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RageFuel My Response

Misogynist Vegeta

Misogynist Vegeta

The Saiyan Prince
Feb 16, 2024

1. I absolutely would get with a women as unattractive as me. These women wouldn't do the same, and it's quite fun to make fun of them for it especially when the cry about it being so lonely yet when men dm then they go "no ew gross" they only want someone way more attractive then them.

2. No i don't think anyone here claims to be a "nice guy" our claim is that it wouldn't matter whether or not we were nice, pERsonality is non-factor in attracting women, plenty of women hook up with complete scumbags

3. Yes there are plenty of women who fawn over POS human beings, We aren't nearly as bad (most of us don't physically harm anyone) but that doesn't matter women like those guys because they are attractive, we are not.

4. See 3. me personally I don't want these things, i just think it's funny when women reap the consequences of their actions by hitching up with these lowlifes that abuse them.

5. Nope my standards are be 18 and don't be obese, that's it. These standards you talk of are preferences for what would make the best partner in alot of our eyes, no one cel here (who isn't a fakecel) would decline a partner because they weren't a virgin. also sex slave isn't a preference i have

6. "You despise society yet you still live in it" It's not like we can suddenly stop our own biology from making us want sex if we could most of us would. besides i only despise foids which unfortunately makes up a large chunk of women

7. No not really, The issue here is women getting equal rights without having or being willing to take on equal responsibilities

8. Whores are hating for A. slowly destroying society via the sexual liberation and consequences (see my post the sexual liberation and it's consequences) and B. because they are whores for chad and chadlite only.

9. I don't care for what my wife is as long as she ain't a whore who will cheat on me and she actually loves me

10. see 4.

11. Betabuxxing makes you a potential cuck, as in attracting women with money, because they only are with you for your money, you see it all the time.

12. For me it's really only Onlyfans whores who take advantage of men desperate for a relationship with anybody so they convince these dudes to spend large amounts of money on them becasue they "love them" (they don't). Many people hate the things they are addicted too, they hate that they can't stop does that make them hypocrites all of the sudden, no.

13. Another IT retard putting redpill shit on to us, I have no seen one post at all making fun of women for being "emotional", It is indeed quite rational to be angry that your phycological needs are not being meet at all, and to be mad at those who laugh at you for your struggles.

14. You are retarded if you think the people here haven't tried everything possible to get themselves are a girlfriend.

15. It really depends were the you fakecel GrAYfag who joined a couple of weeks ago and "ascended" then yea your shunned because your a faggot larper, if you actually do ascend some may hate on you because prehaps you weren't a real incel the whole time, but most will be ok with your ascension but that means you don't belong here anymore as you are no longer an incel.

In conclusion IT fags are retarded, they continue to prove that they are retarded, We have come to this community because we were quite miserable, we are still miserable here but at least we know there are some who share our problems, people that will understand us, Women stay away from us simply because we are unattractive, it has been proven a million times that this is the case with scumbags getting girls simply because they are attractive and yet ITfags love to deflect by saying these are only some of the women, If some women don't care about pERsonality then why don't any of them want us, oh wait we aren't attractive. You can try millions of different hair styles, ways you dress. you can workout and still you are a muscleman NONE of it will change your ugly face, NONE of it will remove your autism. When you are violent, vile and attractive women flock to you, when are you slightly mean on the internet and are ugly no woman wants you.

and to lurking ITfags
1200x1200bf 60
plenty of women hook up with complete scumbags
lots of them do, even my mother's betabuxer was criminal. Her sister as well had boyfriend who was involved in criminal activities and he got to prison later.
When i was in summertime bootcamps girls hanged out with scumbags mostly.
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Tranny hands wrote that post.
They hate us because it is impossible for them to relate to people with our condition, fucking faggots, you dont see us hating on someone with down syndrome for we know the pain and suffering these people have to go through. To say that we are emotionless creatures that only want to rape and abuse women makes these types of people worse than anyone of us.
Don't give them attention
IT fags if you're reading this, please give me a chance im willing to only smash your face in twice a night instead of thrice.
Why do ITcucks always make assumptions about us, half of these things don't even apply to me
Great response.
90% of that doesn't apply to most users.
The "you only want to date a 10/10 girl" thing is outrageous, when you have so many inkwells here saying "volcel if wouldn't" when someone posts a sub-5 girl
tbh there are and have been several users who said they wont settle for anything less than a 10/10 Gigastacy so this accusation isnt completely plucked out of thin air
None of these apply to me, they're just blanket statements based on faulty assumptions.

A loving and tender relationship is what I crave. I have no standards I don't watch porn. I'm not a violent person...

But the men they date are. The misogynists they fuck are all violent, hateful porn addicts that only use them for sex and treat women like toilets. They are falsely equating the misogynists they bow down to and fuck in reality with the boogeyman online misogynists.

