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Natural selection is bullshit.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1269
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Deleted member 1269

Deleted member 1269

Nov 9, 2017
JFL at people who believe that 8000 years ago only 1 male fucked 473638 women. As if males were as cucked as today in this degenerate society. You really think males 8000 ago would have approved this bullshit ? They would have literally killed and raped women. Also why the fuck does "nature" or whatever shit wants us to survive ? And for what purpose ? And why women choose sometimes weak pretty boys over strong ugly men ? Do weak pretty boys have more chances of survival? Are you fucking kidding me ? It's like saying zac efron or justin bieber the cuck would survive against someone like tellem who is roughly triple their size. Also if we want strong men with strong jawlines and cheekbones to survive, then why the fuck are we intelligent ? How and why we even bothered to develop something like intelligence when we already know it's pretty much useless in dating ? Inb4 someone says "intelligence is our ultimate weapon for survival and it made us rule over all the other creatures". Then why the fuck women aren't attracted to intelligent men ? If intelligence is that superior why it's useless to women ? If an intelligent normie or incel competed against a 70 IQ chad, the chad would win. Then what the fuck is the purpose of intelligence and how and why we developed it in the first place ? No one knows shit, as always. This bullshit makes no sense to me. Women just want to whore for the sake of being whores. We are in the era of social media and cucks and sexual revolution. Women are given too many rights that they're treated like kings in today's society. Society is shallow and women care about being better than other women socially and economically because they're dumb af.
Genecel said:
I don't condone violence against anyone, women are biologically programmed to seek out the best mate, they have no free will, and neither do we. So I don't complain, nor do I hate, I observe...........well I try to.

What does this have to do with my post ?  And why you people always say the same shit like you are copies of each others ?
Genecel said:
you said men would rape women back in the day, so I thought you were encouraging violence against women, are you encouraging violence against women?

Life and the universe itself is completely and inherently meaningless. We are but mere specks of dust on an infinite cosmic spectrum filled with suffering and grief.
Garbage said:
Life and the universe itself is completely and inherently meaningless. We are but mere specks of dust on an infinite cosmic spectrum filled with suffering and grief.

What does this have to do again with my post ? Do atheists insert any complicated philosophical bullshit to sound smart and edgy and to avoid a discussion because they have no shit to say ?

but it looked like cope
Cuck-Damage said:

but it looked like cope

How am i coping ? I'm not denying the blackpill or the looks theory. I'm just saying that the cause of hypergamy is different than what most people believe.
Stanx22 said:
Cuck-Damage said:
but it looked like cope
How am i coping ? I'm not denying the blackpill or the looks theory. I'm just saying that the cause of hypergamy is different than what most people believe.
yehh... Cope
Evolution is somewhat arbitrary/random...natural selection isn't about being "perfect" per say, but rather "good enough". Incels happen to be the minority that aren't.
Intelligence isn't directly correlated with survival so humans probably never evolved that instinct. Intelligent individuals contribute things to a community for other stronger/alpha men to utilize, for example an intelligent man builds a dagger which is a more effective killing machine than a rock. The man who created it benefits from it for a while until other stronger men learn how replicate this technology and outcompete the original inventor
Why post a thread if you're going to shit all over the responses, lol?

Intelligence probably just helped man to survive, to problem solve. We became smarter because we began to walk upright which allowed for a larger cranial cavity.

Yeah, I don't know if I believe in the whole ancient harem thing. Maybe, was it proven via DNA? If so, it would be nearly a fact.
I'm probably talking shit but that's my take on it
Evolution is somewhat arbitrary/random...natural selection isn't about being "perfect" per say, but rather "good enough". Incels happen to be the minority that aren't.

This, it's just what survives.
Ragin'] Evolution is somewhat arbitrary/random...natural selection isn't about being "perfect" per say said:
Intelligence isn't directly correlated with survival so humans probably never evolved that instinct. Intelligent individuals contribute things to a community for other stronger/alpha men to utilize, for example an intelligent man builds a dagger which is a more effective killing machine than a rock. The man who created it benefits from it for a while until other stronger men learn how replicate this technology and outcompete the original inventor
Yeah because we evolved our extremely complicated brains for millions of years (as claimed), just to make alpha men and chads life more easier and luxurious. Nice logic.
Sub8Hate said:
This, it's just what survives.

then how did the genes of being a skinny, endomorphic, glasses wearing, acne ridden, allergic to everything make it
Stanx22 said:
JFL at people who believe that 8000 years ago only 1 male fucked 473638 women. 

