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Theory My thoughts on why men have more variable traits compared to women.



Jun 25, 2022
I look at my younger self and I'm baffled by how I used to consider most women as equal human beings. So few of them seem to actually have souls and unique personalities. Has anyone else noticed most women in a certain group are basically just carbon copies of each other? For example, when I was in college, I'd see sorority girls all the time in groups. The way they all acted, looked, and dressed, it was basically like they were all interchangeable. They all wore slutty clothing, took retarded selfies making duck lips and sticking their tongues out, enjoyed getting drunk and acting like literal children, gossiped, had hobbies of shopping, candles, makeup, and spending way too much money on dumb shit like pedicures or eyebrow waxing. They're all the exact same fucking person.

Women are just boring as shit too. They're not funny, they're not engaging. You have to watch what you say and refrain from certain topics or they'll get upset or emotional. In what world are these creatures supposed to be my equal. Most of the muslim girls I've been around who actually wear a burka or hijab pretty much have zero personality. They don't ever say anything and just try to be unnoticeable for the most part. Tbh, these sorority type girls aren't much better than the NPC muslim girls.

I really don't know why women are so god damn boring. Why don't they like building shit, inventing creative tools and gadgets. Why do they not know how to add coolant to car. Stay at home moms are kinda pathetic to me. Like, you have one life, and you're not going to try and change the world or leave an impact on it? Don't get me wrong. I want a family some day, but I also want to accomplish things and be successful. This is probably why there are so few female leaders, explorers, inventors, conquerers, etc. Women seem to lack drive. I know not every single woman is like this but holy shit there's way too many.

This post made me ponder on this hypothesis that I heard about a while back : Greater male variability hypothesis
This hypothesis states that men display greater variability in traits than women. For example, according to these studies:

"Males are more variable on most measures of quantitative and visuospatial ability, which necessarily results in more males at both high- and low-ability extremes"
This study was done in mainland china with 627 Chinese adolescent boys (n = 332) and girls (n = 295), and concluded with:
"supported the hypothesis that boys have greater variability than girls in creativity test performance”

A 2016 study by Baye and Monseur found that on average, boys showed 14% greater variance than girls in science, reading, and math test scores and concluded with:
"the 'greater male variability hypothesis' is confirmed."

Another example is how variable the distribution of IQ among men vs women is


Notice how women are mostly converge in the 95-105 range ,with practically zero representation in both extremes of the range,while men have equal distribution in both 60 and 140 iq levels and converge in the middle.

According to this study , general intelligence is more biologically variable in males than in females. (https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6924.2008.00096.x)

My thoughts on there are so many differences between men but very few between women is because men have always had greater evolutionary pressure on them. As foids wouldn't just fuck every man they can lay their hands on,like men do. Men had to be have more variable characteristics in order to succeed.
This thought of mine is backed by following study (this paper by Theodore P. Hill, Sergei Tabachnikov was retracted twice because it offended foids and exposed their hypergamous nature)
Which states:
"the theory says that if one sex is relatively selective, then more variable subpopulations of the opposite sex will tend to prevail over those with lesser variability; and conversely, if one sex is relatively non-selective, then less variable subpopulations of the opposite sex will tend to prevail over those with greater variability." " for example, and if our female ancestors were generally selective (pF < 0.5) or male ancestors were generally non-selective (pM > 0.5), or both, this would have led to relatively greater male variability, i.e., the VH(variability hypothesis). "
Humans have been hunter-gatherers for all but 600 of their 10,000-generation history [15], and if during much of that time males were relatively non-selective or females were selective, the selectivity theory could help explain any perceived evidence of VH in humans today. Why might one gender have been more selective than another? A “basic cross-species pattern is that the sex with the slower potential rate of reproduction (typically females, because of gestation time) invests more in parenting, [and] is selective in mate choices” and the “sex with the faster potential rate of reproduction (typically males) invests less in parenting, [and] is less selective in mate choices” [6, p. 175]. The bottom line is simply that in our model a sex that has experienced relatively intense vetting by the opposite sex will have tended toward greater variability, and a sex that has experienced relatively little vetting by the opposite sex will have tended toward lesser variability, independent of the means or variances of the other sex.
Basically due to foid's extremely high standards throughout history and them outbreeding unattractive men led to greater male variability.
Since no such selective pressures were applied to women, they were essentially guaranteed to breed the day they were born, that's why foids have zero distinguishing characters or traits, that's why they all feel like carbon copies of one another.
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@DarkStarDown @Blackpill Monk @mlcurrycel @GeckoBus @WorthlessSlavicShit
I wonder if this applies to physical attractiveness as well. In that case you'll end up with more chads and deformed ugly men than there are stacies and deformed foids. But average looking men are outnumbered by average looking holes.
Just got off my wageslave, but I will give it a thorough read tomorrow morning: Seems like a good thread, thanks for the tag.

