminds think, but I'm pretty sure they are not worried of the stormfront demented coper.

Pathetic groveling. I mean absolutely disgusting, with the "blackpill comic" by based resentful crypussy hapa #405,632 (is there any other kind?) serving as the cosmopolitan pièce de résistance.

You speak about "attacking other men" as though this were a one sided offensive by your "fellow whites". You talk about the impotence of "keyboard jockeys" on a forum dedicated to hateposting about whores. You're just looking for any available opportunity to suck shit.

Screen Shot 2018 12 16 at 53754 PM

The bugman at his most small-souled, proud of his nihilism. Says just about everything really. I'd suggest you get back to watching other men have sex and leave the discussion of ideas to people honest enough with themselves to treat the issues in the same manner.
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Pathetic groveling. I mean absolutely disgusting, with the "blackpill comic" by based resentful crypussy hapa #405,632 (is there any other kind?) serving as the cosmopolitan pièce de résistance.

You speak about "attacking other men" as though this were a one sided offensive by your "fellow whites". You talk about the impotence of "keyboard jockeys" on a forum dedicated to hateposting about whores. You're just looking for any available opportunity to suck shit.
Says just about everything really. I'd suggest you get back to watching other men have sex and leave the discussion of ideas to people honest enough with themselves to treat the issues in the same manner.
I’m just saying tradshits have ruined the entire manosphere with their monomaniacal coping strategy.

The first MGTOW “manifesto was a hymn to the traditional cuckolding “values” and thanks to tradscums their coping website has been filled up with the usual conspiracy theories about why women are behaving in this way and how it’s all the Jew’s fault.

I have already listened to the broken record many times, always the same shit narrative, over and over again. “ The Jews did this”,”Jews did that” etc...

It’s so hard to understand that the stormshit coping strategy is old and It isn’t even funny anymore? Now it’s becoming pathetic. Why alt-copers just don’t go for the kill? Why they never acted? Why they are continuing to invade other’s people coping spaces?

I couldn’t care less than a fuck about that Jewish mastermind’s social engineering plan to eradicate the traditional Christian values. And I think that’s a coping only for Americels, since apparently those alt-retards are all American males worried about atheism, gay rights and other stuff.

Wtf. This is an incel space, not an alt-retard safe space for “special kids”
I’m just saying tradshits have ruined the entire manosphere with their monomaniacal coping strategy.

The first MGTOW “manifesto was a hymn to the traditional cuckolding “values” and thanks to tradscums their coping website has been filled up with the usual conspiracy theories about why women are behaving in this way and how it’s all the Jew’s fault.

I have already listened to the broken record many times, always the same shit narrative, over and over again. “ The Jews did this”,”Jews did that” etc...

It’s so hard to understand that the stormshit coping strategy is old and It isn’t even funny anymore? Now it’s becoming pathetic. Why alt-copers just don’t go for the kill? Why they never acted? Why they are continuing to invade other’s people coping spaces?

I couldn’t care less than a fuck about that Jewish mastermind’s social engineering plan to eradicate the traditional Christian values. And I think that’s a coping only for Americels, since apparently those alt-retards are all American males worried about atheism, gay rights and other stuff.

Wtf. This is an incel space, not an alt-retard safe space for “special kids”

Haw haw haw

"Traditional cuckolding values" as though cuckolding wasn't tied inextricably with the comparatively brief phase of modernity in which we live. Like a lot of bugmen, you take "liberty" and "freedom" as the highest prerogative of mankind, I'll bet, and think every constraint up to this point has a shroud of mistakes surrounding a self-evident core of "natural rights". You think the current order is inevitable and perfect but for your inability to get a whore (but why not?). In short, you are a dumbass and a slave to your desires. You have no sense of honor and no historical continuity with any culture, religion, or even "national" affinity. Your ideas are fed to you by puffed-up intellectuals and metabolized to nothing more than sterile appeals to authority.