News to me
Sub8Hate said:
Why post a thread if you're going to shit all over the responses, lol?

Intelligence probably just helped man to survive, to problem solve. We became smarter because we began to walk upright which allowed for a larger cranial cavity.

Yeah, I don't know if I believe in the whole ancient harem thing. Maybe, was it proven via DNA? If so, it would be nearly a fact.

A larger carnial cavity = +100 IQ points and 1000x more complicated brain. 

Also why did we decided to walk upright ? We were faster when we were walking like animals.
Stanx22 said:
What does this have to do again with my post ? Do atheists insert any complicated philosophical bullshit to sound smart and edgy and to avoid a discussion because they have no shit to say ?

It has to do with the bigger picture natural selection means nothing in the entire scope of the universe. BTw im not atheist.
Sadist said:
then how did the genes of being a skinny, endomorphic, glasses wearing, acne ridden, allergic to everything make it

Some things might be caused by environment (like the acne) + shitty mutations, luck, mother had bad genes.
Stanx22 said:
You explained nothing nor debunked my points. You simply defined what natural selection is. I made a lot of questions in my OP. Just answer them.

Yeah because we evolved our extremely complicated brains for millions of years (as claimed), just to make alpha men and chads life more easier and luxurious. Nice logic.

Sadist said:
then how did the genes of being a skinny, endomorphic, glasses wearing, acne ridden, allergic to everything make it

Because "muh rape".
intelligent men are usually the beta providers while the women fuck chad
Stanx22 said:
Sub8Hate said:
Why post a thread if you're going to shit all over the responses, lol?
Intelligence probably just helped man to survive, to problem solve. We became smarter because we began to walk upright which allowed for a larger cranial cavity.
Yeah, I don't know if I believe in the whole ancient harem thing. Maybe, was it proven via DNA? If so, it would be nearly a fact.
A larger carnial cavity = +100 IQ points and 1000x more complicated brain.
Also why did we decided to walk upright ? We were faster when we were walking like animals.

Humans already have one of biggest, if not the biggest cranial sizes at birth. Larger brains would not fit in a woman's womb.
Genecel said:
I don't condone violence against anyone, women are biologically programmed to seek out the best mate, they have no free will, and neither do we. So I don't complain, nor do I hate, I observe...........well I try to.

How's your wife's son been doing?
Stanx22 said:
 "intelligence is our ultimate weapon for survival and it made us rule over all the other creatures". Then why the fuck women aren't attracted to intelligent men ? If intelligence is that superior why it's useless to women ? If an intelligent normie or incel competed against a 70 IQ chad, the chad would win. Then what the fuck is the purpose of intelligence and how and why we developed it in the first place ? 

A 70 IQ Chad wouldn't make it in the wild, be he does in our current society because people circumvent natural selection through protection, medicine, etc. Intelligence is more of a survival tactic than a sexual attraction lol.
UncannyValley said:
A 70 IQ Chad wouldn't make it in the wild, be he does in our current society because people circumvent natural selection through protection, medicine, etc. Intelligence is more of a survival tactic than a sexual attraction lol.
Then how our stupid low IQ ancestors made it in the wild for millions of years ? No one knows.
Stanx22 said:
Then how our stupid low IQ ancestors made it in the wild for millions of years ? No one knows.

Our ancestors were smart enough to stay alive. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to communicate with people through speech and throw spears at animals for food. Average intelligence and the higher percentiles of intelligence were sufficient enough.
UncannyValley said:
Our ancestors were smart enough to stay alive. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to communicate with people through speech and throw spears at animals for food. Average intelligence and the higher percentiles of intelligence were sufficient enough.

