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LifeFuel My plan for 2023.



Based 5'7" American Patriotcel
Dec 14, 2022
So, this year has been crap as usual for a 5'7" subhuman manlet like me. Living in Los Angeles, where every foid is a damn vapid and materialistic feminazi. And being pro-gun (or expressing any political opinion right of Tha Kween Alexandria Hoxhasio-Cortez will get you shunned. The femtards always say how they don't owe us anything and men are not entitled to their bodies, but then don't practice what they preach. We're not allowed anything and must stay away from foids for ever, but they are allowed to like men?

Fuck it, I'm saying it! There ought to be a law that makes it illegal for feminists to have a partner of the opposite sex, at least then they won't be able to keep any man miserable. Even the betas and normies. Let them live alone with their 500 cats and boxes of boxed wine, and up to them if they want to live it alone or have a lezzy orgie together. Let's segregate them into the garbagehole dumpsters like Bay Area, Los Angeles, Sandy Ego, Chicago (we're keeping the downstate Illinois), NYC (we're keeping upstate NY), Philly, DC, Baltimore, Boston, Seattle, Portland, Austin, MadisonWI, Ann Arbor, and other dumpsterfires like that. There they can all worship their Kween Hoxhasio-Cortez alone, far away from all men. I mean, in Kenya they can have this all female village, we can also sacrifice these cringe places for them.

So, initial rant aside, I now got this plan. I'm thinking of learning Italian and then joining the US military, hoping I'm gonna get stationed in Italy.

Now any anglo foids (American, British, Canadian, Australian) are so god damned awful, ugly and feminazis. Think probably best of the bunch are Americans from red states, and French Canadians from Quebec area (they're more based). But the American blue staters, Anglo Canadians, and all Aussie and Britbong foids, yuck. All men should completely give them the wide berth, never have any sex or relationships with them. Let them die alone in the manless paradise they desire.

Now I'm not into Asian or Eastern Europeans, they're a bit far removed from the West, and Asians also have too small tits. Though they are more based.

So in Western Europe, we have military primarily in Germany, Italy, UK and Spain. UK can automatically stay away from, like I said. But only the Chair Force mostly goes there, and if you get stationed there, guess petition for getting stationed elsewhere or discharge. Also totally stay away from Spain (Navy there), they have also become extreme feminazis.

That leaves two: Germany and Italy. From what I've understood, German girls like the Tyrones, while Italians are racist, so there ought to be a deployment policy:

* Married - stay stateside, no risk of dependas
* Single black, Asian males - to Germany
* Single white, latino males - to Italy
Now the good thing is, I'll say it untranslated: LE DONNE ITALIANE NON SONO FEMMINISTE.

Italian Americans don't count.

Just to be on the safe side, stay away from Emilia Romagna and Tuscany (essentially Italy's equivalents of Calizuela and Marxachusetts), see the red on the map. But this year, the rest of Italy totally went for Meloni and Salvini and Berlusconi. BASED. The left totally got wiped out! Meloni is a female, but not like Hitlery Cliton.

Plus, in Italy you can be a Chad even when you're not 6 feet tall. Berlusconi is 5'5" and he got so much mad pussy, he made Italy very based. As it was, when Italian women were asked if they would have sex with him, 38% said Yes and 62% said "Again?".

Also, as a good patriot, Italy is our big ally in Europe. While now that Meloni became Prime Minister, the left-Dem feminazis have all said that they intend to boycott Italy and now also eating pasta or pizza will make you a fascist. Showed their true colors, huh. Though to be fair, they always wanted to cancel Columbus Day. Shows you how Italophobic they are.

Plus, since Italy is now facing a hostile EU with Germany and France, we need to really cultivate better relations with them. Maybe then they can finally be free from Europe.

And the ugly Anglofoid heads will explode when we have so many hot based Italian women, who cook pasta naked. Plus, they do anal too, as it was a tradition that to stay a virgin until marriage, you did anal. So then the Anglofoid PHDS in Gender Studies, who scream in your face all day about patriarchy this, patriarchy that, and how all white men and all masculinity are toxic and fragile and mediocre and everything will have nothing to offer. Why would you choose a anglofoid who despises you simply for existing over a Mediterranean hottie? Beckies and Stacies are yesterday's news, time now for Chiaras. Then the far left Anglofoids will probably start protesting with signs "PASTA AND PIZZA DAGO CUNTS WILL NOT REPLACE US!" While they start pushing for laws calling for gun owners, conservatives and non-college graduates, and all men under 5'8" to be executed, in their far-left shitholes like Calizuela and Marxachussetts.

Also a good thing with the Roe thing. In Italy, they just had extreme COVID Tyranny, but now with Meloni, it's gone, no green pass. So they hate tyranny and feminists, they won't ask us to present a Vasectomy Pass to fuck. BASATO E ROSSOPILLATO!!!
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brutal first post pill
I'd recommend against joining the military, especially with the current state of world affairs.
Segregate US between white conservatives and white liberals/niggers/spics
Yeah don't die for foids.
Imagine training for months, running until your legs give out while carrying heavy equipment, improving your marksmanship, & becoming a proper soldier...

