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RageFuel My therapist wants to send me to the mental asylum



Nov 24, 2017
Ok so today I had a talk with my therapist, well a doctor if you may, which I'm regularly required to visit her otherwise I lose my autismbuxx and benefits.

So I talked to her about being presecuted by the society, she came back with bunch of nonsense and told me to get on meds. Dude I'm already on lots of meds, I'm literally a medman.

She was very defensive and firm on answering what I said, I can see that she has run out of actual solutions to my problem, which is being presecuted by the society, not having a GF, eating disorder, and bad mood.

My medical intake daily: 25g Prozac, 27g concerta (extended release Ritalin), 10g cold pill (for insomnia usage)

Her solutions are more (useless) mood therapy
more meds (like I don't take enough already)
'relax' in a 'recovery hospital' (notice:psychology department so that's like asylum for milder disorder)

Here's some highlights from the conversation

Me:Well, I do feel presecuted by the society, I haven't been able to find any strict case of that, but lots of people don't welcome me and they seen to be well connected already, so something is against me.
Her: I see, so you feel people don't welcome you, got it. Do you need some early psychosis pills to calm you down when you feel angry?

Me:I'm always angry and I can feel a bit suicidal at times
Her:Oh if it is that serious, we can send you to the recovery hospital (read:mental asylum with nutjobs), do you feel the need to take a break?

Me:I feel the need to carry a knife at times to protect myself, though I NEVER DID IT for once. (It's illegal)
Her:did you really do it? No? That's just anger

Her:So how do you feel about us giving you some mood stabilizer to eat it when you feel angry?
Me:well ......ok.,..sighs

Her:We also can refer to the mood therapy department, would you like that?
My mom: Yeah. He would need this.

Her:So why were you so angry at the society?
Me:They're presecuting me and my fellow nerds, the couples kissing and showing affection is making us angry, and most of society don't accept us.
Her:Well you seem angry, like I said, you should talk to the mood therapy about that.
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Jew pills won't help you.
Me:I'm always angry and I can feel a bit suicidal at times

Here you go, boyo. You can't say that to a professional therapist and not expect to be institutionalized.
Just stop going. Therapy is a load of horseshit when your problem is 100% inherent to who you are and is incompatible with your biological imperatives. Trying to cope with and accept being an incel is like trying to cope with and accept being on fire, it's impossible, it goes against how we are programmed by nature.
Just stop going. Therapy is a load of horseshit when your problem is 100% inherent to who you are. Trying to cope with and accept being an incel is like trying to cope with and accept being on fire, it's impossible, it goes against how we are programmed by nature.
ik I need the autismbuxx
Jew pills won't help you.
this.going to a therapist is pointless and taking their *pills*(which do a thousand times more harm then good) is an even worse idea.seek god for there is nothing good in this life
Please man DONT go to mental hospital, once you get there there's the chance you could be held there for a prolonged period of time.Foids "psychiatrist" love to see suffering of incels.Also cancel your appointments of they aren't necessarily and you haven't got schizophrenia or some serious mental illness.And DON'T mention you're suicidal..like seriously this is no joke it couls get you locked up for real
Your first mistake was going to a therapist, especially a foid one. Granted if it's mandatory just request to see a therapist that isn't a toilet
The west's solution to lonely men feeling depressed and angry is to drug them up until they don't feel anything. Clown world.
ik I need the autismbuxx
Can you just go and not say anything? At this point it seems your therapist is hostile and wants to lock you away instead of acknowledging that we're fucked as ugly and mentally disabled males so it seems to me that staying silent may spare you more future hardships like the one you're describing. I'm not on autismbuxx so I just stopped going to therapy all together when I realized that not only would my therapist never be able to help me but they also hated me.
why u letting them drug u up, they are probably putting soy estrogen shit in there to make you into a submissive cuck
Psychiatrists don't understand us, they will never until they understand that we are the result of what they did, and still continue to do.
Your female psychiatrist? She's had multiple partners, and though her life she'll have more.
And if you had a male one it would be the same case, a chad who got the job.

Fuck all of this.
Next time say you have the urge to park a van load of fertilizer outside a government building.

That should go over splendidly
I talked to her about being presecuted by the society
Your first mistake. When you talk to these people, you're supposed to tell them you're fine, everything's fine, you're doing everything they're suggesting and there's nothing wrong. That will keep you out of the nuthouse. Next time you visit your therapist, apologize to her and tell her you were just having an anxiety attack. She might prescribe you some Jew pills for anxiety, but probably won't lock you in a looney bin.
Next time say you have the urge to park a van load of fertilizer outside a government building.

