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Serious Nationalism is cope

To koniec

To koniec

Greateast Chud of Slavlands
Apr 14, 2020
Before 19 i was bluepilled incel about everything...doesn't matter if it were holes, race, fags. When reading polish internet polacks attacked nogs by calling them apes and personally i was offended. In my view at that time person who doesn't act as arsehole, doesn't attack anyone deserves fair threatment. Also had cuck views that hating blacks, browns ( arabs, latinos ) asians is evil. In 2017 i was reading racist forums against whites like root ( black nationalist site ), anzidentity, hapas (cuckit and asian nationalism ). That blackpilled me about other races...then i started to have white nationalism views. Mmuh muhh white race civilization inventions beauty etc..and then i learned from /pol/ /int/ thath slavs at best are inferior kind of 'white people'...or even not whites but asiatic subhumans. Then for 1 month at the end of 2019 i was slavic nationalist...and ukrainians hate us with burning passion and russians feels superior to all slavs. Then at beginning of 2020 i was polish nationalist...and what is point ? Poland is shithole and even worse...people who bullied me in elementary school middle school were poles...chads doesn't matter. They will have happy live with girlfriends friends and with their genetic superiority. Nationalism literally is biggest incel cope, doesn't matter that on white nationalism march in usa most of protesters are incels and chad leader will probably score with foid of every race. Or ricecels on aznidentity want to brag about asian masculinity and troll white users of /pol/ /int/ with pictures of changs dating 'discount' white women ( aka russians or slavs in general ) will they are kissles virgins.
High IQ greycel thread, just more spaces next time
yes nationalism is a huge fucking cope, /pol/ members are lonely and virgin people like us (aka incels)
Nationalism isn't a cope, it's straight up brainwashing by the rich and powerful. It's a distraction to rob the plebs blind while they pinpoint the blame on anything but the very elites that enslave them.
@BummerDrummer thoughts?
I also used to be a nationalist, but I realised that the people of "my" country dont give a fuck and the females of "my" country reject me.
Definitely cope. Though in your case, nationalism is still somewhat useful keeping out the Tyrones/ Chadullahs invading europe. Excess males will make things even harder for incels, and your women will proabbly find them exotic
I also used to be a nationalist, but I realised that the people of "my" country dont give a fuck and the females of "my" country reject me.
me basically
Definitely cope. Though in your case, nationalism is still somewhat useful keeping out the Tyrones/ Chadullahs invading europe. Excess males will make things even harder for incels, and your women will proabbly find them exotic
I honestly i agree. Polish women ( or eastern yuros i general ) have fetish for brown men. Though also most indian imigrants in poland are men...
And most of them are manlets so competition isn't too big.
Might be bit worse when attractive ones immigrate..but at the end of the day it doesn't matter really...cuz i will not fuck regardless cause i'm manlet with average face and autism.
Or ricecels on aznidentity want to brag about asian masculinity and troll white users of /pol/ /int/ with pictures of changs dating 'discount' white women ( aka russians or slavs in general ) will they are kissles virgins.

As a ricecel, let me be the first to tell you that r/aznidentity is filled with delusional cucks. They're living in this bizarro fantasy world where they're slaying blonde sorority foids while suffering the greatest discrimination in modern-day civilization. That subreddit is also filled with CCP trolls.

Nationalism is indeed a cope. It is pointless and of course convenient to believe that you just happened to be born in the group that is superior to every other group.
As a ricecel, let me be the first to tell you that r/aznidentity is filled with delusional cucks. They're living in this bizarro fantasy world where they're slaying blonde sorority foids while suffering the greatest discrimination in modern-day civilization. That subreddit is also filled with CCP trolls.

Nationalism is indeed a cope. It is pointless and of course convenient to believe that you just happened to be born in the group that is superior to every other group.
Interesting...did you lurk then on aznidentity ?
And if yes then i ask you how bad situation is on dating scene for asians really in america ( or whatever western country you are( or you're living in asia )).
Also why ricecels worship white blonde women.
Incels need their faith too. Let them have their Cope.
Definitely cope. Though in your case, nationalism is still somewhat useful keeping out the Tyrones/ Chadullahs invading europe. Excess males will make things even harder for incels, and your women will proabbly find them exotic

this should be pretty obvious. in fact it's a factor even if you plan to never leave your house ever again.