I also noticed the IQ graph, which is something I have touched upon in the past: Foids IQ scores all cluster towards the "midwit" range, whereas males is more diverse & has both more "topwits" & "bottomwits"

Basically, this means foids are more likely to have more NPC types amongst them, in comparison to males.

This post made me ponder on this hypothesis that I heard about a while back : Greater male variability hypothesis
This hypothesis states that men display greater variability in traits than women. For example, according to these studies:

This study was done in mainland china with 627 Chinese adolescent boys (n = 332) and girls (n = 295), and concluded with:


A 2016 study by Baye and Monseur found that on average, boys showed 14% greater variance than girls in science, reading, and math test scores and concluded with:


Another example is how variable the distribution of IQ among men vs women is

View attachment 1156676

Notice how women are mostly converge in the 95-105 range ,with practically zero representation in both extremes of the range,while men have equal distribution in both 60 and 140 iq levels and converge in the middle.

According to this study , general intelligence is more biologically variable in males than in females. (https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6924.2008.00096.x)

My thoughts on there are so many differences between men but very few between women is because men have always had greater evolutionary pressure on them. As foids wouldn't just fuck every man they can lay their hands on,like men do. Men had to be have more variable characteristics in order to succeed.
This thought of mine is backed by following study (this paper by Theodore P. Hill, Sergei Tabachnikov was retracted twice because it offended foids and exposed their hypergamous nature)
Which states:

Basically due to foid's extremely high standards throughout history and them outbreeding unattractive men led to greater male variability.
Since no such selective pressures were applied to women, they were essentially guaranteed to breed the day they were born, that's why foids have zero distinguishing characters or traits, that's why they all feel like carbon copies of one another.
Ok I will reply.

You are only tackling the surface of how NPC women are. Consider these findings:

  • women are the only gender with a giga in-group preference, 4.5. times higher than males, who essentially have none
  • this also expresses itself in how women respond more to insults directed at women, but not men. Men also just care about anti-female insults (study below)

  • women make up 85% of customer purchases, meaning the market has learned to sell shit to women only, since they literally buy anything collectively, like robots. This was true even in the 1930s (research below). Ever wonder who buys all that shit in stores or on amazon? Yeah, now you know. This also implies nearly 50% of the money women spend comes from men -> men literally only care about foids, not products. Female validation = god for men.
  • women pick and reject partners collectively, I will post data below

  • in one genetic study, they said that 10000 years ago, only 1 man reproduced for 17 women. This would support your hypothesis of less selective pressure on foids
  • compared to men, most women live MUCH easier life. In one report from the US, they found that 1 in 5 men will not reach the age of 50 - by the time both genders reach 80, only half of the men are still alive, compared to 80% of the women

So to describe it as a hivemind is very apt.


This research found that while both women and men have more favorable views of women, women's in-group biases were 4.5 times stronger[28] than those of men and only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem, revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic preference for their own gender.[28]

Results showed that (a) women were more attuned to men’s sexism toward women compared to all other types and (b) men responded negatively to sexism about either gender, but were more likely to confront sexism directed at women than sexism directed at men. We suggest that women’s tendency to confront sexism when it targets women but not men may reinforce stereotypes that undermine gender equality.

Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending
Source, Forbes 2019

"The proper study of mankind is man ... but the proper study of markets is woman."
Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s.

