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Story My SEAmaxxing journey part 1-3 (year 2019 to 2021)



Apr 17, 2023
This is my true story, I hope it will be inspirational to future SEAmaxxers @Incline @LeFrenchCel

Part 1: Taiwan, the illusion of the promised land

In late 2019 I decided to chat again with a former colleague of mine to whom I hadn't talked in 3 years.
He was a sub-5 code monkey just like myself.
It turned out that he had relocated to Taiwan, was making 60k USD a MONTH using an online shenanigan, and now even had a GF.
At the same time I was at a total low in my own life, I was almost 30, I had no GF, barely any savings, and I was living with flatmates in a dilapidated apartment.
I felt intense jealousy, in 2016 we were at the same level, and now 3 years later he had everything I had ever dreamt of, and I had nothing :cryfeels:
Somehow he had figured it all out, and now it was my turn to do the same.
In January 2020 I hoped on a flight to Taipei for a 2 week holiday, it would the first time I would solo travel abroad.
During the 12 hour flight I sat next to a upper level french normie, perhaps a 6/10.
He was in his early 20s and told me that he "fell in love with Taiwan" and was flying there once a month to stay for a few days.
I was intrigued why would you spend 12hours on a cramped economy seat to stay jet lagged 5 days somewhere.
He must have seen the astonishment on my face, and then exclaimed : "It is because the girls, the girls, you will see by yourself!", his expression was that of a junky talking about his next drug dose.
We landed at Tayuan airport, and as we entered the arrival hall the normie I sat next to was greeted by a hot Taiwanese Stacy. I was baffled again. Now his flight pattern finally made sense.

On my side, I figured out how to take the train to Taipei central and from there I headed to the hostel room I had booked.
It had turned out that Taiwan, and especially Taipei aren't cheap and that the only place I could afford at that time was a 4sqm hostel room without a window :feelsrope:
The room felt really depressing, on the other hand it pushed me to go outside and to explore the city.
The next morning I woke up at 4am due to jetlag and went for a walk. The climate in Taipei during the winter is fresh but not too cold, it was perfect.
I was astonished that even at 4 am some stores were open and I had an early breakfast at a 7-Eleven.
As the sun rose and the streets filled I realized that the normie from the plane was right, Taiwanese women are much more attractive than in Europe.
My 2 week holiday flew by in an instant.
I spend most of that time going on walking tours and hiking in the mountains surrounding Taipei. It was fabulous.
Of course my former colleague who I had intended to visit so perhaps he could tell me more on how to succeed had no time for me and we did not meet.

I felt saddened while boarding my return flight, but at that moment I had taken my decision, Taiwan was the promised land, and I should do everything I could no matter how immoral or illegal these things were to be able to move over there.
There was no future for myself back home, but in Taiwan I thought that riches, happiness and a traditional taiwanese waifu were waiting for me.

Part 2: Covid lockdown and finding my own online moneymaxx

As I came back from Taiwan Covid started and we were forced into a lockdown, I took the decision to quit my job and to leech on the NEETbuxxes the government was distributing recklessly.
I intended to use my new found free time productively and to figure out an online moneymaxxing scheme that would enable me to live in Taiwan.

At first I had thought of doing the same shenanigan my former colleague was running, but I was too late to the party, however, doing some research I learned about a forum called BlackHatWorld.
His scheme was discussed extensively there, and reading through the threads I finally came up with my own unscrupulous business idea.
The start was really hard, for the first 6 months it seemed like it would perhaps go nowhere, but finally it took off, and in mid 2021 after over one year of
grinding it finally generated me 1,500 USD per month, this was a blessing because the government cut off my neetbuxxes at that point.
1,500 USD/month was not enough for a Taiwanmaxx, but it was a good start.

In the meantime, I had learned about the blackpill, and the incel community. To that point in time I was completely blue pilled which had caused me a lot of harm, I was finally able put a word onto my situation: INCEL.

Part 3: Columbian dry run

in late 2021 I stand there with my 1,500 USD/ Month income stream and some savings, and I knew that it was time to gamble.

At that time, due to my new research and my financial situation my focus had shifted from Taiwan to Thailand, unfortunately even Thailand was still closed for tourists due to Covid19, so the only possible destination that was open was Columbia.

I decided that it would be my dry run. I would go for one month, only with a backpack and my laptop and see if I could still work online and survive with this little.
I also hopped that I might be able to get a GF in Columbia, the women over there were discussed in high regards online and had a good reputation, however creeping through dating apps I didn't found them to be as attractive as claimed.
But who knows I told myself, perhaps it will be different over there.
Without much preparation I set off for a my one month trip, I would go to visit Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena.