@BummerDrummer thoughts?
Incels need their faith too. Let them have their Cope.
At least incels can have better cope.

Like trains.
Autists like trains.
Looks = Personality

(Especially for ethnics) If even people in your home country think you are ugly and don't want you there. It never began.
LOL @ this delusion. White women HATE curry men.
women with options still take very rich or 8+ men from every race, which is enough to generate loads of incels. that shit needs to stop.
LOL @ this delusion. White women HATE curry men.
brown doesn't mean curry only. Also it includes mestizos and arabs, persians whatever....and trust me they have somewhat decent smv in poland.
If you don't believe watch this.

She stacy..maybe stacy-lite. She could easily get polish chad.
And besides curries are ugliest of browns...just like slavs are ugliest of whites.
When you are sub 4 your nationality, race, ethnicity, religion doesn't matter. You will be treated as sub human regardless.

Nationalism isn't a cope, it's straight up brainwashing by the rich and powerful. It's a distraction to rob the plebs blind while they pinpoint the blame on anything but the very elites that enslave them.
Exactly. Lets blame everyone from immigrants to opposing political groups to people of other races and religions. But yeah lets just ignore the corporate overlords and their friends in Wall Street who brought this degeneracy upon society.

LOL @ this delusion. White women HATE curry men.
I have seen Russofoids and slavfoids hook up with curries. But yeah anglofoids hate curries with a passion.
Slavs are not ugly overall.



Trust me we are ugly. Women looks decent though.
Your women are Stacies! Slav land is Stacy land. Men are low tier normies though.
Polish men may have 'kind' of charm in looks when they are young. Slavs have minimally bit more androgynous faces than germanics which is worse for us and bit better for women. When they are middle aged theyyyyyyy really look bad. Balding, fat, kind of potato face. At least i have really good hairline ( from my father genes which for his age has really fantastic hairline ). It's sad tho that i also have manlet, autism genes from him :feelsokman:.
LOL @ this delusion. White women HATE curry men.
brown doesn't mean curry only. Also it includes mestizos and arabs, persians whatever....and trust me they have somewhat decent smv in poland.
If you don't believe watch this.

She stacy..maybe stacy-lite. She could easily get polish chad.
And besides curries are ugliest of browns...just like slavs are ugliest of whites.

Hindu dindu completely btfo with his inferiority complex. Hindu dindus cope about "muh shitskin is the reason im incel", no, streetshitting, bobs/vegana, manlet, framelet due to no meat eating and having a beta cuck culture is the reason you're incel.
@BummerDrummer thoughts?
Nationalism is good but it doesn’t mean you are nationalist towards your current version of your country. I’m not a nationalist but I am a nationalist towards a conservative/white America. I think nationalism is only a thing in smaller countries now. Nobody wants to die for their “multicultural” shithole
The absolute state of Polish foids.


Seriously just nuke this country. These foids can't comprehend in their small brains that kangz don't care about poles and poland had more brutal history than kangz.
They do everything that western liberal media tells them to do and that means 'worshipping' kangz, cause foid biggest nightmare is being social outcast.
Seriously just nuke this country. These foids can't comprehend in their small brains that kangz don't care about poles and poland had more brutal history than kangz.
They do everything that western liberal media tells them to do and that means 'worshipping' kangz, cause foid biggest nightmare is being social outcast.
poles are honorary blacks, they helped haitian slaves against France

Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism
Made for BBC
Nationalism is good but it doesn’t mean you are nationalist towards your current version of your country. I’m not a nationalist but I am a nationalist towards a conservative/white America. I think nationalism is only a thing in smaller countries now. Nobody wants to die for their “multicultural” shithole
In other words, an America that never existed JFL
Hindu dindu completely btfo with his inferiority complex. Hindu dindus cope about "muh shitskin is the reason im incel", no, streetshitting, bobs/vegana, manlet, framelet due to no meat eating and having a beta cuck culture is the reason you're incel.
Middle Easterners can mog many Whites, since some MENAs have turk/euro admixture, plus Arabs themselves look good, but Hindpoos are a lost cause.
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