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Brutal Native Americans are Chinamen

So technically US territory belongs to China. :feelsdevil:
jfl I'm probably the only native here :cryfeels:
jfl I'm probably the only native here :cryfeels:
Do you look like this? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

Black people claim Native Americans were black so they were the first ones who discovered america. :dafuckfeels:
I wouldn't be surprised if there are some niggers actually take that seriously and the people at the top of those cult who push this shit know they are misleading people.
Do you look like this? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

As a Mestizo, I probably look more Native than many people claiming to be Native, like this guy. He's an enrolled member of the Chickasaw tribe, he's not of Native race to me. Many tribes in New England and the South are actually Black

  • Japs don't acknowledge non-ethnic Japanese citizens as really their own. Same with Chinks
  • Even if they have the same nationality, Russians make a clear distinction between non-Slavs (rossiyanin) and Slavs (russkie)
  • Europeans (except British) don't really accept descendants of Arabs, Africans, and Turks as their own; Spaniards don't accept South Americans as one of their own because of our non-white admixture
  • Even niggers, who want Blacks to be represented everywhere, side eye White people who claim to be Black

Why the hell do people of different phenotypes and minimal indigenous DNA get to call themselves tribal members?
In a way I guess. Don't tell the ccp or they'll claim North America. Genetically, natives are closer to Chinese but have had enough time to differentiate so they are relatively distinct. Regardless, most modern day natives are more European than Asian in this day so the point is moot. Natives still mog ricecels
[UWSL]Even niggers, who want Blacks to be represented everywhere, side eye White people who claim to be Black[/UWSL]
Yet they claim mixed people as black and are obsessed with breeding with foids outside their race.
Native Americans aren't really Chinese. They're more related to Siberians and Eskimos.

Yet they claim mixed people as black and
Tbh. I've been saying that Mulattoes aren't black, and that they are their own group, but people still see them that way.

Nigga nativecels don't exist. They're either dead or are known as latinocels
Tbh. I've been saying that Mulattoes aren't black
They aren't. Calling a mulatto a negroid is as dumb as calling a Hapa an Asian

Mulatto VS Italian


Yet they claim mixed people as black and are obsessed with breeding with foids outside their race.
Niggers like to claim mulattos as their own because they know their own genes are worthless garbage that was upgraded by europeans/arabs/amerindians

Personally I don't consider anyone "black" who is 40% white to be a negro
In a way I guess. Don't tell the ccp or they'll claim North America. Genetically, natives are closer to Chinese but have had enough time to differentiate so they are relatively distinct. Regardless, most modern day natives are more European than Asian in this day so the point is moot. Natives still mog ricecels
Natives b4 mixing were basically a mix of Siberians and Polynesians. Nowadays they are mutts who have European Arab African and East Asian blood
I wouldn't be surprised if there are some niggers actually take that seriously and the people at the top of those cult who push this shit know they are misleading people.
It's because they had no real civilization outside if Ethiopia and West Africa. Coincidentally the two places Arabs made contact with them:feelsdevil:
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Black people claim Native Americans were black so they were the first ones who discovered america. :dafuckfeels:
God wuz Nigga and Garden of Eden wuz lik a back-alley gangsta partay :feelsgah:
It's because they had no real civilization outside if Ethiopia and West Africa. Coincidentally the two places Arabs made contact with them
Considering that the Sahel of West Africa and the Horn of Africa are not even pure nigger, but mixed with Arabs/Berbers.
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Niggers like to claim mulattos as their own because they know their own genes are worthless garbage that was upgraded by europeans/arabs/amerindians
True, niggers are self-hating and yet they cope by saying blacks can't be racist and anyone who doesn't approve of them is racist. Though blacks are the true racist since they always victimize themselves and talk about how the white man is bad.

