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Nausea educates FACEandLMS, intactivists and the MRM on circumcision



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
I would appreciate his viewpoints seen as I will discuss it on a future WAW video.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]TRIGGER WARNING:[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Even asking this question is the definition of coping.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Circumcision is the very definition of being CUCKED AT BIRTH by the two people who were supposed to protect you. They took the decision out of your hands. You really have no choice but to cope, I guess.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]When the foreskin is removed, 1000s of pleasure nerves are too. What's more, the penis head is now exposed permanently with no foreskin as protection. The penis head or glans forms a hard shell as protection. It keratinizes. This makes it less sensitive. It's no wonder why circumcucked men are able to walk around with their glans rubbing against their boxer shorts without wincing in pain: they have no more sensitivity. For an INTACT man, touching the glans is like touching your eyeball.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]A circ'd penis is a ruined penis unless you needed circumcision for phimosis or something.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"But, but it's cleaner"[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]There is also this great thing called WASHING. Peel back the foreskin, wash it, and you get to keep all of your dick. Sounds good to me.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"But women prefer cut dicks".[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]LOL@being[/font][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] mutilated to be easier on a roastie's eye. Would a roastie cut off her clit for you? What's more, women can't even tell the difference between the two when the foreskin is rolled back.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]There is no drawback to having all of your penis.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"I wouldn't want a foreskin so I can last longer"[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Essentially, you wouldn't want more pleasure? For some roastie who you aren't even fucking cuz you're incel?[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Masturbation with a foreskin > Sex as a circumcucked man. [Of course I was strictly talking physiologically; not about the various endorphins released from merely being with a woman, which is pleasurable in itself, etc.][/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The foreskin rolls back and forth over the glans during masturbation and sex which adds more pleasure. The glans self-lubricates because it's not deadened and hardened like bunion. Women enjoy sex with an INTACT penis too. Don't pay attention to what they say about the anteater-looking penis in isolation. Look at their behaviour.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]If you are circumcucked AND have to use a condom ON TOP, then you are barely experiencing sex at all.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]It always used to confuse me when Americans talked about needing lube to masturbate, but then I realized that, if your glans is deadened, then you need lube. Imagine, the one source of sexual pleasure as an incel being cut off by your parents to protect you from STDs that you don't have to worry about anyway cuz you're incel.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Also, it's called INTACT,  not "UNCIRCUMCISED", just like a toe isn't "unamputated". It's INTACT. It SHOULD BE THERE.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]TBH, being intact is probably the top reason why I haven't committed mass-sui-murder. I'd rather be incel for life (which I am anyway) than have a gf and an amputated residual dick that's as sensitive as a corn on your foot. [HYPERBOLE not to be taken literally][/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]There was even research into the effect of circumcision on newborn babies. They ffound that babies don't recover as fast as was thought. They even linked circumcision to acting out later in life. It's a trauma that stays with boys. I'm willing to bet most mass shooters are circumcised.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Circumcucked guys, you have my deepest sympathies. [/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Even if you get sex, you aren't really having it. [OK, sure, I meant from the point of view of one's body being intact. If you are fed via a tube due to illness, you are still eating, but not in the true sense of chewing, having the taste buds engage with salivary glands, whatever...][/font]

I am not looking for Nausea to paste me text on the benefits of circumcision but rather to refute the points above.


what would you like me to do? refute your points one by one or something else?
FACEandLMS said:
I would appreciate his viewpoints seen as I will discuss it on a future WAW video.

Oh man what I wouldn't give to have a cameo in a FACEandLMS WAW vid.
nausea said:

what would you like me to do? refute your points one by one or something else?

Yes, thanks. You are a medic so I am expecting to get battered by you lol but I welcome being educated. I understand that, you being in America? or other pro-circ country/culture, there is still a preference for and leaning towards circumcision in your training, right?
FACEandLMS said:
Yes, thanks. You are a medic so I am expecting to get battered by you lol but I welcome being educated. I understand that, you being in America? or other pro-circ country/culture, there is still a preference for and leaning towards circumcision in your training, right?

italy here

what does it mean MRM?

there are no "preference" in medicine, it doesn't work like that

I am not able to educate you, I am not able to teach anything

I will do what I can to explain you what does it mean to believe falsity, in a very pacate manner
nausea said:
italy here

what does it mean MRM?