...just to be thrown into a meat grinder & mowed down without firing a single shot :feelskek:

Imagine training for months, running until your legs give out while carrying heavy equipment, improving your marksmanship, & becoming a proper soldier...

...just to be thrown into a meat grinder & mowed down without firing a single shot :feelskek:

View attachment 690518
Meanwhile the whole time a foid is being fucked by Chad at home. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I think it's a giant cope but good luck italiamaxxing
I guess. But we still have our own special brand of tradcuck pussy worshipping so the end result is still the same.
In general as a spaghetticel i think you are coping hard but whatever
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Mental illness
I'd recommend against joining the military, especially with the current state of world affairs.
Best army:
if you're joining armies in the west, you're allowing the femnazi whore degen immoral culture that has robbed the livelihood of most males in the west to continue thriving

join the otherside, so you can maybe pillage some foids in victory
I guess. But we still have our own special brand of tradcuck pussy worshipping so the end result is still the same.
In general as a spaghetticel i think you are coping hard but whatever
Grazie per i vostri pensieri.

Also in Sweden in the last cycle, men voted 60-40 for the based right bloc, while women voted 60-40 for the left. So still a trap.

It can't be that bad though? Compared to 400 lb landwhales with rainbow-color painted pussy hair and painted armpit hair and stinky, with gender studies/sociology/ethnic studies/whatever social studies PHDs, who scream all day about patriarchy and privileges and how all white men are mediocre, and how all masculinity is fragile and toxic.

Or have you heard stuff like "tutti gli uomini sono stupratori misogini" being said? If in places like Bologna/Florence, guess that doesn't really matter, as it's those red areas. And if I remember, the current commie party (PD) was essentially like a subsidiary of our retarded Democrats, you know, the wokecucks who want to ban all guns? "No one needs X guns and Y guns and Z guns" While I'm like, Fuck off, read the second amendment. If you don't like guns, you don't have to live in America, I'm a nice guy, I'll be glad to help those Berkeley leftists/libtards pack and move to another country.
And at least the North (Lombardia, Veneto) are based Lega-voting right, with the strongest economies. Good for them, in America the blue states are like an abusive spouse, never fail to remind everyone that they "fund the red states", but also want to ban all guns and take a shit on anyone who chose not to go to college and work in some shitty corporate job. And if I remember, Rome and the south were poor, but based trad?

Plus, at least you guys had no consent laws, right? So can't say in court that "Non ho acconsentito con sufficiente entusiasmo" or something? This "enthusiastic consent" bullcrap that keeps cucking many Western European countries. "Yes means yes, but only if you're taller than 6' (oops, 182.88 cm) and buy me stuff".

And no retarded social studies buzzwords, like "patriarchy", "X privilege", "mediocre white men", "toxic masculinity", "fragile masculinity", "objectification", "sexualize", etc. etc bullshit our anglo feminut overlards keep shouting at us all the time. Well, forgive me for not majoring in gender studies, I didn't know that was a requirement now. While they always want to asexualize and transsexualize men, because we're rapists and misogynists. Awesome. And walletifying men is cool actually, right?

Believe me, if you had to have even a five minute conversation with one of those 400 pound (sorry, 181.44 kg) feminut foids, you'd probably want to rope immediately.
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Cba to read, each year is the same old shit
Believe me, if you had to have even a five minute conversation with one of those 400 pound (sorry, 181.44 kg) feminut foids, you'd probably want to rope immediately.
Guarda, ora che ci penso la California è praticamente l'inferno sulla terra per gli incel. Forse potresti avere anche relativo successo qui in Spaghettistan tbh.
Are you italian american OP? Or anglo? Just curious. Also your italian seems pretty decent.
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Guarda, ora che ci penso la California è praticamente l'inferno sulla terra per gli incel. Forse potresti avere anche relativo successo qui in Spaghettistan tbh.
Are you italian american OP? Or anglo?
Grazie, grazie mille. Purtroppo, sono un anglo (irlandese da Chicago/portoghese da Central Valley).

Guarda, ora che ci penso la California è praticamente l'inferno sulla terra per gli incel

California è l'inferno sulla terra anche per gli uomini non-LGBT, proprietari di armi, conservatori e patrioti americani. Ma chiamano gli stati rossi "hillbillies" e "hicks" e "rednecks", e dicono che i tutti gli proprietari di armi hanno cazzi piccoli. Inoltre, se si possiede un pick-up o un SUV grande (Ford F-150/250/350, Chevrolet Silverado, Ram, Ford Expedition/Lincoln Navigator, Chevrolet Tahoe/Suburban/Cadillac Escalade) - "stai solo compensando il tuo cazzo piccolo, dovreste guidare una Prius (o qualsialsi altro ibrido/veicolo elettrico) come tutti noi!!!!"