My first stop was Bogota, from my Google Maps research it looked like there were many nice Hiking spots around the city, on my first day I went for a deserted hiking trail that led me to several waterfalls, however as I neared the top I was stopped by several soldiers who told me not to go any further, I didn't spoke any Spanish so one took out his phone and translated a message stating that it would be too dangerous and that I might get robbed or kidnapped if I were to continue on that trail. It was my first disappointment.

It turned out that the food in Columbia was extremely delicious, Columbia is a really big jungle with fruits growing everywhere, the markets had giant passion fruits, I couldn't believe it when I first saw it.
I rapidly discovered that my new favorite drink was "maracuyá con leche" (Passsion fruit with milk) which I would drink almost everyday while being in Columbia :ahegao:
Bogota was just a short stopover for me, and so after 3 days in Bogota I hopped on my next flight to reach my main destination which was Medellin, the city of Pablo Escobar.

Medellin I was told is where all the hot Columbian women are :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: and in that regard it was a TOTAL disappointment, I wasn't really attracted to any of them, I found them even less attractive than in Europe. This was not Taiwan.

At least I really enjoyed the food and drinks, they also have many good coffees such as the Pergamino coffee in El Poblado.
Almost every day I would go to different coffees and work on my online gig from there, this was due to the fact that I was travelling on low budget and renting a cheap place without a desk.

I rapidly realized that dating in Columbia was unlikely to work out for me for a bunch of reasons:
- I could not rival with Latino men which mogged me
- I lacked interest in Columbian women, actually I didn't found them attractive at all, many were also overweight.
- I did not speak Spanish, most of them don't speak english so communication was tough.
- It was very dangerous (just google scopolamine Medellin)

None the less, at the coffees I noticed many foreign girls, including asians :ahegao::ahegao::ahegao::ahegao: Which were 100% of my type.
I approached several of them oofy doofy style and was able to befriend some.
It rapidly turned out that Columbia is actually a place where foids go ChadMaxxing, I rapidly realized that they were going after latino chad only and that I had no chance at all.
My last stop in Columbia Cartagena of which I can't tell much because I mainly stayed in my room, it was simply the hottest place I have ever visited and during day time I could not go outside for more than 10 minutes without getting a heat seizure.
I also got robbed at night on the street one time, several prostitutes of which some appeared to be lady boys encircled me and then took my phone :feelsrope::feelscry:
This was it, Columbia was not for me, but that trip proved me that living out of a backpack and just with my laptop was more than doable.
The proof of concept was there, and I would soon go and put it into practice.
sounds like a fakecel. if you have ascended then delete your ac
grats on ascension brother, at least u wont have to suffer alone like me
You are white, right? Apparently brazilian foids have a better turnover rate for whites, just set up dates on dating apps beforehand instead of just cold approaching, that's chad only.
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Cool will visit Taiwan next. How's the language barrier? Assuming that you are white
Cool will visit Taiwan next. How's the language barrier? Assuming that you are white
Nice, how long will you stay?
I don't want to crush your dream but don't expect to ascend there, incels had a chance there 30 years ago, but now it is ovER.
In Taipei most people speak english, at least the younger generation, outside of Taipei especially in the small towns most people even the younger ones don't speak English.

Fast forward in my SEA journey. Once Taiwan reopened I returned there for a 3months period.
I was eager to find my Taiwanese waifu.
Dating apps didn't yield me any results there.
I switched over to using a language learning app called HelloTalk and was able to talk to a few Taiwanese girls that way :ahegao:
A few weeks in, I met a 4/10 Taiwanese girl IRL thanks to the app, she showed me the night market, and I immediately fell for her.
I tried everything I could to make her become my waifu, but in the end I wasted a lot of time and was rejected with these words "You are a good friend but I am not looking for a BF at the moment"
Then she even blocked me...
how many girls did you smashed chad?
please write more

how was thailand?
please write more

how was thailand?
Thailand was a bit of disappointment on all levels.
It is ovERrun by farangs and the whores at the bars were so-so looking.
That said it is relatively safe, and you can escortmaxx in tutorial mode if you are a beginner.
It won't be difficult to find a whore, they are everywhere, in bars, on dating apps, on the street.
If you are sub 5 and walk alone on the streets of Bangkok or Pattaya, everyone knows what you are there for.
It won't be difficult to find a whore, they are everywhere, in bars, on dating apps, on the street.
If you are sub 5 and walk alone on the streets of Bangkok or Pattaya, everyone knows what you are there for.
can you recommend any sources for learning more about thailand whoremaxxing?

any youtube channels or vlogs?

thank you
can you recommend any sources for learning more about thailand whoremaxxing?

any youtube channels or vlogs?

thank you
Don't overthink it, just book your flight to Bangkok and head to Soi Cowboy.
Good job. At least you’re trying.

What moneymaxxing did you and your friend do? Ewhoring?

Imagine the reason Colombian women are not attractive is because the western diet has hit South America. Obesity rates are the best predictor of a country’s attractiveness.

