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Serious My two “friends” are Normie simp fags and I hate them.



Fuck You
May 1, 2024
(Apologies if this is long, boring and/or unorganized.)

I’ve been real goddamn sick of them lately. They’re basically NPC’s who worship women.
I was talking about how women need to be put in their place and that men can’t let themselves get bossed around by foids.
I also said it’s MORE than okay for men to hit women, and that’s when the soyrage got to its peak. One of them started soyraging and saying shit that was something along the lines of “you’re LESS OF A MAN if you put your hands on a woman:soy: :soy:“ and that it’s abhorrent or something.

They are honestly going to end up in marriages where their wives don’t do chores or anything like that. And they’ll probably be using that coping cuck humour that you’ll always hear married men using. “:soy:Teeheehee, im such a pussy! Isn’t it SOOOO funny when m’lady bosses me around? I heckin wuv my wife”

One of them is a faggot who constantly makes up stories for no fucking reason, like he actually gains nothing from the lies, because we aren’t feeding his ego because we know the stories are fake as fuck.
He also constantly sucks his own dick by talking about how “good looking” he is when in reality he looks weird as fuck. He’s made up tons of stories about having threesomes. He’s a giga normie that uses Snapchat 24/7, and is delusional enough to think that because people add him Snapchat, he “has TONS of friends”. When in reality he has ten or less. Like he thinks just knowing of someone and speaking with them every so often that means you are friends.

What made me make this post was the fact that I haven’t been on PlayStation with ‘em that much recently, and they’ve been whining their asses off.
their ego’s are so fragile it’s hilarious. Back in 2021 I hadn’t spoken to them with them in a few hours and one of them texted me on Instagram and said “stop ghosting us” lmao.
They said the same thing a few days ago even though I HAVE been talking to them.

Should I ditch these kikes, or deal with them until I can get the fuck out of my hometown?
I hate this city, it really is bad.
The only problem with simply just un-adding them is that they know where my house is, and the last thing I want is these troglodytes banging on my fucking door.

Even if we haven’t met face to face, you guys on this website are the best bunch of friends i could ask for.
Stop being friends with them then
Another thing, I do have two family friends I really like and have absolutely no issues with.
Only problem is that they live kinda far and are busy a lot.
''you’re LESS OF A MAN if you put your hands on a woman:soy: :soy:“ and that it’s abhorrent or something.
Violence is always a last resort but women shouldn't necessarily be exempt from it just because they are women.

Everyone needs some sense beaten into them at some point.
He also constantly sucks his own dick by talking about how “good looking” he is when in reality he looks weird as fuck
Alot of people were like this at My high school,it was fucking annoying and they would Say how i don't get bitches. These stupid normies will either live in delusion getting angey at uglies all their life or theyll come in terms with the blackpill especially if theyre ltn. They remind me of the dam beckies
Should I ditch these kikes, or deal with them until I can get the fuck out of my hometown?
I hate this city, it really is bad.
Yeah You really should.
Like he thinks just knowing of someone and speaking with them every so often that means you are friends.
He is like My mom. If he is ltn he has a Bad awakening coming towards him which is the blackpill or He Will be that lonely drunk dad on a porch
Talking about BP related stuff infront of normies isnt wise
Talking about BP related stuff infront of normies isnt wise
I haven't even said anything that hardcore in front of them, just that women are being massive whores nowadays and other regular ""redpill"" stuff.
like they always make fun of fags and SJW's and whatnot, so I thought it would be fine dropping truthnukes about women, but apparently not.
I haven't even said anything that hardcore in front of them, just that women are being massive whores nowadays and other regular ""redpill"" stuff.
like they always make fun of fags and SJW's and whatnot, so I thought it would be fine dropping truthnukes about women, but apparently not.
Foids are the only beings, absolutely no one is allowed to say something bad about. Even in supposed conservative, right wing circles they worship foids and will make you mouthy if you dare say something not positive about le holy vagina
Friends don't exist. They only come around when they need something. :feelsrope:
@lonelysince2006 any advice?
What made me make this post was the fact that I haven’t been on PlayStation with ‘em that much recently, and they’ve been whining their asses off.
their ego’s are so fragile it’s hilarious. Back in 2021 I hadn’t spoken to them with them in a few hours and one of them texted me on Instagram and said “stop ghosting us” lmao.
They said the same thing a few days ago even though I HAVE been talking to them.
Having people who actively seek out your company is a blessing you shouldn’t throw away. Anything beats rotting in loneliness.
There's 3 categories.

