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TLDR: Men are cucks who settle for single mothers. They pay and raise Chad's/Tyrone's baby
Single men see single moms as disposable playtoys that they can use for sex and toss away. There I said it. They may not admit it, they might attempt to lie to themselves that they’ll accept the single mother offspring
Deep down inside single men (even ones that have kids) loathe dating single mothers for the simple fact that they are supporting another man’s offspring. Any single man who dates a single mother is secretly regarded as a simp, fool, chump, weak, dumpster diver by other men simply due to the evolutionary forces that identify which men are weak and which men are strong and beautiful. The women are the ones who choose who gets to be strong and who gets to be weak among the men by virtue of the value of their vaginas. Every man desires the best case scenario to happen to him, and that is to impregnate young, fertile women before anyone else and leave the offspring for others to raise. If he does not get this then every other scenario is an affront to his male pride. Being forced to date single mothers simply tells the world that he has no options, can’t get a young girl with elite genetics and is a failure at life. This is the type of guy, no matter the stripe, that ends up with single mothers. The only saving grace for this whole charade would be if the man is able to impregnate the single mother – or her daughters – and then leave as well. That would be the only way to redeem his strength in the eyes of other males. If the young single woman is a vessel for pride for a man, the older single mother for all intents and purposes is merely a vessel of humiliation.
The man who impregnates the woman first and leaves the offspring is a strong man since he got first dibs on a female’s valuable fertility and even better got someone else, or the government, to take care of the children. He gets to spread his genes without any repercussions. He gets the female body at its freshest, before childbirth disrupts the hormones and curdles the uterus with birthing scars. The very ovaries from a young nineteen year old never-impregnated are healthier than a single mother of the same age, that is the hormonal affect of pregnancy on the female body. The weak man, who was not able to sire children with beautiful young women and leave them, is the one who cares for an aging, spoiling, less fertile female in exchange for sex and maybe offspring(that will be weaker.) Both parties when entering into these relationships are almost confirming their second rate status, hence why single mother daters tend to break it off so quickly. Also deep down inside the males in these relationships instinctively want to kill all of the offspring of the single mother, exceptions come into play only if the male sees an opportunity to breed with the younger female daughter. If not he’ll want to kill her too. Unless the male is gay or exceptionally fem, this will be his instinct. This is why single mothers and their offspring tend to encounter so much domestic violence. The males have put themselves in a humiliating situation in the eyes of society and her offspring have triggered their ancestral desire to wipe out the children of other men. The fact that most single mothers can’t fathom this and think that any new male in their life is a godsend is simply a reflection of their female naivety. Single mothers place their kids into the hands of wolves.
This is why men who single mothers date are invariably weak males or sex addicts looking for women with problems that they can exploit. When a male attempts to date a single mother he is gambling that her baggage will be effective in forcing her to supplicate to his will. The issue with baggage is that quite often the woman will saddle the baggage onto the male, which is the first step into ultimate humiliation and terror on the male’s part. This is the domain of weak men who are forced to raise another man’s child. Their own insecurities, personal faults and lack of attractiveness are only highlighted as the single mother foists her children’s costs onto him, dismisses his presence for her kids and introduces him at parties to other more successful men with their own offspring. The social affects and reminders wear down the inner shields around the male’s ego until all that is left is the humiliation, anger and contempt at females for not allowing him to make his own single mother on his terms and be seen as a strong man. The dissatisfied male will often go online and find out what other men really think of single mothers throughout the many horror stories he reads and by osmosis realize how low a male must be in order to consider dating one. Every situation with the single mother will remind him of his status and how disgusting his own life has been compared to other more blessed males. The single mother becomes a monster in the male’s eyes, a creature containing every slight, every taunt, every rejection the male has ever experienced encapsulated in a lower tier female form. This is why many males consider single mothers the ultimate in evil because they are deceptive snakes that slowly manifest every reminder of the male’s low place and another male’s higher place. During these periods the male often explodes with anger at the single mother albatross around his neck. The violent confrontations, punches and destruction the man displays during domestic interactions with single mothers are merely the symptom of the man’s realization that he is weak or low in beauty in the eyes of fertile females and that the single mother is the stinky 4th place prize for him. The only exception to this is the man who dates a single mother AND her daughter(s) at the same time. That is an awesome situation and deserves a lot of respect. If a male boy is present in the situation he must either be sent away, put up for adoption or killed.
The single mother issue must be looked at through the prism of sex and only sex as that is how single men see it. It may hurt to read this wealthysinglemommy, but these are the ancestral forces you are dealing with at this moment.