You should also gymmaxx to make yourself as physically attractive as possible.

I’m planning on starting my own online moneymaxxing soon. I have a good idea but it will take work.
This is my true story, I hope it will be inspirational to future SEAmaxxers @Incline @LeFrenchCel

Part 1: Taiwan, the illusion of the promised land

In late 2019 I decided to chat again with a former colleague of mine to whom I hadn't talked in 3 years.
He was a sub-5 code monkey just like myself.
It turned out that he had relocated to Taiwan, was making 60k USD a MONTH using an online shenanigan, and now even had a GF.
At the same time I was at a total low in my own life, I was almost 30, I had no GF, barely any savings, and I was living with flatmates in a dilapidated apartment.
I felt intense jealousy, in 2016 we were at the same level, and now 3 years later he had everything I had ever dreamt of, and I had nothing :cryfeels:
Somehow he had figured it all out, and now it was my turn to do the same.
In January 2020 I hoped on a flight to Taipei for a 2 week holiday, it would the first time I would solo travel abroad.
During the 12 hour flight I sat next to a upper level french normie, perhaps a 6/10.
He was in his early 20s and told me that he "fell in love with Taiwan" and was flying there once a month to stay for a few days.
I was intrigued why would you spend 12hours on a cramped economy seat to stay jet lagged 5 days somewhere.
He must have seen the astonishment on my face, and then exclaimed : "It is because the girls, the girls, you will see by yourself!", his expression was that of a junky talking about his next drug dose.
We landed at Tayuan airport, and as we entered the arrival hall the normie I sat next to was greeted by a hot Taiwanese Stacy. I was baffled again. Now his flight pattern finally made sense.

On my side, I figured out how to take the train to Taipei central and from there I headed to the hostel room I had booked.
It had turned out that Taiwan, and especially Taipei aren't cheap and that the only place I could afford at that time was a 4sqm hostel room without a window :feelsrope:
The room felt really depressing, on the other hand it pushed me to go outside and to explore the city.
The next morning I woke up at 4am due to jetlag and went for a walk. The climate in Taipei during the winter is fresh but not too cold, it was perfect.
I was astonished that even at 4 am some stores were open and I had an early breakfast at a 7-Eleven.
As the sun rose and the streets filled I realized that the normie from the plane was right, Taiwanese women are much more attractive than in Europe.
My 2 week holiday flew by in an instant.
I spend most of that time going on walking tours and hiking in the mountains surrounding Taipei. It was fabulous.
Of course my former colleague who I had intended to visit so perhaps he could tell me more on how to succeed had no time for me and we did not meet.

I felt saddened while boarding my return flight, but at that moment I had taken my decision, Taiwan was the promised land, and I should do everything I could no matter how immoral or illegal these things were to be able to move over there.
There was no future for myself back home, but in Taiwan I thought that riches, happiness and a traditional taiwanese waifu were waiting for me.

Part 2: Covid lockdown and finding my own online moneymaxx

As I came back from Taiwan Covid started and we were forced into a lockdown, I took the decision to quit my job and to leech on the NEETbuxxes the government was distributing recklessly.
I intended to use my new found free time productively and to figure out an online moneymaxxing scheme that would enable me to live in Taiwan.

At first I had thought of doing the same shenanigan my former colleague was running, but I was too late to the party, however, doing some research I learned about a forum called BlackHatWorld.
His scheme was discussed extensively there, and reading through the threads I finally came up with my own unscrupulous business idea.
The start was really hard, for the first 6 months it seemed like it would perhaps go nowhere, but finally it took off, and in mid 2021 after over one year of
grinding it finally generated me 1,500 USD per month, this was a blessing because the government cut off my neetbuxxes at that point.
1,500 USD/month was not enough for a Taiwanmaxx, but it was a good start.

In the meantime, I had learned about the blackpill, and the incel community. To that point in time I was completely blue pilled which had caused me a lot of harm, I was finally able put a word onto my situation: INCEL.

Part 3: Columbian dry run

in late 2021 I stand there with my 1,500 USD/ Month income stream and some savings, and I knew that it was time to gamble.

At that time, due to my new research and my financial situation my focus had shifted from Taiwan to Thailand, unfortunately even Thailand was still closed for tourists due to Covid19, so the only possible destination that was open was Columbia.

I decided that it would be my dry run. I would go for one month, only with a backpack and my laptop and see if I could still work online and survive with this little.
I also hopped that I might be able to get a GF in Columbia, the women over there were discussed in high regards online and had a good reputation, however creeping through dating apps I didn't found them to be as attractive as claimed.
But who knows I told myself, perhaps it will be different over there.
Without much preparation I set off for a my one month trip, I would go to visit Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena.

