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JFL My Parents Are Depressed



Aug 14, 2022
Sad Ben Affleck GIF

Ha Ha Ha Lol GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios

So, my sister reached out because she wants us all to sit down with our boomer parents because they’ve been struggling with depression. Kek.

fat honey boo boo GIF

So, my chronically narcissistic mother is apparently been in the dumps because, having never taken care of herself in her entire life, is basically so fat and out of shape that she can barely move now. A lifetime of poor personal health has caught up to her. She just lays in bed basically all day and does nothing. She also complains that she has no one because all the kids are out the house, and all my dad does is work all the time, so she feels lonely. My dad also isn’t really attracted to her and hasn’t been in years tbh. I don’t even think he even likes being around her because she’s kind of gone totally crazy in recent years. Also, I’ve never really caught my parents having sex growing up. I honestly don’t think they really had sex at all once they were done having kids.

This is hard on my mom because she’s the most judgmental and prideful person I know, despite being a complete loser herself. She makes fun of fat and disabled people, and says she thinks they’re gross, despite being both of those things. The last time we went out to dinner, she was making fun of the waiter, who was small, skinny, seemed kinda gay. Not to his face, of course. She can’t go anywhere without judging and making comments about random people.

I Think You Should Leave Season 3 GIF by The Lonely Island

My dad is burnt out because he works all the time. This is because he has literally zero retirement savings and hasn’t paid off anything (house, cars, etc.) despite being in his 60s and has made good money his entire life. My dad has basically made the equivalent (adjusted for inflation) of like $150kish average his entire life, and yet has always struggled with money.

He would always blame this on us and complain about how hard it is to raise a bunch of kids, as if we fucking asked to be born. He bitched and whined about how expensive we were his whole life, as if he couldn’t have just not had kids. He could’ve at least stopped at my sister, instead of shitting out a bunch of inkies with mutilated cocks. The only person of my siblings to get married, or even have a gf/bf is my sister, surprise, surprise. The funniest part is he would even say he never wanted kids, and that we were all accidents. Well, who’s fault is that, dad?

Anyways, ontop of working like 60 hours a week in his 60s, my dad also has to do all the chores, clean everything, shop for groceries, and everything else, because, as mentioned before, my mom can barely move. He apparently told my sister, “It’s like caring for a wheelchair vegetable,” and, “There’s no escape. This is my life.” Or some shit like that. Like damn, I wonder who’s fault that is.

The Simpsons Animation GIF by FOX TV

Anyways, after mutilating my cock, being strict, angry helicopter parents, being religious freaks, always judging me and others, yelling at me all the time, and even hitting me on occasion, and overall just ruining my life as a child and now, they’re now admitting their life sucks. And they expect me to give a shit. Hahaha, fuck no!

The main difference is their life sucks because of the choices they made, and my life also sucks because of the choices they made. So I don’t give a fuck. I would tell them how much I despise them, but their life sucks anyways. Plus, I still want my inheritance (however meager it is), and with my parents’ condition, I don’t expect to be attending my parents’ 105th birthday party.
Honestly with inflation and rising costs of living compared to stagnating wages, situations like your parent's aren't that uncommon. Still it was their own deliberate choice to keep living a way that was beyond their means and they suffered for their own decisions despite knowing full well in advance it the risks associated with it.
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Not your problem. I wouldn't think twice about it.
Honestly with inflation and rising costs of living compared to stagnating wages, situations like your parent's aren't that uncommon. Still it was their own deliberate choice to keep living a way that was beyond their means and they suffered for their own decisions despite knowing full well in advance it the risks associated with it.
They’re like 35 years into paying off a 30 year mortgage. Shit makes no fucking sense to me. I don’t understand it. They’re just shit with money, and they waste money on shit they don’t need.
They’re like 35 years into paying off a 30 year mortgage. Shit makes no fucking sense to me. I don’t understand it. They’re just shit with money, and they waste money on shit they don’t need.
My parents make bad decisions to buy things they can't afford but at the same time they're wasteful of their money and also bad with managing their money too. The first is hubris but financial illiteracy makes everything worse when you combine those two factors together.
Not your problem. I wouldn't think twice about it.
Mothers Day Mom GIF

The worst part is they try to be the “Cool, fun” parents to us now even though we’re all fucking adults. I think they feel bad for being assholes our whole lives, but it’s literally too fucking late.

My dad once said to me a while ago

>I think I’ve become a lot softer and nicer over the years. I’m not as strict of a dad anymore.

And I was like, “Sure dad, but I’m 23 and I live alone now. It doesn’t matter to me.” And he just went silent. I think that was when he realized we had all grown up and it was too late to right his wrongs and make us like him.

It sucks hanging out with them because they act all nice and lovey dovey to me now because I’m an adult and they don’t wanna be alone. But this is the same mother that sucker punched me in Walmart when I was 13. Literally almost 30 years too late.