Women not only copy the mate choice of other women, but also their mate rejection. (750 female respondents)

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/gfsa5k/women_not_only_copy_the_mate_choice_of_other/

8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man

The report also highlights that one out of five men die before the age of 50 and many of the leading causes of death in the Americas, including heart disease, interpersonal violence and road accidents are directly related to socially constructed “macho” behaviors.
As a result, while there are more boys than girls born in the world (105 boys for every 100 girls), this number starts to invert between the ages of 30 and 40, and by the age of 80, there are 190 women for every 100 men as men die at younger ages.

@DarkStarDown maybe interesting to you since you recently seem to have picked up an interest about in-group bias and how similar women are to each other.
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Men have to evolve different traits to reproduce. The thing is, the traits are random as far as genes go, some can be "good" and some can be "bad".
Ok I will reply.

You are only tackling the surface of how NPC women are. Consider these findings:

  • women are the only gender with a giga in-group preference, 4.5. times higher than males, who essentially have none
  • this also expresses itself in how women respond more to insults directed at women, but not men. Men also just care about anti-female insults (study below)

  • women make up 85% of customer purchases, meaning the market has learned to sell shit to women only, since they literally buy anything collectively, like robots. This was true even in the 1930s (research below). Ever wonder who buys all that shit in stores or on amazon? Yeah, now you know. This also implies nearly 50% of the money women spend comes from men -> men literally only care about foids, not products. Female validation = god for men.
  • women pick and reject partners collectively, I will post data below

  • in one genetic study, they said that 10000 years ago, only 1 man reproduced for 17 women. This would support your hypothesis of less selective pressure on foids
  • compared to men, most women live MUCH easier life. In one report from the US, they found that 1 in 5 men will not reach the age of 50 - by the time both genders reach 80, only half of the men are still alive, compared to 80% of the women

So to describe it as a hivemind is very apt.


View: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/gfsa5k/women_not_only_copy_the_mate_choice_of_other/

@DarkStarDown maybe interesting to you since you recently seem to have picked up an interest about in-group bias and how similar women are to each other.

They aren't just carbon copies of eachother but an actual collective hivemind. Women resemble the societies ruled and inhabited exclusively by females (ants, bees) ,where every member is indistinguishable from the rest.
They aren't just carbon copies of each other but an actual collective hivemind. Women resemble the societies ruled and inhabited exclusively by females (ants, bees) ,where every member is indistinguishable from the rest.
yes exactly. Even researchers use terminology that describes girls like that - for example when describing female social dynamics, researchers often use beehive analogies - look up stuff like the book "queen bees and wannabees."

Anecdotally, almost every culture around the world is the same. Like you can translate korean youtube comments and the women use the same phrases as in the west. Ive talked to people from other countries about their female relatives, and they say word-for-word the same shit my mom is saying.

Yes, the culture may be "different" in the sense that the people have adapted to their environment (in terms of food availability etc) - but the underlying human nature is almost always identical to all countries.

For instance, look at the 80% of customer purchases being controlled by women thing. This means that men dont give a shit about money and just give it to women. Well, in SEA this has been a tradition for 1000s of years. It's common there for husbands to just give their entire salary to the wife, who in turn just gives them an allowance.

In the west, the same thing happens, but it's not in the open, so its not considered part of "western culture." Many married men just let their wifes control the bank account, run the household, make appointments etc

The closer you look, the more you will see that all countries, cultures etc are identical. It's just that in some countries they acknowledge some things, like the spending-pill, and in some they don't.
yes exactly. Even researchers use terminology that describes girls like that - for example when describing female social dynamics, researchers often use beehive analogies - look up stuff like the book "queen bees and wannabees."

Anecdotally, almost every culture around the world is the same. Like you can translate korean youtube comments and the women use the same phrases as in the west. Ive talked to people from other countries about their female relatives, and they say word-for-word the same shit my mom is saying.

Yes, the culture may be "different" in the sense that the people have adapted to their environment (in terms of food availability etc) - but the underlying human nature is almost always identical to all countries.

For instance, look at the 80% of customer purchases being controlled by women thing. This means that men dont give a shit about money and just give it to women. Well, in SEA this has been a tradition for 1000s of years. It's common there for husbands to just give their entire salary to the wife, who in turn just gives them an allowance.