Ma voi non mescolate le razze? Da Reddit: ragazze tedesche amano la soldati afroamericani:

Can confirm, German girls love black American servicemen, because they're laid back, in good shape and friendly. Unlike a lot of German men. Also the traditional, Southern German shape (I live near Kaiserslautern, large American airbase there) falls to thick legs and rounded bottoms which is also a popular afro-american aesthetic, kind of a match made in heaven. Neurotic white Stefan who's obsessed with his mother and his career and can't get loose, or a lovely, confident black man that talks you crazy and is warm and loving?
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Purtroppo, sono un anglo
JFL. Shouldn't be a problem. Another thing, are you extroverted/neurotypical? It's especially very important here.
I disagree with others I think joining the military is not a bad idea, albeit a bit risky. There's no way you'll get sent to war as that's political suicide for any sitting president. Yes the experience itself probably will suck, not because it'll be particularly hard but rather you'll be going to what is essentially adult daycare surrounded by drooling retards and now even foids are allowed in :feelspuke:

Despite that during the coming economic collapse being in the military could be useful since you'll have guaranteed employment, and if shit gets really bad you'll be on the right side of the guns. And you're correct Italy is one of the least fucked places in Europe, socially that is economically it's in shambles but who cares about that.
JFL. Shouldn't be a problem. Another thing, are you extroverted/neurotypical? It's especially very important here.
I'd say I'm leaning extroverted? But I could say it may depend on the person I'm with.

If I'm in the company of some 40-year old Karen in a corporate office who keeps blabbering about her children's Little League games and her family trips (think your average American suburban AWFL soccer mom), then I may have bit of introverted feels, like my social battery is gone.
Like, no, I don't care about the fact that you let some 6' Chad nut inside you and everyone should now be obliged hear about how great your offspring is, or worse, about how she does it with her Chad in bed.

But I must say I tend to have a bit odd interests (though for an American, might be quite typical) - firearms, cars, history. If I'm in the company of some people who do these things, I could talk for hours and wear their ears off. And crack a joke or two, and have a lot of fun.
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I'd say I'm leaning extroverted? But I could say it may depend on the person I'm with
Good. I'm a weird introverted autist instead. Big part of why i'm incel.
Good. I'm a weird introverted autist instead. Big part of why i'm incel.
Grazie, grazie mille.

But having some very stereotypical American interests like firearms, pickup trucks/SUVs, FPS/mil-sim games, US/Euro politics... Guess if staying out of PD-leftist places like Bologna/Firenze, would be cool? Or at least not a deal-breaker. Though I must say I'm not really into soccer that much. As for sports in general, I like some friendly soccer game with friends, but not the big leagues (don't really care for NFL).

Plus, so there are six duty stations. Air Force in Pordenone/Aviano, Army in Vicenza and Livorno, Navy in Gaeta, Napoli and Sigonella. If I understood, Livorno better flee as it was the birthplace of the communist party, but rest should be basato?
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I disagree with others I think joining the military is not a bad idea, albeit a bit risky. There's no way you'll get sent to war as that's political suicide for any sitting president. Yes the experience itself probably will suck, not because it'll be particularly hard but rather you'll be going to what is essentially adult daycare surrounded by drooling retards and now even foids are allowed in :feelspuke:

Despite that during the coming economic collapse being in the military could be useful since you'll have guaranteed employment, and if shit gets really bad you'll be on the right side of the guns. And you're correct Italy is one of the least fucked places in Europe, socially that is economically it's in shambles but who cares about that.
Yeah. I wasn't even planning to really go to a war. Just hope that get sent to Italy and just take it easy. Remember one guy was in Vicenza in 2014, he said that "I could have spent my summer in Vicenza drinking wine and fucking Italian women, but instead I got posted to some Baltic dumpster fire wearing the slave suit (uniform), doing nothing productive, just for a photo-op for the generals."

On the right side of the guns. Yeah. I've always liked them, but sadly had to live in a very Anti-2A state, Calizuela, so had to settle for FPSs and milsims. But they're thE fiFtH LaRgesT eConOmY in tHe wOrLd though, except if you don't want to work a corporate job with all those smug suburban liberal pricks in suits. So yeah. Hoping to get to Italy, as for a long-term plan, serve for some years, become a NCO maybe, retire with many awesome skills (on the off-time, could also learn making homemade pasta and all those other delicacies), bring back a hot AF Stacy Chiara who cooks pasta naked (and watch those Italophobic WASP liberal feminist foids' heads explode), and settle in a red state full of Republican patriots, the real roughnecks who can live off the land and rely on their local communities, instead of the federal government and abusive blue staters, away from those West Coast/Northeast liberal traitors. Put up the Old Glory in front of the house that I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for like in California. Hopefully there can ideally work at (or maybe even run) a gun range/club. Or a garage (no hybrids or EVs). Or an American Graffiti-like diner. On the side, play FPS/mil-sim games. Optionally maybe volunteer in local GOP/NRA/GoA if those liberals try to ruin those places ("Nobody needs to own a gun at all!!!")
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Hope you succeed ngl and have some sort of career that don’t screw you
or your time wasted
Just hope that get sent to Italy and just take it easy.
That's a big risk you could get deployed elsewhere. You better have a backup plan if so. I recall you get to pick your preferred destinations but idk what the chances are.

And if you aren't already be sure to prepare by losing weight, doing lots of calisthenics and jogging with proper form or you'll end up with some kind of shitty injury from all the rucksacking they make you do.

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