My sister is a landwhale and flat out beat the shit out of me, but I'm afraid to call the police because I'll probably get arrested for her attacking me. Of course my folks sided with her when they came into the room and saw me yelling at her autistically for jumping me. I'm fat too, but just saying female privilege has no bounds, doens't matter if she's a Stacy or not but I suppose it adds to it.
We got into a political argument and she started insulting my hair loss, saying I have a small dick etc., so I called her a cunt. Then she beat me up. I don't care if she's my sister if she insutls me like that for no reason other than a disagreement I'll call her any name I can think of.
Unfortunately my folks have complete control over me. If they wanted to could make me a ward of the state. I'm thinking if I earn enough money and move out they might revoke that, but idk. I just hate my mom and sister more than you can possibly imagine. My dad isn't so great either but he's not involved so much, just lets it all happen. I wish he'd divorce her.
I was institutionalized back when a similar thing happened years ago and they stripped me of my rights. This gives my sister and folks the power to abuse me all they want without consequence because I got a label on me. I really don't know what to do about it. Maybe I should try to get sister hitting me on tape or something. The funny thing is she records me after the fact, to record my meltdown. Of course she doens't include her attacks.
Even some ugly bitch like my sister has more privilege. She's not even normie, if she was a man she'd be incel.
I really wish I could just create my own family and never speak to any of them again. It's not just them, all of them are trash on my mother's side.
My cousin was in prison for meth, my uncle was in prison for drunk driving, my aunt and other cousin are high functioning retarded but I don't feel bad for them because they are also bullies, my dad is a beta cuck who just sort of puts up with everything--his entire marriage he had another man from her side living with them because they were always in and out of prison--none of his family members ever lived with us even when they had problems going on. My alcholic uncles who were in and out of prison were also abusive and nobody ever did anything to stop it. Yeah, but they say I'm the asshole. Fuck the lot of them.
Only reason I haven't killed myself is because I'm afraid of hell.