In the west, the same thing happens, but it's not in the open, so its not considered part of "western culture." Many married men just let their wifes control the bank account, run the household, make appointments etc

The closer you look, the more you will see that all countries, cultures etc are identical. It's just that in some countries they acknowledge some things, like the spending-pill, and in some they don't.
Idk how relevant this is, but do you think men have evolved to get good at quick decision-making. It's astounding to me how many brain-fade moments foids seem to have compared to guys in sports like Football and Cricket. Also, in Chess and even Gaming where the quick decision-making is hugely important.
Idk how relevant this is, but do you think men have evolved to get good at quick decision-making. It's astounding to me how many brain-fade moments foids seem to have compared to guys in sports like Football and Cricket. Also, in Chess and even Gaming where the quick decision-making is hugely important.
I have observed that women have brain-farts when it comes to high-stakes situations. If there is danger or a risk of having to be responsible, foids usually start looking around for someone else to make a move (usually a guy). If nobody does anything, they start crying or screaming.
Have you ever seen this phenomenon, where nothing happens but like a foid in the crowd randomly starts screaming?
They always fucking scream.

So what you are saying is true.
However, I have also observed how women can be extremely quick in other things. For example they can lie super fast. Like they can come up with a lie at lightspeed, it's bizarre to witness. I remember getting into trouble with a foid in gradeschool and the teacher showed up. She had like 1 second before answering and belted out a whole bunch of shit I supposedly did to her.

I definitely think they are terrible at making concrete, important decisions on the fly. When you put them on the spot by forcing decisions of that type onto them, they often loose it - crying, screaming, calling you names, trying to punch you etc
I have observed that women have brain-farts when it comes to high-stakes situations. If there is danger or a risk of having to be responsible, foids usually start looking around for someone else to make a move (usually a guy). If nobody does anything, they start crying or screaming.
Have you ever seen this phenomenon, where nothing happens but like a foid in the crowd randomly starts screaming?
They always fucking scream.
Like fucking screaming and crying like a retard for minutes when they lose their kids at a fair or something instead of going to the organisers to sort it out. The dad usually has to step up.
So what you are saying is true.
However, I have also observed how women can be extremely quick in other things. For example they can lie super fast. Like they can come up with a lie at lightspeed, it's bizarre to witness. I remember getting into trouble with a foid in gradeschool and the teacher showed up. She had like 1 second before answering and belted out a whole bunch of shit I supposedly did to her.

I definitely think they are terrible at making concrete, important decisions on the fly. When you put them on the spot by forcing decisions of that type onto them, they often loose it - crying, screaming, calling you names, trying to punch you etc
Oh! For sure. Even the seemingly demur foids could lie without any hesitation. It's like a second nature to them. It's akin to performing your rehearsed moves in an individual sports albeit with a bit more resourcefulness, and foids are definitely good at those sports, like gymnastic, swimming, skating etc. Maybe I should rephrase it. Quick decision-making when the variables are out of your control. The reason I mentioned those activities is because there you compete with your opponents directly for advantages. When you lie, the other person has nothing else but your words to go off of. When you're performing pole vaulting, there isn't a disgruntled opponent trying tackle you.
My thoughts on there are so many differences between men but very few between women is because men have always had greater evolutionary pressure on them. As foids wouldn't just fuck every man they can lay their hands on,like men do. Men had to be have more variable characteristics in order to succeed.
This thought of mine is backed by following study (this paper by Theodore P. Hill, Sergei Tabachnikov was retracted twice because it offended foids and exposed their hypergamous nature)
Which states:

Basically due to foid's extremely high standards throughout history and them outbreeding unattractive men led to greater male variability.
Since no such selective pressures were applied to women, they were essentially guaranteed to breed the day they were born, that's why foids have zero distinguishing characters or traits, that's why they all feel like carbon copies of one another.
Yes, correct. Nature having men have greater genetic variability and women less, and with women being the genetic gatekeepers, it has a simple way of filtering out the genes needed for the environment. Of course, with modern comfort and amenities, those selection pressures have taken a vacation, and today we have women selecting dysgenically.
This thought of mine is backed by following study (this paper by Theodore P. Hill, Sergei Tabachnikov was retracted twice because it offended foids and exposed their hypergamous nature)
Unsurprising. I've seen a study which tried to claim that women are the gender facing worse evolutionary pressure because pregnancies could be quite dangerous before the advent of modern medicine:feelskek::feelskek:.