My first stop was Bogota, from my Google Maps research it looked like there were many nice Hiking spots around the city, on my first day I went for a deserted hiking trail that led me to several waterfalls, however as I neared the top I was stopped by several soldiers who told me not to go any further, I didn't spoke any Spanish so one took out his phone and translated a message stating that it would be too dangerous and that I might get robbed or kidnapped if I were to continue on that trail. It was my first disappointment.

It turned out that the food in Columbia was extremely delicious, Columbia is a really big jungle with fruits growing everywhere, the markets had giant passion fruits, I couldn't believe it when I first saw it.
I rapidly discovered that my new favorite drink was "maracuyá con leche" (Passsion fruit with milk) which I would drink almost everyday while being in Columbia :ahegao:
Bogota was just a short stopover for me, and so after 3 days in Bogota I hopped on my next flight to reach my main destination which was Medellin, the city of Pablo Escobar.

Medellin I was told is where all the hot Columbian women are :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: and in that regard it was a TOTAL disappointment, I wasn't really attracted to any of them, I found them even less attractive than in Europe. This was not Taiwan.

At least I really enjoyed the food and drinks, they also have many good coffees such as the Pergamino coffee in El Poblado.
Almost every day I would go to different coffees and work on my online gig from there, this was due to the fact that I was travelling on low budget and renting a cheap place without a desk.

I rapidly realized that dating in Columbia was unlikely to work out for me for a bunch of reasons:
- I could not rival with Latino men which mogged me
- I lacked interest in Columbian women, actually I didn't found them attractive at all, many were also overweight.
- I did not speak Spanish, most of them don't speak english so communication was tough.
- It was very dangerous (just google scopolamine Medellin)

None the less, at the coffees I noticed many foreign girls, including asians :ahegao::ahegao::ahegao::ahegao: Which were 100% of my type.
I approached several of them oofy doofy style and was able to befriend some.
It rapidly turned out that Columbia is actually a place where foids go ChadMaxxing, I rapidly realized that they were going after latino chad only and that I had no chance at all.
My last stop in Columbia Cartagena of which I can't tell much because I mainly stayed in my room, it was simply the hottest place I have ever visited and during day time I could not go outside for more than 10 minutes without getting a heat seizure.
I also got robbed at night on the street one time, several prostitutes of which some appeared to be lady boys encircled me and then took my phone :feelsrope::feelscry:
This was it, Columbia was not for me, but that trip proved me that living out of a backpack and just with my laptop was more than doable.
The proof of concept was there, and I would soon go and put it into practice.
Yeah, Colombia is a shithole except for nature and food
What moneymaxxing did you and your friend do? Ewhoring?
Can't say too much, but my friend was basically spamming Youtube with automatically generated videos.
On my side spammed the Google search engine with automatically generated content that I was able to rank.
Google/Youtube are always coming out to fight this, so typically you will do great for a year or two and then get clapped.
That's why you should always be preparing for the next gig.
Imagine the reason Colombian women are not attractive is because the western diet has hit South America. Obesity rates are the best predictor of a country’s attractiveness.
No, it is their own food causing this, and all the sweet juice they are having. The food is really good and I gained weight myself there.
You should also gymmaxx to make yourself as physically attractive as possible.
I gymmaxxed a lot with poor results, my genes are not made for it and now the agepill hits too.
I’m planning on starting my own online moneymaxxing soon. I have a good idea but it will take work.
I wish you the best of luck, see you in SEA :feelsEhh:
Yeah, Colombia is a shithole except for nature and food
100% sounds like you have been there as well.
Can't say too much, but my friend was basically spamming Youtube with automatically generated videos.
On my side spammed the Google search engine with automatically generated content that I was able to rank.
Google/Youtube are always coming out to fight this, so typically you will do great for a year or two and then get clapped.
That's why you should always be preparing for the next gig.

No, it is their own food causing this, and all the sweet juice they are having. The food is really good and I gained weight myself there.

I gymmaxxed a lot with poor results, my genes are not made for it and now the agepill hits too.

I wish you the best of luck, see you in SEA :feelsEhh:

100% sounds like you have been there as well.
I live here. And I hate it
So you just prostitutemaxxed? Why not do it in your home country?
Dnr, ban if he mentions having sex without paying MODS.
Dnr, ban if he mentions having sex without paying MODS.
What I have learned during my first 3 months of SEAmaxxing is that indeed, it was unlikely to work for curries because of the reputation they have got in most of SEA. :feelsrope:
Photo 2024 05 14 192611
For me it would be a dream to work remotely and go around the world doing seamax. Maybe it didn't go as you hoped but the experience was worth it
What did you expected huh? According to all stats, asian women worship white men.
Broski i need to moneymaxx any tips for a complete retard beginner that just started knowing he has free will (me)
So you didn't even have sex then. Have you visited other countries or not?

I was travelling on low budget and renting a cheap place without a desk.
Sounds nice. Maybe I'll try it in a few years.

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