there are no "preference" in medicine, it doesn't work like that

I am not able to educate you, I am not able to teach anything

I will do what I can to explain you what does it mean to believe falsity, in a very pacate manner

Men's Rights Movement. Many of them are against male circumcision. Intact-ivisits are campaigners who want it banned.
FACEandLMS said:
Men's Rights Movement. Many of them are against male circumcision. Intact-ivisits are campaigners who want it banned.

ah ok, did not even know about their existance

now, can we agree on one simple rule here?

ah and your eventual punishment was a joke eh, doesn't matter if you change your signature, I also like your videos honestly

so no hate ok?

the rule is this: no links\referals to sources of any kind

if you disagree, then ok I will accept your choice anyway
nausea said:
ah ok, did not even know about their existance

now, can we agree on one simple rule here?

ah and your eventual punishment was a joke eh, doesn't matter if you change your signature, I also like your videos honestly

so no hate ok?

the rule is this: no links\referals to sources of any kind

if you disagree, then ok I will accept your choice anyway

Of course no hate, bro.

What do you mean by no links? You don't want me to post any links or sources in this thread? Or you don't want me to refer to your links in one of my upcoming videos???
FACEandLMS said:
Of course no hate, bro.

What do you mean by no links? You don't want me to post any links or sources in this thread? Or you don't want me to refer to your links in one of my upcoming videos???

in this thread

the reason is that I don't want to make a silly battle of sources, it's not needed in the first place


if you want to post sources, I accept your decision but I will not post any source, for I don't even need to and my "sources" are inside my brain ( also honestly I do not know any internet source that can provide basic info like this )
>If you are circumcucked AND have to use a condom ON TOP, then you are barely experiencing sex at all.

how is "Circumcucked" even a thing? it's not like when I was born I even had a chance. sounds like major COPE
Absolutely fucking brutal. I sometimes occupy my nights with staring at the ceiling, thinking of how I was dick-cucked. The worst part is - Nobody cares. Nobody cares that I was mutilated. Nobody cares that millions of men were mutilated at birth. Men aren't slaves. We're more like furniture or tools, or maybe pavement

Of course, when you pass these ideas over men they go into reactive-cope mode.
>I don't care about being circumcised
>I fap just fine
>My orgasms are ok

You know this is a reactive-cope. You can catch reactive copes in action if you're clever. Try this for example. Ask someone if they care about NSA spying. Most will say "no, I don't care!" Then ask them if you can read all their emails, private messages and flip through their browsing history. Most will say "No, no thanks". You caught them in a reactive-cope. A sudden mental defense to protect their own minds from what has or is happening to them.
Mahlo said:
Absolutely fucking brutal. I sometimes occupy my nights with staring at the ceiling, thinking of how I was dick-cucked. The worst part is - Nobody cares. Nobody cares that I was mutilated. Nobody cares that millions of men were mutilated at birth. Men aren't slaves. We're more like furniture or tools, or maybe pavement
Of course, when you pass these ideas over men they go into reactive-cope mode.
>I don't care about being circumcised
>I fap just fine
>My orgasms are ok
You know this is a reactive-cope. You can catch reactive copes in action if you're clever. Try this for example. Ask someone if they care about NSA spying. Most will say "no, I don't care!" Then ask them if you can read all their emails, private messages and flip through their browsing history. Most will say "No, no thanks". You caught them in a reactive-cope. A sudden mental defense to protect their own minds from what has or is happening to them.

My condolences. At least you're not delusional about it like most cut guys.
nausea said:
if you want to post sources, I accept your decision but I will not post any source, for I don't even need to and my "sources" are inside my brain ( also honestly I do not know any internet source that can provide basic info like this )


How can one argue about scientific phenomena without peer-reviewed scientific journal articles?
blickpall said:

How can one argue about scientific phenomena without peer-reviewed scientific journal articles?

yeh makes no sense

i'm also a "medic" ... I actually personally know & trained w/ 1 of the main docs in the circ debate

the biggest arguments for circ are epidemiological (decreased risk of STI & penile cancers; the latter is controversial & depends more on personal hygiene factors, the former is irrelevant for incels). AAP (pediatrics group) is the main medical body advocating circ, but with considerable debate and politics involved.. their guidelines on the topic created a shitstorm in that field

in full disclosure: i'm intact, & i agree with everything quoted in the OP
so could I still get my euro worm dick skin ripped off and the blood sucked by an elderly jewish man
blickpall said:

How can one argue about scientific phenomena without peer-reviewed scientific journal articles?

how can you "argue about surgery" ( may Allah forgive me for this ) without being at least a basic medic? AT LEAST

please tell me, do you want a photo of the atlas of anatomy I have in my desk?

look, I accept to be subjected to his sources now and to discuss about them, I will provide what I find online ok? I have to search for it though and it will require time and probably I won't find them anyway because med books cost money

NOW IT IS PERSONAL ( with no hate )

how can you review or even understand truly a scientific article without being educated in that specific field ? truly nonsensical

also there are not scientific articles about anatomy whatsoever, it's basic knowledge for professionists ( unless it's very advanced stuff obviously, like new methodology of microanatomy and the likes ). I am speaking in profane terms eh, to be understandable here

subsaharan said:
yeh makes no sense

i'm also a "medic" ... I actually personally know & trained w/ 1 of the main docs in the circ debate

the biggest arguments for circ are epidemiological (decreased risk of STI & penile cancers; the latter is controversial & depends more on personal hygiene factors, the former is irrelevant for incels). AAP (pediatrics group) is the main medical body advocating circ, but with considerable debate and politics involved.. their guidelines on the topic created a shitstorm in that field

in full disclosure: i'm intact, & i agree with everything quoted in the OP

if you are a medic I will take you seriously

if you are a "medic", please stop
^obtained my M.D. f/ a US allopathic school almost a decade ago. if u want any further info --> PM, I shouldn't even be revealing THAT much on this damn forum tbh lmfao
subsaharan said:
^obtained my M.D. f/ a US allopathic school almost a decade ago. if u want any further info --> PM, I shouldn't even be revealing THAT much on this damn forum tbh lmfao

please tell me clearly if you are a medic, italy here, no MD f\a us whatever here

no PM's, what for? scared of what? man, you are not identifiable anyway
nausea said:
how can you "argue about surgery" ( may Allah forgive me for this ) without being at least a basic medic? AT LEAST

please tell me, do you want a photo of the atlas of anatomy I have in my desk?

look, I accept to be subjected to his sources now and to discuss about them, I will provide what I find online ok? I have to search for it though and it will require time and probably I won't find them anyway because med books cost money

NOW IT IS PERSONAL ( with no hate )

how can you review or even understand truly a scientific article without being educated in that specific field ? truly nonsensical

also there are not scientific articles about anatomy whatsoever, it's basic knowledge for professionists ( unless it's very advanced stuff obviously, like new methodology of microanatomy and the likes ). I am speaking in profane terms eh, to be understandable here

The beauty of scientific journals is that while some are of course highly technical and initially beyond the grasp of untrained people, many are meta-analyses which draw broad conclusions about outcomes at large and are often presented in relatively easy-to-digest ways. This is what is most likely to be pertinent to a debate on such matters, as it is the broad impact of circumcision that is the point of debate, not isolated cases used in tangential studies (although those are obviously a part of the landscape when discussing the issue).

Beyond that, because of the beauty of Western standards, published scientific journals have to reference all information that they use within their experiment/study/analysis, meaning that if one is unfamiliar with a term, one must only follow the chain of supporting articles to get to the fundamental truth behind the specific concept in question. How easy this is to accomplish depends on the field, of course, but there is always a finite amount of things that need to be read and learned before grasping at least the overarching concept and the basic supporting evidence for a scientific article. If you break down anything into small enough pieces and explain them in the simplest terms, any adult with an adequately functioning brain and a concept of cause and effect will be able to understand it.

Even if there are no research articles on the basics of anatomy, as you say, there will certainly be research or meta-analysis articles on the basics of procedures such as circumcision and their outcomes. Also, if something is so basic as to be common knowledge in the field, then it shouldn't be hard to corroborate with multiple sources; for example, if it's common knowledge that using a rusty knife for surgery can give you tetanus (just an example, not even sure if true or not), then there will be countless places where this will be mentioned if you just google "tetanus + rust." Some cynics will say that you can find anything you want on the internet, but it would be intellectually dishonest to present only the articles that support your point and ignore the ones that say "THERE IS NO LINK BETWEEN RUST AND TETANUS" and I expect that since you are a medical student that you would be aware of these inaccuracies and point them out/not supply them yourself, anyway. If not, then you can always cross-reference them yourself using the resources at your disposal, no?
blickpall said:
The beauty of scientific journals is that while some are of course highly technical and initially beyond the grasp of untrained people, many are meta-analyses which draw broad conclusions about outcomes at large and are often presented in relatively easy-to-digest ways. This is what is most likely to be pertinent to a debate on such matters, as it is the broad impact of circumcision that is the point of debate, not isolated cases used in tangential studies (although those are obviously a part of the landscape when discussing the issue).