Unfortunately for you, no matter how deracinated and rootless you are, your browpipo buddies still view you as an enemy. When @UppityNog92 or @GibsMeEurope post a "punch Nazis video", do you think that resentment is limited to self-identifying "Nazis" (anyone who thinks that these people exist in numbers representing a clear threat and have institutional support is a retarded fag)? You're astonishingly naïve if you do. This is an exorcism of a very general White hatred through socially-acceptable forms (woke reaction .gifs to fight the Nationalsozialistiche Drumpfkorps) - if I need to spell it out for you: they're talking about you too.

You betray not only your true motives with that last paragraph, but also your crippling myopia. "Alt-this", "alt-that", "Christians" (again, you are a suggestible and cowardly dumbfuck raised on a steady diet of propaganda to choose this particular animus) get in the way of cummies, weed, welfare, permissivity, whatever. Not realizing that this kind of decadence is unavoidably linked and historically concurrent with feminism and the erosion of the male's position in "civilized" society. Issues of "value" are issues of "inceldom".

"Wtf". The only topic extraneous to sexlessness that seem to bother you is the White man's assertion of his dignity.
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"Wtf". The only topic extraneous to sexlessness that seem to bother you is the White man's assertion of his dignity.
JFL at having this white-coping obsession while being an unwanted incel (I'm assuming that someone who's writing here is an incel)

BTW even if that answer I just gave to you may look as an escape strategy (in some way it it is, since I'm tired of arguing and I have just explained all my points in my previous posts) I just want to point out this last thing before leaving you the last word: I know not every white nationalist is an alt-cuck, not everyone that society labels as a white nationalist is one. E.G. Charles Murray (Bell Curve) labeled as a white nationalist for propaganda purposes, he apparently is not a white nationalist. This "white nationalist" thing may become or is already became meaningles for the way it's used today by media. But stormcopers are really the most absurd copers around the incellosphere, you can't find worse copers than them. Believing to be superior to a High tier Chang or Tyrone just for the fact you're white is an absurd thing on itself, it's even more absurd if the coper in question is an incel (unwanted by his own femoid's race).

i just pointed out that my butthurt is about the way alt-cucks are representing their own narrative, so I'm not interfering with other's people copes.
JFL at having this white-coping obsession while being an unwanted incel (I'm assuming that someone who's writing here is an incel)

BTW even if that answer I just gave to you may look as an escape strategy (in some way it it is, since I'm tired of arguing and I have just explained all my points in my previous posts) I just want to point out this last thing before leaving you the last word: I know not every white nationalist is an alt-cuck, not everyone that society labels as a white nationalist is one. E.G. Charles Murray (Bell Curve) labeled as a white nationalist for propaganda purposes, he apparently is not a white nationalist. This "white nationalist" thing may become or is already became meaningles for the way it's used today by media. But stormcopers are really the most absurd copers around the incellosphere, you can't find worse copers than them. Believing to be superior to a High tier Chang or Tyrone just for the fact you're white is an absurd thing on itself, it's even more absurd if the coper in question is an incel (unwanted by his own femoid's race).

i just pointed out that my butthurt is about the way alt-cucks are representing their own narrative, so I'm not interfering with other's people copes.

You should gain more familiarity with this forum before going off about "stormfrontcels". This particular cope is never advanced by White posters:


Just search this guy's p:soy:st hist:soy:ry for more.

Regarding the bolded as well, and with reference to my earlier post, reducing "superiority" to how much one is desired by the "human" female is the most blood-boiling, gay shit one encounters, seemingly constantly, on this forum. I am losing my patience with nihilists who have a counterfeit understanding of "evolution". Talk about cucked.
Not realizing that this kind of decadence is unavoidably linked and historically concurrent with feminism and the erosion of the male's position in "civilized" society. Issues of "value" are issues of "inceldom".
It amazes me how many incels are liberal, considering liberalism spawned feminism which directly affects, and hurts us.
nice thread tbhtbh

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