But yet they still want to mix. And I think mulattoes aren't proud of being part nigger either as if we asked for that and to accept our "blackness" while disregarding other parts of our heritage.
Personally I don't consider anyone "black" who is 40% white to be a negro
This. The one-drop rule is retarded. I can understand if you have a white great-grandparent or have a distant white or Native American ancestor and still calling yourself black because that's most of your DNA. But if you're at least half-and-half or more white than black then it's ridiculous to say that they are racially the same as a 100% sub-Saharan African where there is clearly a difference of phenotypes and genes that they don't completely share with each other even if they have genes that are in common.
Natives b4 mixing were basically a mix of Siberians and Polynesians. Nowadays they are mutts who have European Arab African and East Asian blood
Like my muttfest of an island (or half-an-island). The true indigenous people of the land were wiped out and were replaced with niggers and mongrels who all have parts from different areas of the world. We have no real ethnic identity because we don't have genes that we can call uniquely our own that came from the island itself anymore.
It's because they had no real civilization outside if Ethiopia and West Africa. Coincidentally the two places Arabs made contact with them:feelsdevil:

Also, I don't get why blacks worship Arabs so much, even some of the black supremacists have their own sects of Islam and change their name to Arabic, when Arabs also enslaved Africans.
Ofc... They came here to escape the early (((Mandarin's))) long ago. Bce...

They were ancient mariners that may have been related to the Phoenicians.

They even stole niggers hence the giant nigger head (Olmec) statues in south America.
True, niggers are self-hating and yet they cope by saying blacks can't be racist and anyone who doesn't approve of them is racist.
They say that only so they can excuse their own racism. It's the same reason they safeguard non-blacks from saying nigger.
Though blacks are the true racist since they always victimize themselves and talk about how the white man is bad.
It's cognitive dissounace. The Jew has told him whitey bad, but when the nigger looks around him, all he sees, both genetically and civilizationally, is an improvement to what his ancestors had. Some Mulatto on Youtube was seething about how black guys were complimenting her "euro centric features" because she had green eyes. This is what I mean. She KNOWS her beauty comes from some white man fucking her ancestor, yet because she hates whitey so much, she refuses to acknowledge her green eyes make her look better


But yet they still want to mix.
Duh, everyone wants to mix with more Caucasoid variants of humanity. It's why Bantu men simp for Ethiopian women, because they're whiter. Even Koreans will adore a Paki-Korean mix because Pakis are MORE caucasoid

Just look at the Korean guy on the left VS the Paki-Korean mutt Chad


And I think mulattoes aren't proud of being part nigger either as if we asked for that and to accept our "blackness" while disregarding other parts of our heritage.
Mulattos seem to be like that. I know a girl who's Italian-Somali and while she has a somewhat Arab-looking face, her hair is pretty curly and she's admitted to hating her own hair. Although she has a pretty caucasoid looking face.
This. The one-drop rule is retarded. I can understand if you have a white great-grandparent or have a distant white or Native American ancestor and still calling yourself black because that's most of your DNA. But if you're at least half-and-half or more white than black then it's ridiculous to say that they are racially the same as a 100% sub-Saharan African where there is clearly a difference of phenotypes and genes that they don't completely share with each other even if they have genes that are in common.
Mulattos, much like Hapas & Meztisos, are their own race/ethnicity. Saying THIS is the same as THIS is just hilarious. It's as dumb as the white astronaut above claiming to be "native"


Like my muttfest of an island (or half-an-island). The true indigenous people of the land were wiped out and were replaced with niggers and mongrels who all have parts from different areas of the world. We have no real ethnic identity because we don't have genes that we can call uniquely our own that came from the island itself anymore.
To be fair, no one's genes are uniquely their own, but you're still your own ethnicity.

Also, I don't get why blacks worship Arabs so much, even some of the black supremacists have their own sects of Islam and change their name to Arabic, when Arabs also enslaved Africans.
Because, like I said before, Arabs are the reason ANY African civilizations exist. All the empire you see in west Africa, like the Songhai Empire, Mali Empire, etc are all due to mixing with Arabs, Egyptians, and Amazighs. Many Africans in places like Senegal or Nigeria like to claim Arab ancestory, and some do, hence why they have phenotypes like this sometimes


Arabs aren't that hated by Blacks because 1. Arabs aren't apologetic cucks like Europeans and 2. Arab slavery was far far more humane than European slavery, with many Black slaves living proper lives and ascending to leading their own states and 3. Arab slavery was NOT race-based as even Europeans were enslaved

the beringians were mongoloids who deceived our solutrean white ancestors
Berbers are Arabs. They just came to North Africa from the Levant way before the Muslim invasion.
Berbers are aryan keep coping.
Also fun fact:OG berbers dont speak arabic, so idk about calling us arabs :feelstastyman:
Berbers are aryan keep coping.
They came from somewhere before reaching North Africa. And you aren't European.