End rant
Single men see single moms as disposable playtoys that they can use for sex and toss away. There I said it. They may not admit it, they might attempt to lie to themselves that they’ll accept the single mother offspring
Deep down inside single men (even ones that have kids) loathe dating single mothers for the simple fact that they are supporting another man’s offspring. Any single man who dates a single mother is secretly regarded as a simp, fool, chump, weak, dumpster diver by other men simply due to the evolutionary forces that identify which men are weak and which men are strong and beautiful. The women are the ones who choose who gets to be strong and who gets to be weak among the men by virtue of the value of their vaginas. Every man desires the best case scenario to happen to him, and that is to impregnate young, fertile women before anyone else and leave the offspring for others to raise. If he does not get this then every other scenario is an affront to his male pride. Being forced to date single mothers simply tells the world that he has no options, can’t get a young girl with elite genetics and is a failure at life. This is the type of guy, no matter the stripe, that ends up with single mothers. The only saving grace for this whole charade would be if the man is able to impregnate the single mother – or her daughters – and then leave as well. That would be the only way to redeem his strength in the eyes of other males. If the young single woman is a vessel for pride for a man, the older single mother for all intents and purposes is merely a vessel of humiliation.
The man who impregnates the woman first and leaves the offspring is a strong man since he got first dibs on a female’s valuable fertility and even better got someone else, or the government, to take care of the children. He gets to spread his genes without any repercussions. He gets the female body at its freshest, before childbirth disrupts the hormones and curdles the uterus with birthing scars. The very ovaries from a young nineteen year old never-impregnated are healthier than a single mother of the same age, that is the hormonal affect of pregnancy on the female body. The weak man, who was not able to sire children with beautiful young women and leave them, is the one who cares for an aging, spoiling, less fertile female in exchange for sex and maybe offspring(that will be weaker.) Both parties when entering into these relationships are almost confirming their second rate status, hence why single mother daters tend to break it off so quickly. Also deep down inside the males in these relationships instinctively want to kill all of the offspring of the single mother, exceptions come into play only if the male sees an opportunity to breed with the younger female daughter. If not he’ll want to kill her too. Unless the male is gay or exceptionally fem, this will be his instinct. This is why single mothers and their offspring tend to encounter so much domestic violence. The males have put themselves in a humiliating situation in the eyes of society and her offspring have triggered their ancestral desire to wipe out the children of other men. The fact that most single mothers can’t fathom this and think that any new male in their life is a godsend is simply a reflection of their female naivety. Single mothers place their kids into the hands of wolves.
This is why men who single mothers date are invariably weak males or sex addicts looking for women with problems that they can exploit. When a male attempts to date a single mother he is gambling that her baggage will be effective in forcing her to supplicate to his will. The issue with baggage is that quite often the woman will saddle the baggage onto the male, which is the first step into ultimate humiliation and terror on the male’s part. This is the domain of weak men who are forced to raise another man’s child. Their own insecurities, personal faults and lack of attractiveness are only highlighted as the single mother foists her children’s costs onto him, dismisses his presence for her kids and introduces him at parties to other more successful men with their own offspring. The social affects and reminders wear down the inner shields around the male’s ego until all that is left is the humiliation, anger and contempt at females for not allowing him to make his own single mother on his terms and be seen as a strong man. The dissatisfied male will often go online and find out what other men really think of single mothers throughout the many horror stories he reads and by osmosis realize how low a male must be in order to consider dating one. Every situation with the single mother will remind him of his status and how disgusting his own life has been compared to other more blessed males. The single mother becomes a monster in the male’s eyes, a creature containing every slight, every taunt, every rejection the male has ever experienced encapsulated in a lower tier female form. This is why many males consider single mothers the ultimate in evil because they are deceptive snakes that slowly manifest every reminder of the male’s low place and another male’s higher place. During these periods the male often explodes with anger at the single mother albatross around his neck. The violent confrontations, punches and destruction the man displays during domestic interactions with single mothers are merely the symptom of the man’s realization that he is weak or low in beauty in the eyes of fertile females and that the single mother is the stinky 4th place prize for him. The only exception to this is the man who dates a single mother AND her daughter(s) at the same time. That is an awesome situation and deserves a lot of respect. If a male boy is present in the situation he must either be sent away, put up for adoption or killed.
The single mother issue must be looked at through the prism of sex and only sex as that is how single men see it. It may hurt to read this wealthysinglemommy, but these are the ancestral forces you are dealing with at this moment.
End rant
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