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Venting Nationalism in Serbia angers me now

D. B. Gooner

D. B. Gooner

Jan 13, 2025
I'm a Serb, I was always a big nationalist, as one is in the Balkans.

For context, everybody here hates the current government, there are huge protests going on, my uni has been cancelled for 3 months now.

Today, while I was at a butcher's, some old man without even looking at me asked "Are you going to make a change". I ignored him. He then said "I'm talking to you young man. " I said "I'm trying my best" to get him off my dick. But how arrogant of him to ask of me to conform to his bullshit politics at a public place where I often shop. If I say the wrong thing, and I definitely would have since I couldn't care less about Serbian politics, I get death-stares any time I show up at that butcher's again.

Now why are these protests bullshit:
1. I don't acknowledge the government. I view them as people who use guns to force me to follow made-up rules that they don't follow themselves. But let's say that I DID acknowledge them.
2. No government can be in power without jewish approval. They are inherently corrupt. And if the current government fell, they would be replaced by the scum no different than themselves. But lets say that they WEREN'T corrupt.
3. Nothing ever happens. Even if we did get a perfect government, human nature doesn't change, these people that always nag about the way things are would just find something else to nag about. They would be miserable living in the hills of Hollywood, and they would be miserable in the slums of Mumbai. But let's say that the population WOULD become happy.

Why should I fight for their happiness? What has Serbia done for me? I've never lived anywhere else, so anyone who has ever wronged me is a Serb. Where was this unity and brotheehood when they were causing me harm? They are no different from the Chinese, the Americans, the Brazilians, the Algerians, they are all scummy selfish narcissists. And so am I, but I can give myself a pass.

The only people you should care about are yourself and your family. There's a hierarchy of course. I will trust a Serb over a non-Serb. Me and my family > my "friends" > Serb strangers > foreign strangers. But to me, someone being a Serb has barely any meaning.

Now I'm from a pretty homogenous country, we don't have demographic problems  yet. I recognize how western melting pots would benefit from nationalism, though I feel it's a bit too late for that. But at the end of the day these people are not on your side. They would sell you out for a half-eaten sandwich.

Another thing that angers me is the way these people protest. There was an error in infrastructure which lead to the deaths of 15 people at a train station. And how do these psople protest? Every day for 3 months now, they have been standing still, in silence, for 15 minutes each day, 1 minute for each victim. Thousands of people. Diabolical. Serbs are supposed to be these macho war criminals. And they are rebelling by standing still. Disgusting and disappointing people. They should be storming the parliament and knocking off heads. And who's going to stand still for me when I die?
dnr, I live in the West & would rather live in a place which isn't a multicultural shithole
dnr, I live in the West & would rather live in a place which isn't a multicultural shithole
Now I'm from a pretty homogenous country, we don't have demographic problems  yet. I recognize how western melting pots would benefit from nationalism, though I feel it's a bit too late for that.
I don't care about nationality, i just care about incel bros. We are just thrown here in a random place in the world just to be cucked in sex starvation.
@D. B. Gooner my bad, I kinda skim read it

Also, if it keeps the demographic issue at bay I'd say it's worth it

But ye, I see your point in a way. I myself am frustrated with the state of things in the US, due to the lunacy surrounding Christian identity, amongst other things.

I also am frustrated by the blatant gynocentrism.
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@D. B. Gooner my bad, I kinda skim read it

Also, if it keeps the demographic issue at bay I'd say it's worth it

But ye, I see your point in a way. I myself am frustrated with the state of things in the US, due to the lunacy surrounding Christian identity, amongst other things.

I also am frustrated by the blatant gynocentrism.
No it's okay not to read just wanted to point out that I understood the western perspective.
No it's okay not to read just wanted to point out that I understood the western perspective.
Ah I c

I wouldn't say you should be fine with your country facing demographic issues though. I know stuff is bad, but it can get worse.
You seem to contradict yourself here regarding nationalism:
I'm a Serb, I was always a big nationalist, as one is in the Balkans
What has Serbia done for me? I've never lived anywhere else, so anyone who has ever wronged me is a Serb. Where was this unity and brotheehood when they were causing me harm? They are no different from the Chinese, the Americans, the Brazilians, the Algerians, they are all scummy selfish narcissists. And so am I, but I can give myself a pass.

How can you claim you’re a nationalist if you think serbians and other nationalities are all the same? Nationalism means - among other things - that your nation is “unique” and“superior” to other nations thus you’re justified to enforce your language, culture, religion etc. on to others.

You either confuse nationalism with patriotism or you don’t know the definition of nationalism.

You mentioned that you don’t give a shit about politics: well, as a nationalist, you should be in the crowds in the protests, because it’s about your nation, your country, so it literally should be your no.1 priority to be there.

