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SuicideFuel my relationship with my dad is now OVER!

My Name Jeff

My Name Jeff

Jul 18, 2022
i haven't seen my dad in about 2 months and he called me last monday saying he was free this weekend so visit. i said okay i will come.

friday night he calls and says oh and by the way i need you to help me split some wood (he has done this forever 99% of my visits are just me doing physical labor for him)

i get there saturday and meet him. ask him how it's going and he acts annoyed i even asked. says he had another job for me. rototill the garden.

IMG 3144

(google image of what rototilling is so you know)

he has a massive garden that he doesn't even maintain this would take me hours and then i would have to split wood after too

i get annoyed and say i don't want to. he starts saying he needs me to help him. i say you must think im a fucking idiot if i'm doing that because i said i would visit and help split a BIT of wood

he then gets angry and starts saying "okay fine i guess you can just sit around and watch me work" and "i wish i knew this was a visit where you just wanted to talk because i had stuff i needed to do"

he then tries to guilt. saying he needed me to do this for him. how he has no time. (he goes to the casino to gamble every other day and is retired so this makes no sense)

we are both in a bad mood and go inside and sit there awkwardly. i then say i'm just going to head out because this isn't really going well. he then says "fine just fucking leave. you won't even help me? you can visit me at my funeral" and he walks away

so yes my relationship with my dad just ended because i wouldn't rototill his fucking garden
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he frames it as i was inconveniencing him by coming and not wanting to do 8-10 hours of physical labor. niggawat. he could do this any time in the previous months but frames it as it had to be on the day i came. JFL

i wageslave 5 days a week and spend 2 hours a day commuting. i work in an office but im still mentally drained on the weekend and don't want to do physical labor. he doesn't care though. it is insane to me, if he can't maintain the place he lives just downsize like WTF
idk why but this sound so made up
idk why but this sound so made up
a lot of stories involving my dad sound made up because of how fucking stupid they are. he lives backwards and has a backwards way of thinking. i'm glad i moved out a few years ago because he's only gotten worse and worse.

my mom said when she was with him a lot of her friends refused to go out and visit her because my dad would try and get my moms friends husbands to do yardwork for hours.
sorry to hear it man
sorry to hear it man
thanks. i've become so emotionally numb from being a KHHV 0 friends incel that this basically isn't phasing me but this occurrence has basically ruined my life plan since it hinged on inheriting his wealth to be able to quit wage slaving and enjoy life at some point.
wow your dad looks so young. Sorry to hear about the miscommunication between the two of you.
The picture you posted.
srry that was just a google image of what rototilling is to show what he wanted me to do. that isn't him. he is an older guy

but i wouldn't call it a miscommuncation. i'd call it him going crazy because he can't pawn yardwork on me so he can go to the casino like a typical boomer
thanks. i've become so emotionally numb from being a KHHV 0 friends incel that this basically isn't phasing me but this occurrence has basically ruined my life plan since it hinged on inheriting his wealth to be able to quit wage slaving and enjoy life at some point.
fair enough
idk why but this sound so made up
Trust me it isn’t.

My own father expected me to help him even out the freshly poured cement in the fucking driveway when I was a 13-14 year old babycel suffering from a fevER and painful or extremely uncomfortable urinary tract infection that made my balls ache.
Trust me it isn’t.

My own father expected me to help him even out the freshly poured cement in the fucking driveway when I was a 13-14 year old babycel suffering from a fevER and painful or extremely uncomfortable urinary tract infection that made my balls ache.
sounds exactly like mine. do you still talk with him?
sounds exactly like mine. do you still talk with him?
No as he’s been dead from metastatic malignant melanoma for 20 years now I think it is.

Don’t get me wrong he was a good man but we didn’t always get along largely because he loved being a workaholic and being outdoors and I fucking HATED both of those.

Though sure if I’d been popular with the ladies I would not at all have minded being a hardcore wage cuck to finance a family and or dating/taking out a gf/wife expenses but since women never gave a fuck about me I didn’t see the point.

And since my old man got his own wife ie my mother like most sexhavers he utterly lacked the self awareness to realize and understand that getting a woman is not quite as simple as “just talking to her”.

No, you must win the genetic lottery and be attractive first for that to work.
No as he’s been dead from metastatic malignant melanoma for 20 years now I think it is.

Don’t get me wrong he was a good man but we didn’t always get along largely because he loved being a workaholic and being outdoors and I fucking HATED both of those.

Though sure if I’d been popular with the ladies I would not at all have minded being a hardcore wage cuck to finance a family and or dating/taking out a gf/wife expenses but since women never gave a fuck about me I didn’t see the point.

And since my old man got his own wife ie my mother like most sexhavers he utterly lacked the self awareness to realize and understand that getting a woman is not quite as simple as “just talking to her”.

No, you must win the genetic lottery and be attractive first for that to work.
my dad is a verbal workaholic. it is very annoying and tiring. i have to listen to him constantly complain about how nobody works as hard as him, how he's constantly doing work around his farm, etc. etc. but NOTHING ever gets done, his place is falling apart, he constantly pins doing yard work on people that go to visit him, and he pretty much lives at a casino

i get the rants too about "just go out and talk to meet people. you will meet a good girl soon" yeah. no. not even remotely close to reality.
my mom said when she was with him a lot of her friends refused to go out and visit her because my dad would try and get my moms friends husbands to do yardwork for hours.
thanks. i've become so emotionally numb from being a KHHV 0 friends incel that this basically isn't phasing me but this occurrence has basically ruined my life plan since it hinged on inheriting his wealth to be able to quit wage slaving and enjoy life at some point.
I've become emotionally numb now too lol. I don't laugh unless I see some things in here.
BTW he hasnt reached out. infact he doubled down

he still talks with my mom since my mom buys stuff off him somestimes. he brought up this event with my mom, and my mom stuck up for me. she said he basically said he was in the right, i had an attitude, and when my mom said what he said hurt me, he said "good"

so yeah
i haven't seen my dad in about 2 months and he called me last monday saying he was free this weekend so visit. i said okay i will come.

friday night he calls and says oh and by the way i need you to help me split some wood (he has done this forever 99% of my visits are just me doing physical labor for him)

i get there saturday and meet him. ask him how it's going and he acts annoyed i even asked. says he had another job for me. rototill the garden.

View attachment 1159071
(google image of what rototilling is so you know)

he has a massive garden that he doesn't even maintain this would take me hours and then i would have to split wood after too

i get annoyed and say i don't want to. he starts saying he needs me to help him. i say you must think im a fucking idiot if i'm doing that because i said i would visit and help split a BIT of wood

he then gets angry and starts saying "okay fine i guess you can just sit around and watch me work" and "i wish i knew this was a visit where you just wanted to talk because i had stuff i needed to do"

he then tries to guilt. saying he needed me to do this for him. how he has no time. (he goes to the casino to gamble every other day and is retired so this makes no sense)

we are both in a bad mood and go inside and sit there awkwardly. i then say i'm just going to head out because this isn't really going well. he then says "fine just fucking leave. you won't even help me? you can visit me at my funeral" and he walks away

so yes my relationship with my dad just ended because i wouldn't rototill his fucking garden
Good for you, boyo. Just because he is your father doesn’t mean he can be a piece of shit (which he is) to you.
If you parents expected you to be free labor for them after they retire then they never loved you at all
Never had any form of affection or relationship with my Dad

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