The 143 Euros were all over the media. That's the pocket money they get in the camps.
Later they get regular hartz4.
The usual allowed maximum cost of a flat is about 350 Euros with maximum 50m^2 for a single person. Each additional family member adds 10m^2 and procentual maximum cost. (Depending on city)
Yes adults get around 400 and kids around 300 Euros.
Electricity isn't paid.
Numbers can be seen everywhere, just google.
5*400*12 = 24000
Let's say each of his wives has a flat.
(350*4+24*350/5)*12= 36960
total: 143160
Hartz IV housing sucks. You mostly live in the ghetto.
What is expensive is health and pedagogic care and extra language lessons. Could easily be responsible for the difference.
Thousand euros per person is more than reasonable anyway (360000/12/28).
And for my reading socdem and liberal friends: here you exactly see why UBI will change nothing, we already basically have it and it's still shit for the workers (so you are actually not wrong virgin4life) and you are hated on top by everyone.
Hartz IV isn't fun, doesn't make you rich and germany is fucking expensive (and bureaucratic and corrupt on top). Period.
Deutscher Arbeitgeberverband.
Why not directly cite Bertelsmann or Otto? I am sure they find other good "examples" to further their agenda of destroying the help for the poor to save some more shekels? "Ohh the poor craftsmen because they pay so much taxes."
(As if they would give a fuck about them. No they just pay their workers not enough and as a result those can't pay the craftsmen more. Greedy pigs.)
> Be sceptical about
ALL the jews.
> But not about one non jewish capital owner.
Or why do you think CDU is supporting this bullshit and AFD has so many rich sponsors?)
I am not pro immigration in this way and I think there are better solutions, but maybe you should go to Brazil or Japan, if you believe those lies of the oligarchs. Should fit your taste of a "working" and "fair" system better. No offense. Spoiler: Normal people don't get more and the country goes to shit even faster.
Are you some kind of masochist telling the same lies like everyone Merkel, the right and the lunatics of the left? You know half of the poster here are ethnics, right?