The only people you should care about are yourself and your family. There's a hierarchy of course. I will trust a Serb over a non-Serb. Me and my family > my "friends" > Serb strangers > foreign strangers. But to me, someone being a Serb has barely any meaning.

This is plain retarded and you contradict yourself here again. So just because I have a different nationality written on my passport you trust me less than a serbian stranger? Also what does trust even mean here exactly?

Ok, you don’t trust me because I’m a foreigner. But then you proceed to say being a serb has no meaning to you. Alright.

Sorry if I came off as a smartass, but I just wanted to point out some of the inconsistencies in your post. I agree with you on the rest.

I don't care about nationality, i just care about incel bros.
I agree.
dnr, I live in the West & would rather live in a place which isn't a multicultural shithole
Balkan countries (especially Serbia and Croatia). are Chad producing factories
If you're considering moving to the Balkans for its more homogeneous society and fewer immigrants, it's important to recognize how this can impact not just culture, but physical traits as well. A more homogeneous population often means that genetic traits are passed down more consistently, without being diluted by outside influences. This can result in a more pronounced and uniform set of physical characteristics, such as height, facial symmetry, and attractiveness.
In the Balkans, where immigration has historically been lower compared to other regions, this genetic consistency can contribute to people being taller and having more traditionally handsome features. Many studies point to the fact that less genetic mixing can sometimes preserve certain desirable traits over generations.
So, while you may appreciate the cultural homogeneity, remember that it also means you'll be surrounded by a population with a strong, consistent gene pool making you not just more integrated, but potentially facing more competition in terms of physical appeal. In short, fewer immigrants can result in a society with more genetically “polished” individuals, meaning more handsome men to compete with.
How can you claim you’re a nationalist if you think serbians and other nationalities are all the same? Nationalism means - among other things - that your nation is “unique” and“superior” to other nations thus you’re justified to enforce your language, culture, religion etc. on to others.
I didn't properly express myself. I WAS a nationalist, I don't consider myself one anymore. The first definition that comes up:
identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
I was a Serb before I was anything else, that was my identity. I now find that to be stupid. because like I said most Serbs couldn't care less about me or my problems. If I was to meet a stranger, in some foreign country, back in the day my introduction would be "I'm D. B. Gooner, from Serbia". I don't value Serbia much any longer nor do I want to make being serbian one of my main distinguishing attributes.
You mentioned that you don’t give a shit about politics: well, as a nationalist, you should be in the crowds in the protests, because it’s about your nation, your country, so it literally should be your no.1 priority to be there.
It's my nation but I don't acknowledge nations anymore. I acknowledge tribes, my family is my tribe, and the only people I care about. As for the protests, like I said, I don't think the government changing would accomplish or change anything and I find the protests themselves to be pointless, and among all things, cowardly. They are standing still, they are walking on foot from 1 city to another, at this point it's just a glorified parade.
This is plain retarded and you contradict yourself here again. So just because I have a different nationality written on my passport you trust me less than a serbian stranger? Also what does trust even mean here exactly?
I trust you less because at the end of the day, I am more likely to share some experiences with another Serb, than a non-Serb, I can communicate better with the Serb, I can eliminate the possibility of the Serb hating me for my nationality (as many people aren't fond of the Serbs). It's true that I trust a Serb, more than I do a non-Serb, but that difference in trust is extremely minimal. It's like a foot in the door. I view someone being a fellow Serb not as a positive, but rather as a lack of negatives.
Interesting perspective on the protests in Serbia and yes I have noticed that there is a degree of pussification regarding the anti Vucici (phonetic translation into Romanian) protests. Like my nigga in Christ, you guys used to murder entire villages because they identified as being apart of the wrong country. I am telling you that this is all the doing of those faggy NGOs, they did that here too in Romania.

Of course as an inkie you have literally nothing to fight for, in a Serbia devoid of Vucici you'd be an inkie too. So do not take it too bad, just grow some balls and tell that old guy to mind his own god damn business. Or just ask him to do the dirty for himself. Boomers can and should be easy to guilt trip. Channel your rage and blow up. This is the only way to demand some respect from strangers. It is dog eat dog out there.
Of course as an inkie you have literally nothing to fight for, in a Serbia devoid of Vucici you'd be an inkie too.
I think I would feel this way even if I was normal, it would just take me a lot longer to get to this viewpoint.

