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My PUA advice



Nov 8, 2017
I wrote this in response to someone in a thread but the thread got deleted.

This is my PUA advice:

Act really sweet to women, pretend to care about them, but actually not care deep down.

What's the difference between acting sweet and caring, and acting sweet and not caring? The guy that cares will always be probing for validation. He will scheme, and "muster up the courage to ask her out", and it's just cringey as fuck. Also, the guy that cares often has an uncontrollable urge to smile really big, that looks really ugly and creepy on men.

The guy that doesn't care will just say something sweet to a girl and go weeks and months without seeing the girl and he will not care. He won't text her or scheme to have extended conversations with her. If he runs into the girl in the hallway he will make a brief and charming compliment and then leave - he will only stay if the girl indicates that she wants to stay and talk. IF he smiles (you can be sweet without smiling), then it's a mildly happy smile, and not the big smile of infatuation like the guy that cares. If he asks a girl on a date, it's spontaneous and not planned. (Note: "asking a girl out" very rarely happens IRL. Usually touching happens first and then he asks the girl to hang out once physical intimacy is already well-established)

Everything in PUA books and the TRP subreddit is garbage. What I wrote above is the real advice when it comes to gaming women.
 Even Blackops2cel would be kind of cool if he took the sweet but not caring approach when it comes to interacting with women.
all PUA, RSD, seduction, ect is bullshit

if you can't get girls with a normal conversation you are ugly
JFL if you think this strategy will make you slay.

You are missing the #1 requirement... Be Attractive

You can be clingy as fuck if the girl likes you, it does not matter.
PUA advice take that shit elsewhere.
Your advice is bullshit. I have literally been doing this my entire life but the girl
Don’t give a shit about me. You need to have sexual appeal to women in order for
Your advice to work aka don’t be ugly.

If you are ugly, women will just forgot about the convo and you will be another face
In her life that gave her a compliment, aka an orbite.
This is like the most basic PUA advice ever. And it only works for Chads. If an incel tried this, the next time she sees him, she's be like "Who the fuck are you again? Get away from me before I call the cops".
This doesn't work for ugly people... you'll be considered a creep.
Wtf is this cope post? Get out or get blackpilled.
You guys are failing to understand my post. You are just seeing key phrases in my post that you recognize from PUA and you think it's the same, but there is a subtle difference.
This kind of stuff only works IF THE FEMALE IS ALREADY ATTRACTED TO YOU. And she decides whether you're attractive or not within the first few seconds of seeing you, and no amount of PUA techniques will change this fact.

If she finds your looks unattractive, then you can act however you want, it wont change anything.

He won't text her or scheme to have extended conversations with her.

Just LMAO at this kind of "act disinterested" advice, the female will be happy that the creepy guy finally leaves her alone, and will forget about him fast. It only works if the guy is a Chad and she's thirsty for meeting him again.

workcel 4ever said:
Just LMAO at this kind of "act disinterested" advice, the female will be happy that the creepy guy finally leaves her alone, and will forget about him fast. It only works if the guy is a Chad and she's thirsty for meeting him again.

No, you're not supposed to act disinterested, you are supposed to act interested. But forget it, I think I did a shitty job of explaining, and you guys may be right that it is just coping. I will keep investigating and see if I can develop a more robust personality theory.
I haven't been in the PUA community for a long time so I forgot most of the terms, but it has been the prevalent thought to only believe what works and what doesn't work in the field. All this theory bullshit online is just that - bullshit. Different things work for different men and the only way to find out is to go out there and do it yourself. When I first got invited into a legit lair, they straight up told me to ignore all that bullshit on the internet. Also every other guy there was redpilled as fuck, and laughed at anyone who brought up bluepill shit like "be nice to the girl." It is all about deception and finding women who are willing to fuck you quickly. Women use deception all the fucking time (makeup being the most obvious one), but they managed to convince society that it is ok when they do it but men don't.

All of this advice is worthless to incels, though. Incels could do everything correctly and still strike out.
How to become betabux 101.

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