Plus the ones not isolated up the mountains are already mixed with Arabs and niggers now.
They came from somewhere before reaching North Africa. And you aren't European.

Plus the ones not isolated up the mountains are already mixed with Arabs and niggers now.
We are aryans.

Yup a mix of aryans :feelsjuice:
No not really, they only started implementing it when muslimxels came
And created mutt rapebabies. Though there are a few who do speak Berber it's a dying language just like the native Amerindian languages on this continent.
Aryans the A in aryan stands for Africa, N for North and R for @Rhaast :feelzez:
Africa is for niggers.
why are you defending Beringians?
do you want to give USONA to them?
You'll be better off in Europe fighting against diversity there.

All you did was try to eliminate them in their own land.
Native American roping rate is quite high if I remember correctly
o RLY and (((who))) do you think debunked it?
Cope your kike Eurocentric garbage is just anti Native American propaganda. It’s equivalent to afro centric rubbish.
Cope your kike Eurocentric garbage is just anti Native American propaganda.
The "we were here first give us back our land" is just Beringian propaganda fuck the Beringians.
The "we were here first give us back our land" is just Beringian propaganda fuck the Beringians.
Beringian propaganda is the truth. The native Americans are Asian Siberian. The caucasoid race were too busy being cro magnons
Beringian propaganda is the truth. The native Americans are Asian Siberian.
Obviously there is no truly "native american" human since we're all immigrants to the continent, the question is which clan of immigrants settled here first.

The caucasoid race were too busy being cro magnons
You have caused me to review some of the terms listed over at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_European_modern_humans

Apparently 30,000 years ago there were the Gravettians ... who by 21,000 ago became the Solutreans in the west and who became Magdalenian about 20,000 ago

I guess the hypothesis is a segment of the solutreans diverged to become the first Americans instead of remaining in europe to become Magdalenians.

It was only after the 21k solutrean evidence came out that we started hearing about "Ancient Beringians" supposedly beating them by coming 25,000 ago but that's just one-upping jew trickery.

Prior to the necessity to backdate it further we only ever heard about the Beringians showing up 10k-15k ago.
True Indians are MOGers. Many tribes were recorded as being vastly taller than Europeans, and were adept warriors, with much of modern combat tactics coming from them. To call them asians is a stretch, they are more like proto-asians who adapted to an entirely new environment. As such they don't look much like asians, especially some tribes that have big noses.

It's a shame they got wiped out, but it was unavoidable due to their vulnerability to Old World disease and lack of technology or organization compared to Europeans. Modern redskins are demoralized alcoholics, and pretty sure most are mutts too, so they don't live up to their potential.
True Indians are MOGers. Many tribes were recorded as being vastly taller than Europeans, and were adept warriors, with much of modern combat tactics coming from them. To call them asians is a stretch, they are more like proto-asians who adapted to an entirely new environment. As such they don't look much like asians, especially some tribes that have big noses.

It's a shame they got wiped out, but it was unavoidable due to their vulnerability to Old World disease and lack of technology or organization compared to Europeans. Modern redskins are demoralized alcoholics, and pretty sure most are mutts too, so they don't live up to their potential.
If only @SadOjiCreeCoomer03 was here to comment on this.
He was "nativecel" on LooksMax.

[UWSL]Half of all Brazilian-born Americans live in just three states: 80,000 in Florida; 65,000 in Massachusetts (mostly Greater Boston); and 39,000 in California (most in Los Angeles County). New Jersey and New York combined are home to over 50,000 Brazilians.[/UWSL]Aug 25, 2021










Origins & History​

Haplogroup Q is thought to have originated in Central Asia or North Asia during of shortly after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 26,000 to 19,000 years ago). Q descends from haplogroup P, which is also the ancestor of haplogroups R1a and R1b. Haplogroup Q quickly split into two main branches: Q1a and Q1b. The northern Q1a tribes expanded over Siberia as the climate warmed up after the LGM. Some Q1a crossed the still frozen Bering Strait to the American continent some time between 16,500 and 13,000 years ago. Q1b tribes stayed in Central Asia and later migrated south towards the Middle East.