Thankfully, not all scientists are as cucked:

Females are the choosier sex, males face greater evolutionary pressure, and due to those facts and more, attractive females are the only group of people who consistently get exactly who and what they want on the dating/marriage market:

I look at my younger self and I'm baffled by how I used to consider most women as equal human beings. So few of them seem to actually have souls and unique personalities. Has anyone else noticed most women in a certain group are basically just carbon copies of each other? For example, when I was in college, I'd see sorority girls all the time in groups. The way they all acted, looked, and dressed, it was basically like they were all interchangeable. They all wore slutty clothing, took retarded selfies making duck lips and sticking their tongues out, enjoyed getting drunk and acting like literal children, gossiped, had hobbies of shopping, candles, makeup, and spending way too much money on dumb shit like pedicures or eyebrow waxing. They're all the exact same fucking person.
As someone who is a Unicel in Shitmerica, I can confirm that his descriptions of sorority whores is spot on: Oftentimes, many of them tend to look like they actually are sisters by blood, and not in the metaphorical sense. I think I was once told by an acquaintance, that they literally recruit for foids who look like them, and after this I noticed just how carbon-copied they all were in both appearance & personality.

I will have to give this a thorough read at some point, since it seems quite useful information for a potential thread:

Females tend to excel in verbal abilities
Ah, who could have guessed: Foids excel where lying, manipulation, and the like comes into play. :feelsjuice:

Hence, overall, there are no sex differences in IQ scores for the most commonly used tests. Thus, we cannot turn to standardized intelligence tests to determine if there is a “smarter sex.”

In a way, this could be true: However, as you & many others on this site have discerned by showing the distribution of scores, it clearly indicates that one gender has a much more stronger potential for being higher IQ, as well as has more outliers from the norm. :feelsjuice:

F zkv2kWMAAiYaX

A 2016 study by Baye and Monseur found that on average, boys showed 14% greater variance than girls in science, reading, and math test scores and concluded with:
Some would try & utilize this in order to push a narrative along the lines of ":soy::feels::foidSoy:: This proves wahmen are smarter than men!1!1!" No, all it proves is that males have more divergent patterns of thinking, as well as an ability to "think outside of the box"so to speak.

Basically due to foid's extremely high standards throughout history and them outbreeding unattractive men led to greater male variability.
Since no such selective pressures were applied to women, they were essentially guaranteed to breed the day they were born, that's why foids have zero distinguishing characters or traits, that's why they all feel like carbon copies of one another.
Good thread.

Another reason which just occurred to me, is the fact that males typically had more professions, roles, tasks, etc. throughout history. Foids were either housewives, assisted with menial tasks on a farm, or were whores: Males, on the other hand, undertook virtually every task needed to maintain any civilization -warriors, priests, scholars, leaders, architects, farmers, sailors, merchants, etc- which of course, would have required for them to develop more adaptability under circumstances.

  • compared to men, most women live MUCH easier life. In one report from the US, they found that 1 in 5 men will not reach the age of 50 - by the time both genders reach 80, only half of the men are still alive, compared to 80% of the women

I never heard of this stat till now: However, it seems to check-out well.

Think of all the jobs that males do which naturally, are much more challenging, dangerous, etc.

  • women are the only gender with a giga in-group preference, 4.5. times higher than males, who essentially have none
Not only this, but males literally view foids as a collective in a much more favorable light as opposed to their own gender:

In 1989, 203 psychology students of Purdue University were given questionnaires in groups of 20 and asked to assess subjects of both genders, which showed a more favourable attitude to women and female stereotypes
In 1991, 324 psychology students of Purdue University were given questionnaires in groups of 20 and asked to assess subjects of both genders. They evaluated the social categories of men and women, relating the traits and expectations of each gender through interviews, emotion-associations and free-response measures. Women were rated higher in attitudes and beliefs but not emotions

@DarkStarDown maybe interesting to you since you recently seem to have picked up an interest about in-group bias and how similar women are to each other.
Will save these sources, thank you for this info.