Just a minute ago you said
"A chad with 70 IQ wouldn't make it in the wild"

And now you say 
"Our ancestors were smart enough to stay alive" 

Does that mean that our dumb ancestors who acted like monkeys had >70 IQ ?
Stanx22 said:
Just a minute ago you said
"A chad with 70 IQ wouldn't make it in the wild"

And now you say 
"Our ancestors were smart enough to stay alive" 

Does that mean that our dumb ancestors who acted like monkeys had >70 IQ ?

The intelligence of an average human thousands of years ago was the same as a present time human's. It's just that today people have more things to occupy that intelligence with and use it.
Back then chadicus Maximus literally fucked every girl. You never heard of incelus because he was erased from the annals of history and the gene pool.

Pure cope. Natural selection and hyper gamy are eternal and apply to every species in time. Only way to reverse this is to undo the Big Bang
You don’t lose your virginity to a hooker cuz you paid to fuck her 
You only lose your virginity when you fuck a girl for free
JFL at people who believe that 8000 years ago only 1 male fucked 473638 women.

That is not a natural selection, dude. You should open a biology book and reread.

I know that biology is censored in muslim countries, but it's quite easy to download a pdf in 2018.
That is not a natural selection, dude. You should open a biology book and reread.

I know that biology is censored in muslim countries, but it's quite easy to download a pdf in 2018.
"Censored" ? I'm not living in a cave man.
If sex is natural then rape is as well. Women getting raped is nature too.
JFL at people who believe that 8000 years ago only 1 male fucked 473638 women. As if males were as cucked as today in this degenerate society. You really think males 8000 ago would have approved this bullshit ? They would have literally killed and raped women. Also why the fuck does "nature" or whatever shit wants us to survive ? And for what purpose ? And why women choose sometimes weak pretty boys over strong ugly men ? Do weak pretty boys have more chances of survival? Are you fucking kidding me ? It's like saying zac efron or justin bieber the cuck would survive against someone like tellem who is roughly triple their size. Also if we want strong men with strong jawlines and cheekbones to survive, then why the fuck are we intelligent ? How and why we even bothered to develop something like intelligence when we already know it's pretty much useless in dating ? Inb4 someone says "intelligence is our ultimate weapon for survival and it made us rule over all the other creatures". Then why the fuck women aren't attracted to intelligent men ? If intelligence is that superior why it's useless to women ? If an intelligent normie or incel competed against a 70 IQ chad, the chad would win. Then what the fuck is the purpose of intelligence and how and why we developed it in the first place ? No one knows shit, as always. This bullshit makes no sense to me. Women just want to whore for the sake of being whores. We are in the era of social media and cucks and sexual revolution. Women are given too many rights that they're treated like kings in today's society. Society is shallow and women care about being better than other women socially and economically because they're dumb af.

I'm going to have to stop you there OP. Women always want tall robust men, the threshold for looks is alot higher if you are a small framed or short. If you are tall and big framed unless your face is 2/10 you cannot be incel. Girls always go for the biggest guy in the club face being equal
The true nature is that all men ARE created EQUAL by the creator of this universe. He is a good creator but we humans just had to fuck it up.
I'm going to have to stop you there OP. Women always want tall robust men, the threshold for looks is alot higher if you are a small framed or short. If you are tall and big framed unless your face is 2/10 you cannot be incel. Girls always go for the biggest guy in the club face being equal
Then why there are many tall incels on here ?
The true nature is that all men ARE created EQUAL by the creator of this universe. He is a good creator but we humans just had to fuck it up.
Don't know if you're trolling or not, but you're right. Inceldom is the fault of society.
You are a spirit inside a body. This life is not in vain...

Also. Life was designed to be enjoyed and fun. We humans like i said before managed to fuck it up the original plan....

Eat a mucusless diet and also exercise more my friend.
Also..... happiness is all we want in life and by default this world is providing it but you have to eat right.... mucusless diet. It will also stop you from fapping and will remove addictions. Just stick with it. Read the book.
then how did the genes of being a skinny, endomorphic, glasses wearing, acne ridden, allergic to everything make it

modern medicine, genetic recombination, etc.

Humans have repeatedly defied nature to progress as a species. In the past, this also included constructs like patriarchy, religion, monogamy, arranged marriage, etc. Unfortunately incels don't benefit from these things anymore, so we suffer.

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