Nothing makes a foid's pussy drier than a tender, caring and emotionally available man; especially one that's ugly.
The point is that the standards for the average incel or hell even the average man, are lower than the average woman
True but IT likes to cherrypick out retarded users who are Stacy only or who have very weird, specific standards
I didn't read a single word that faggot typed.

1. I absolutely would get with a women as unattractive as me. These women wouldn't do the same, and it's quite fun to make fun of them for it especially when the cry about it being so lonely yet when men dm then they go "no ew gross" they only want someone way more attractive then them.

2. No i don't think anyone here claims to be a "nice guy" our claim is that it wouldn't matter whether or not we were nice, pERsonality is non-factor in attracting women, plenty of women hook up with complete scumbags

3. Yes there are plenty of women who fawn over POS human beings, We aren't nearly as bad (most of us don't physically harm anyone) but that doesn't matter women like those guys because they are attractive, we are not.

4. See 3. me personally I don't want these things, i just think it's funny when women reap the consequences of their actions by hitching up with these lowlifes that abuse them.

5. Nope my standards are be 18 and don't be obese, that's it. These standards you talk of are preferences for what would make the best partner in alot of our eyes, no one cel here (who isn't a fakecel) would decline a partner because they weren't a virgin. also sex slave isn't a preference i have

6. "You despise society yet you still live in it" It's not like we can suddenly stop our own biology from making us want sex if we could most of us would. besides i only despise foids which unfortunately makes up a large chunk of women

7. No not really, The issue here is women getting equal rights without having or being willing to take on equal responsibilities

8. Whores are hating for A. slowly destroying society via the sexual liberation and consequences (see my post the sexual liberation and it's consequences) and B. because they are whores for chad and chadlite only.

9. I don't care for what my wife is as long as she ain't a whore who will cheat on me and she actually loves me

10. see 4.

11. Betabuxxing makes you a potential cuck, as in attracting women with money, because they only are with you for your money, you see it all the time.

12. For me it's really only Onlyfans whores who take advantage of men desperate for a relationship with anybody so they convince these dudes to spend large amounts of money on them becasue they "love them" (they don't). Many people hate the things they are addicted too, they hate that they can't stop does that make them hypocrites all of the sudden, no.

13. Another IT retard putting redpill shit on to us, I have no seen one post at all making fun of women for being "emotional", It is indeed quite rational to be angry that your phycological needs are not being meet at all, and to be mad at those who laugh at you for your struggles.

14. You are retarded if you think the people here haven't tried everything possible to get themselves are a girlfriend.

15. It really depends were the you fakecel GrAYfag who joined a couple of weeks ago and "ascended" then yea your shunned because your a faggot larper, if you actually do ascend some may hate on you because prehaps you weren't a real incel the whole time, but most will be ok with your ascension but that means you don't belong here anymore as you are no longer an incel.

In conclusion IT fags are retarded, they continue to prove that they are retarded, We have come to this community because we were quite miserable, we are still miserable here but at least we know there are some who share our problems, people that will understand us, Women stay away from us simply because we are unattractive, it has been proven a million times that this is the case with scumbags getting girls simply because they are attractive and yet ITfags love to deflect by saying these are only some of the women, If some women don't care about pERsonality then why don't any of them want us, oh wait we aren't attractive. You can try millions of different hair styles, ways you dress. you can workout and still you are a muscleman NONE of it will change your ugly face, NONE of it will remove your autism. When you are violent, vile and attractive women flock to you, when are you slightly mean on the internet and are ugly no woman wants you.

and to lurking ITfags
View attachment 1104306

these normies wanna act innocent but they’re the same people to be assholes to ugly and disabled people
these normies wanna act innocent but they’re the same people to be assholes to ugly and disabled people
They're all a bunch of hypocrites and they know it.
Like they will read your reply with any empathy. You're better off just asking them flat out: "what do you do when you see an ugly ass manlet on the street? You walk over, hug him, and tell him not to be desperate and angry?" And no, hating your acne at 15 and Stacy wasn't into you yet doesn't count at all, for what we go through. They want to preach, don't sit there and digest that BS.
Why do ITcucks always make assumptions about us, half of these things don't even apply to me
They love generalizing us of one edgy post they saw here. But they'll ignore all the truth posts we make here .
Don't give them attention
I'm honestly so tired of seeing itcuck posts, there's no point to arguing with them. They just ignore what we say and gaslight us by throwing baseless accusations without knowing a single thing about us.
all normies and ITcels are hypocrites

unlike them, incels are very consistent
No one on IT will read a single letter of this post
They hate us because it is impossible for them to relate to people with our condition, fucking faggots, you dont see us hating on someone with down syndrome for we know the pain and suffering these people have to go through. To say that we are emotionless creatures that only want to rape and abuse women makes these types of people worse than anyone of us.
Fr tho. Imagine if we said the shit that they said about a race of people. "Black people are emotionless creatures that only want to rape and abuse women" people would be mad about that but if they say it too us it's a okay to say jfl

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