tell that old guy to mind his own god damn business
I would, but people really hate Vucic here, I would immediately get labelled as one of his followers, it's like being called a nazi in the west, they throw buzzwords around like crazy. Also I wouldn't be able to say all of this and justify myself, so I'd just end up looking stupid. Most people couldn't grasp the fact that I don't empathize with strangers, even if they are my fellow countrymen, so they would write me off as some mean-spirited guy rambling. And I'm truly not mean-spirited, I'm just tired of virtue signaling as if I lost sleep over the 15 people that died. I understand that it's sad, but true grief makes your stomach turn, gives you sleepless nights. To pretend like I am genuinely distraught over that tragedy would be a lie, both to myself and others.
I checked out of politics when I realized foids wouldn't allow me to have a family. I'm completely divested from my country and the world and its future.
A more homogeneous population often means that genetic traits are passed down more consistently, without being diluted by outside influences. This can result in a more pronounced and uniform set of physical characteristics, such as height, facial symmetry, and attractiveness.
In the Balkans, where immigration has historically been lower compared to other regions, this genetic consistency can contribute to people being taller and having more traditionally handsome features. Many studies point to the fact that less genetic mixing can sometimes preserve certain desirable traits over generations.
Can you link me the studies that discuss these things? I’m interested. Or better yet, make a thread on this topic.

I was considering making thread where I ask people here what do they think about race mixing, because I honestly can’t tell if it’s beneficial or not, or harmful or not. Most people here seem to agree with the argument that race mixing is inherently bad, but they never give any evidence to support it. That’s why I’m asking you to link those studies if it’s possible.
I didn't properly express myself. I WAS a nationalist, I don't consider myself one anymore. The first definition that comes up:
identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
I was a Serb before I was anything else, that was my identity. I now find that to be stupid. because like I said most Serbs couldn't care less about me or my problems. If I was to meet a stranger, in some foreign country, back in the day my introduction would be "I'm D. B. Gooner, from Serbia". I don't value Serbia much any longer nor do I want to make being serbian one of my main distinguishing attributes.

It's my nation but I don't acknowledge nations anymore. I acknowledge tribes, my family is my tribe, and the only people I care about. As for the protests, like I said, I don't think the government changing would accomplish or change anything and I find the protests themselves to be pointless, and among all things, cowardly. They are standing still, they are walking on foot from 1 city to another, at this point it's just a glorified parade.

I trust you less because at the end of the day, I am more likely to share some experiences with another Serb, than a non-Serb, I can communicate better with the Serb, I can eliminate the possibility of the Serb hating me for my nationality (as many people aren't fond of the Serbs). It's true that I trust a Serb, more than I do a non-Serb, but that difference in trust is extremely minimal. It's like a foot in the door. I view someone being a fellow Serb not as a positive, but rather as a lack of negatives.
Thanks for the clarification, I understand your point of view now.
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel , idk who said this but reading you this is what came to my mind , my father in bosnia had problems with the local backwards nationalists (bosniaks) they destroyed his life because (and he's a bosniak btw my mom too) he was against what they are doing so we fled the country , the irony is western countries seem to be taking that path as well with musk and trump in the us.
He couldn't even find a job or anything because of them we were at a point where we couldn't even live so we had to flee that corrupted evil shithole , if western countries become like that i'm packing and leaving too i don't give a shit at all ill never live under people like that plus i'm in a conservative/nationalistic region i kind of know that mindset and that type of person and they are indeed the worst subhumans you will meet in your life.
Iskreno brate sto bi mene bilo briga za proteste i sto bi se ja trudio da doprinesem drustvu u kome me vecina ljudi i 99%zena mrzi zato sto sam nizak ruzan incel.
They, just like germans are low IQ people who think politics matters and that they can make a change in the course of plan of elites
Iskreno brate sto bi mene bilo briga za proteste i sto bi se ja trudio da doprinesem drustvu u kome me vecina ljudi i 99%zena mrzi zato sto sam nizak ruzan incel.
Even if you weren't ugly, the truth is people just don't care about others, nor should they. They're all fake. Their morals are fake, their hobbies are fake, their careers are fake, their friendships are fake. Humans are a mockery of what they should be. I'm just tired of the virtue signalling (writing in english to not get banned)
They, just like germans are low IQ people who think politics matters and that they can make a change in the course of plan of elites
Some people just can't comprehend how retarded democracy is. I JQed my mom and got her to watch Europa, she said she now distrusted all foreign governments and recognized they were all run by the same people. And yet she still falls for the same BS theatrics. "OMG TRUMP WANTS TO STEAL GREENLAND, THESE COCKY AMERICANS", " I can't believe that the right is winning in Germany what is going on? " She also knew Putin was a crypto-jew before I ever talked to her about the jews, and yet she still hates Russians and thinks the Ukraine war is about conquering land and not about killing off young slavs.
Who do Serbs hate the most?

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