Beyond that, because of the beauty of Western standards, published scientific journals have to reference all information that they use within their experiment/study/analysis, meaning that if one is unfamiliar with a term, one must only follow the chain of supporting articles to get to the fundamental truth behind the specific concept in question. How easy this is to accomplish depends on the field, of course, but there is always a finite amount of things that need to be read and learned before grasping at least the overarching concept and the basic supporting evidence for a scientific article. If you break down anything into small enough pieces and explain them in the simplest terms, any adult with an adequately functioning brain and a concept of cause and effect will be able to understand it.

Even if there are no research articles on the basics of anatomy, as you say, there will certainly be research or meta-analysis articles on the basics of procedures such as circumcision and their outcomes. Also, if something is so basic as to be common knowledge in the field, then it shouldn't be hard to corroborate with multiple sources; for example, if it's common knowledge that using a rusty knife for surgery can give you tetanus (just an example, not even sure if true or not), then there will be countless places where this will be mentioned if you just google "tetanus + rust." Some cynics will say that you can find anything you want on the internet, but it would be intellectually dishonest to present only the articles that support your point and ignore the ones that say "THERE IS NO LINK BETWEEN RUST AND TETANUS" and I expect that since you are a medical student that you would be aware of these inaccuracies and point them out/not supply them yourself, anyway. If not, then you can always cross-reference them yourself using the resources at your disposal, no?

please would you like to take time to be the arbiter of "nausea vs faceandlms", if he does agree eh
nausea said:
please would you like to take time to be the arbiter of "nausea vs faceandlms", if he does agree eh

You're both adults, I'm sure that if you proceed with respect for each other, yourselves, science, medicine, and intellectual discourse, then no arbiter is necessary.
blickpall said:
You're both adults, I'm sure that if you proceed with respect for each other, yourselves, science, medicine, and intellectual discourse, then no arbiter is necessary.

no rules?

look man, sorry for annoying you, you are a mod not a normal user ( I imagine you are busy moderating )
nausea said:
no rules?

look man, sorry for annoying you, you are a mod not a normal user ( I imagine you are busy moderating )

Just have an intelligent conversation with a person, it's not something that normally requires a referee.
blickpall said:
Just have an intelligent conversation with a person, it's not something that normally requires a referee.

with a person or with multiple persons?

this isn't normal at all 

it needs an arbiter able to establish who "wins", but if you do not agree it's ok eh ( at this point I am tired of this eh )
nausea said:
with a person or with multiple persons?

this isn't normal at all 

it needs an arbiter able to establish who "wins", but if you do not agree it's ok eh ( at this point I am tired of this eh )

Let's wait to see what FACEandLMS has to say on the matter. I feel like the person who first resorts to personal attacks or starts repeating the same thing over and over loses, or stops substantiating their points with evidence. Or if someone concedes of course. No need for an official to hold up a hand and say "you win."
Mahlo said:
Absolutely fucking brutal. I sometimes occupy my nights with staring at the ceiling, thinking of how I was dick-cucked. The worst part is - Nobody cares. Nobody cares that I was mutilated. Nobody cares that millions of men were mutilated at birth. Men aren't slaves. We're more like furniture or tools, or maybe pavement

Of course, when you pass these ideas over men they go into reactive-cope mode.
>I don't care about being circumcised
>I fap just fine
>My orgasms are ok

You know this is a reactive-cope. You can catch reactive copes in action if you're clever. Try this for example. Ask someone if they care about NSA spying. Most will say "no, I don't care!" Then ask them if you can read all their emails, private messages and flip through their browsing history. Most will say "No, no thanks". You caught them in a reactive-cope. A sudden mental defense to protect their own minds from what has or is happening to them.

You bring up an analogy (NSA spying) of how something will bother someone mostly based on their perception of it. In your first paragraph, you say men aren't slaves. Study world history and you'll see that not only has human life always been cheap, most men are meant as slaves and illogical human rituals of mutilation, torture, etc are commonplace.