Chads and Chadlites, who don't need to simp.

LTNs, normies, HTNs, who feel they need to simp.

Ugly subhumans who know there's no point in simping.
Having people who actively seek out your company is a blessing you shouldn’t throw away. Anything beats rotting in loneliness.
they aren't enjoyable to talk to anymore 99% of the time.
literally all they want to do is play fucking overwatch for 12 hours straight.
when I switch to a different game they immediately start whining and go on and on about it for like 20 minutes.
trust me when I say that it's more fun to play games by myself, use the internet and listen to music than hang out with them.
and we don't even really hang out irl, only like 4 times a year. so I really would not lose much.
they aren't enjoyable to talk to anymore 99% of the time.
literally all they want to do is play fucking overwatch for 12 hours straight.
when I switch to a different game they immediately start whining and go on and on about it for like 20 minutes.
trust me when I say that it's more fun to play games by myself, use the internet and listen to music than hang out with them.
and we don't even really hang out irl, only like 4 times a year. so I really would not lose much.
Fair enough. I have a few normie acquaintances I still keep in touch with since I can't bear being left alone with my thoughts.
normies are npc's, they aren't real friends any more than AI gf's are real
Sorry for the late response. I have a bad habit of putting off or procrastinating on things if they're too big.

I’ve been real goddamn sick of them lately. They’re basically NPC’s who worship women.
I was talking about how women need to be put in their place and that men can’t let themselves get bossed around by foids.
I also said it’s MORE than okay for men to hit women, and that’s when the soyrage got to its peak. One of them started soyraging and saying shit that was something along the lines of “you’re LESS OF A MAN if you put your hands on a woman:soy: :soy:“ and that it’s abhorrent or something.
You can't argue with normies, bro. They don't understand logic. They're bound by their human instincts to only believe what the group (society) thinks and nothing outside of that. I myself tried arguing with normies on more than one occasion and challenged their morals; all I got in the end was being indignantly called a "pedo" among other things:

(I used "won" incorrectly; there is no winning against these retards. If you don't believe me, try to blackpill a wall; it's about the same degree of response you'd get with normies.)

All in all, it's not worth it. "Nothing ever happens." I love that quote or saying; telling normies to think logically and let go of their prejudices is like trying to teach dogs to fly (the entirety of IT is based on the same prejudice, where I've even seen screenshots of incels very obviously joking or being sarcastic or even expressing a sense of grief at their life situations being made fun of, with some of their insults being completely divorced from the context of the post). It's the same with normies. They're so out of touch in reality because the collective Overton window of normie morals has shifted so much over the decades that completely logical opinions are now demonized. For example, it is now unacceptable to do anything but glorify mentally ill transvestites who want to chop off their own penises/breasts and fashion new pseudo-genitals (literally just body integrity dysmorphia and self-mutilation). It's a sick, disgusting bastardization of nature and totally reprehensible to the majority of normies if you went back a mere seven decades.

This also means that whatever slightly contrarian views you happen to hold now will be massive taboos in the future.

Going back to the IT part, I think it's astonishing that people there sometimes respond with completely out-of-context insults. They just hurl ad hominems. Imagine if incels' role was switched with racial minorities. IT would take a post made by a minority person (topic is not relevant) and say "Oh, he's a [so-and-so minority]. It's so common for people like them to [do thing]. Of course, they're all [insert relevant stereotype]." If it wasn't for unattractive, bottom-of-the-barrel men they were criticizing, they would be indexed in those libtard ADL and SPLC list of hate groups. :feelshaha:
They are honestly going to end up in marriages where their wives don’t do chores or anything like that. And they’ll probably be using that coping cuck humour that you’ll always hear married men using. “:soy:Teeheehee, im such a pussy! Isn’t it SOOOO funny when m’lady bosses me around? I heckin wuv my wife”
Even for us, that's a pipe dream, let alone for attractive Chads or normies. Why would females endure even the smallest bit of pain when the world is designed all around them and built completely to maximize how much pleasure they can take out of life? Try ordering her around a little bit and watch your life crumble as she takes out divorce papers the next day and proceeds to take half your shit. Honestly, getting divorced is more traumatic than rape. They both come out of nowhere and are unconsensual (I don't consent to my wife leaving me!) except instead of, say, your dignity being taken away (look at the stigma divorced men have to face), it's also half of your shit.
He also constantly sucks his own dick
First time I've heard this phrase. Please let me use it. :feelskek:
He also constantly sucks his own dick by talking about how “good looking” he is when in reality he looks weird as fuck. He’s made up tons of stories about having threesomes. He’s a giga normie that uses Snapchat 24/7, and is delusional enough to think that because people add him Snapchat, he “has TONS of friends”. When in reality he has ten or less. Like he thinks just knowing of someone and speaking with them every so often that means you are friends.
I personally wouldn't be able to tolerate that. It would be like waving a gallon of cold, icy water in front of a thirsty man in the scorching desert heat.
What made me make this post was the fact that I haven’t been on PlayStation with ‘em that much recently, and they’ve been whining their asses off.
their ego’s are so fragile it’s hilarious. Back in 2021 I hadn’t spoken to them with them in a few hours and one of them texted me on Instagram and said “stop ghosting us” lmao.
They said the same thing a few days ago even though I HAVE been talking to them.
You mog me to hell for that. You know, for having friends. The closest thing I have to this is you guys commenting on my profile after I got banned a few times (you can't believe how much lifefuel that was, knowing there are people out there who care about me). But let's be completely frank here, it's nothing like face-to-face relationships. Humans weren't designed to socialize from behind computer screens. And no one here would prefer online friendships over real-life ones.
Should I ditch these kikes, or deal with them until I can get the fuck out of my hometown?
I hate this city, it really is bad.
I have a better idea:


