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JFL My mum is blackpilled af



Nov 8, 2017
So if you have recently read my threads or posts in last few months, you will have read when i mentioned i blackpilled the shit out of my mum and she could see where i was coming from, why i was unsuccessful with women, and why being ugly sucks in this current time of existence

But the most interesting thing is, is when i was having a conversation with her about something, ) she made a comment which i never thought would come out of her mouth that was about how attractive men get away with pretty much anything and ugly men get blasted for doing the same thing. The topic at hand was something to do with an example of a man staring at a woman, a woman catches the guy out staring yet she would react in a nice way with a smile or some sort of "polite" body language. But if an ugly man was to do the same thing, the woman would go off her nut and start calling the ugly guy a creep and all of those hurtful names.

This whole conversation was based on something that happened in real life, which she has observed, and confirmed that she has seen the reactions of a woman towards an ugly male vs a reaction of a woman towards an attractive male.

Why do normies still deny this stuff happens? If my own fucking mother can ( i didnt blackpill her on the topic i am talking about, only on why i am unsuccessful in dating, and why it sucks being an ugly male and stuff) observe blackpill inducing real life shit and agree that the treatment of ugly men vs attractive men has a massive comparison, why cant normies accept it?
They are all aware of it but deny its existence because it enables their personal bull shit
your situation with your mom is pretty rare. Your parents often see you as beautiful even if you are not. Or they just lie not to hurt you.
Normies deny blackpill because they are not confronted with rejection every day. It's way easier to live in the bluepill if you do not suffer from it.
your situation with your mom is pretty rare. Your parents often see you as beautiful even if you are not. Or they just lie not to hurt you.
Normies deny that because they are not confronted with rejection every day. It's way easier to live in the bluepill if you do not suffer from it.
Yea well before i blackpilled her she thought i actually had a chance with females. But when i dropped the blackpill( it wasnt just about me being ugly, it was about womens behaviour on tinder and all that other stuff too) i think it opened her eyes for the better.
Only through suffering should one see the truth about society.
I once was sitting at a bar, literally minding my own business, and I heard a girl mention about how I was creepy and told her friend they should sit a few seats down. Imagine had I actually been staring, or even attempted to talk to them. Must be nice to be able to exist around women without being seen as a waste of life.
admitting it would mean that they'd have to acknowledge females are shallow.
I once was sitting at a bar, literally minding my own business, and I heard a girl mention about how I was creepy and told her friend they should sit a few seats down. Imagine had I actually been staring, or even attempted to talk to them. Must be nice to be able to exist around women without being seen as a waste of life.

Yeah everyday i think of trying to ascend with plastic surgery, but then i also spend time thinking what the fuck is the point anymore, i might as well just LDAR and wagecel because i have literally missed the prime years of what a young male can achieve in regards to sex and relationships with femoids

Its all downhill for me from here.
go eee ahh
what about Ahhhh eeee
your situation with your mom is pretty rare. Your parents often see you as beautiful even if you are not. Or they just lie not to hurt you.
Normies deny blackpill because they are not confronted with rejection every day. It's way easier to live in the bluepill if you do not suffer from it.

My mother constantly tells me how handsome I am, right before telling me stories about how she hates some of her co-workers because they are short, bald and ugly (which is ironically what I am).
It must suck for you living in chadstralia tbh
For normies it’s just too hard to swallow a blackpill. They would never accept it; it’s easier for them to live in a bluepill mode because the truth hurts too much. And then you get coping bluepillers saying how it’s their fault (personality, not working on themselves...) that they are still virgins at the age of 20+. JFL.

Kudos to your mom though. Honesty is always appreciated.
I saw a perfect example of this the other day when I was in a supermarket. One of the staff had dropped a glass jar of betroot and it was all over the floor. These two girls assumed the chadlite about to clear up the mess had been responsible and were light hearted and talking about daydreaming and being butter fingers. He said 'it was that guy who dropped the jar, I just have to clean up.' And nodded towards this short ugly colleague. Cue immediate change in the girls' behaviour. They were saying 'how can a freak like that even be allowed to work in a public place, is he fucking retarded or what?' And that perfectly sums up the way things are. In fairness, the short guy did tell one of the girls to go fuck her brother, which seemed to strike a chord :feelsokman:
It must suck for you living in chadstralia tbh
it really does
I saw a perfect example of this the other day when I was in a supermarket. One of the staff had dropped a glass jar of betroot and it was all over the floor. These two girls assumed the chadlite about to clear up the mess had been responsible and were light hearted and talking about daydreaming and being butter fingers. He said 'it was that guy who dropped the jar, I just have to clean up.' And nodded towards this short ugly colleague. Cue immediate change in the girls' behaviour. They were saying 'how can a freak like that even be allowed to work in a public place, is he fucking retarded or what?' And that perfectly sums up the way things are. In fairness, the short guy did tell one of the girls to go fuck her brother, which seemed to strike a chord :feelsokman:
fucking lol at the last part
My mother constantly tells me how handsome I am, right before telling me stories about how she hates some of her co-workers because they are short, bald and ugly (which is ironically what I am).

Don't think she could be more subtle lmfao.
People only care about their own shit they don't care about the suffering of others. It would be the equivalent of me asking why do you wear clothes made in china don't you know that little kids in slave labor that can't even read or write make those? You wouldn't give a shit and carry on wearing it you're not gonna change, they're not gonna change, at least until they hit the wall and you're the beta she's trying to cuck.
I absolutely hate women, but the one exception is my mom.
I remember how she took me to every doctor and dermatologist when I was young. I guess she must have felt my suffering and went out of her way to make things better for me.
It didn't help, so she now tries to compliment me on my achievements in life (insignificant though).
I saw a perfect example of this the other day when I was in a supermarket. One of the staff had dropped a glass jar of betroot and it was all over the floor. These two girls assumed the chadlite about to clear up the mess had been responsible and were light hearted and talking about daydreaming and being butter fingers. He said 'it was that guy who dropped the jar, I just have to clean up.' And nodded towards this short ugly colleague. Cue immediate change in the girls' behaviour. They were saying 'how can a freak like that even be allowed to work in a public place, is he fucking retarded or what?' And that perfectly sums up the way things are. In fairness, the short guy did tell one of the girls to go fuck her brother, which seemed to strike a chord :feelsokman:
based af
Your mom sounds pretty cool.
Creepy = ugly
Nice = ugly
Cute = sub8
I once was sitting at a bar, literally minding my own business, and I heard a girl mention about how I was creepy and told her friend they should sit a few seats down. Imagine had I actually been staring, or even attempted to talk to them. Must be nice to be able to exist around women without being seen as a waste of life.
Also nice username, I was contemplating taking that one when I joined, kek.
normies are mostly blackpilled. redditors are the bluepilled cucks.
Blackpill has been mainstream for a good few years

only basement dwelling retards are not aware of this

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