We are bothered by circumcision mostly by our beliefs through mixed messages that we have rights. I hate circumcision and am mad that I was cut, but it's something I cope with quite well after realizing throughout 99.999% of human history, 99% of all people basically lived short lives of pure brutality.

tldr; life is perception
blickpall said:
 No need for an official to hold up a hand and say "you win."

I agree with what I have not quoted but not with this above quote: I want that the discussion I will have with faceandlms will impact the future of this forum because otherwise the problem will continue to present itself surely 100% guaranteed

if you do not agree with this, it's ok, I will discuss with him and then stop forever, I will ignore every medical post from then on, it will be a very big blow to my respect for you all though

I firmly believe that you know what I mean as a teacher ( I stop here )

Oodar said:
You bring up an analogy (NSA spying) of how something will bother someone mostly based on their perception of it. In your first paragraph, you say men aren't slaves. Study world history and you'll see that not only has human life always been cheap, most men are meant as slaves and illogical human rituals of mutilation, torture, etc are commonplace.

We are bothered by circumcision mostly by our beliefs through mixed messages that we have rights. I hate circumcision and am mad that I was cut, but it's something I cope with quite well after realizing throughout 99.999% of human history, 99% of all people basically lived short lives of pure brutality.

tldr; life is perception

see @blickpall? this post proves the harmful nature of ignorance in medicine
I'm still waiting for Nausea to reply to my op. Ready when you are.
FACEandLMS said:
I'm still waiting for Nausea to reply to my op. Ready when you are.

you did not respond to the mod
blickpall said:
You're both adults, I'm sure that if you proceed with respect for each other, yourselves, science, medicine, and intellectual discourse, then no arbiter is necessary.

this. I agree to whatever gets this thing off the ground.
I was always amazed how americans said they needed lube to masturbate
Like wtf, i never used it.
Now i get it. Circumcized men cant even masturbate properly. Thats sad
FACEandLMS said:
I was kidding. Please debunk the op. I'm waiting.

maybe you do not understand that there is a much better thing to do now?

I am in this moment focused on saving this forum in that other thread, something that you should do too

you will wait until that discussion is not over now
Mahlo said:
Absolutely fucking brutal. I sometimes occupy my nights with staring at the ceiling, thinking of how I was dick-cucked. The worst part is - Nobody cares. Nobody cares that I was mutilated. Nobody cares that millions of men were mutilated at birth. Men aren't slaves. We're more like furniture or tools, or maybe pavement

Of course, when you pass these ideas over men they go into reactive-cope mode.
>I don't care about being circumcised
>I fap just fine
>My orgasms are ok

You know this is a reactive-cope. You can catch reactive copes in action if you're clever. Try this for example. Ask someone if they care about NSA spying. Most will say "no, I don't care!" Then ask them if you can read all their emails, private messages and flip through their browsing history. Most will say "No, no thanks". You caught them in a reactive-cope. A sudden mental defense to protect their own minds from what has or is happening to them.

Nice comment. I feel really the same way. It's disgusting, the worst part is how NO ONE fucking cares. Made me want to ER lol seriously like what the fuck its so messed up. But then again theres many messed up things in this shit world.

Oodar said:
You bring up an analogy (NSA spying) of how something will bother someone mostly based on their perception of it. In your first paragraph, you say men aren't slaves. Study world history and you'll see that not only has human life always been cheap, most men are meant as slaves and illogical human rituals of mutilation, torture, etc are commonplace.

We are bothered by circumcision mostly by our beliefs through mixed messages that we have rights. I hate circumcision and am mad that I was cut, but it's something I cope with quite well after realizing throughout 99.999% of human history, 99% of all people basically lived short lives of pure brutality.

tldr; life is perception

Is it really though? Yea most kids died cause of disease but if you lived till 20 years old you would live till old age USUALLY. I mean I guess if you are a farmer toiling away all day yea you are right. But they worked less than we do now thats for sure. Tbh you are right though life is quite brutal and.... boringly painful. I wonder why people put up with it. I guess it's attatchments. For example if all my family & friends dissappeared I would probably turn to a life of vengeful assassination. I find that the most fun, planning killings over months, taking out targets that I hate.... oh.... jk jk. What I mean is.... if their lives were so bad I don't get why they didn't just kill their masters?