(in videogame)

Funnily enough, William Atchison used to complain about how rednecky people in his town were.
The only problem with simply just un-adding them is that they know where my house is, and the last thing I want is these troglodytes banging on my fucking door.
Lol. I would say ghost them.
Even if we haven’t met face to face, you guys on this website are the best bunch of friends i could ask for.
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You can't argue with normies, bro. They don't understand logic.
Yeah, it’s like when boomers get their card rejected but they keep on scanning it over and over and it keeps getting rejected, while they stare cluelessly at the ATM.

It would be like waving a gallon of cold, icy water in front of a thirsty man in the scorching desert heat.
its also like that going out in public and seeing normies, chads and Stacie’s enjoying life.
Yeah, it’s like when boomers get their card rejected but they keep on scanning it over and over and it keeps getting rejected, while they stare cluelessly at the ATM.
Joe Biden
(Apologies if this is long, boring and/or unorganized.)

I’ve been real goddamn sick of them lately. They’re basically NPC’s who worship women.
I was talking about how women need to be put in their place and that men can’t let themselves get bossed around by foids.
I also said it’s MORE than okay for men to hit women, and that’s when the soyrage got to its peak. One of them started soyraging and saying shit that was something along the lines of “you’re LESS OF A MAN if you put your hands on a woman:soy: :soy:“ and that it’s abhorrent or something.

They are honestly going to end up in marriages where their wives don’t do chores or anything like that. And they’ll probably be using that coping cuck humour that you’ll always hear married men using. “:soy:Teeheehee, im such a pussy! Isn’t it SOOOO funny when m’lady bosses me around? I heckin wuv my wife”

One of them is a faggot who constantly makes up stories for no fucking reason, like he actually gains nothing from the lies, because we aren’t feeding his ego because we know the stories are fake as fuck.
He also constantly sucks his own dick by talking about how “good looking” he is when in reality he looks weird as fuck. He’s made up tons of stories about having threesomes. He’s a giga normie that uses Snapchat 24/7, and is delusional enough to think that because people add him Snapchat, he “has TONS of friends”. When in reality he has ten or less. Like he thinks just knowing of someone and speaking with them every so often that means you are friends.

What made me make this post was the fact that I haven’t been on PlayStation with ‘em that much recently, and they’ve been whining their asses off.
their ego’s are so fragile it’s hilarious. Back in 2021 I hadn’t spoken to them with them in a few hours and one of them texted me on Instagram and said “stop ghosting us” lmao.
They said the same thing a few days ago even though I HAVE been talking to them.

Should I ditch these kikes, or deal with them until I can get the fuck out of my hometown?
I hate this city, it really is bad.
The only problem with simply just un-adding them is that they know where my house is, and the last thing I want is these troglodytes banging on my fucking door.

Even if we haven’t met face to face, you guys on this website are the best bunch of friends i could ask for.
I’ve been thinking of cutting if my main friend he’s a chad but is in denial and he rubs it in my face he’s a pure narcissist but can Be a good friend I’ve knew him for years grew up with him playing Xbox together. So it’s kinda hard to js leave

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