I have observed that women have brain-farts when it comes to high-stakes situations. If there is danger or a risk of having to be responsible, foids usually start looking around for someone else to make a move (usually a guy). If nobody does anything, they start crying or screaming.
Have you ever seen this phenomenon, where nothing happens but like a foid in the crowd randomly starts screaming?
They always fucking scream.
I've seen countless examples of this on social media throughout the years, as well as irl.
Unsurprising. I've seen a study which tried to claim that women are the gender facing worse evolutionary pressure because pregnancies could be quite dangerous before the advent of modern medicine:feelskek::feelskek:.

So they chose to nitpick that, and completely disregarded the literal fact of the matter, which can easily be discerned by paying attention in fucking middle school history class, that males were always the ones to go off to war, do the manual labor, etc. ?

Yeah, absolute state of modern ":soy::feels:Science"
Thankfully, not all scientists are as cucked:

Females are the choosier sex, males face greater evolutionary pressure, and due to those facts and more, attractive females are the only group of people who consistently get exactly who and what they want on the dating/marriage market:

Ok I will reply.

You are only tackling the surface of how NPC women are. Consider these findings:

  • women are the only gender with a giga in-group preference, 4.5. times higher than males, who essentially have none
  • this also expresses itself in how women respond more to insults directed at women, but not men. Men also just care about anti-female insults (study below)

  • women make up 85% of customer purchases, meaning the market has learned to sell shit to women only, since they literally buy anything collectively, like robots. This was true even in the 1930s (research below). Ever wonder who buys all that shit in stores or on amazon? Yeah, now you know. This also implies nearly 50% of the money women spend comes from men -> men literally only care about foids, not products. Female validation = god for men.
  • women pick and reject partners collectively, I will post data below

  • in one genetic study, they said that 10000 years ago, only 1 man reproduced for 17 women. This would support your hypothesis of less selective pressure on foids
  • compared to men, most women live MUCH easier life. In one report from the US, they found that 1 in 5 men will not reach the age of 50 - by the time both genders reach 80, only half of the men are still alive, compared to 80% of the women

So to describe it as a hivemind is very apt.


View: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/gfsa5k/women_not_only_copy_the_mate_choice_of_other/

@DarkStarDown maybe interesting to you since you recently seem to have picked up an interest about in-group bias and how similar women are to each other.

Everything you post is suifuel. I know its data and the truth. But still always a hard read.
This post made me ponder on this hypothesis that I heard about a while back : Greater male variability hypothesis
This hypothesis states that men display greater variability in traits than women. For example, according to these studies:

This study was done in mainland china with 627 Chinese adolescent boys (n = 332) and girls (n = 295), and concluded with:


A 2016 study by Baye and Monseur found that on average, boys showed 14% greater variance than girls in science, reading, and math test scores and concluded with:


Another example is how variable the distribution of IQ among men vs women is

View attachment 1156676

Notice how women are mostly converge in the 95-105 range ,with practically zero representation in both extremes of the range,while men have equal distribution in both 60 and 140 iq levels and converge in the middle.

According to this study , general intelligence is more biologically variable in males than in females. (https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-6924.2008.00096.x)

My thoughts on there are so many differences between men but very few between women is because men have always had greater evolutionary pressure on them. As foids wouldn't just fuck every man they can lay their hands on,like men do. Men had to be have more variable characteristics in order to succeed.
This thought of mine is backed by following study (this paper by Theodore P. Hill, Sergei Tabachnikov was retracted twice because it offended foids and exposed their hypergamous nature)
Which states:

Basically due to foid's extremely high standards throughout history and them outbreeding unattractive men led to greater male variability.
Since no such selective pressures were applied to women, they were essentially guaranteed to breed the day they were born, that's why foids have zero distinguishing characters or traits, that's why they all feel like carbon copies of one another.
I dont think you can compare women back then with women now.

Women now are going to school, getting into majors, participating in the advancement of technologies.

Going out normally, socializing and being whores.

Yet most of them are still boring. And it feels like you are talking to a lesser being everytime.

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