Now it's quite hard because our masters are so subtle and hidden it is hard to pinpoint who is actually responsible. At least before you knew it was one of the lords or maybe even the king... at least you had a target.

nausea said:
maybe you do not understand that there is a much better thing to do now?

I am in this moment focused on saving this forum in that other thread, something that you should do too

you will wait until that discussion is not over now

just say why you think circumcision is ok stop bein a lil bitch about it
BlaKdaGGeRz said:
just say why you think circumcision is ok stop bein a lil bitch about it

I am sure you are commenting on that thread, right?

I already stated what I think about circumcision around
nausea said:
I am sure you are commenting on that thread, right?

I already stated what I think about circumcision around

This has gotten autistic as fuck now. You said you wanted circimcision talk BANNED. Then you said that you would debate me if I opened a new thread. It's almost been a week and we are on page 2 and still you're stalling.

If you admit that you were coping and were responding emotionally because you are circumcised then that's fine. I won't rub it in your face.
FACEandLMS said:
This has gotten autistic as fuck now. You said you wanted circimcision talk BANNED. Then you said that you would debate me if I opened a new thread. It's almost been a week and we are on page 2 and still you're stalling.

If you admit that you were coping and were responding emotionally because you are circumcised then that's fine. I won't rub it in your face.

I discovered there's another medic here, may I priorytize talking about this matter and the correlate medical discussion thing with him first?

do you agree that it is the better thing to do in matter of scientific stuff?

two engineers talking with each other about engineering will surely come up with a more valuable discussion than the outcome you would have with an engineer who talks to someone else who is not an engineer about engineering, right?

also, believe it or not I am currently busy in a much better thing to do now, I am sure you know what I am into here

I am literally stalking that thread from its dawn, sorry if this offends you eh
Holy fuck never seen so much cope in my life. Face it dude, us cut dudes don't even feel 1/3 of the pleasure that intact dudes feel, incel or not. Our parents cucked us
yes I agree that this thread is lol, shall be closed
nausea said:
yes I agree that this thread is lol, shall be closed

Are you giving up? You didn't even begin to counter my points.
FACEandLMS said:
Are you giving up? You didn't even begin to counter my points.

man I have given up on a much righteous thing

let's just say that "you are late to the party"
It boggles my mind that any MALE would support circumcision of fellow males
justforlulzandkeks said:
It boggles my mind that any MALE would support circumcision of fellow males

another thing boggles my mind
@nausea this is coming from me as a user, not a mod.

1. Backing out of this conversation/debate just because your push to establish "no alts" rules as a written one is a pussy move. Backing out of this conversation/debate just because your push to establish "no talk about surgeries" rules as a written one is a pussy move.

2. Not substantiating your position in any of the three threads is weak shit (no alts, no medical talk, debate on circumcision). I asked you for proof that this is something necessary, and you didn't do a damn thing to prove your point, you just kept talking in ethereal hypotheticals and truisms, on no less than two occasions. You're doing the equivalent of "well, I'm just going to take my ball and go home because you guys don't want to play the game with the rules I want." You're entitled to this, but just know how it comes off as. You can't double back and take the high ground saying "I have given up on a much righteous thing" as an excuse.

I don't understand how you expect other people to do what you want them to, how you expect to convince people, if you don't substantiate anything you say with evidence. Your posts in all three threads mentioned were just hot air.

We both know that there isn't much that can get me riled up, but the delusional manner in which you've approached all of these subjects, the way you perceived the outcomes, and the fact that you are now blatantly dodging FACEandLMS all rub me the wrong way because it seems cowardly. Let me explain in simple terms:

FACEandLMS wants to debate you on the merits of a specific surgery.
You tell him to wait, because you are still "trying" to make all talks of surgery disallowed on the forum.
The motion goes nowhere because you don't substantiate it, so you tell him that he is "late to the party."

If your motion of getting all talks of surgery disallowed passes -> You don't have to debate FACEandLMS.
If your motion of getting all talks of surgery disallowed does not pass -> You don't have to debate FACEandLMS because you "have given up on a much righteous thing."

Do you see the problem here? This is bullshit.
please do not close this thread

I want to respond at this at least
nausea said:
please do not close this thread

I want to respond at this at least

This thread never had a reason to be closed in the first place.

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