That should go over splendidly
Terrormaxxing isn't a good maxx bro
Your first mistake. When you talk to these people, you're supposed to tell them you're fine, everything's fine, you're doing everything they're suggesting and there's nothing wrong. That will keep you out of the nuthouse. Next time you visit your therapist, apologize to her and tell her you were just having an anxiety attack. She might prescribe you some Jew pills for anxiety, but probably won't lock you in a looney bin.
Will do that tbh.
It sounds kind of fun to go to an asylum to tbh. I could use the attention myself. I would go if it were free. But since you don't like it, this is why autism sucks, you're just too honest. Most people are teetering on suicide as you are, difference is that you are just more honest about it.
Never ever tell a kike therapist anything especially if she's a woman
it's very important to not let things get too bad, like you think it can't get any worse, until they suddenly decide to put you in the nuthouse.
this is the only reason I kept it together in my teen years when things got really, really bad, it's because I knew that the mental asylum was waiting for me if I just gave up, started telling everyone I'm miserable without any filter, drop out of high school, etc, I knew they would shove me in the nuthouse without hesitation.
this is why there needs to be a bottom on how low you can go, no matter how depressed you get, you stay above that line where you get people on your ass trying to incarcerate you. you just have to get through somehow until this period is over and you've got your independence.

Please man DONT go to mental hospital, once you get there there's the chance you could be held there for a prolonged period of time.Foids "psychiatrist" love to see suffering of incels.Also cancel your appointments of they aren't necessarily and you haven't got schizophrenia or some serious mental illness.And DON'T mention you're suicidal..like seriously this is no joke it couls get you locked up for real
I wouldn't mind going into one tbh, but the uk government doesn't put too many of its citizens into one as it's too costly, they usually now put them into jails as their is never enough beds to put them in
If insurance covered facial surgery, we could literally prove that an incel's mental health will always be improved more by surgery than jew pills and a professional platitude dealer. Surgery is a physical solution to a physical problem, it literally fixes the cause of the problem. "Therapy" and pills are just foids telling you to ignore the problem (kind of hard to do when it's literally attached to your body) and take pills to zombify your brain to make things even worse.

Imagine a situation where a soldier gets his leg blown off by an IED and the American insurance companies refuse to pay for a prosthetic...
Soldier: "I'd be a lot less depressed if insurance covered the prosthetic leg I need so I can get out of this wheelchair and move on with my life."
Foid Therapist: " Your negative mentality and refusal to accept your wheelchair is misogynist and problematic. Here's some Prozac, this will help you realize that your wheelchair make you unique and you're not entitled to a prosthetic leg, in fact, your desire for a prosthetic leg is sexist and a clear sign of BDD. If you keep asking for a prosthetic leg, we'll have to involuntarily commit you to a mental asylum."
Will do that tbh.
I'd add some flattery too. "I'm sorry for my outburst last time. I was just really scared, anxious for some reason. I'm sure you'll understand; you're a very smart and understanding person." Flattery is weapons-grade and hard to screw up. If she asks you what caused your anxiety, it's okay to tell her you don't know.
Been to the Psych ward 6 times. I'm a veteran lmao

The only thing (((shrinks))) are good for are neetbux. Refer to Uncle Remus' guide to outjew them
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I worked at a hospital in Sweden by a psycho ward. It was in hindsight a bit dystopic. I gladly take questions.
It sounds kind of fun to go to an asylum to tbh. I could use the attention myself. I would go if it were free. But since you don't like it, this is why autism sucks, you're just too honest. Most people are teetering on suicide as you are, difference is that you are just more honest about it.
I see you’ve never actually been to one.
I’ve heard stories. They are terrible.
You American? Your healthcare system runs on making money that is why youse are always on loads of drugs, cause the doctors are lobbied to prescribe as much as possible. This is also the reason partly for the opioid crisis. I'm not saying you shouldn't be on any medication. I'd just question the amount your on and the incentive behind the doctor's prescribing them and the other 'services' they offer.
Nonetheless it doesn't sound too good. I wish you all the best.
Welcome to the club
Your healthcare system runs on making money that is why youse are always on loads of drugs, cause the doctors are lobbied to prescribe as much as possible.
I don't understand this. How is spending more making more money ?

Who is paying anyway ? Insurance companies I guess, who get money from the contribution of their clients, but the government also is involved, isn't it ?

Genuinely asking, not trying to be a smart ass.
lol at foid doctors, they cant begin to fathom what its like to be in our shoes
I don't understand this. How is spending more making more money ?

Who is paying anyway ? Insurance companies I guess, who get money from the contribution of their clients, but the government also is involved, isn't it ?

Genuinely asking, not trying to be a smart ass.
Doctors are lobbied to prescribe certain drugs. They get more money to do so. Insurance companies pay but really it's the end user that foots the bill. You are more likely to be sent for scans etc that you may not necessary need as the doctor will financially gain to do so.

Here there is no financial incentive for doctors to prescribe a drug or service you don't need. My prescriptions are free and I get whatever I need. Inhaler, antibiotics or whatever. But if I go in trying to get a script for opioids when I don't need them I'll get telt to bolt.

https://www.dea.gov › 2019/05/13
Pill mill doctor sentenced to 13 years for conspiracy to distribute narcotics - DEA

I dunno if this link works. Just an example. There was a load of doctors jailed in Florida for prescribing millions of opioids just for personal financial gain.
I worked at a hospital in Sweden by a psycho ward. It was in hindsight a bit dystopic. I gladly take questions.
Did they give you free meds? Were you allowed to use the internet unsupervised?
Doctors are lobbied to prescribe certain drugs. They get more money to do so. Insurance companies pay but really it's the end user that foots the bill. You are more likely to be sent for scans etc that you may not necessary need as the doctor will financially gain to do so.

