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SuicideFuel My photofeeler update. 40 votes with my BEST picture

I understand the boot.
And my workout routines pretty solid, i've gained 8lbs of muscle in a year despite having naturally low T.
That being said, musculature is cope it's all about frame.
There's no gym for your bones
High IQ bro. Frame is very important.
You can "work" with your frame but it will be a tremendous limiting factor.
Huh bagelcel can't confirm shit. Bagelcel knew the rules. No sharing of inchat pictures on internet boards. He broke that rule ergo I kicked him from server.

Can't trust guys who share other guys stuff for personal gains
This is why I have yet to post pics. No one can be trusted.
ITT normies and chadlite+s identify themselves
This is why I have yet to post pics. No one can be trusted.
Me neither. I haven't posted pics. I run my own trusted group of incels discord server. The guys there know the rules.

I only add reputable long lasting members after I check them out for a long time. Good for blackpill advice on more personal things that the world doesn't need to know about.
ITT normies and chadlite+s identify themselves
I plan on becoming NT. Already starting to get there tbh. Maybe 4 months?
High IQ bro. Frame is very important.
You can "work" with your frame but it will be a tremendous limiting factor.
I'd say when it comes to body attractiveness it's 70% frame 30% musculature.
I'm not going to just LDAR cause i have a shit frame/skinny fat genetics though. I'm still trying to work on that 30%
smile more theory confirmed
Not even going to lie, OP did look pretty angry/intimidating in that picture..
Was a good picture IMO but he looked unfriendly/unapproachable
Me neither. I haven't posted pics. I run my own trusted group of incels discord server. The guys there know the rules.

I only add reputable long lasting members after I check them out for a long time. Good for blackpill advice on more personal things that the world doesn't need to know about.

I plan on becoming NT. Already starting to get there tbh. Maybe 4 months?
Sure Tyrone. Just get more people to reveal themselves huh?
Sure Tyrone. Just get more people to reveal themselves huh?
Lol. I haven't exposed anyone on anything. I never would. I am not out to out people like you are buddy boyo.

I just help brothers with ascension as they help me.

You are adamant on publically exposing people. You just keep us down with you man. Some <21 youngcels can still ascend into normie status. Don't shit on them bro just to make yourself feel better. Lets keep it real.
@NEETAndTidy I would kill to be 165lb holy shit
It is good frame.
Lol. I haven't exposed anyone on anything. I never would. I am not out to out people like you are buddy boyo.

I just help brothers with ascension as they help me.

You are adamant on publically exposing people. You just keep us down with you man. Some <21 youngcels can still ascend into normie status. Don't shit on them bro just to make yourself feel better. Lets keep it real.

It is good frame.
I'm adamant because you're a legit Tyrone fakecel
I'm adamant because you're a legit Tyrone fakecel
It is what is is. I am a mentalcel however and will overcome that to ascend. Sorry if that isn't whatyou want to hear but if I do not try to ascend then I am a fakecel imo
Halo effect confirmed. Not attractive = not smart = not trustworthy.
When ethics go on pf they get no votes at all
I bet someone said this before but... It's over for you!
How's your ab definition? I'm 5'11 155lbs and could be much leaner, probably 12-14% bf atm. 165 for 5'6 sounds fat to me.
Lol abs. I'm chubby but hide it well. Decent frame
What kind of shit application allows you to pass judgement on people based on looks, especially regarding intelligence and trustworthiness?
It's how smart you look and not how smart you are. The app could come in handy if you are trying to lean your appearance in a way to make you look as of you are smart/thug/nice.
How did you get 40 votes? Did you pay for it?
They were probably also teeheeing when rating you
Absolutely. We all know real incels never breach 20-25%. I have never made it above 10% unless it's a picture of animals or art with me out of focus in the background.

You fakecels need to fuck off and die.
I just uploaded my pic. Two votes and both didn't find me attractive. On the pic I was almost looksmaxxed so it's over for me.
I just uploaded my pic. Two votes and both didn't find me attractive. On the pic I was almost looksmaxxed so it's over for me.
You need to wait till you have 20+
You need to wait till you have 20+

I will and then post here again.
One of them commented saying I look "uncomfortable" on the picture. Foids can smell insecurity 100 miles against the wind.
OP, what comments did they post on your pic?
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On a second pic I now also have reached an attractiveness rating of 82% and women run away when they see me in real life. I tend to agree...It is only about lighting, the right angle, right clothing etc.
I don't get any votes on this shit. How long does it take?
I don't get any votes on this shit. How long does it take?
You need to rate other people to build up your karma or pay for votes.
When should i stop asking for votes for that photo? I have 5 votes and 45% smart, 36% trustworthy and 53% attractive so far. Comments include that i look intense and should be smiling more, perhaps that may be reducing my rating? How many votes should i wait for it to be reliable and is it really reliable?
When should i stop asking for votes for that photo? I have 5 votes and 45% smart, 36% trustworthy and 53% attractive so far. Comments include that i look intense and should be smiling more, perhaps that may be reducing my rating? How many votes should i wait for it to be reliable and is it really reliable?
Wait till you have 20+ then itll be most accurate.

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