I just can’t handle them being nice to me. It hurts my brain, and messes with my emotions. Then I remember all the bad things they did to me, and I just go quiet.

tomato satisfying GIF

My mom has been redpilled on circumcision by me and understands she mutilated all her sons. All she says now is shit like

>I know better, so I can do better.

Wdym do better, bitch? You’re done having kids. You’re like fucking 60. She just can’t admit she fucked up raising her kids in every way because being a good mother was her only thing (she never was a good mother). She never had a job, or hobbies, or skills. She didn’t even play sports or do band in highschool or something. She’s literally never really done anything. She was a “full-time mom” as she liked to say, and she sucked even at that. So now she’s at the end, and she’s realizing all her kids are fucking failures despite her only thing her whole life was being a “good mom.”

My mom’s biggest success is my sister, who failed out of college, got knocked up by an obese weed dealer, and just shitted out a bunch of kids and is permanently poor. At least my sister had sex I guess, which neither me nor my brothers have ever accomplished.

Anyways, my parents are always talking about how they want to “grow and improve” in their fucking 60s. Like nigga, your life is over. We don’t want the “cool mom and dad” now. We’re all fucking adults. You missed your chance.
Sad Ben Affleck GIF

Ha Ha Ha Lol GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios

So, my sister reached out because she wants us all to sit down with our boomer parents because they’ve been struggling with depression. Kek.

fat honey boo boo GIF

So, my chronically narcissistic mother is apparently been in the dumps because, having never taken care of herself in her entire life, is basically so fat and out of shape that she can barely move now. A lifetime of poor personal health has caught up to her. She just lays in bed basically all day and does nothing. She also complains that she has no one because all the kids are out the house, and all my dad does is work all the time, so she feels lonely. My dad also isn’t really attracted to her and hasn’t been in years tbh. I don’t even think he even likes being around her because she’s kind of gone totally crazy in recent years. Also, I’ve never really caught my parents having sex growing up. I honestly don’t think they really had sex at all once they were done having kids.

This is hard on my mom because she’s the most judgmental and prideful person I know, despite being a complete loser herself. She makes fun of fat and disabled people, and says she thinks they’re gross, despite being both of those things. The last time we went out to dinner, she was making fun of the waiter, who was small, skinny, seemed kinda gay. Not to his face, of course. She can’t go anywhere without judging and making comments about random people.

I Think You Should Leave Season 3 GIF by The Lonely Island

My dad is burnt out because he works all the time. This is because he has literally zero retirement savings and hasn’t paid off anything (house, cars, etc.) despite being in his 60s and has made good money his entire life. My dad has basically made the equivalent (adjusted for inflation) of like $150kish average his entire life, and yet has always struggled with money.

He would always blame this on us and complain about how hard it is to raise a bunch of kids, as if we fucking asked to be born. He bitched and whined about how expensive we were his whole life, as if he couldn’t have just not had kids. He could’ve at least stopped at my sister, instead of shitting out a bunch of inkies with mutilated cocks. The only person of my siblings to get married, or even have a gf/bf is my sister, surprise, surprise. The funniest part is he would even say he never wanted kids, and that we were all accidents. Well, who’s fault is that, dad?

Anyways, ontop of working like 60 hours a week in his 60s, my dad also has to do all the chores, clean everything, shop for groceries, and everything else, because, as mentioned before, my mom can barely move. He apparently told my sister, “It’s like caring for a wheelchair vegetable,” and, “There’s no escape. This is my life.” Or some shit like that. Like damn, I wonder who’s fault that is.

The Simpsons Animation GIF by FOX TV

Anyways, after mutilating my cock, being strict, angry helicopter parents, being religious freaks, always judging me and others, yelling at me all the time, and even hitting me on occasion, and overall just ruining my life as a child and now, they’re now admitting their life sucks. And they expect me to give a shit. Hahaha, fuck no!

The main difference is their life sucks because of the choices they made, and my life also sucks because of the choices they made. So I don’t give a fuck. I would tell them how much I despise them, but their life sucks anyways. Plus, I still want my inheritance (however meager it is), and with my parents’ condition, I don’t expect to be attending my parents’ 105th birthday party.
Do you have any fond memory of your parents at all? Or were they just straight up shit parents. I would focus on yourself first, but if they are regretful about what they did (and had their good qualities about them as well) then maybe give them a chance. If they were shitty with no redeeming qualities, just say you don’t have time for people who ruined their their own life and yours as well.
Do you have any fond memory of your parents at all?
All of my fond memories with my parents were either when I was super young or when I was already an adult. i mean like my mom singing to me before bed when I was like seven or some shit. Or my dad working out with me when I was an adult. Something like that. The years 10-20 were basically hell, and I had no peace when they were around.

