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My prediction if I don't rope at 30



I love my wife Ochako Uraraka (she isn't real)
Sep 14, 2023
If I let my high inhib overcome me and I don't rope before its too late here is what will come for me
• Working near minimum wage
• Still watching hentai
• Crying about I never got a gf while being forced to see high schoolers in relationships
• My only thing comforting me would be the fake intimacy by Ochako Uraraka ASMRs
• On this forum

The thought of being an oldcel like some users here literally keeps me up at night and doesnt let me sleep.
How old are you now?
Honestly same brosky. I'm 23 and it already feels like my life is over. Every day that passes makes me feel an unnerving sense of dread, and I want to change, but I don't see how anything could improve if I do.
Honestly same brosky. I'm 23 and it already feels like my life is over. Every day that passes makes me feel an unnerving sense of dread, and I want to change, but I don't see how anything could improve if I do.
I feel it, I really hate to see 18-19 year olds on this forum but I fucking hate seeing minors trying to get here because 18-19 you still have a chance but for minors trying to get on this forum if you are still in high school like stay as far away from this forum as humanely possible because a month before I joined @Schery6 who was 16 committed suicide possibly from the BP causing suicidal thoughts.
Speaking of hentai, crazy how some hentai addict managed to beat up normies in front of their gfs at a BJJ tournament:feelskek:
Wym? What happened? Where?
Wym? What happened? Where?
Jiu jitsu world league

I am a hentai addict who watches real porn too and I beat up chads and normies all the time at jiu jitsu tournaments :feelskek:

Though there is also likely some hentai addict or artist out there who can beat up 99% of chads in a fight and I can bet you that hentai addict is Israel Adesanya considering if he is fucking weird enough to jerk off his dog like a foid he is for sure insane enough to masturbate to hentai
Jiu jitsu world league

I am a hentai addict who watches real porn too and I beat up chads and normies all the time at jiu jitsu tournaments :feelskek:

Though there is also likely some hentai addict or artist out there who can beat up 99% of chads in a fight and I can bet you that hentai addict is Israel Adesanya considering if he is fucking weird enough to jerk off his dog like a foid he is for sure insane enough to masturbate to hentai
damn, don’t dox yourself brocel.
But that is crazy, I heard of the dog thing but didn’t know if it was true or not. The dogpill has come for males as well now @tehgymcel420
You are still young
Eh but my youth is degrading quick

Also have something that can help me get out of here but I would have to DM you about it as I dont want to say it on the comments or make a thread about it if you want to hear about it lmk
damn, don’t dox yourself brocel.
But that is crazy, I heard of the dog thing but didn’t know if it was true or not. The dogpill has come for males as well now @tehgymcel420
I wont dox myself, jiu jitsu world league is all over the united states so its hard to tell where I live
Eh but my youth is degrading quick

Also have something that can help me get out of here but I would have to DM you about it as I dont want to say it on the comments or make a thread about it if you want to hear about it lmk
Alright, dm me then.
Honestly same brosky. I'm 23 and it already feels like my life is over. Every day that passes makes me feel an unnerving sense of dread, and I want to change, but I don't see how anything could improve if I do.
I'm also 23. And my inceldom is true. My body is fucked because I went through as a kid. And that's forever. I hope OP isn't similarly fucked.
Honestly same brosky. I'm 23 and it already feels like my life is over. Every day that passes makes me feel an unnerving sense of dread, and I want to change, but I don't see how anything could improve if I do.
Same here man. I'm turning 24 in a few months and I fear for my future, a lot.
Same here man. I'm turning 24 in a few months and I fear for my future, a lot.
Are you currently a neet? I've been neeting for so long that it's rotting my brain.
Are you currently a neet? I've been neeting for so long that it's rotting my brain.
Intermittently. I worked briefly in construction and ended up being a mockery of sorts, then an industrial laundry, obtaining state support since I left the latter job in October last year. Before then, lived as a NEET between 2018 and 2022.

It was fun at first, I must confess. Then it just became depressing.

Intermittently. I worked briefly in construction and ended up being a mockery of sorts, then an industrial laundry, obtaining state support since I left the latter job in October last year. Before then, lived as a NEET between 2018 and 2022.

It was fun at first, I must confess. Then it just became depressing.

That's pretty rough man. Indeed it is quite enjoyable, but eventually it starts to wear on you.