Siberian & Native American Q1a​

Many of clades of haplogroup Q1a are believed to have been brought by the Huns, the Mongols and the Turks, who all originated in the Altai region and around modern Mongolia. Haplogroup Q has been identified in Iron Age remains from Hunnic sites in Mongolia by Petkovski et al. (2006) and in Xinjiang by Kang et al. (2013). Modern Mongols belong to various subclades of Q1a, including by order of frequency Q1a2a1c (L330), Q1a1a1 (M120), Q1a1b (M25) and Q1a2a2 (YP4004).

Among those, the M25 subclade has been found in the North Caucasus (1000 year-old BZ640 subclade), in Poland and Hungary (1750 year-old BZ1000 subclade), in northern Ireland (YP1669 subclade), in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan (Y16840 subclade) and in Arabia (F5005 subclade).

Q1a is also the main paternal lineage of Native Americans. The testing of the genome of 12,600 year-old boy (known as Anzick-1) from Clovis culture in the USA confirmed that haplogroup Q1a2a1 (L54) was already present on the American continent before the end of the Last Glaciation. The vast maority of modern Native Americans belong to the Q1a2a1a1 (M3) subclade. As this subclade is exclusive to the American continent and the Anzick boy was negative for the M3 mutation, it is likely that M3 appeared after Q1a2a1 reached America.

Obviously there is no truly "native american" human since we're all immigrants to the continent, the question is which clan of immigrants settled here first.

You have caused me to review some of the terms listed over at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_European_modern_humans

Apparently 30,000 years ago there were the Gravettians ... who by 21,000 ago became the Solutreans in the west and who became Magdalenian about 20,000 ago

I guess the hypothesis is a segment of the solutreans diverged to become the first Americans instead of remaining in europe to become Magdalenians.

It was only after the 21k solutrean evidence came out that we started hearing about "Ancient Beringians" supposedly beating them by coming 25,000 ago but that's just one-upping jew trickery.

Prior to the necessity to backdate it further we only ever heard about the Beringians showing up 10k-15k ago.
most of these cultures are not necessarily European and have roots to ancient siberia. Modern archeology and anthropology even the dissident ones tend to believe in a consensus of Asian siberians being the ones to immigrate. It is possible some west eurasians got mixed in but that’s the closest thing to this hypothesis.
most of these cultures are not necessarily European and have roots to ancient siberia. Modern archeology and anthropology even the dissident ones tend to believe in a consensus of Asian siberians being the ones to immigrate. It is possible some west eurasians got mixed in but that’s the closest thing to this hypothesis.
Yeah sick of hearing the whole "muh solutreans we wuz da real indians n sheeeit" from mayo nationalists. Europeans as we know them today didn't remotely exist when the Solutreans may have migrated across the Atlantic. FFS the gene for blue eyes didn't appear until well into the neolithic. Then they pretend that a civilization that appeared before blue eyes even existed was founded by nordic "aryans" because one of their gods is depicted with blue eyes.
Yeah sick of hearing the whole "muh solutreans we wuz da real indians n sheeeit" from mayo nationalists. Europeans as we know them today didn't remotely exist when the Solutreans may have migrated across the Atlantic. FFS the gene for blue eyes didn't appear until well into the neolithic. Then they pretend that a civilization that appeared before blue eyes even existed was founded by nordic "aryans" because one of their gods is depicted with blue eyes.
Yup it’s a stupid debunked conspiracy that has no real validity. It’s just muhhh we Wuz natives n shiet. Also yea Europeans didn’t even exist let alone the caucasoid race unless the origins of basque is confirmed to be that old. There was only cro magnons appearing in europe at the times. Also yea that stupid muhhh blue eyes durrr red hair thing is so retarded and doesn’t prove whites being the first in Americas

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