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It's Over My new boss is a feminist landwhale and she hates me



Incel lives matter
Jul 22, 2019
At work we have many supervisors but the big boss has always been a male. Well, apparently he got a promotion (although I think he quit or was fired) and to replace him they brought a foid who really looks like she would fire you just for been a man. She's morbidly obese, ethnic, with glasses, and only smiles to females, I stalked her on instacuck and found out she's single. Not surprise. I mean if she was kind it wouldn't bother me, but today she called me apart and asked me why I had missed work one day this week. I told her that I had a family emergency (in reality I had a hangover) I told her I would work on Saturday to compensate cause that's what I used to do with the previous manager. Well, the bitch told me I have to work on Sunday too, cause the new company policy says that if you missed one day they'll discount two days of salary so to make it up you need to work two days. FUCK ME!! So I'm gonna spend my weekend working away like a slave. If It had been a woman in her period, that bitch would not have acted like that. I'm so fucking pissed off right now. I don't know how long I will stay in that job with that fat pig there.
You won't have it (foid) supervising you working on sat and sun?
She wants you
You won't have it (foid) supervising you working on sat and sun?

It opens on weekend's too but the employees have 2 days off each week I was given weekends cause I've working thee long. That bitch won't be there I'm sure
Landwhale whores become extremely tyrannical and bitchy when given a position of power. It's pathetic.
My condolences.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It opens on weekend's too but the employees have 2 days off each week I was given weekends cause I've working thee long. That bitch won't be there I'm sure

Then that's a relief. Try to wagecuck somewhere where they provide incentives if you work on weekends. For incels, mgtows who don't have/need family time.

Also, i like truck driving.
Jesus, only in America...At least among first world countries anyway.
How the hell can they discount you two days for missing one day of work?
Work overtime for some sneaky afterhour sexy time with le boss. She wants the D.
Exactly what i was thinking. She's eating him on sunday :feelskek:
That landwhale fucked up your weekend.
I'm from Europe actually. I'm sure its not a new policy company that bitch was lying

i can get day off only if im in hospital bed im in EU too
You won't be staying at that job much longer i assume, these situations have always ended badly for me.
Every time I've delt with foid "bosses" they would never lay off me and would treat me with contempt at best, until i eventually erupt and quit.
I really don't understand how people can handle wageslaving, besides the fact we're actual slaves.....
(think taxes - don't pay lose "your" house, fines, get locked up, or worse) But also just dealing with being so controlled in every fucking way, how we're treated, people telling you what you can, or can't do, like a child, not allowed to talk the way you want, dress the way you want, etc, etc, must be there at (insert time) on the dot or else! everyday............. Darn near. Over and over again.
Wasting your entire waking hours contributing to a society that sees you as disposable trash, a society that has no regard for your basic human rights... knowing any day now you could get fired and nobody would care, even if it meant losing "your" home, having no plan b encase the endless paycheck to paycheck grind fails (not enough money saved, chronic illness, better hope you stay healthy!), willingly getting cucked by rich elites, (chads of the money world) that barely do anything and make more then you would make in 10000s lifetimes, "elites" also get to dictate how us peasants live while the majority of people listen to their dictates and force it on the rest of us
(like fucking house slaves) I could go on, and on, and on....

I couldn't view willing wagecucks any lower ( i understand we have no choice that's my point, people that don't like slavery i am not referring to you) What a joke it is for me even to bother to try to get others to see tbh, i know danm well people just fucking love it, as long as they can spend "their" slave dollars freely (not entirely JFL) who gives a fuck right! buy, buy buy, consume, consume, consume, obey, obey obey,
We're fucking got i tell ya. (mind controlled into oblivion) The only reason something is not being done about it right now is because other people can cope with FAMILY, something we don't get to fucking have.... i don't know what else keeps them going? Things are getting more intolerable by the moment.

TLDR - Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man. GET MAD.
Damn I hate to have to work for someone like that. My past boss was a guy and he was cool af. Even picked me up from my home one day when i had no ride. He also drove me back home
Is that even legal? What kind of looney toon country is it? She has to be breaking the law by trying to force you to work two days and pay you like it it was just one.
Lol you sound like a retarded beta, you shouldve sent an sms that you were not gonna come to work, and i dont know how you are subhuman enough to accept working a day without pay its literally illegal..
Lol you sound like a retarded beta, you shouldve sent an sms that you were not gonna come to work, and i dont know how you are subhuman enough to accept working a day without pay its literally illegal..
Thinking votes count is idiotic, the whole system is rigged we're slaves
Thinking politics doesn't affect every aspect of your life is idiotic. You sound like an edgy 14 year old.

All workers' rights have come from organisation and political action.
At work we have many supervisors but the big boss has always been a male. Well, apparently he got a promotion (although I think he quit or was fired) and to replace him they brought a foid who really looks like she would fire you just for been a man. She's morbidly obese, ethnic, with glasses, and only smiles to females, I stalked her on instacuck and found out she's single. Not surprise. I mean if she was kind it wouldn't bother me, but today she called me apart and asked me why I had missed work one day this week. I told her that I had a family emergency (in reality I had a hangover) I told her I would work on Saturday to compensate cause that's what I used to do with the previous manager. Well, the bitch told me I have to work on Sunday too, cause the new company policy says that if you missed one day they'll discount two days of salary so to make it up you need to work two days. FUCK ME!! So I'm gonna spend my weekend working away like a slave. If It had been a woman in her period, that bitch would not have acted like that. I'm so fucking pissed off right now. I don't know how long I will stay in that job with that fat pig there.
fat ethnic glass foids are always the worst
It's time to find a new job.
Women should not have been allowed into the workforce. Mostly for economic reasons (flooding and surplus of workers), but for other obvious reasons too.
How is that legal? What kind of fascist country do you live in OP?
cause the new company policy says that if you missed one day they'll discount two days of salary so to make it up you need to work two days.

Pretty sure this isn't legal and she is just making it up out of thin air to punish you. Ask to see some paperwork regarding this new company policy.

You are contractually obliged to work the hours set out in your contract unless you don't have one, in which case you are more open to abuses like this.

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