Yeah rn I'm neeting, but next week I start work at a shitty fast food place. I think I'm gonna save up so that I can go back to school.

I've worked in warehouse positions before, and it was horrible beyond measure. I can't imagine doing construction as an incel, that sounds brutal.
Honestly, at least you have some type of inborn talent like an affinity for martial arts. It's better than what I have available for potential copes and advancement opportunities to get ahead in life and make something of myself to give my life meaning and purpose which I will never attain.
Honestly, at least you have some type of inborn talent like an affinity for martial arts. It's better than what I have available for potential copes and advancement opportunities to get ahead in life and make something of myself to give my life meaning and purpose.
I have no talent I literally had to work for everything in my life harder than everyone else because martial arts are for mid genetic losers who cant build muscle

But speaking of martial arts, its insane how an hentai addict is able to defeat normies in fights
20 KHHV and friendless, but I'm neither depressed nor that rergetful. I know I never stood a chance, so I now just play video games, shitpost and go to uni. Also spend a lot of time with my father watching TV shows and the similar, as he is the only person I talk to IRL.
I have no talent I literally had to work for everything in my life harder than everyone else because martial arts are for mid genetic losers who cant build muscle

But speaking of martial arts, its insane how an hentai addict is able to defeat normies in fights
CM Punk convinced me you need at least some modicum of aptitude for your sport or any chosen field and discipline in general to even succeed somewhat at it. If you have absolutely zero talent, this is what your fights would look like. I unironically think almost anyone on this forum can beat this talentless hack and heem him into a coma.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S66qNZqLM80

But yes, everyone on this forum is still below average in everything, that includes talent and potential, so relative to normies and chads we get mogged and have less talent/potential than any of them. Everything is relative in a competition like the rat race called life and being compared to the other guy to see if you're better or worse is all that matters. Since we still have less talent than more genetically gifted individuals, we will always be inferior to others and fall short relative to them except for rare occasions where incels get to rise about their station by sheer autism and dedication to hard work if their cope involves lots of grinding to self improoove (not in a BS redpilled way obviously). Like yours I guess.
But yes, everyone on this forum is still below average in everything, that includes talent and potential, so relative to normies and chads we get mogged and have less talent/potential than any of them. Everything is relative in a competition and being compared to the other guy to see if you're better or worse is all that matters. Since we still have less talent than more genetically gifted individuals, we will always be inferior to others and fall short relative to them except for rare occasions where incels get to rise about their station by sheer autism and dedication to hard work if their cope involves lots of grinding to self improoove (not in a BS redpilled way obviously). Like yours I guess.
I guess Craig Jones was right about autism being the way to succeed in martial arts :feelskek:

Speaking of redpillfags I would love to watch them get humbled by some hentai artist who can beat up 95% of MMAmaxxers
I guess Craig Jones was right about autism being the way to succeed in martial arts :feelskek:
Hobbies and interests that require you to repetitively single mindedly grind mindlessly nonstop to become better at them are basically perfectly suited for autists used to predictable patterns of thought from intimate personal experience. Their natural behavior is essentially already the best way to improve and become good at the relevant hobby in question since they're naturally prone to repetition. Being creatures of habit helps out here immensely.
That's pretty rough man. Indeed it is quite enjoyable, but eventually it starts to wear on you.

Yeah rn I'm neeting, but next week I start work at a shitty fast food place. I think I'm gonna save up so that I can go back to school.

I've worked in warehouse positions before, and it was horrible beyond measure. I can't imagine doing construction as an incel, that sounds brutal.
I look back on construction with mixed feelings, the worst slights to me by the people I worked with was after I had left ironically enough. There were some people there I genuinely dislike on a personal level. Others were alright, but I just never fit in - despite my efforts.

So not entirely bad, there was some 'good' moments, but they were fleeting in retrospect. I'm glad I left.

The laundry didn't work out because I suffer from mental illness, which has since worsened.
I look back on construction with mixed feelings, the worst slights to me by the people I worked with was after I had left ironically enough. There were some people there I genuinely dislike on a personal level. Others were alright, but I just never fit in - despite my efforts.

So not entirely bad, there was some 'good' moments, but they were fleeting in retrospect. I'm glad I left.

The laundry didn't work out because I suffer from mental illness, which has since worsened.
Sorry to hear that friend. Mental health should be the number one thing to focus on first and foremost. Anything after that is just a social construct designed to prevent us from thinking about life. :feelsokman:

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