I remember my dad calling me a “disgusting pervert” and that I was “Thinking with my penis,” when I was like 13 or something because I got a girl’s phone number in Wal-Mart. Literally the only time I’ve ever gotten a girl’s phone number. He also beat me a little bit after. Now they always ask when I’m getting married despite never having a gf and always being shamed and called a pervert because I was attracted to women growing up. Doesn’t matter because I was never gonna get married anyways.
Or were they just straight up shit parents.
Shit parents.
I would focus on yourself first, but if they are regretful about what they did (and had their good qualities about them as well) then maybe give them a chance. If they were shitty with no redeeming qualities, just say you don’t have time for people who ruined their their own life and yours as well.
Give them a chance for what? My life sucks. There’s no do over in life. They apologized for circumcising me once they realized how much it bothered me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I get stretching pains when I get a boner.

>Oh, they’re good people on the inside.

Who gives a fuck? We don’t live “on the inside.” We live in a physical universe where actions have irreversible consequences.

View: https://youtu.be/KkG7x-hwqN8?feature=shared

There is no deep down. We are what we do.
All of my fond memories with my parents were either when I was super young or when I was already an adult. i mean like my mom singing to me before bed when I was like seven or some shit. Or my dad working out with me when I was an adult. Something like that. The years 10-20 were basically hell, and I had no peace when they were around.
Idk bro, I guess only you can look back and see if you will regret not being there for them or if you should cut them off.

I remember my dad calling me a “disgusting pervert” and that I was “Thinking with my penis,” when I was like 13 or something because I got a girl’s phone number in Wal-Mart. Literally the only time I’ve ever gotten a girl’s phone number. He also beat me a little bit after. Now they always ask when I’m getting married despite never having a gf and always being shamed and called a pervert because I was attracted to women growing up. Doesn’t matter because I was never gonna get married anyways.
If they ask you, just say you don’t want to be a disgusting pervert like they called you growing up and don’t want to go near women anymore.

Shit parents.

Give them a chance for what? My life sucks. There’s no do over in life. They apologized for circumcising me once they realized how much it bothered me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I get stretching pains when I get a boner.

>Oh, they’re good people on the inside.

Who gives a fuck? We don’t live “on the inside.” We live in a physical universe where actions have irreversible consequences.

View: https://youtu.be/KkG7x-hwqN8?feature=shared

There is no deep down. We are what we do.

By redeeming qualities I mean they tried to be good to you in any capacity, but were just shitty parents due to stupidity, being self destructive, were abused themselves, or something like that.

And since they are Christians (I’m assuming), maybe use this quote:

“Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.”
-Gal 5:2, NKJV
Idk bro, I guess only you can look back and see if you will regret not being there for them or if you should cut them off.
unimpressed morgan freeman GIF

They mean basically nothing to me. I don’t believe in that “Blood’s thicker than water,” shit. I don’t owe them anything just because they shat me out into a miserable life. Most people love their parents because their parents loved them back. They don’t love their parents out of obligation. If my parents were just random strangers I met, I wouldn’t even be friends with them.

Loving your parents is the default. That’s what humans want to do. You have to fuck up really hard to make your own children not like you. If my parents were decent, I wouldn’t have to try to like them.
If they ask you, just say you don’t want to be a disgusting pervert like they called you growing up and don’t want to go near women anymore.
girl friend girls GIF by South Park

It’s kind of funny. My parents made us all wear purity rings and would brag about their “pure virgin sons” who weren’t even allowed to date. I guess bragging about your children’s virginity at church stops being cool once your kids turn 25 kek. What’s wrong, mom? I’m still that pure virgin son that’s never had a gf that you used to brag about?
By redeeming qualities I mean they tried to be good to you in any capacity, but were just shitty parents due to stupidity, being self destructive, were abused themselves, or something like that.
My grandfather beat the shit out of my dad, and my mom was raised in an actual cult.
And since they are Christians (I’m assuming), maybe use this quote:

“Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.”
-Gal 5:2, NKJV
Yes, yes, I’ve been over all of this with them. They agree with me now, but it’s not like they’re having anymore kids. Doesn’t matter anymore.
unimpressed morgan freeman GIF

They mean basically nothing to me. I don’t believe in that “Blood’s thicker than water,” shit. I don’t owe them anything just because they shat me out into a miserable life. Most people love their parents because their parents loved them back. They don’t love their parents out of obligation. If my parents were just random strangers I met, I wouldn’t even be friends with them.

Loving your parents is the default. That’s what humans want to do. You have to fuck up really hard to make your own children not like you. If my parents were decent, I wouldn’t have to try to like them.

girl friend girls GIF by South Park

It’s kind of funny. My parents made us all wear purity rings and would brag about their “pure virgin sons” who weren’t even allowed to date. I guess bragging about your children’s virginity at church stops being cool once your kids turn 25 kek. What’s wrong, mom? I’m still that pure virgin son that’s never had a gf that you used to brag about?