Here there is no financial incentive for doctors to prescribe a drug or service you don't need. My prescriptions are free and I get whatever I need. Inhaler, antibiotics or whatever. But if I go in trying to get a script for opioids when I don't need them I'll get telt to bolt.

https://www.dea.gov › 2019/05/13
Pill mill doctor sentenced to 13 years for conspiracy to distribute narcotics - DEA

I dunno if this link works. Just an example. There was a load of doctors jailed in Florida for prescribing millions of opioids just for personal financial gain.
I've heard that doctors get a lot of trips paid for by pharmaceutical companies to go to "conferences". I'm not sure how true it is however.
Did they give you free meds? Were you allowed to use the internet unsupervised?
Yes but only when I had to do office work by the computer. They said I had to answer the suiside hotline but only if nobody else could and never tell anyone to kill themselves. They said being suicidal was a mental illness/ dickness/ disease. Most other employes were either old fat mean gossip ladies or beckys who were just out of high school, never had or will get a real job in their lives and fiddled with their cell phones all the time. I was probably the most qualified person to answer it but I never had to. These were the people who worked at or by the psych ward where people could get sent against their will by the gossip ladies. You could go there voluntarily too which only a naive idiot would do.
Yes but only when I had to do office work by the computer. They said I had to answer the suiside hotline but only if nobody else could and never tell anyone to kill themselves. They said being suicidal was a mental illness/ dickness/ disease. Most other employes were either old fat mean gossip ladies or beckys who were just out of high school, never had or will get a real job in their lives and fiddled with their cell phones all the time. I was probably the most qualified person to answer it but I never had to. These were the people who worked at or by the psych ward where people could get sent against their will by the gossip ladies. You could go there voluntarily too which only a naive idiot would do.
Oh you worked there. Did they give patients anxiety meds and how long did the average patient stay?
They don't respect law , do they?
The Nietzche quite about women not caring or thinking about laws and logic comes to mind. The ward was ruled by a group of old fat mean gossip ladies in the public sector with low to medium IQ. They never broke any major laws as far as I know but their rule would go above the law if they saw it fit.

I have in my life been threatened by 2 medical workers I did not work with, one male and one female, that I would get forcefully admitted for insanity if I would reveal things like crimes they committed against me or others. They worked at the same hospital but not quite with me or the fat gossipers. They were medium to high IQ but immoral.
Your first mistake. When you talk to these people, you're supposed to tell them you're fine, everything's fine, you're doing everything they're suggesting and there's nothing wrong. That will keep you out of the nuthouse.
Spot on King. Whenever I visit my psychiatrist that's exactly what he expects me to do. You are an incel admitting to them that you are angry for being treated badly. Remember how much normies are afraid of an incel going ER, how much they want to suppress an incel's anger. Do not talk about your problems. The "therapist" is a pseudo-doctor hired by the government to suppress people from showing their feelings and be a good little cuckcel that takes shit from people and doesn't complain. Now, obviously you shouldn't complain, it will help you get out of the meds.
Why do you even bother with normie therapists especially retarded women they are not your friends they want you sedated and docile just babble some bluepilled shit so you can get over with session as fast as possible if you are required to go

Jew pills won't help you.
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You can go to therapy, take the antidepressants

BUT you have to do that for the rest of your life if the problem of inceldom is not solved.

Cucks fucking think we aren't entitled to normal life
I've heard that doctors get a lot of trips paid for by pharmaceutical companies to go to "conferences". I'm not sure how true it is however.
Yeah that's true. Its basically legalised bribery. The doctor may prescribe the drugs from a company that's treated him well rather than what's in the best interest of their patients.
How is it?
I would assume each one is different but mine was no tv, no caffeine, you see a psych once a day, you go these group sessions on how to deal with your shit. At the beginning of the day when you wake up in the morning, you eat breakfast, everyone is brought together, and you have to create a goal for yourself, then at the end of the day you'll organize again and explain if you achieved your goal, what can you do to achieve it. The pscyh will also give you a diagnosis, after you're released, you get setup with a psych and a therapist, where they will further determine what mental illness you have. You get prescribed meds, if you're lucky, you'll get xanax or Klonopin. It's a fucking horrible place.
I would assume each one is different but mine was no tv, no caffeine, you see a psych once a day, you go these group sessions on how to deal with your shit. At the beginning of the day when you wake up in the morning, you eat breakfast, everyone is brought together, and you have to create a goal for yourself, then at the end of the day you'll organize again and explain if you achieved your goal, what can you do to achieve it. The pscyh will also give you a diagnosis, after you're released, you get setup with a psych and a therapist, where they will further determine what mental illness you have. You get prescribed meds, if you're lucky, you'll get xanax or Klonopin. It's a fucking horrible place.
Sounds like prison with extra steps.

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