My grandfather beat the shit out of my dad, and my mom was raised in an actual cult.

Yes, yes, I’ve been over all of this with them. They agree with me now, but it’s not like they’re having anymore kids. Doesn’t matter anymore.
I don’t believe in blood being thicker than water. Since your parents were raised in such brutal environments, it’s understandable why they passed that trauma onto you. Now you carry that trauma on your own.

I will never say you should pretend they didn’t treat you like shit, but it helps understand why. How you want to live your life based on that is up to you and only something you can evaluate because you know them better than me. I’m just talking with you about it because even if you disagree with me, you will have thought about it more with different things to consider.
I don’t believe in blood being thicker than water. Since your parents were raised in such brutal environments, it’s understandable why they passed that trauma onto you. Now you carry that trauma on your own.
Conan Obrien Being Alive GIF by First We Feast

So what? What’s the point? So I can protect my offspring from the trauma or something? Well, I’m not having kids, so I guess the cycle of abuse is over.

There’s no reward for suffering in this world. There’s no higher meaning. I got unlucky and was born to shitty parents who also had shitty parents. But my parents+genetic combo is so shitty that I’ll never reproduce, and that’s it.

Meanwhile, some hot trust fund dude with great parents is out there living life. Am I better off because I suffered more than him? No. There’s no reward for being unlucky.
I will never say you should pretend they didn’t treat you like shit, but it helps understand why. How you want to live your life based on that is up to you and only something you can evaluate because you know them better than me. I’m just talking with you about it because even if you disagree with me, you will have thought about it more with different things to consider.
Sure, but there’s nothing they have to offer me. My life is what it is now.
Conan Obrien Being Alive GIF by First We Feast

So what? What’s the point? So I can protect my offspring from the trauma or something? Well, I’m not having kids, so I guess the cycle of abuse is over.

There’s no reward for suffering in this world. There’s no higher meaning. I got unlucky and was born to shitty parents who also had shitty parents. But my parents+genetic combo is so shitty that I’ll never reproduce, and that’s it.

Meanwhile, some hot trust fund dude with great parents is out there living life. Am I better off because I suffered more than him? No. There’s no reward for being unlucky.
You can protect yourself from constant mental torment from it.

Sure, but there’s nothing they have to offer me. My life is what it is now.
If you are alone, then it might be a good cope. But obviously if they are just shitty then it’s best to stay away.
I want to like my parents but now when I see then I feel a rising anger and just can't help but say bad things to them and remind them how they raised me into a retard on purpose. And how they have less money now than they did decades ago. And how I had to learn to be efficient and save but my mum still claims it's my fault she's poor. She was poor when I was a baby and still broke now. Just because my sister's got married she thinks she was a good parent. Fuck this shit man . I don't even want to talk to them anymore. My dad can't even remember which of his son's I am. I prefer to just sit in my council flat alone nowadays. And probabky gonna move on from here as well. My future is in a warzone somewhere not in this gay society pretending everything is good and ok. If my shit parents didn't brainwash me with muzzie shit I would have joined the army and been someone already.
I want to like my parents but now when I see then I feel a rising anger and just can't help but say bad things to them and remind them how they raised me into a retard on purpose. And how they have less money now than they did decades ago. And how I had to learn to be efficient and save but my mum still claims it's my fault she's poor. She was poor when I was a baby and still broke now. Just because my sister's got married she thinks she was a good parent. Fuck this shit man . I don't even want to talk to them anymore. My dad can't even remember which of his son's I am. I prefer to just sit in my council flat alone nowadays. And probabky gonna move on from here as well. My future is in a warzone somewhere not in this gay society pretending everything is good and ok. If my shit parents didn't brainwash me with muzzie shit I would have joined the army and been someone already.
Studying College Life GIF

I feel that. My mom is convinced that she was a great mother because my sister got married (she eloped at the court house after getting pregnant by her weed dealer after failing out of college), and all her sons are smart studycels.

>Wow, you’re all engineers/lawyers with no student loans. Women will be lining up for you.

Sure mom, maybe one of us will have our first gf before we turn 40. She says this despite marrying my dad, a tall, kinda dumb bodybuilder/D1 athlete who almost flunked out of college and barely graduated with a business degree. My dad was literally diagnosed mildly retarded by a legit doctor when he was a kid, but it didn’t matter because he’s tall and muscular. Despite her own marriage choices saying the contrary, my mom is convinced that women will flock to us because of our brains and our wise financial decisions. Hell, even my sister married her tall weed dealer, so something’s not adding up.

IMG 7442

My life is literally this comic, except my dad is the Chad janitor, and I’m the study loser.

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